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Roping the Cowboy

Page 4

by Kennedy Fox

  After a minute of reining myself in, I grab the container of soup and head to the front porch. After I knock, I hear footsteps, and the door opens. Braxton makes eye contact with me, and I give him a small smile. Before I can say a word, he shakes his head with a scowl and slams the door in my face. I hear the deadbolt lock.

  “Seriously?” I wait a minute outside, but he doesn’t come back, and I honestly can’t blame him. “Guess I deserve that,” I shout, hoping he hears me before I go to my car and drive away.

  Saturday comes early, and I have a handful of pickups right before lunch, so it’s essential I start baking before the sun rises. Considering it’s fall, half the town wants pumpkin this and maple that. I’ve been selling out as fast as I can make them, which is a good problem to have, but I might need to hire help sooner rather than later.

  As I turn onto Murchison Ave, I spot my building and see something spread over the grass. Since it’s still dark outside and a layer of fog coats the ground, I halfway think I’m imagining things until I park and see large piles of something. Confused, I get out of my car, and that’s when the stench hits me. My jaw drops as I notice shit on my meticulously landscaped lawn. I’m perplexed. Shocked. But inside, I’m losing it because customers will be arriving soon, and the last thing they want to do is smell cow shit next to a bakery.

  My body shakes with anger, knowing exactly who’s behind this. I try to take a deep breath as I walk down the sidewalk, holding back my anger that’s threatening to spill over. Once I make it to the front of the building, I notice a note taped to the door. Yanking it off, I read it.

  Don’t worry. It’s 100% organic and gluten-free!

  I crumple the note in my fist and release a loud groan. Braxton. The bastard. I’m absolutely enraged to the point that it takes me a few times to get the door unlocked. I’m a wreck because I have to get rid of this shit before people start showing up, but I won’t be able to remove it all myself. Hell, I don’t even have the equipment for it, plus I need to start baking immediately. I live and die by my schedule on Saturdays, and if one thing throws me off, it will fuck up my entire day. While my anger level rises, my patience wanes, but I try to calm down and think of a solution to my problem as I turn on the ovens and begin prepping the cookies and muffins. If I cancel my orders, rumors will fly, and people will talk negatively about my business. Nevertheless, if cow shit greets them on their way inside, I’ll have the same result.

  As I plop the dough on the baking sheets, the only thing I can think to do is special deliver every single order. I’ll have to call my parents to help me, which irks the hell outta me, but I can’t do this alone while keeping my customers satisfied. So I’ll have to suck up my pride to make this work.

  After I spread more dough on the cookie sheets, I call my parents and put the phone on speaker. Thankfully, Dad answers.

  “Hey, kiddo,” he says way too cheerfully for this early in the morning.

  “Dad, I need your help.” I’m close to tears.

  “Everything okay?” He sounds alarmed.

  I smile, hoping he can hear it in my voice, though I’m still at a level ten pissed. “Yes, for the most part. So…I got pranked by someone, and there’s a whole load of cow shit on the lawn of the bakery. Is there any way you can get someone to come shovel it up? Please? Plus, free fertilizer.” I throw in a laugh for good measure, though I’m not happy.

  “Who’d do such a thing?” he asks.

  “I don’t know,” I lie. “Someone cruel.”

  A few moments pass, and he exhales. “Sure. I’ll make some calls. But it’s Saturday, Kat. Might take a while.”

  “Thanks, Dad. I really, really appreciate it.”

  “Love you, honey. You need to come to see us soon,” Dad reminds me.

  “I know, Dad. I will, I promise. Tell Mom I said hi. Love y’all.”

  “Proud of you, Kat. We love you too.”

  The call ends, and I feel some relief when I figure out how to solve this. I call Mrs. Broussard, my first customer of the day, and tell her I'll deliver her order. After her positive reaction, I call every other person on my list and let them know I’ll drive their orders to them as well, which thrills them all. Though I’ll be busy until dark, at least everything will work out. As long as nothing else horrible happens.

  I’m exhausted. After baking my ass off and running around town like a crazy person while wearing a damn dress, I’m done. As I lock up the bakery, I walk outside and am happy. Even though a faint smell lingers, the shit’s gone. On the way home, Mila calls me and asks me if I’m still coming over, so I lie and tell her yes. Truthfully, I forgot I talked to her earlier this week. I give her a brief overview of today's events and promise to tell her more when I get there.

  As soon as I arrive at her house, she’s asking fifty questions, so I explain everything.

  “You’re totally crushing on him.” She hands me a glass of wine.

  “No. I’m pretty sure I hate him,” I hurry and defend.

  “Liar.” She waves me off. “You so do. And it’s okay. He’s a good-lookin’ guy. Nice when he wants to be.”

  “He’s an asshole, Mila!”

  “It sounds to me like you both have the hots for each other, and you’re both too stubborn to admit it,” she says matter-of-factly. “Chemistry like that means amazing sex. I mean, I already know you’ve been there and done that, but I bet it could be even better now.”

  She knows about our night together, but I only told her. Mila’s my cousin and best friend and will take all my secrets to the grave. “All I want to do is junk punch him. I’ve had the worst day because of him.”

  “I know you pranked him first, but this was a million times worse. This is a small town. He could’ve ruined your business’ reputation.”

  “Yep.” I groan at the thought of what he did.

  Her phone keeps vibrating, and she glances down at her text messages. By the way she’s smiling, I know it’s John.

  I sip my wine, and Mila gives me the same devilish grin she had when we were younger and would do bad things. This means trouble.

  “So. You want to get even?” She smirks.

  “Of course I do.”

  “Grab those pillows.” She points at the couch. “I have an idea.”

  Chapter Eight


  I don’t know why I keep letting the guys drag my ass out to the bar, but it’s probably for the best, considering Kat might have a bounty on me by now. I’m actually surprised she hasn’t texted and threatened my junk yet, so I’m counting that as a win. She’s the one who started this after all. If she can’t stand the heat, she should get out of the kitchen.

  As I take a swig of my third beer, I think back to this past week and the hell she put me through. First, she nearly killed me with her laxative muffin, and then she showed up at my house looking all sweet and apologetic, but I wasn’t having it. Bitterness still fueled my blood, and when I looked at her, all I wanted was revenge. Knowing what she dealt with this morning brings me pure satisfaction.

  “Surprised Kiera even let you out of her sight,” I tease Jackson. He has a baby and twin toddlers at home.

  “I had to pay up front, trust me.” He chugs his beer as if it’s his lifeline.

  John’s two girls are having a sleepover at his mother’s, and this will probably be the last time the three of us get to go out together for a while. We’re either always working, or they’re with their families.

  An hour breezes by, and the place is packed. I have a chick named Brooklyn on my right and Fiona to my left. Apparently, they’re ER nurses at the hospital in San Angelo and best friends. After buying them two rounds of shots, the three of us hit the dance floor.

  Dancing comes naturally to me, so two-stepping and twirling each girl has them smiling from ear to ear. They laugh and can’t keep their hands off me. Normally, I’d be all about it and even offer to take them both back to my house, but instead, I have a certain brunette bombshell consuming my mi

  Fucking Kat.

  Just the thought of her sassy, smart mouth has my dick hard. Though I’m sure the Curly Sue twins will assume they’re responsible, unfortunately it’s the entitled, snobby rich girl who kicked me out of her bed.

  “Wanna buy us another round?” Brooklyn asks with an overly sweet tone.

  “Make it a double!” Fiona pumps her fist in the air.

  “You got it, ladies.” I’m nothing if not a gentleman. They both follow me like puppies and hang on an arm as I order us drinks.

  Just as I give each girl her drink, I catch a glimpse of a woman stalking toward me with fire in her stride. What the hell? Kat is charging for me as if she’s about to claw out my eyes.

  Smirking in victory, I see how much my prank this morning enraged her. I was wondering if she’d hunt me down.

  “You bastard!” she screams over the music, causing heads to turn.

  A few steps behind her, I see Mila wearing an evil grin. Shit.

  “How could you, Braxton? You said you loved me!” She pushes against my chest, making me stumble back slightly. I hadn’t expected that in the least. “I’m having your babies, and you’re out at the bar with other chicks?” She shrieks so loud, the conversations around us die. “Our twins deserve better than this!”

  Both girls step back so fast as if my skin literally burned them.

  Goddamn, she’s good. When tears start streaming down her cheeks, I almost applaud her acting. Then I see her belly. She’s stuffed something in her dress to make it seem as though she’s actually pregnant.

  “Kat…” I say with a warning, crossing my arms over my chest. “This isn’t funny.”

  “No shit, it’s not funny. I even let you do anal!” Kat shouts, wiping away her fake tears.

  The entire bar goes silent except for Jackson who’s doubled over with laughter.

  I’m not at all amused, considering how everyone here now thinks I’m a cheating asshole on some woman claiming to be having my babies.

  Brooklyn and Fiona take their drinks and walk away, muttering, “Sleazeball,” and, “Pig,” as they head across the room. Just great.

  “You promised you’d clean up your act.” She sniffles.

  “Alright, that’s enough.” I grab her arm and lead her toward the door.

  My grip tightens with every whispered comment as we pass. The second we’re out of the bar, I spin her around to face me.

  “Have you lost your fuckin’ mind?” I growl. “That was quite the performance.”

  “Pretty good for an entitled rich girl, huh?” She flashes a devious smile, crossing her arms. “Guess you know what happens when you mess with the get the horns.”

  I roll my eyes so hard at her pathetic attempt to intimidate me. People are starting to exit the bar, and I don’t need the entire town to hear our conversation.

  Grabbing her arm again, I lead her toward my truck so we can talk in private. The only available parking spots were in the back, which is useful now, considering I plan to give Kat a earful.

  I cage her to my truck with my hands on both sides of her. “You want to explain what the fuck you were trying to do?” I reach up in her dress and pull out a pillow, then hold it up.

  “Catch up, cowboy. I was getting even,” she hisses, yanking it out of my grip.

  “Are you sure that’s it, princess?” I bring my face closer to hers, feeling her heavy pants against my cheek.

  “Don’t call me that.”

  “Then don’t act like a spoiled brat,” I reply; the venom in my voice is so obvious she can probably taste it.

  Kat releases a throaty groan, and I know it’s only a matter of time before she snaps. “You’re despicable.”

  “Were you jealous seeing those girls on me? Is that why you wanted revenge at a bar? You knew I wouldn’t be alone.”

  “Jealous?” She laughs. “I think I just threw up in my mouth.”

  “Bullshit,” I hiss, knowing the truth.

  She narrows her eyes at me, and if looks could kill, I’d be praying for mercy right about now. “You almost cost me a full day of customers with your little stunt this morning.”

  "And you cost me three days of work!" I counter. "Guess payback's a bitch." I stare at her pointedly, daring her to argue my point.

  "Okay, yes," she says in defeat. "But I'm a small business, and the ranch has dozens of workers to replace you for a few days. Do you have any idea how much I had to scramble to get the orders out on time? I had to deliver them all while I begged my dad to help get someone to come clean it up.”

  “Of course. Daddy to the rescue.” I roll my eyes.

  I know my words are harsh, and I’m pushing all her buttons, but she brings out a side of me that I can’t control. She’s hidden her true feelings for me since the day after our night together and replaced them with bitterness. If she doesn’t come clean on her own, then I’ll just have to prove it to her until she’s ready to confess.

  “I hate you,” she seethes. “Get out of my way, Braxton.”

  “Not until you admit you were jealous.” I block her with my body.

  “That’s never gonna happen because that’s the furthest thing from the truth,” she spats.

  “You’re a fuckin’ terrible liar.” I laugh in her face. “Why are you breathing so hard then?” I ask, leaning closer until barely any space exists between us. She opens her mouth but then snaps it shut, which makes me chuckle. “I bet if I felt your panties right now, you’d be dripping wet. Just admit you want me, Kat.”

  She squares her shoulders. “Why do you care if I was jealous anyway, Braxton? Unless it’s because you want me too,” she says boldly as if she’s shocked at her own words.

  My lips tilt up. “Fuck yes, I do.” Without waiting for a response, I wrap a hand around her neck and pull our mouths together. Our tongues slide between each other’s lips in a heated battle as our bodies mold as one. Kat’s head falls back, giving me all the access I need to devour that hot as fuck mouth of hers. My hands slide down her body until her ass cheeks are in my palms, and I squeeze.

  “You feel how goddamn hard I am, Kat? Feel what you do to me?” I growl in her ear before bringing my mouth back to hers.

  “Braxton…” she whimpers as her pants grow louder.

  “Fuck, you’re so wet, just like I knew you’d be.” I bring a hand around her waist and sink a finger into her wet cunt. The fabric of her panties is the only barrier between us, but it won’t be for long.

  She nods rapidly and arches her hips to meet my hand. Pushing the thin lace aside, I twist a finger inside her tightness and thrust in and out of her pussy. Her breathing increases, and I know she wants this as badly as I do.

  “Get inside the truck, Kat.” I reach behind her and pull the handle. “Panties off.”

  She looks at me in a daze but then follows my orders. Back-seat sex isn’t something I had planned tonight, considering I’m mostly a gentleman when it comes to pleasing a woman. But Kat has me so fucking riled up, and I know we both can’t wait.

  Kat twirls her panties around her finger like a fucking temptress, and once I climb inside, I shut the door behind me. I grab her drenched panties and shove them into her mouth.

  “You gonna act like a tease, you gonna get fucked like one,” I warn, lifting her body and bending her over. Sliding her dress up, I expose her bare ass, then slap a hand over it.

  “Oomph,” she mutters around her mouthful.

  “Fuck, you like it dirty, don’t you? Should’ve figured after all the uppity attitude you dish out.”

  Kat looks over her shoulder at me and scowls. I flash her a wink, knowing she’s as desperate for my cock as I am to give it to her.

  I slide a hand between her ass cheeks until I’m pressing two fingers back inside her. I finger fuck her until she cries out and shakes against my hand as she comes hard and fast. I don’t give her any time to recuperate as I spin her around until she’s straddling my lap.

  Removing the panti
es from her mouth, I cup her face and kiss the hell out of her. Lifting my hips so she can feel my hard cock against her, she pushes down and grinds on me. Without having to be told, Kat leans back and undoes my belt buckle and jeans, then lowers them along with my boxers. My dick instantly springs free, desperate for her.

  “Fuck, Kat.” My head falls back against the headrest as she slowly and torturously lowers herself on me. Once I’m completely inside her, she places her hands on my shoulders and rides me hard and fast.

  “Oh my God, yes.” Her eyes roll as I grip her hips and pull her back and forth on my cock. Everything about this woman turns me inside out. I want so much more than a back-seat fuck, but I can’t control myself around her anymore. My body buzzes when we’re close, and now that I’m inside her, I don’t ever want to leave.

  “Fuck, Kat.” I bring her face to mine. “You feel that?”

  “Yes. Yesyesyes.” She hums, widening her hips and grinding faster.

  “This is so much more than a one-time thing. Say it, Kat.”

  “It’s more,” she agrees. “Holy shit, I’m going to come again.”

  “You wait for me this time, baby.”

  My mouth latches onto her neck as my hand slides up to cup her breast. My other hand squeezes her ass and slaps it again, smiling when she squeals at the burn.

  “Fuck yes, Kat. Our bodies were made for each other.” I lean back so I can watch her unravel.

  With my arms behind my head, I study her in amazement as she bites her bottom lip and tries not to scream as the orgasm rips through her. Moments later, her pussy squeezes down on my cock, and I’m releasing deep inside her tight cunt that I can’t wait to taste later—because this will definitely not be the last time.

  “Oh my God,” she whispers when the high dies down.

  “Okay, now get the hell out of my truck.” I can’t stop the grin forming on my face when she swats my chest.

  “Southern gentleman, my ass.” She scoffs.


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