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Bride of the Frontier (The Prophecy of Sisters Book 3)

Page 8

by Hayley Faiman

  “Alrighty, well that’s not embarrassing at all,” I whisper to myself.

  Rolling out of bed, I hurry toward the hole in the ground bathroom that has a basin and pitcher of water on a little table. A sink of sorts.

  There isn’t any running water here and I’m seriously missing the comforts of home right now, especially as I clean myself with just a small rag that’s next to the bathroom hole.

  Inhaling a deep breath, I try really, really hard to keep my shit together. It doesn’t work. After I’ve washed my hands, I make my way back into the bedroom and with only one glance at the messy bed, my bottom lip starts to tremble.

  Finding my nightgown, I slip it on before I untie and roll down my stockings. With a heavy sigh, I walk back to the bed and slip between the sheets. Tugging the comforter up to my chin, I wonder why on earth I just did that.

  I’ve never been that girl before, but I’ve also never felt that way before either. Being with him, feeling his touch on my skin, his lips on my body, it filled me with a need, a desire, that I’ve never experienced before.

  I thought my blood was going to boil inside of my body and out of my skin. It was intense and the only thing that made it bearable was him being inside of my body. Then when I came, it was hard and glorious, and better than anything I’ve ever felt before.

  If this isn’t some otherworldly, gods thing, then I don’t know what it is because the man is an asshole. Rolling to my side, I stare at the closed nightstand drawer where the leather-bound journal resides.

  The journal that shows him in a completely different light. The journal where his wife describes him as kind and loving. The journal that talks about the devoted man and father. That was not the man who just fucked me like I’ve never been fucked before and walked away without a word.


  Closing my eyes, I inhale a deep breath then let it out with a groan. I am such an idiot. It’s like the night I lost my virginity all over again. I told myself I would never be this stupid, this gullible again, that I would never lose myself with a man.

  But I’m a liar.

  A full-blown liar, because I just did it all over again and I feel worse than I did twenty minutes after leaving the prom early to go up to a hotel room. My date had his parents get it for the night, for him and his friends.

  I thought that we would be spending a romantic evening together, boy was I wrong, really wrong. He one-pump chumped me, slapped my ass and told me it was good for him, and walked out, leaving me alone with my poufy dress around my waist.

  It was awful.

  I thought I couldn’t ever feel that low again.

  I was wrong.

  Having a man that you’re attracted to, the only one in this place that you kind of trust, a man that you don’t have a choice but to trust. A man that makes your entire body sing, reject you seconds after sex, that’s depressing and it makes me feel lower than dirt. Especially since I already feel like I’m some kind of homewrecker even though his wife is gone.

  I spend another night not sleeping. I don’t cry this go around. Instead, I just stare at the wall. I’m not sure if I’m upset because he’s rejected me, because I feel as though I’ve somehow betrayed his marriage, or if I’m the most upset for allowing myself to feel this way at all.

  At the end of the day, I did all of this to myself and I can’t blame him, even though I really want to. With a heavy sigh, I roll onto my back and stare at the ceiling as the sun begins to rise and fills my room with some light.

  My stomach growls, and I remember that I didn’t get any freaking dinner last night. I should have demanded that Colt have the leftovers brought up before I let him lay a finger on me. I haven’t really eaten much in days and I’m hungry as hell.

  I’m not sure if I care that corsets are in style, or that they make my body look curvier than it ever has, sexier too, wearing them is fucking miserable. The rest of the clothes are okay, but that corset is misery, along with the absence of modern conveniences. This place kind of sucks and I’m pretty ready to go back home.

  The door opens and I don’t even bother tipping my head to look at who has entered. I know it isn’t Colt. Only one person waltzes into this room as if she owns the place and that’s Martha. I hear her set, what I assume, is the large wash bucket down with a grunt, and only then do I slowly sit up.

  I was right. It’s her. I let out a sigh and throw my legs over the side of the bed. “Does everyone usually bathe every day?” I ask, remembering how in my history books, I’d read that people bathed maybe once a week.

  “Not typically, but Mr. James called to have a bath prepared for you,” she says, keeping her voice low. “Miss Florence has requested your presence at breakfast, so we must hurry. The boys are coming up with water.”

  I nod, my gaze flicking from her to the tub, then to my feet as they dangle above the warm wooden floor. I hate the way I feel. I wish that I was a girl who could put on a brave face, who could not be affected, who could just be—better, but I’m not.

  “You’re not the first woman to feel the brunt of a man’s rejection. Don’t be too hard on yourself,” she rasps.

  Lifting my head, my eyes widen and I try to shake my head to deny the allegation, but I can’t. “How did you…”

  She smiles, but it’s not condescending or snide. It’s a real smile and it’s kind and soft. “Anyone can see the way he looks at you, and you him. It was bound to happen, though I’d hoped it would have been a bit later when you knew one another a little better so that something like this wouldn’t have happened.”

  I almost laugh, because she’s not wrong, and I knew I should have abstained even when we started. My body wouldn’t let me though. It needed him and judging by the way he was looking at me, his body was feeling the same way.

  Forcing myself to stand up, I smile at the boys as they bring the buckets into the room and fill up the small tub. Once it’s full, Martha closes and locks the door before she dips her chin toward the water.

  I already know the drill. I gather my nightgown and strip it off of me before I sink down into the water. Closing my eyes, I let out a sigh as the warm water touches my skin. It doesn’t take me long to bathe since I’m not washing my hair, then Martha helps me back into a corset from hell before she puts me into the blue dress.

  “We’ll get some more dresses made for you since you’re going to be here a while,” she murmurs as if she’s talking to herself.

  I don’t care about the dresses. I don’t care about anything right now. All I really care about is trying to find a way home and my sisters. I don’t know what this prophecy means or what it has to do with me, really, but I don’t give much of a fuck about it right now either.


  Sitting in my office, I ignore the fact that it’s first light and I’m opening a bottle of whiskey and pouring a glass. Logan doesn’t even knock as he breezes in, closing the door behind him. I don’t even lift my gaze to meet his as he sinks down in the chair across from me.

  “You did something last night,” he announces.

  I tilt my head to the side and watch him for a moment before I bring my glass to my lips and take a sip. He doesn’t say anything right away, but I don’t ask him what he means. He’ll tell me, and he does just a moment later.

  “You did something with her.” Arching a brow, I wait until he finishes his thought or his accusation. “There were blue streaks of light in the air. It was beautiful, but it was definitely not something that I have ever seen before. Mind telling me what that means?” he asks.

  My lips purse and I shake my head once. “I’m sure you know what it means, why are you even asking me?”

  “I want to hear you say it. I also want to know how it was.”

  I snort. “I wouldn’t tell you even if I wanted to, which I don’t and I won’t.”

  “A woman sent from the gods to fulfill some kind of prophecy and you’re not going to tell me what it was like? How unfair of you, Colt.”

my arms, I place my hands behind my head and give him a grin. “I’m not telling you anything. Except…”

  He leans forward a bit.

  “Before we, before we found our release, it felt as though my blood was actually boiling inside of my body. The only relief was actual release.”

  His entire body jerks as his eyes widen. “You’re joking?”

  I shake my head slowly. “I don’t know what it means, but it was strange. It was almost frightening. I was no longer in control of myself. I had a need and there was only one way to fulfill it. I thought I was going to die if I didn’t get what I needed. I’ve never felt that way before.”

  “So, you need her.”

  “If I decide to be alone with her again, yes.”

  He chuckles, reaching for my bottle of whiskey. I watch as he takes a sip from the bottle, then hisses. “You will, Colt. Not just because she is beautiful, but because she is yours.”

  “Adelaide was mine,” I snap.

  Logan shakes his head. “Adelaide was yours, but she is no longer here. This woman, sent by the gods, she is yours, Colt. You must remember this. There is something bigger brewing. We don’t know what it is, but maybe when we find her sisters, we will be able to piece it all together. I have a feeling that the gods waited thousands of years for a reason and it’s going to be huge.”

  “Or maybe it will all be a gigantic letdown?”

  “You’re practically a king, Colt. This country has never had any type of supreme leader. Sure, the Assembly is still trying to control things, but they can’t, not really. You and your bloodline are in control until something changes again. This did not just happen.”


  He’s right.

  I know that he is.

  I knew that was the reason last night.

  “Blue lights, huh?” I ask, slightly changing the subject.

  He chuckles. “Blue lights, Colt. They filled the sky. It only lasted a few moments, but they were there. They were serene and beautiful. Just like the gloominess of the day is not lost on me, assuming you did not take your loss of control well and no doubt hurt your lover’s feelings in some way, it wasn’t lost on me last night that the blue lights were indicative of her emotions. Your woman holds magic, Colt.”

  I want to deny it. I want to tell him that he is wrong. She is not my woman and she does not hold power, but I would be lying, therefore I say nothing as I take another sip of whiskey.

  Chapter Eleven


  Holding my head up a little too high, I slowly make my way into the dining room for breakfast. I can smell the fresh biscuits and my mouth waters just from the scent alone. I know without a doubt they are going to taste amazing. They’re going to melt on my tongue and I can’t wait.

  Then I remember that I’m wearing this stupid corset and I’ll probably only be able to stomach half of one, maybe, if I eat it really slow.


  Clearing my throat, I shake my head a couple of times as I make my way toward an empty chair, the one far away from the douchebag at the head of the table. The men stand, but I ignore them. I decide that all men are jackasses and I just want to be left alone.

  Pulling out my own chair, I actually smile as I watch Colt swiftly walk in my direction. I continue to smile as I sink down in my seat and plant my ass down, pulling it in myself, I take my napkin with a flourish and place it on my lap.

  Colt growls, his eyes focused on my profile, but I refuse to look over to him. I hear Logan chuckle in the background and Florence clears her throat.

  He mutters something about stubborn, foolish women before he turns and makes his way back to his seat. I resist the urge to flip him off, I resist it with everything that I am.

  Turning to Florence, I smile and greet her, then I do the same to Logan. I watch as his eyes widen, but his smile is soft and knowing. I hate that. Because he’s not showing it, but there is pity behind his eyes.

  I can feel it.

  “You wanted to meet with me?” I ask, turning back to Florence. Ignoring the look of pity from one man and the look of smug annoyance from the other.

  Florence grins, shaking her head, and I hear her say something about playing with sparks, but she doesn’t say it loud enough for me to hear all of it.

  “I did. I’m unsure of what will happen, but we need to work on harnessing your magic while we attempt to figure out what is to come from all of this,” she suggests.

  “Until yesterday, I didn’t even know that I had magic, how am I supposed to control it?” I ask.

  Her lips twitch into a small smile. “I will work with you. It is not unusual for people who know not of their magic to have it come out through emotions. We must work on control in all aspects of your life,” she offers.

  Her gaze is knowing as she watches me, and I can’t help but clear my throat and shift uncomfortably in my seat. Of course, she knows we had sex last night, she’s a witch. Squaring my shoulders, I attempt to put on a brave face.

  Arching a brow, I watch her. “Control,” I repeat.

  She nods her head once, then shifts her attention back to her food. “There is more of this prophecy that we do not know. Perhaps we can find out more from your sisters. You think they could be here?”

  Nodding, I clear my throat. “I do,” I agree. “It would make sense. They’ve disappeared from our world without a trace. They have to be somewhere.”

  “They aren’t just out of reach?” Colt asks, probably attempting to still stay part of this conversation.

  Men like him usually don’t like to feel as though they’re being left out. He’s important in the community, in his life, so he thinks he’s the most important man in my world too. Unfortunately, it would be a lie if I said that he wasn’t.

  “I’m sorry, but that’s just not possible,” I state.

  He narrows his gaze on me, sitting back in his chair, his eyes focused on mine and never leaving. He’s watching and waiting to see what I’m going to say, and he thinks that he is going to school me in some way, judging by his smart-ass smirk.

  Trying not to let out a growl. I inhale a calming breath, letting it out on a sigh, before I speak. “In my world, you can connect with anyone, anytime, anywhere. There is also a digital footprint,” I attempt to explain.

  Colt stares at me, expressionless, and I want to laugh, but I don’t because it’s not really funny. He has no fucking clue what I’m even saying. Closing my eyes, I inhale a deep breath again, letting it out before I continue and attempt to explain it.

  “Most of our money is held on these cards. It’s not all in paper and coin like it is here. So, when you need money, you use the card and it sends an invisible signal. Meaning, no matter where you are in the world, it happens instantly and I would know if they’ve spent any money and where. My sisters haven’t spent a dime, and they would need to spend money to go anywhere. There is simply no hiding.”

  Sucking in a deep breath, I also attempt to explain security cameras to them. Thankfully, they know what a photography camera is, so the concept isn’t as lost on them as a credit card is. I try not to break down crying as I think about my sisters, about where they could be.

  “Can you find out if they’re here, magically?” I ask, turning to Florence.

  She shakes her head once. “I can’t. I’m not a telepath.”

  Leaning forward, my eyes widen. “Are there telepaths here?” I breathe.

  She chuckles. “Yes, very strong and powerful men can telepathically speak to their animal and sometimes to larger animal kings.”

  Licking my lips, I can’t help but turn to Colt. “You’re telepathic, aren’t you?” I ask.

  His lips twitch. “With my horse.”


  He chuckles. “The alpha lions.”


  He smirks at me. “Yes, darlin’, lions.”


  I forget to be mad at him for the moment, only because I’m so freaking in awe of the fact th
at he can telepathically talk to fucking lions. Li-ons! King of the jungle, lions. Damn. That is so cool.

  “Can I meet one?” I ask eagerly.

  Something flashes in his eyes, and I don’t know what it is, but I have a feeling that it should terrify me. It doesn’t. Instead, I lean forward a little more and grin as I wait for his answer. He doesn’t say anything right away and I’m shocked when he rises to his feet.

  “Maybe,” he announces before he marches out of the room.

  Turning to Logan, I frown and bite the inside of my cheek before I speak. “Did I say something wrong?”

  Logan shakes his head, his eyes meeting mine. He doesn’t hide the sadness that swims in his gaze. “War is traumatizing for everyone, even men who seem to be the strongest of them all.”

  “Logan,” I whisper.

  “He called the lions to save her. To protect her and their little one. The lions could not make it to her, not with the massive number of troops that were battling throughout the land. A lone alpha made it to the house, but it was too late.”

  “Why couldn’t they just bowl over those damn troops?” I ask, my heart beating hard and fast in my chest.

  He smiles sadly. “Guns and lions don’t always mix. They know the drill, they are the kings of the jungle, but they are no match for the guns of men.”

  Sadness washes over me, it consumes me and I think about Colt who tried to save his wife and daughter, thinking that he had the most powerful animals at his back to protect his family, but in the end, even they were no match for man’s destruction.


  I imagine Adelaide, the lion running to her aid and being too late, except when I see the image of Adelaide’s lifeless body it’s not the fair-haired beauty that I was once married to, instead it’s the raven-haired one that I lay with last night.


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