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Bride of the Frontier (The Prophecy of Sisters Book 3)

Page 26

by Hayley Faiman

  I watch her for a moment, wondering what is going to happen next. With a woman like her, not of this world who holds magic that I never even knew existed, one can never be sure what is to come.

  “The witches just said I had to be here with you. They didn’t say shit about being in the same bed or being together,” she begins. I narrow my gaze on her and press my lips together in a straight line, not quite liking where she’s going with any of this. “I’ll be moving back into my room and I would appreciate you keeping your distance, I don’t want to see you.”

  I blink, unsure that she’s just said what she has, but she doesn’t even bat an eyelash as she stares boldly at me.

  “Maybe in your world, this is a thing?” I ask.

  She doesn’t respond, though I don’t give her the opportunity. Instead, I walk over to her, reaching out and grabbing ahold of her sheet, pulling it from her body, quickly. Climbing up the bed, I straddle her hips as she falls back on the pillow, her eyes widening.

  The storm comes to a halt, though the clouds are still darkening the sky, but there is no more lightning or thunder, at least for now. I’ve surprised the storm out of her. Reaching out, I wrap my hand around the front of her throat, holding her firmly, but not too tightly.

  “There is no such thing in my world.”

  “You mean this world?” she asks.

  Shaking my head in one quick jerk, I clear my throat and growl. “In my world. I don’t know what other people do, it doesn’t matter. I only know what happens in my home and that will never happen. Not with you.”

  I don’t tell her that Adelaide and I slept separately for most of our marriage. That is what she wanted. She claimed she needed her space as a woman. Birdie gets no such luxury, not because of any other reason than I just want her next to me, always.

  Birdie is not Adelaide and she thinks that fact upsets me. It does not. It is unsettling that I crave to have her with me, beside me, there when I sleep and wake every single day.

  Being away from her just for those few days, while the gods made it physically painful, it was nothing compared to the mental anguish and sheer loneliness that I felt. Birdie has worked her way into my heart, body, and soul in a way that I didn’t think was possible, not ever.

  “Colt,” she rasps. “You don’t even like me and I refuse to be with a man who isn’t content to have just me, who isn’t faithful and devoted.”

  “You think because Daisy is in this house that I have a primal urge so great that I am unable to control myself. I am a soldier, Birdie, my entire existence is built on nothing but self-control.”

  Her eyes widen as they focus on mine. Loosening my grip even more around her neck, I smirk, lowering myself and touching my lips to hers.

  “Complete control, in all things, darlin’.”

  There is a moment of silence, a moment of just listening as our breaths fill the room, but then she speaks. Her words cause me to ache, and I have to remember that she had a whole life before me. I forget that I am not the only one who lived before we met one another. It is not just me who hurts for the past.

  “I haven’t had good experiences with boyfriends and other women,” she admits softly.

  My lips twitch into a small smile. “It’s a good thing that I am not a boyfriend, though I have zero idea what that term means. I am your husband, Birdie.”

  Her breath hitches, her eyes widen, and her cheeks turn pink. I think about forcing her to stay in suspense about Daisy, but deciding that it is not only in her best interest, but mine as well, I tell her my plan.

  “She will not return from town with me, Birdie.”

  “Colt,” she whispers.

  I shake my head once. “Do not think that this is how our marriage will work. That you will make threats and I will concede. I will not and you will not. However, in this instance, I had planned on dismissing her anyway, and I can understand your reasoning for being upset.”

  She doesn’t say a word, instead she lifts her head and touches her mouth to mine. Her lips slide across mine, her tongue tasting them, then she slides that sweet tongue inside of my mouth, tasting me before I take over.

  My body begins to ache with need, it climbs higher and higher and before I realize what’s happening, I am shedding my trousers and sliding inside of my sweet wife’s body.

  I take her, owning her, the way that she does me. Before we’ve both climaxed, the cloud cover disappears and the sunlight spills into our room.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  Colt leaves with that woman, and I can’t deny the stab of jealousy that slices right through me. I’m probably overreacting, but there is just something about this woman, a prostitute, living under this roof that I have a serious issue with.

  Instead of burying my head beneath the bedding and being depressed all day long, I decide to look around his room, mainly because I simply cannot help myself, then I see it. I don’t know how I’ve missed it, but I have.

  There is a single blue ribbon wrapped around the leg, but there, in the corner of the room, is an old-fashioned camera.

  Guilt crawls up my throat at the sight. I’m so angry with him, and yet…

  I can’t get the camera out of my mind for the rest of the morning and eventually I force myself to get dressed for the day, with the help of Martha. But I’m consumed. Confused and consumed with thoughts of Colt, of Daisy, and of that gorgeous and thoughtful camera.

  “You did the right thing,” Martha announces as she twists and pins my hair. “That Bessie Silks is a snake and she’s been lying in wait to get in this house, one way or another.”

  “Why?” I ask.

  She is quiet for a moment, pausing her hands in my hair, then inhales a sharp breath before she continues to do her magic. “I’m sure she has a dozen reasons, but the main one is and will always be—power.”

  “And Colt has that in spades,” I whisper.

  “In this country, yes.”

  I don’t ask her what that means, I already know. Elias is a freaking king. And from what Sybilla told me, Liv’s husband is as well. It’s kind of bullshit that they get to be queens, and I’m just… I don’t even know what I am… the leader’s wife. It definitely doesn’t sound as cool as queen.

  “What will happen now?” I chance asking.

  Martha doesn’t respond immediately. I’m not sure if she even knows. Though, I have no doubt that she does. She is the guru of this entire place. She knows everything that happens here, no matter what.

  “Bessie will get angry, though I’m not sure that she really has a say in anything. She’s making plenty of coin off of her women’s backs out there in the camp, and Colt could force her to leave if he truly wished to.”

  Nodding, I stand as she wipes her palms on her dress, signaling that she’s finished with my hair. Turning around to face her, I look into her eyes. She’s thinking, though I’m unsure what about. I could close my eyes and try to get inside of her head, but I don’t want to do that, not with Martha. It’s too much of an invasion of privacy.

  I open my mouth to ask her if she’s okay, if she needs to tell me something, but I don’t get the chance. The door swings open and I lift my head to see Florence standing there. Her eyes are wide as she finds my gaze with her own.

  “What on earth happened?” she snaps.

  “I’m bound here,” I inform her. “The witches in Bunafi bound me and I’m pregnant.”

  Martha gasps at the same time Florence’s eyes widen even more, though I didn’t know it was possible for that to happen. She hums, then takes a step toward me. She holds out her hand, palm facing up, then closes her eyes.

  Something warm slides throughout my entire body, almost comforting like a hug from the inside out, closing my eyes, I let the sensation take over. Then, as suddenly as it began, it stops. My entire body jolts and my eyes pop open.

  “You are indeed with child, it is a healthy babe. Now we must keep you protected at all costs.”

  “What does tha
t mean?” Martha demands. Florence cringes, then shifts her gaze from me to Martha, then back to me again. “You didn’t,” Martha breathes.

  Florence clears her throat. “I did, because that is what Colton asked of me. It is not my place to question him, not when I’ve already warned him.”

  “Florence,” Martha hisses.

  “Can you tell me what is going on?” I snap.

  They stare one another down for a long moment, then it’s Martha who speaks first. “There was talk about you possibly being some kind of mirage sent by the devil, that perhaps you weren’t the real Birdie Collins and were just a façade.”

  My shoulders square and I flick my gaze between them. “And?” I demand.

  “And Colton asked me to bring in someone who has a different kind of magic than I do to test that theory. I went to her, talked to her, and she should be arriving soon.”

  “You are not serious?” Martha asks.

  “Well, I’m me, there is nobody else but me,” I say, lifting my chin and looking down my nose at her.

  Florence gives me a sad gaze and shakes her head. “I am sorry, Birdie. It was not my intent to cause you harm or put you in danger, but I have to do what Colton asks of me.”

  “Hogwash,” Martha growls. “You suggested her. Maybe you’re the mirage. Maybe you’re trying to steal her magic for yourself,” she snaps.

  My entire body jerks and I wonder if she could be right. I don’t think it’s something that is completely out of the realm of reality at this point. I would believe anything at all at this point. None of this is normal, so if Martha thinks that Florence is trying to steal my magic then maybe she freaking is.

  Florence’s eyes widen, then she takes a step backward. Martha holds up her hand and calls to her to stop, but then something happens. Everything around me goes black. Blinking, I realize that it’s not my vision, but instead, it’s coming from Florence.

  Instinctually, I lift my hands and watch as blue sparks fly through the air. Florence’s body suddenly is no longer shrouded in darkness and her entire body flies through the air.

  Then, as if she’s done it a million times, Martha walks over to me, she puts her palm out flat and gold sparks fly from her hand.

  I turn my head to look over at Martha, but I’m too shocked to say anything. Instead, I shift my gaze back to Florence and together we hold our hands toward her, watching the blue and gold sparks move through the air, their aim true and on Florence.

  The darkness around the room dissipates, but Florence lifts her gaze to meet mine and there is nothing but blackness that fills her eyes. The evil practically pours out of her. My breath hitches and I stumble backward, losing my balance and I almost fall to the ground.

  Martha calls out my name and I straighten my shoulders, holding my palms out again and try hard to force the light to pour from me. I’m so confused, and I’m terrified. Something is wrong, Florence’s body jerks, her black eyes meet mine and then she opens her mouth.

  “Keep your hands up,” Martha shouts.

  I do, but my entire body starts to tremble and quake. My knees buckle, and I fall down to the hardwood floor, but continue to keep my hands up. Florence lets out a screech and it shakes me down to my bones, but I don’t take my hands away and neither does Martha.

  A blackness escapes Florence’s mouth, it’s a long dark mass and I blink twice, trying to focus my eyes to see what it is, but it’s floating, flying fast, and it heads straight for me. Martha screams, but I shift my focus from Florence back to the black blob headed my way.

  Then something happens. The blob stops right in front of me. Continuing to hold my hands out, I stand my ground, planting my feet wide. The blue sparks continue to fly from my hands. It’s totally weird and it’s as if time is completely suspended.

  My breath hitches when the blob starts heading for me again, Martha directs her attention toward it as well and her sparks fly forward. I hear her grunt once, then again. I can’t turn to look at her, so I’m not sure if she’s okay.

  I hear something behind me, but I ignore it. We hold fast, steadily as we try to beat back whatever the fuck this monster is. Martha growls, then I hear someone else growl behind me. I cannot turn away from this thing though. I saw the way it kind of just came out of Florence and no way in hell do I want that thing finding its way inside of me.

  “Is it just me or is this thing shrinking?” I grind out.

  Martha growls again, then I hear her speak through gritted teeth. “Yes, hold fast, Birdie.”

  I do exactly what Martha suggests, and I hold fucking fast. Gnashing my teeth together, I start to breathe heavily, panting as I attempt to hold off this beast, or whatever it is. I don’t know what it is and I don’t want to, I just want it gone.

  “Enough,” a voice booms.

  I know that voice.


  I hear something upstairs. It’s foreign, but there is something not quite right about it. Running, I make my way toward the bedroom, toward my bedroom. With a frown, I hear the noise again. It sounds like a high-pitched scream, a whine.

  Opening the door, I let out a growl at the sight in front of me. Martha and Birdie are standing firm, their palms facing a gigantic cloud of dark magic, possibly even a demon. They are fighting it off, but I’m not sure they’re going to win.

  Glancing around, I look for Florence, wondering why she isn’t helping in this situation. She’s on the floor, in a heap of flesh and fabric, she’s not moving. I shout to Birdie, but she ignores me. Martha does the same and I continue to watch as they hold their palms up toward it and sparks fly from their hands.

  The dark magic or spirit, I’m not sure which, starts to move toward Birdie and my heart races inside of my chest. It threatens to spill out onto the floor. Shaking off the feeling of fear and worry, I take a step forward, trying to keep from grabbing Birdie and flinging her to the side.

  “Enough,” I shout.

  The dark mass doesn’t move, but I can’t take my eyes off of it. I keep waiting to see what it will do. Birdie is still holding her hands out and there are sparks flying from both her and Martha’s hands as they attempt to hold back this… thing.

  “Be gone,” I roar.

  I don’t know why I say it, and I don’t know why the mass listens to me, but it does. It starts to fly toward me, then turns and heads out of the window. Martha lets out a heavy breath at the same time Birdie collapses and falls down to her knees.

  Immediately, I reach for her, scooping her up into my arms and carry her limp body over to the bed. Laying her down, I look her over, trying to take account of her injuries. I don’t see anything on the surface, but I’m not sure how she feels on the inside. I don’t know if that black magic did anything to her or affected her in any way.

  There’s a noise behind me and I see Martha walking slowly toward me. I make a move to stand up and gather her, to help her, but she holds her hands up to stop me. I watch as she wobbles and shuffles toward a chair before she sinks down and lets out a long exhale.

  “What happened?” I ask.

  Martha doesn’t speak right away. Instead, she lets out a sigh and I stay silent for a long moment. I hear her moan before she speaks.

  “I didn’t want you to know, or anyone,” she says softly.

  “That you have powers,” I say, finishing her sentence.

  Martha nods her head. “I wasn’t sure about Florence. Her magic seemed good when she arrived, everything was okay, then I started to question certain things. Like her trying to take Birdie’s powers from her. That was off. It’s not normal. Transferring powers is dangerous and leaves a witch vulnerable. The moment she did it, I knew something was not right.”

  “Is she okay?” I ask.

  Martha doesn’t say anything immediately, she looks to Birdie lying on the bed, lifeless, then shifts her gaze back to meet mine. “She may be, I’m not sure how long that entity had been inside of her, and I don’t know where it went.”

  I don’t speak right away, bu
t I look between her and Birdie, then back to Martha. “What happens with that mass?” I ask.

  She looks down to the floor, then lifts her gaze to meet my own. “It’s going to find another host.”

  “And what happens then?”

  She presses her lips together. “It will probably find its way back here again. It is on a mission and that mission is to destroy Birdie.”


  Martha opens her mouth to speak, Birdie moans causing both of us to shift our attention over to her for a brief moment. I hold my breath, waiting for her to open her eyes or speak, but she doesn’t. She goes completely quiet and still again.

  “Why, Martha? Whoever this is, why are they targeting Birdie?”

  Martha arches a brow, then leans forward. “They want to stop or change the prophecy, Colt. They want to alter the outcome and destroy the world, destroy you, destroy your babe.”

  “To what end? To destroy our world, for what?”

  Martha shrugs a shoulder. “Why does evil seek to destroy anything?” she asks. “They just do, Colt.”

  I shake my head, my eyes finding Birdie’s sweet face, I reach out and slide my knuckles across her cheek. My wife, a woman that I have taken for granted, been angry at her for merely existing and the way that I feel toward her. My wife. Mine. The mother to my unborn child.

  “What do we do now?”

  Martha grunts, my gaze shifts to her, and I arch a brow. Her lips curve up into a grin and she shakes her head once. “She is already bound to you, to this world. Now we’re going to place an enchantment around the two of you to ward off evil and dark magic.”

  “Will it work?”

  There is a long moment of silence and I wait for her to tell me the truth, to give me a final answer, but instead she shrugs a shoulder and dips her chin. “There is no way to know, Colt. I have a feeling that this magic is strong, it could be stronger than my enchantments, but I will try and hopefully it will be enough to keep the evil at bay until we figure out more, until Birdie’s magic strengthens even more.”


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