Kill or be Killed (Mafia Kingpin Book 1)
Page 6
I bolted out of the room, running as fast as I could… ready to make my way to see Steve.
Dante was driving at a fast speed on the motorway.
“This isn’t the way to the restaurant you were talking about,” I pointed out awkwardly.
“We’re going to a different restaurant,” Dante reassured.
“Oh, okay…” I folded my arms uneasily, wondering why time just couldn’t speed the fuck up.
I stood with Steve in the town’s square, and took a deep breath.
“Louis…” Steve began, scratching his hair. “I ain’t heard from you in weeks.”
“I’m still mad at you,” I shrugged, so that he wouldn’t get the wrong idea about why I was meeting him.
I sighed.
“I need a favour,” I admitted.
“What is it?” Steve asked.
“A debt collection officer came by the house today,” I explained.
“That’s weird,” Steve commented. “Linda never told me she had any debt.”
“We've gotta pay it off within a few hours or they're gonna repossess the property,” I sighed. “Can you help us?”
“Sure,” Steve shrugged. “I’ll be there in an hour.”
“What? Just like that?” I was taken aback. “You’re not even gonna ask how much the debt is?”
“Money isn’t a problem,” said Steve awkwardly.
“That’s weird,” I pondered. “Plumbers earn hardly anything. How is money not a problem?”
I scratched my arm awkwardly, knowing that I would have to choose my next words really fucking carefully. Louis was onto me… he couldn’t know about the drug cartel. He couldn’t find out about anything, and I needed to fucking make sure of that. I tried to think of an excuse quickly. I was so pissed off at myself for not thinking straight before I spoke.
“I have savings, Louis,” I shrugged.
“Okay,” Louis said awkwardly, and then scratched his neck sheepishly. “Thanks Steve.”
I nodded at him. The poor guy didn’t know that a couple of thousand quid meant nothing to me. I was making racks and racks everyday through the Mafia… and he had no idea. That’s the real reason why I always let him down, the real reason I was always too busy to play happy families with him. Business always came first for me… it’s kill or be killed in my world, and if I don’t stay on top of things, consequences can be fatal.
I followed Dante out of his car.
“The restaurant’s this way,” he said.
I nodded uneasily, taking his lead. He stepped into a damp, dusty alleyway. The surroundings were dark… and there wasn’t a soul in sight.
“What is this creepy place?!” I questioned, repulsed. “Where’s the restaurant?!”
“I can think of many things I’d rather do than sit in a boring restaurant,” Dante shrugged, and then burst into evil laughter.
My head started spinning as the reality of what was happening came into full focus. I struggled to breathe, it felt like the walls were closing in on me. I was trapped in an alleyway with a creepy old man… There was only one way that this could end.
I screamed. I screamed and I screamed and I screamed, until my throat went dry and tears slid down my cheeks in fear. I stepped backwards away from Dante as he stepped closer towards me.
“It’s okay baby, nobody can hear you,” he whispered, and I broke down into sobs. I felt so helpless, I didn’t know what to do.
“You thought I was going to give you 1000 pounds just to have dinner with me?” Dante murmured. “Dumb bitch.”
He sighed, trailing his finger along my collarbone as I cried.
“Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?”
He started trailing kisses on me, and I kicked his crotch as hard as I fucking could. I wasn’t going down without a fight. I needed to defend myself… I needed to find a way out of here.
“Let me go!” I screamed, shaking.
“Stupid slut!” Dante roared. “Stop screaming!”
He shoved me hard against the wall and I hit my head hard against it with a painful smack.
“Now you will do as I say, whether you like it or not!” he screamed. “If you want to walk out of here alive tonight.”
I sobbed uncontrollably as he started tearing at my clothes.
I don’t give a fuck about karma… Nobody deserves to be raped. Even if I was a bully.
I wouldn’t wish rape on my worst enemy.
I made my way into the town square, on the phone to Trex while I walked.
“Trex, meet up with me tomorrow,” I said down the line. “I just got info that our next shipment is arriving at the canals at 7 p.m. Don’t be late g.”
Whenever we got shipments from the canals, we always had to disguise the drugs into fruit boxes and whatnot, whether it meant hiding the bags of crack in empty watermelons, or putting them at the bottom of mango boxes. We’d then load them into lorries, ready to take back to the warehouse, count and weigh everything we ordered to make sure we weren’t being ripped off, and then supply.
I hung up the phone and then bumped straight into a lady that was walking past me.
“I’m so sorry!” I sighed, embarrassed, and then kneeled down to the floor, helping her get up from the ground. I jumped as I stared at her face…
“Aliyah!” I rubbed my neck sheepishly. “What are you doing here?! I haven’t heard from you since that night at the bar.”
I drew a deep breath in as she blushed furiously. She had to stop doing that around me… it was a massive fucking turn-on.
“I was just in town, shopping for some food at home,” she replied.
“You must hate me for killing your husband, huh?” I said nervously.
“Are you kidding me?” she denied. “It’s about time that prick died and got what he deserved. I should have left him sooner, but he was just so controlling.”
“Well, in that case…” I chuckled. “It’s a good thing he’s six feet under.”
Aliyah giggled, and then took in another deep breath. “You really helped me, Abid,” she said sheepishly. “Words can’t express how grateful I am. I don’t know how I can ever repay you.”
“It was nothing,” I shrugged.
“It meant a lot to me,” she smiled.
“Well, I went to the bar with orders to kill him from my boss anyway,” I admitted. “Seeing the way he treated you just gave me more motivation to do it.”
Aliyah giggled again. “So what now?” she asked awkwardly. “I really don’t want us to lose contact.”
I sighed. “I’m trouble, Aliyah…” I said, as much as it pained me, because there was nothing I wanted more than to give this gorgeous girl a chance. “I’m no good for you. You’re so nice and sweet… And here I am, the sidekick of Steve. He’s the kingpin of the country’s biggest drug cartel. I’m too dangerous for you.”
I took a deep breath in as she looked at me sadly. “I would never want to put you in a situation that could harm you,” I shrugged.
“I don’t care,” Aliyah replied firmly, folding her arms. “I was so happy when I spoke to you in the bar. You’ve got a nice vibe. I don’t want to waste the chemistry we have.” She paused. “Maybe we could just be friends, then I wouldn’t bring any danger to you.”
“Friends…” I repeated. It was a weird concept, I’d never had a female friend. Only casual hook-ups. But I’d rather have some contact with Aliyah than none… even if it meant I wasn’t able to fuck her till the early hours of the morning and not able to eat her out for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
“I can do that,” I smiled, trying to shut off my dirty fucking thoughts.
“Wanna come over to my place?” Aliyah offered, biting her lip. “We can watch some Netflix and eat Ben and Jerry’s.”
I chuckled. “Can’t say no to that. I need a break
from work anyway.”
She smiled at me, her eyes glimmering in the sunlight.
I walked into my living room, beaten, bloody and bruised. I could barely stand straight. My mascara had smudged all over my cheeks, I looked like a fucking mess. I was so heartbroken… so damn heartbroken.
“Where the fuck have you been?” my dad roared.
I jolted back. I’d completely forgotten that my parents would be home now… And I was walking in, looking like this.
“What happened to you?” my mum asked in disgust.
I quickly tried to find an excuse. The last thing I wanted was my parents giving me grief for meeting strangers… they gave me enough grief as it is. They would probably blame me for being raped… when I tried so hard to fight it. It’s not my fault fucking vile men exist in this world. I had no control over the situation… There was nothing I could do. Rape is never the victim’s fault.
“Um, I fell over…” I tried.
“I suppose you’re fucking proud of yourself, aren’t you?!” Dad bellowed.
“Do you have any idea what you’ve fucking done?!” Mum yelled.
“W - what are you talking about?” I jolted back, afraid.
“You left the baby all alone at home!” Dad accused.
“You were supposed to look after her while we were out!” Mum argued. “She was crying all night, and the neighbors put in a goddamn complaint! Now Social Services have taken her away!”
Dad screamed, shaking in rage, and I started trembling, realising how badly I’d fucked up.
“How could you do this to us?!” Dad bellowed. “I’ll kill you!”
I started sobbing uncontrollably, unable to hold back my tears anymore. Dad slapped my face hard, and I jolted back in shock.
“Stop fucking crying!” Dad shouted. “We’re in this goddamn mess because of you!”
I couldn’t take it anymore.
“You’re both fucking useless parents!” I screamed. “You always leave me alone to do everything! You don’t have a clue about what I’m going through, all you do is put pressure and responsibility on me! I’m only sixteen!”
“Don’t you dare talk to your parents like that!” Mum roared. “You ungrateful little cow. We gave birth to you, gave you a roof over your head, food on your plate. Clothes to wear. What more do you goddamn want?!”
“What could you possibly be going through?!” Dad added on. “How hard is it to look after a fucking baby?! We’ve been spoiling you for far too long. You will be punished!”
I bolted out the room, sobbing. I didn’t want to hear anymore. It felt like my world was coming crashing down on me. Nothing was going right. I’d been raped, picked on, my parents fucking hated me… And now I didn’t even have my sister here with me, either.
I made my way past the school hallway lockers to my classroom. When I walked in, I saw Keelan’s smug face - he was standing next to his desk with his arms folded. We shared an awkward stare, as his piercing eyes stared right through me. I rolled my eyes and shoved past him, to see three other guys from my class at the other side of the room: Swoop, Likkle T and Chase.
“Yo Louis!” Chase called out to me.
I rubbed my arm awkwardly. They’d never spoken to me before in my life, and they were suddenly calling me over. Regardless, I walked towards them, wanting to see what they wanted.
“Sup, Chase?” I asked, shrugging.
“It’s about time you stopped hanging around with that moist yute, Keelan,” said Swoop, and Likkle T broke into laughter.
“The way you battered him the other day was amazing!” Likkle T exclaimed.
“Um, thanks,” I said sheepishly, taken aback by this sudden attention.
“Why don't you hang around with us now?” asked Chase. “We'd love to have someone who can defend himself like you on our team.”
I turned around to see Keelan staring at me blankly. He needed to pay for what he did to me, and this was the perfect thing to make him fucking jealous. Siding with the biggest roadmen in the school.
“Sure,” I confirmed.
They grinned at me, with a satisfied look on their faces.
I was in Aliyah’s apartment, and we’d just finished watching The Nun.
“That movie was amazing!” I exclaimed. “You were so scared!” I burst out laughing, remembering how much she clung on to me like her life depended on it whenever there was a jump scare in the film.
Aliyah crossed her arms angrily, giving me a death stare. “I was not scared,” she said defensively.
“You so were,” I said, continuing to laugh. She started giggling too, and we both had fits of laughter until the room went quiet and we both just stared at each other.
I drew a deep breath in. You could cut the sexual tension in the air with a knife. There was an awkward silence between us, and I just couldn’t help myself but to take in how beautiful she is.
Her beautiful toned legs, her flat stomach, her plump lips, the way her necklace fit perfectly in between her cleavage… And the way she bit her lip at me, almost purring, like she wanted me to jump her bones right there and then with no regrets.
God, I was so fucking turned on right now. I had to leave before I lost control and ended up slamming her against the wall, making her scream my name while I pleasured her in ways she could never imagine.
I coughed, cutting the silence. My pants suddenly felt way too fucking tight and I needed to get her off my mind before my sexual fantasies got the fucking better of me. “I'll get going. I'll be in touch soon.”
I scratched my arm awkwardly, hoping she wouldn’t look down at my jeans and notice that I was rock hard.
“Do you have to go into work today?” Aliyah asked.
“Nah, I'm collecting a shipment from the docks tomorrow,” I shrugged.
“Can you stay then?” she asked, biting her lip. “It gets so lonely in here, living on my own. I hate it.”
I took a deep breath in, trying not to turn myself on even more with the way her gaze held mine.
“I don't think that's a good idea, Aliyah,” I said, folding my arms. She looked at me with a sad expression on her face, and I sighed. Fuck it, I had to tell her the truth. I had to tell her how I really felt - the real reason why I wanted to leave so soon.
“You're so attractive, I won't be able to hold myself back,” I admitted.
“What if I don't want you to hold yourself back?” Aliyah said, resting her hand on my rock-hard chest.
“Aliyah, we've been through this. I'm no good for you,” I sighed.
“Who said I don't like sexy bad boys?” she purred. “Your muscles are bulging through that tank top. I just want to rip it off from you right now.”
She dragged her nails down my chest until she reached my belt buckle, and I let out a sigh I didn’t know I was holding.
“Fuck!” I moaned. “Aliyah…”
She tilted my chin up so that I was staring right at her, and then she bit her lip again as she slowly unbuttoned her clothes, and the heat started flushing to my cheeks. I drew a deep breath in as I stared at her in her lacy red Victoria Secret lingerie. She was so busty, her tits were practically pooling out of her bra. I whimpered, trying to touch her but she stopped me, before undoing her bra and letting her breasts out freely so they were in full view. Jesus Christ, this woman was going to be the fucking death of me.
“You’re so perfect,” I moaned.
“Shut up and kiss me,” she said, jumping on top of me and tearing my shirt off, slamming her mouth onto mine so hard I knocked over. In an instant, her jeans were off. But she needed to know that I was the fucking boss here… and I always got what I wanted.
I flipped her around, squeezing her ass as she gasped, and trailed wet kisses all the way down from her neck to her collarbone. She threw her head back in pleasure. I let my hands expertly trace her every curve to the point she was trembling. She straddled my hips, pushing her whole body again
st me so that there was no space between us, and then mercilessly started to trace every single line of my six-pack, leaving a trail of kisses wherever she touched.
Her lips made their way back to my mouth almost desperately, her tongue playing with mine in a fury. I picked her up and slammed her against her bedroom window. Her ass was grinding on me as I rubbed my hand between her thighs and she moaned uncontrollably.
I was on cloud fucking nine. I was feeling two things at once - pleasure and torture. Pleasure because this was the best sex I’d ever fucking had and I couldn’t get enough of her. The way she screamed my name, moaned in my ear, sent waves of pleasure pulsing through my body.
But I felt torture because I knew this night was gonna turn my life upside down. I would keep coming back for more and more, like she was my drug. And I knew from this point that it would be hard trying to stay away from her…
Fuck a friends with benefits, cos I know that’s not what this was going to be. Either one or both of us is going to fall in love… and I’m not prepared for my world to tear apart like that when it happens. I’ve never loved a woman, never seen a woman as more than a one-night stand. Never met a girl I hooked up with more than once.
But I just know that this is going to be different. And I don’t know whether it’s gonna end in tears of happiness or tears of heartbreak.
I was with Chase, Likkle T and Swoop. We’d had a really great day, eating like fat bastards, playing games in the arcade and then chilling in the park. Now we were back in the neighborhood again, talking next to a lamp-post. Who needed Keelan?
“Thanks for today guys,” I said sheepishly. “I had loads of fun.”
Chase chuckled.
“The fun's just getting started,” Swoop said, putting his hands on his hips.
“What are you talking about?” I asked, confused.