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Stage West - Dalton

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by Annie Pelle

  Dalton replied “Yes, I think it is a great excuse to show off more about Matthews International to prospective clients. There are going to be some stock breeders here, it should be a great time. Except Lindsay invited Sarah to the party. I couldn’t believe it, she didn’t tell me until it was too late. I didn’t want her to be there.”

  Nick was stunned “Why not?”

  Dalton looked exasperated “Are you kidding me? Come on Nick, she isn’t family, why should she be here? She doesn’t belong at this party, she isn’t pretty, she won’t dress right, and she’s an embarrassment. Birthday parties are for people that are your friends and you want to be around them. Sarah doesn’t qualify for that at all. If I never saw her again, it would be fine with me. Maybe she will get sick and can’t come. Look I have got to run, see you at the party.”

  Nick stammered to correct Dalton that Sarah was already at the ranch but Dalton was gone before he could say anything. Nick recalled Dalton’s expression that day that Sarah had been in the barn to name Star Dancer, now it made more sense. How could Dalton not like Sarah? Nick wondered.

  Sarah had heard it all though and was devastated at what she had heard. Silent tears were rolling down her cheeks as she hung her head in misery. I have to get back to the house without anyone seeing me she thought I am glad the stable is almost deserted now. She hurried back to the house and used the back stairs to get to her room. Her room, Sarah laughed sadly, not anymore. Sarah rushed to get her belongings back into her suitcase.

  Thankfully the catering trucks had arrived and Gabby was busy with them so Sarah could make it to her car unobserved. Sarah drove rapidly away from Stage West hoping that no one she knew would be coming up the drive way and ask where she was going. She didn’t have her explanation ready yet.

  Sarah carried her suitcase into her apartment and shut the door. The pain of the morning came rushing to greet her as she remembered Dalton’s words. Tears poured down her face and the sobs soon followed. “I thought all the Matthews were my friends. Sure, I didn’t know Dalton all that well but I didn’t realize his opinion of me was that bad.” Sarah said to her empty apartment. As the tears dried up, Sarah tried to come up with an explanation to tell Lindsay of why she left. Simple is best she thought and went to her phone to send a text to Lindsay. After sending the text to Lindsay she turned off her cell phone and turned off the ringer on her other phone. No one could contact her today.

  Lindsay arrived home about thirty minutes later. Her first stop was her office to finish some last minute work before her and Sarah had their girl time. Sarah was probably still out on the ranch so Lindsay could finish her work and free up the rest of her weekend. Dalton arrived in Lindsay’s office a few minutes later to talk to her about some last minute guests he had invited. After Dalton left, Lindsay went in search of Sarah.

  “Gabby, have you seen Sarah?” Lindsay asked after tracking her down. “I knocked on her door and she didn’t answer, I assume she is still out riding the ranch.”

  “No” Gabby replied, “I haven’t seen her since breakfast.”

  “Ok, thanks, if you see her tell her I am looking for her. I am going to start getting ready for the party.” Lindsay replied as she walked back to the house. As Lindsay walked back towards the house her cell phone beeped with a text message.

  “I went home. Sarah”

  Lindsay quickly rushed to Sarah’s room. It was empty! As she dialed Sarah’s cell number she ran back to find Gabby. The call went directly to Sarah’s voice mail. “CALL ME IMMEDIATELY SARAH” Lindsay cried. “Gabby” she called rushing into the kitchen, “Sarah went home, do you know why?”

  “What?” Gabby cried.

  Lindsay showed Gabby the text message from Sarah. “I just tried her cell and it went directly to voice mail. Did something happen while I was gone?”

  Gabby looked confused “I don’t know, I haven’t seen her in a while. I thought she went down to the barn and then went riding. Try to find one of the hands to see if Sarah went down there.” Lindsay rushed off to find the ranch hand on duty at the barn.

  “Seth, was Sarah down here this morning?” Lindsay asked. Seth answered “Not that I know of, I was not on duty until just a few minutes ago. James might know, he was on duty earlier but he has left for the weekend now.”

  “Thanks, Seth” Lindsay cried. “Is David around?”

  “I am right here, what is wrong Lindsay?” David exclaimed. Lindsay held out her cell phone with Sarah’s text message on the screen.

  “I’m confused Lindsay, why did Sarah go home?” David asked in a perplexed tone.

  “I wish I knew. I have called her cell phone but only got to leave a message” Lindsay said as David pulled her into his arms for a hug.

  “We will figure it out, Lin, I promise. Maybe she got an emergency call from her relatives in Tucson? Do you know how to get in touch with them?” David said as he comforted his sister and tried to imagine what else could have happened.

  “No, David, I never met them and I don’t remember their name. Why did she go home? Why?”

  “I don’t know but we have to get ready for this party. It is important and we have to go. Go get ready and we will figure this out later. I am sure there is a reasonable explanation.” David hoped.

  Gabby was pacing by the door when David and Lindsay came to the house. “Well, what happened?” she cried.

  David answered with a quiet “We don’t know. We will figure it out later ladies, we have guests arriving soon. It is important for Matthews International that this party is a success. This mystery about Sarah is going to have to wait. Try her cell phone again in a few minutes, Lindsay. Send her a text message back. Everybody, go get ready!”

  Lindsay went to her room and got dressed for the party. She tried Sarah’s cell phone a dozen more times but like the first call they all went to voice mail. David knocked on her door to escort her down to the party.

  “Any word from Sarah?” David asked gently. Lindsay shook her head.

  The first of the party guests began arriving and the night got too busy to worry about what went wrong with her best friend. Dalton’s birthday party was a great success and much business would be generated because of it. Lindsay was glad for her brothers but what had happened to Sarah? She was too tired tonight but she would try to contact Sarah in the morning.

  Sunday was a repeat of Saturday. Sarah never returned Lindsay’s calls or text messages. Lindsay sent an email but that went unanswered also. However Gabby did receive an email from Sarah that broke her heart.


  I love you dearly and I promise to keep in touch with you. I went today and got a new cell phone number and I will have a new email address by evening. I will let you know both of those.

  I will not however keep in touch with any of the Matthews, including Lindsay, and I ask that you only tell Lindsay the following: Sarah sent me an email and wanted me to tell you that she was fine.

  Give Lindsay a hug for me; tell her that I love her. Tell her I am sorry and not to worry about me.

  I know, Gabby, that you want me to tell you what happened but I cannot. It is better if you do not know anything. I also would like for you to not tell anyone, including Lindsay, what my new phone number and email address are, it is better this way.

  I promise I will keep in contact with you my sweet Mama Gabby, but please do not share with anyone that we are in contact.

  I love you.


  Chapter 2

  5 years later

  Sarah Dawson reviewed the last minute details of the HQ Service Foundation gala. I will be glad to have this over and done, Sarah thought to herself. “Amy” Sarah called to her assistant, “will you come in here for a minute?” Amy replied with a quick “on my way” and hustled to the door.

  “I have been reviewing the last minute details for the gala. Catering,
entertainment, items for the silent auction, decorations, guest lists. Everything looks finished and ready, is it finished and ready?” Sarah asked.

  “Of course it is Sarah, you are an organization wizard. And with my help and Tyler’s help, we are ready. It is going to be spectacular.” Amy grinned at her boss.

  Sarah was a great boss, she was fair and she was jewel to work with. Sarah handled the details of this party like everything else, professionally and with great excellence.

  “We have not missed anything Sarah so relax. With the article in the newspaper generating interest and this gala, we are going to grow this foundation.”

  “I have been so busy with details for the gala, how many phone calls have we received from the newspaper article?” Sarah asked.

  Amy was glad to give Sarah the report. “The information desk is handling most of the calls and keeping a log of the questions. From the reports on the log, HQ Service Foundation is going to have many supporters but also quite a few more clients.”

  “That is wonderful news” Sarah exclaimed. “Now it is past quitting time, Amy, go home and enjoy your evening. See you tomorrow.”

  “Bye Sarah”, Amy called a few minutes later.

  Sarah began to shut down her office for the day. It has been a great day Sarah thought to herself. The party is in forty-eight hours and then I have a couple of days off. Sarah’s phone rang, “Hi Tyler”

  “Hey Sarah, Greg has a visitor and would like for you to come to the office and meet him. He also wants you to bring an invitation to the gala to give to his visitor and add 2 to the head count.”

  Sarah replied, “I’ll be up to the house in a few minutes with the invitation. Anything else I should bring?”

  Tyler returned, “No, I have already given him the foundation information.”

  “I am on my way Tyler.”

  Sarah pulled out an invitation and headed for the main house on the Davis estate. The Davis estate was several thousand acres. There was an Olympic size swimming pool and outdoor hot tub surrounded by a privacy fence. For recreation there was a stable for the horses but only one horse was housed there at the present time. They had been talking about acquiring more horses and possibly a race horse. There was a residence for the housekeeper and groundskeeper who were married. Sarah’s residence was next to the pool and beside the main house. The remaining building was the office of the HQ Service Foundation.

  The main house was the home of Greg and CeCe Davis. Greg was a movie producer and CeCe was an internationally known movie star. Sarah was the personal assistant to Greg and CeCe Davis. She handled their lives with the help of Amy and Tyler. Tyler was working at the main house today so Sarah could finish up the gala preparations. Greg was the chairman of the board of the HQ Service Foundation but Sarah ran it and was the president. But since Greg and CeCe had the contacts that the foundation needed and could raise the funds the foundation needed, their name was what people would recognize and relate too in regards to the foundation. Sarah was always available to help the Davis family. She loved her job and wouldn’t trade it for anything. She had her dream job.

  Sarah arrived at Greg’s office and knocked on the door. “Come in” Greg replied. Sarah opened the door and went in and saw the man she hoped to never see again. Greg came forward to introduce Sarah to his guest. “Sarah, I’d like for you to meet Dalton Matthews from Matthews International. Dalton, this is my personal assistant Sarah Dawson.”

  Dalton Matthews had not changed in the five years since Sarah had run from Stage West. He was looking at her with the blue eyes that she had remembered. He was tall, muscular and still great looking. The only change was that he was as shocked to see her as she was to see him. He recovered first and held out his hand to greet her. “Hello Sarah.”

  “Hello Mr. Matthews” Sarah replied. Dalton flinched at the formal greeting but Greg was already indicating that everyone should take a seat.

  “As I mentioned, Dalton, CeCe and I put our name on the foundation to bring in the money she needs, but Sarah is the president and the brains behind the foundation. It was her idea and her talent. Sarah, Dalton saw the article in the newspaper and contacted me about the foundation. He wants to attend the gala with his sister Lindsay”

  “That is wonderful news, Greg; we can use all the support we can get. Here is the invitation, I’ll put your names on the guest list and we will see you at the gala.” Sarah said and hoped her presence would not be needed any longer at this meeting. Greg had other items to share with her though. “Dalton has indicated that he would like to know more about the foundation and how Matthews International can assist you. Since it is your foundation I suggested that he meet with you to get his information directly instead of through me.”

  Dalton spoke “If you give me your contact information, I will have my assistant contact you about a time to meet with you. Maybe after the gala?”

  “Yes, after the gala would be best. Here is my direct contact information; I look forward to speaking to you about the foundation.” Sarah gave her best professional smile and handed him her business card. Dalton and Greg quickly concluded their business and the meeting ended. Sarah saw Dalton out to Tyler and indicated that Tyler would show him out.

  Sarah watched until Dalton left the house and returned to Greg’s office. “Do you need anything else from me, Greg?”

  “No, I don’t believe so. What a surprise to have Dalton Matthew’s contact you about the foundation? He is well known in Arizona and can help you tremendously with his contacts.” Sarah smiled and replied that he was sure to be a great help.

  “Is CeCe doing okay today?” trying to change the subject from Dalton.

  Greg answered “Sarah, you know that there are some days that are not so good, today is one of them. She is down for the day. I’d send you to see her but she was asleep.”

  “Bye Greg, I’ll see you tomorrow. Have CeCe call me if she needs me.”

  “Night Sarah, send Tyler home also.”

  Sarah started back to her house on the side of the estate. Dalton Matthews. What was she going to do about that? She would love to see Lindsay again, but not Dalton. Hopefully he would become very busy and not have time to attend the gala or contact her regarding the foundation. As she began to hope, her cell phone rang.

  “Sarah Dawson”

  “Hello Sarah its Dalton”

  No, No, No, this is not happening

  “Hello, Mr. Matthews, what can I do for you? Did you need to speak to Greg?”

  “Sarah” he growled “I have known you for a long time, why are you being so formal.”

  “Mr. Matthews, if you have your assistant contact me tomorrow I can schedule some time to meet with you. I don’t have my calendar in front of me right now.”

  “Sarah, I mean it. Knock off the formal tone with me.”

  There was quiet on Sarah’s end of the phone call.

  “Sarah? Sarah, are you there?”

  “Yes, Mr. Matthews I am here.”

  “Sarah, please talk to me. I am on my way home; I am going to tell Lindsay that I know where you are and how she can contact you.”

  Sarah interrupted “That will be fine Mr. Matthews. Lindsay is welcome to call me.”

  “Sarah, what is the matter with you and don’t call me Mr. Matthews again. You disappeared and now we know where you are and how to contact you. Where have you been? ”

  “I look forward to seeing you at the gala; we hope to raise a considerable amount for the foundation. I am sorry to cut this phone call short, but I have some things to do that I cannot delay.”

  “The only less formal about that sentence what that you didn’t call me “Mr. Matthews” again. Fine. You will hear from me again.”

  “That would be wonderful, Mr. Matthews. Have a great evening.” said Sarah as she disconnected the call.

  Dalton threw his cell phone to the empty seat. “
Mr. Matthews”, Sarah’s tone was so formal. What was going on? She never treated him that way before. Where had she been for five years? And what was he going to tell Lindsay? She was going to be thrilled; she still mentioned Sarah fairly often and hoped she was doing ok. She never understood what happened to make Sarah disappear.

  Sarah had reached her house by the end of the call. She went in and fell to the sofa. Five years and now Dalton knew how to contact her. She really hoped Lindsay would call her but she still didn’t know what to tell her about that day. Lindsay would want an explanation but she couldn’t give her one. She still couldn’t be her friend. The problem still was the same as it was five years ago. Dalton. And now she was going to have to be professional around him for the sake of the foundation.

  Sarah still talked to Gabby and knew that the Matthews’ family was thriving. She knew that she put Gabby in a difficult situation by keeping in contact with her but she couldn’t and wouldn’t give up her Mama Gabby. Gabby and Nathan had come to see her monthly. They knew how she was and where she was working. Nathan still sometimes asked her what had happened but Gabby usually told him to mind his own business. Sarah knew they had not told the Matthews that they kept in contact with her. Gabby and Nathan were coming to the gala as Sarah’s special guests; she wanted them to see her project. The three of them had picked out their clothing on their last visit. Nathan was grumbling about the tux but Gabby was thrilled with her new gown. They would also spend the night of the gala at the hotel.

  Chapter 3

  Dalton arrived at Stage West and went in search of his family, all his family, including Nathan, Gabby and Nick. Everyone had been concerned when Sarah disappeared, they would want to know now that she had been found. Dalton remembered the morning after his birthday party. His sister had been trying to reach Sarah but Sarah had not returned her calls. Lindsay had been worried and inconsolable. Gabby had come in that afternoon and taken Lindsay for a walk to tell her that Sarah had sent her and email and given her a message for Lindsay. The message was brief, “I am okay and do not worry about me.” Gabby would not say where Sarah was if she even knew. No one had ever been to Sarah’s apartment so they didn’t know where she lived. She had disappeared and didn’t want the Matthews family to know why.


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