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Warrior of the Stars

Page 3

by Lucee Joie

  Beth visibly relaxes at his words. “Just get it over with, then.”

  The Nostral kneels at the bed and asked Beth to remove her pants once more.

  She complies quickly before laying back on the bed and covering her eyes with her arm. Still, she squeezes my hand.

  Surprisingly, a wave of a strange emotion washes over me. It is akin to the desire to protect her and that was what I assume it is.

  However, there is something else there, some other feeling towards this poor woman who has had to learn so much in such a short period of time. Perhaps it was respect? No, that didn’t quite fit either. I shrug and step aside as the Nostral stands from his exam and proclaims that everything is in order.

  “Congratulations on your new human,” the man says as he turns to leave the room.

  “Am I your pet now?”

  I turn to Beth. “I am not familiar with that term.”

  Beth shakes her head, speaking more to herself than answering my question. “I guess that I am.”

  Chapter Seven: Beth

  The room is actually quite nice. Someone has attempted to decorate it with things that I recognize.

  However, they had no idea what was designed for what and so I had a kitchenette that had an oven as well as a bathtub. My bed is set up properly and that came as no surprise considering why I am here. However, in order to watch TV, I have to lie on the couch and look at the roof. Not that I want to watch the selection set out for me. I have never been a fan of talking horses or wildlife documentaries.

  A set of drawers are filled with clothes. Some of which will fit me and some of which are obviously men’s clothes.

  In one corner, I find my satchel and high heels. I dash to them, grabbing them and hugging them to my chest.

  They are familiar things, my things, and they are all that matters to me now.

  The only really terrible thing about this room was the fact that one side is completely open, bars securing the room.

  Outside of those bars ran a long hall that is routinely patrolled by guards. One guard stands out already, the one that I had heard Horgeer call Ece, the one that has been here ever since my ordeal started. He is fond of taunting me as he passes by and encourages the other guards to do the same.

  I also suspect that cameras are locked on my room as the first night in, I could hear the faint beeping from the corner of each room. While I couldn’t verify the cameras, I strongly suspected it. After all, if I was really was here for breeding purposes and now belonged to Horgeer, I was probably considered pretty valuable merchandise.

  “Wake up, you lazy bitch!”

  I force my eyes open, rubbing the sleep from them as I squint into the harsh lighting of my room. Each day starts the same. Sleep was my only friend now and I cherish it as often as I can in order to escape my own reality. However, the powers that existed here did not see it quite that way. Instead, it seems that they prefer me awake as often as possible.

  “Here’s your breakfast, slut,” Ece says as he pushes a tray of grey slop under the bars of my room. I don’t grab at it immediately even though I am hungry. I know already that Ece likes to grab me, to rough me up as best he can before he moves on to what I assume are other prisoners along the corridor.

  There are no windows in my cell, no dimming of lights to signify night time was approaching. Instead, two meals were presented during my waking hours, so I have no idea whether it is actually night or day anymore. I assume one of the meals is given in the morning, the other in the evening. As to which one this meal was, was anyone’s guess. In fact, I didn’t even know how long they let me sleep for. Maybe I was sleeping much longer than I thought they were allowing, who was to know since no one was answering the important questions for me.

  As for where I was, I was completely clueless as well. I could have still been on Earth, although I doubted it. There was an edge to this place, a vibe that just didn’t fit. After all, considering, as a general rule on Earth, we didn’t believe in the existence of aliens, I didn’t think that having someone like Horgeer and the other guards present would seem like a good idea. One sighting and the world would erupt into pandemonium. My mind drifts to sightings of bigfoot and little green men.

  Maybe I was still on Earth.

  Alternatively, I could have also been on some strange new planet. I have no idea how long I was out when I was abducted from the train, so perhaps I had traveled for a length of time, maybe I was teleported from Earth to a neighboring planet. If aliens really do exist, I have no doubt now that they would be capable of having the technology required for teleporting.

  While both of these prospects were plausible, I was actually leaning more to the idea that I was on some sort of spacecraft. I couldn’t pinpoint exactly why I believed this, although, the occasion sensation of movement or of tipping slightly was what made me truly believe I was on a ship coasting through outer space.

  Outer space.

  The notion made me giggle a little every time I thought about it.

  “What’s so funny, bitch?” Ece asks and his voice instantly diffuses the humor in the situation. “Are you gonna show me ya tits?”

  I shake my head at him but he advances on the cell. His hand waves over the door and I hear a click as the lock releases. Perhaps, I can manage to duck past him this time, to escape my confines. But, where would I go after that? I have no idea how big this place is or where everything is.

  Ece steps into the cell and the door clangs shut behind him. I back away from the guard but he is on me, his rough hands pawing at me, pulling aside my T-shirt and grabbing at my breasts. He is rough and I gasp as he squeezes hard.

  “Prepare to mate,” a voice announces, and I am pretty sure I have never been so happy in all my life. Ece backs away from me, his hand moving over the lock once more and he leaves me alone, leaves me to a different kind of coupling. Yet, it is one that I would much prefer. At least Horgeer is gentle to me.

  This was the third attempt at the mating ritual and I was still unsure how I really felt about it. Sure, I was happy at the moment because of what Ece had been planning to do but I was also as mad as hell at being, effectively, forced into sex trafficking. However, there were conflicting thoughts that came along with my anger.

  Horgeer was gentle and he genuinely seemed to care about me. I have watched him closely, seen the conflict dart across his face at times. I still believe he is also as unwilling as I am at times. Yet, he treats me kindly, as though trying to make up for this terrible situation and I am thankful for that as my heart softens towards him, as my own conflict grows.

  The guards, on the other hand, are horrible, each sneering at me or making lewd gestures whenever they could but always behind Horgeer’s back. Somehow, I suspected there would be trouble from Horgeer if he knew that the guards held me in such little favor and wondered at how I could work this information into our very brief post-coital conversations.

  The familiar sound of the airlock releasing makes me look up. Horgeer enters my cell and I move towards the bed. Even at this early stage, I know the routine.

  Occasionally a guard activates my collar, seemingly for fun. So, already, I was fearful of the jolt of electricity, of the ultimate power held over me. Even though Horgeer seemed gentle, to be almost on my side, I knew that the tides could change very quickly. I didn’t want to feel his wrath towards me since he appeared to be the only person on my side in this god-forsaken place.

  There were no pleasantries as we readied for mating. I took off my clothes as Horgeer took off his. It was a means to an end.

  I lay back on the bed, my legs out straight. If he wants me, he would have to initiate some form of foreplay. It was my only resistance, a small dominance over the situation.

  Plus, Horgeer always complied.

  Leaning over me, I could feel the heat of his cock brushing my legs. His fingers, so much like human ones, yet also rounder, more feline in composition, felt like velvet against my skin. I was tempted to reach up, to feel the
sleek honey-colored fur that covered most of his body.

  Horgeer was handsome, I suppose. If you were into cats. And, I was into cats. Although, I had always been into petting them, and feeding them, and looking after them, not into having sex with them, thank you very much.

  But, Horgeer looks more human than animal, his long arms and legs were tight with muscles that move under his skin with a lithe appeal that makes me think of elite athletes.

  He works my nub, rubbing it slowly, barely touching it in the way I like so much. I am surprised he has worked out so quickly how I preferred to be touched. I writhe under his fingers, my legs beginning to splay outwards, revealing my inner flower to him.

  I reach up, the temptation to touch him too great now and my fingers rest gently, naturally, on this shoulder. The muscles there bunch under my touch and my breath catches in my throat as I realize that this is the first time I have done this. His skin, his fur, is exactly how I thought it would feel under my tentative touch. It reminds me of horsehair as it fights to lay flat against his skin.

  I look up and find that Horgeer has paused. He is staring at me, appearing not to breathe as well. We stared at each other, caught in this breathless act as though we might startle each other, one triggering the other to dash away. However, I couldn’t imagine wanting to flee this moment as Horgeer’s liquid eyes, with their feline-shaped pupils, observe me. I offer up my own soul, not blinking or faltering from his gaze.

  If I am going to be stuck here in this alien hell, then the least I can do is bond with the creature who has ownership of me.

  Chapter Eight: Horgeer

  Her touch has shocked me. It takes everything I have, every impulse not to devour her, to ravish her as she touches me, as it ignites a passion deep inside of me. Her fingers on my skin sizzles and I want to ravish her in a way that I never thought possible given our current situation.

  Beth’s gaze catches on mine, as though it is trapped by me as much as her body is here in this aircraft. Yet, she doesn’t seem to be repulsed. Instead of hate in her expression, I see something akin to what I believe could be wonder.

  Could Beth be interested in me?

  I am shocked by the notion, wondering if maybe I am only wishing this, that I am projecting my own wants onto this poor, frightened Earthling. After all, I can feel it already, my compulsion to be attracted to her.

  Ece has told me that this could happen, considering it was my first time with a woman. He has also heard rumors of Ocheks falling for humans before. I didn’t believe it at first, wondering if maybe Ece was just messing with me. However, now I did. Oh, how I believed it.

  Over the course of three rotations of the sun, I had discovered that Beth was something I could consider a prize. No, if I am being entirely truthful with myself, she was more than that. She was someone that I was developing feelings for.

  And, that made no sense at all.

  To avoid thinking about my confusing emotions regarding Beth, I finally break eye contact with her. I blink slowly, my third eyelid lazily taking over my eyes before the other lids follow.

  It does the trick and Beth is startled by the action. Quickly, I duck my head down, my tongue reaching out as I dive into her nether regions and taste her salty center. She likes it when I do this, it makes her squirm underneath me as I lick her soft folds.

  A familiar sound starts in the back of her throat and it reminds me of my own kind, the sound of contentment we make when we are truly satisfied. It makes me want her even more.

  She arches her back slightly. I can feel her hesitation and wonder if she is as conflicted regarding her feelings for me as I am about her. Would she act more wildly, would she buck out in unrestrained abandonment if she was allowed to show her true feelings for me?

  I lap at her folds, once again trying to distract myself from overthinking the situation. We are in this together and there is no getting out of it, regardless of how we feel towards each other. My race is nearing the point of no return when it came to extinction and my job is to impregnate this woman, most preferably with female offspring. Beth was merely my servant to the occasion. By pretending we had feelings for each other, I guess it made the situation much more bearable.

  Beth’s knees part and she pushes herself further into my open mouth. I stick my tongue inside of her, the delicious salty taste of her making me want to purr in ecstasy.

  She is wet. Not just because of my actions but because her own juices are flowing freely and I can feel her muscles pulsing around me.

  Reaching up, I enter her tunnel with one finger and she grinds into my touch. She is so ready that I have the urge to thrust deeply into her. Desire rises up in me, the need to be wild and rough with her, not because I want to hurt her but because I want to bring her joy.

  Standing, I pull my finger out of her warm, wet opening and prepare to enter her properly. Looking down on her, I can see her breathing heavily, her eyes closed. I wondered if she thinks of me during the act or if there is someone else in her mind. The idea of her pretending that I am someone else makes me jealous and a small, gruff roar threatens to escape my throat.

  Beth stiffens underneath me at the stifled sound. She opens her eyes once more and frowns. For the briefest moment, I can see a flash of fear, as though she has suddenly been reminded of just how different I am to the sort of men she is used to.

  I instantly feel bad. Reaching down, I touch her again, my fingers probing, always mindful of making sure my claws are retracted, that I feel more like one of her own kind and not the strange beast that she likely thinks I am.

  She closes her eyes again, the wrinkle of her forehead smoothing out as she returns to the raw sensation I am producing.

  Once more, I withdraw my touch. This time, I enter her before I can contemplate our situation further. Her legs relax outwards as I penetrate and her muscles contract slightly. It is always like this, as though she is tensing up with fear. I sensed it the first time she saw my cock and I sense it now. I know it is enormous for her kind, that she would likely be worried I will cause her damage.

  However, her initial fear is always replaced by a slackening of her internal muscles as I move slowly. Ever so gently, I push into her, allowing her to adjust to my size, to relax underneath me.

  Pulling back just as slowly, I begin my measured pace, the one that will cause her the least amount of anxiety and that will also help to push me over the precipice into ecstasy. Usually, it only took a few thrusts to complete the required task. This time was no exception.

  As I finish, I allow a few moments of shared relaxation as my body sags over hers. Watching Beth, I wonder if she needs her own release.

  Pulling free from her body, I lick my fingers before seeking her out. Her legs are tense as I reach for her core. Touching her I feel the slick of my spit against her warm nub. A small groan escapes her lips and I am encouraged to pursue my endeavor.

  Rubbing around her center, I add a brief flicker of one finger across the top. She shudders under my touch. I bend down, as she moves into me. Kissing her thigh, I continue to work her and I can hear her breath quickening. My tongue flickers out and dances along her skin, the taste becoming as familiar as her scent now is to me.

  Beth’s back arches into my efforts and I can feel her muscles bunching under my kisses. Moving quicker, my fingers work around her center, faster and faster. I slip one finger inside of her and feel the slickness as her breathing quickens.

  Her muscles gather around my touch and I continue to move as I feel her release when it comes. Her juices wash over me along with the rhythmic pulsing of her climax. Finally, a moan escapes her lips as she shudders and reaches out for me, her own fingers tangling in my long hair.

  I groan out my own response.

  Chapter Nine: Beth

  Lying on the bed, my whole body feels sated, which is strange considering not only am I an alien abductee but I had just been finger-fucked. Normally, it would take a whole lot more of the toe-curling variety of sex to make m
e feel this way.

  I smile, even though I try not to. Against everything that has happened, I think I am happy. Not the kind of joy that I expected I was supposed to be considering I am successful in my occupation, or because I have a roof over my head and enough money to afford regular overseas holidays. No, I am unexpectedly happy. And, somehow, that was better than any sort that money could buy.

  Who would have figured that it would take forced sex to make me realize that life could be sweet? I cringe just thinking about it which puts a slight damper on my mood.

  “Are you alright?” Horgeer asks and I open my eyes as I sit up.

  “Actually, I think I am,” I say with what I imagine is a peculiar smile plastered across my face.

  Horgeer risks a small smile in return as he stretches for his clothing. “I am glad to hear that.”

  I reach over, my fingers tracing Horgeer’s arm, feeling the softness of his fur, a strange texture under my touch. “Thank you.”

  I blush with my words, unsure if I really should be grateful for what he had done both now and previously.

  “Y-you’re welcome.” Horgeer looks confused but doesn’t elaborate.

  “No, really, thank you,” I continue. “With everything I have been through since being taken, you could have been horrible to me, like the guards are. Instead–”

  “What do you mean?” Horgeer interrupts. My fingers freeze on his arm as he lurches towards me. He grabs me, as though enforcing his words with his actions. It startles me and I shrink away from his touch. Instantly, Horgeer releases me and sits down on the edge of the bed. “Sorry,” he mumbles contritely.

  I take a deep breath and reach out to him once more. For some inexplicable reason, I just can’t seem to stop touching him. His sleek fur feels like velvet and I addictively cherish it.


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