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Stage West - Dalton

Page 22

by Annie Pelle

  “I love you my Sarah.” He said as he opened the door to leave. “I love you my Dalton.” He walked to his car and turned back to look at her. He placed his hand on his heart so she would know his heart was for her. Then got in his car and drove home.

  Chapter 19

  Monday morning Greg, CeCe and Sarah had a breakfast meeting to discuss their schedules. After the meeting, Sarah called Tyler and Amy to the main house. They came into Greg’s office wished everyone a good morning and sat down.

  “Amy and Tyler there is going to be the need to make some changes around here as soon as possible. CeCe and I will need a new personal assistant and we have decided to have two this time, one for each of us. Would you two like to be our new personal assistants and keep working for the foundation?”

  Amy and Tyler were speechless as their surprised gaze flew to Sarah. Tyler was the first to recover. “What about Sarah?”

  Sarah responded with a completely straight face. “I am going to be getting married and moving.”

  “Married?” exclaimed Amy “To who? When? How?”

  “I am marrying Dalton Matthews. He followed me to Hawaii and we got engaged. We don’t know much more than that yet.”

  Greg brought them back to work. “Sarah will remain with the foundation but Dalton would object to her being gone as long as we are gone sometimes. So will you two think about it, talk to Sarah and then let us know.”

  Sarah, Tyler and Amy walked to the foundation office. Sarah was sure that the questions were just beginning so she asked them into her office and waited. Tyler didn’t let her wait long. “Start talking.”

  “Dalton and I have a history. It was very unpleasant until a few weeks ago. He sent me a bouquet of flowers, remember Amy.”

  “Yes, you said they were a mistake.”

  “Well, when I called to tell him that, he made me see the error in that and he asked me out. We saw each other several times that week. He was much further along in his feelings for me than I was. I was still under the impression that he hated me, so his asking me out was a surprise. Then the Saturday before we left for Hawaii, I told him about my illness and then walked away. I mean walked away from him permanently or so I thought. Greg called him and asked him to Hawaii, which Tyler helped with. He showed up as a surprise to me and I tried very hard to send him away again. But he convinced me to let him stay and after a few a days he proposed and I accepted.”

  Amy was the first to comment. “That is the best love story I have ever heard.”

  “Yes, it is a bit of a dream still.” Sarah replied. “Now, about their offer to you guys to be their personal assistants, what do you think?”

  “We can continue to do both jobs right?” asked Tyler

  “Yes, I will work full-time with the foundation and you all can work when you are able.”

  “What do you think about us being their assistant?” asked Amy uncertainly

  “I think it will be fantastic. I know I leave them in good hands this way. And I get to keep you also. But one you will need to live here on the premises, and be on-call 24/7 no matter what.”

  “Well, we will probably both be on-call 24/7 and that is fine with me.” replied Tyler “But Amy if you want to live here it is fine with me. I have a house I don’t want to sell.”

  “That would work out great for me.” Amy said

  “I guess you have some things to go talk about with Greg and CeCe. Call them and see if they are available. We will begin to train anything you don’t already know and then I will start preparations to move.”

  Tyler and Amy hugged Sarah and left to see the Davises.

  Sarah picked up the phone to call Dustin at the hotel.

  “This is Dustin.”

  “Hi, it is Sarah Dawson.”

  “Hi, How are you?”

  “I’m good. How would like to plan another party with me?”

  “Sure, what kind of party?”

  “A wedding.”

  “Who is getting married?”



  “Yes.” She said with a laugh

  “To whom?”

  “Dalton Matthews”

  “As in the owner of this hotel? That Dalton Matthews”

  “Yes. Can you meet me or us on Saturday to start planning?”

  “Absolutely! Congratulations. You will have to fill me in on this story. At the gala I didn’t see you all together as a couple.”

  “Well, we weren’t. At that time I was avoiding him from some unpleasant past history. Now, well that is over and we got engaged last week.”

  “Wonderful. It will be fun to plan again with you.”

  “See you Saturday.”

  Sarah’s next call was to Dalton

  “Hey babe” he said as he answered his phone.

  “Hi. How are you?” Sarah questioned

  “Better now that I have talked to you. How did things go with Amy and Tyler?”

  “Great. They are with Greg and CeCe now making the final decisions. Amy will probably move into my house.”

  “Good then you can move to the ranch.”

  “Maybe. I may need to live closer than that until the communications can be set up there.”

  “How about living at my suite at the Chambers Hotel?”

  “Speaking of the Chambers, can you and I meet with Dustin on Saturday?”

  “Yes, we can stay there for the weekend if you want.”

  “That would be wonderful if Amy and Tyler have taken over being on-call by then. I’ll know when they get back to the office.”

  “Call me later; I have to run to a meeting. I love you.”

  “I love you.”

  Greg called Sarah to come to the house, if would be easier if they all talked together to make decisions. “Sarah, we have all talked. Amy will move into the house when you have made all your arrangements but no rush. Our new assistants will take over the 24/7 on-call starting now so you are free weekends and evenings. Dalton will be pleased.”

  Sarah blushed and nodded. “It shouldn’t take me long to move. I will make arrangements to move into Dalton’s suite at the Chambers Hotel until the communications are set up at the ranch so I can work either here or at the hotel.”

  “Ok, it looks like everything is a go then.”

  Amy and Sarah walked back to the foundation office again. “Can I talk to you?” inquired Amy

  “Of course.”

  “I am going to miss you. I love working for you and I won’t see you every day.”

  “I am going to miss you too. And Greg, CeCe and Tyler. We had some great times here. But we will still work together just not as face to face.”

  “I’m excited to work with CeCe. She is fabulous to me.”

  “She is the best. I trust you to take care of them for me.”

  “Thanks, we will!”

  “It really won’t take me long to move.”

  “Who cares? Now, show me that ring. I was so surprised to hear your announcement especially after the story you told me about your history with Dalton. I guess he got around that and you forgave him. What about your illness?”

  Sarah shrugged “Well, that is why I thought I had walked away permanently from him. I didn’t want him to have to deal with it. But he says he can handle it, we will see.

  “Are you scared?”

  “Terrified. It will crush me if I hurt him or his family because of this illness.”

  “Did you tell him that?”

  “About fifty times. I kept asking why he would want to be with me if I am sick.”

  “And what is his answer.”

  “He loves me.”

  “I like him already!” Amy replied with some relief

  Sarah had one more request of Amy before going to work. “I want you and Tyler to be the host and hostess at the wedding reception. If you will keep things running smoothly then I won’t have to worry. Will you do it?”
  “It would be my honor.”

  “Thank you.”

  Amy left and Sarah reached to call Dalton but got his voice mail. She left a message that she was not on-call anymore and that her weekend was free.

  Dalton picked Sarah up late Friday afternoon and they checked into the hotel. They were to meet on Saturday with Dustin preparations but tonight it was just the two of them.

  “Do you want to go out for dinner or order into the room?” Dalton asked as they rode the elevator to the suite.

  “Order in. I just want to relax with you.”

  “Excellent idea. It has been a long week without seeing you.”

  “I agree. I have been catching up from being gone, training Tyler and Amy and starting to pack.”

  “That reminds me, Travis is going to come by on Sunday so we can discuss what you need at the ranch and the house.” Dalton stated as they reached the suite.

  “Ok, as long as it isn’t tonight. I want you all to myself.”

  Dalton opened the door so she could enter the suite. Sarah stopped and gasped, “This is even more elegant than the suite in Hawaii.”

  “I keep telling you that I love to live like a king.” Dalton said as he directed her to her suite. “Now, get into comfortable clothes and meet me in the living room.”

  Dalton was stretched out on the couch waiting for Sarah. He had changed into his jogging shorts and no shirt. Sarah came out of the bedroom in her big t-shirt. It covered her to her knees, she looked adorable. He motioned her to come on over with his hand. When she approached he directed her to lie down on him. He gathered her close and kissed her.

  “This feels heavenly my Sarah. To hold you close like this. Can you feel my heart pounding for you?”

  “I don’t know if it is yours or mine pounding so hard.”

  She eased back down to kiss him and he angled his head and broke open her lips to taste her. They could not get close enough they had missed each other so much.

  He ran his hands up and down her back trying to memorize her. He ran his hands up under the back of her shirt and caressed her back. They finally released each other when their hunger had abated slightly.

  “You don’t have much on, do you?” Dalton questioned

  “No. I am comfortable and comfortable doesn’t include lots of clothes.” She said snuggling in closer.

  Dalton groaned and changed the subject. They talked about their week while they waited for their dinner to arrive at the suite.

  “Dalton, I got an interesting phone call this week that I might need your family’s help on if they are willing.”

  “My family?”

  “Yes, a lady named Anna called me this week. She wanted to know if the foundation helped with terminal illnesses in children.”

  “What did you tell her?”

  “At first I didn’t answer her question, but asked several of my own. She is a doctor and a foster mother to a little boy with terminal cancer. He is five and will not live much longer. He has a wish to be a cowboy. He wants to ride a horse. Right now, she says he has the strength but probably not for much longer. Would David let him be a cowboy on the ranch for a weekend? Would your family let them stay the weekend with them?”

  “Let’s call them and ask. They are probably all together eating dinner.”

  Dalton picked up his cell phone and dialed David.

  “Hi Dalton, how’s Sarah?”

  “She’s fine. Are you all together eating dinner?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “Sarah has an important question for you. I’ll let her ask.” Dalton handed the phone to Sarah

  “David, I need a huge favor.” Sarah stated after saying hello

  “Maybe, what’s up?”

  “A woman called me today that needs your help. Her name is Anna and she is a doctor and foster mother to a little five year old boy that has terminal cancer. He wants to be a cowboy. Will you let him come to Stage West for the weekend so he can ride? Can you ask the family if they would mind?”

  There was quiet on David’s end of the call while he asked.

  “Everyone thinks it is a great idea. When?”

  “I’ll call her next week and arrange it. He won’t live much longer so it will be soon. Next weekend if he is able.”

  “Great, just let us know what to arrange.”

  “Thank you all.”

  “No need for thanks.”

  “Bye David” Sarah said as she ended the call and handed the phone to Dalton.

  “You have a wonderful family.”

  “No, we have a wonderful family. You are one of us now.”

  “I like the sound of that.” She said as she snuggled back into Dalton’s arms

  “Tomorrow we will begin to move you into my room until you come to live at Stage West.”

  They dressed for bed and got under the covers. He made sure that she wasn’t sleeping on her bad side. He pulled her over him and gave her a hungry kiss. “I love you sweetheart.”

  “I love you.”

  Chapter 20

  Three months later

  “Only a few more nights apart, my Sarah.” Dalton said into the phone. Dalton was working late on his final day at the office for more than a month. The wedding would be in a few days and then they were going to Hawaii for a month. They would spend some time working but a lot of vacation also.

  “I am very excited for then too my love.” Sarah replied. “I think we are ready. Greg and CeCe are ready to host the rehearsal dinner tomorrow night. I confirmed all the arrangements today.”

  “I have never seen anyone organize as well as you. I now know why Davis Enterprises runs so well. You organized them.”

  “Guilty. I overdo most of the time, but it helps with controlling stress.”

  “Which I am extremely thankful for, I was afraid all of this wedding planning would make you feel bad if it got to be too much.”

  “That is why I kept it simple but elegant.”

  “It will be beautiful.” Dalton replied with a smile in his voice.

  “Tomorrow I am just going to rest so I will feel good for the dinner tomorrow night.” Sarah said changing the subject

  “Yes, I am going to the ranch tonight so that I can meet with the contractor first thing in the morning. They have really made lots of progress on the house this last week.”

  “Good, I want to move in when we get back from our trip. The furnishings are ready to be delivered and Lindsay said she would organize that when the house is finished.”

  “It sounds like we are all set. I’m going to finish here and head home. I love you.”

  “I love you Dalton.”

  Dalton was watching Sarah sleep the morning after the rehearsal dinner. Just a few more hours and she will be my wife. I have dreamed of this moment and it is finally here. She forgave me for the harsh words of five years ago and now wants to join her life with mine.

  Sarah awoke to Dalton watching her. He looked a little solemn for such a joyous occasion. “What is wrong, Dalton? You don’t have a happy look on your face.”

  “I’m very happy. I was just thinking about the last few months since I walked into Greg’s office and saw you again. Sometimes I think about those five years I threw away with my harsh words. We could have been married for years now instead of”

  She placed her fingers over his lips to stop the words. “Dalton those years I was gone were needed. I grew and became the person I am today. If not, we might not have ever gotten married. This is the way it was supposed to work out.”

  “You have the best gift of making me feel better. Thank you!”

  Sarah smiled and laid her head on his chest. Dalton and Sarah did some last minute preparations for the wedding and the trip, then it was time for Dalton to go to Stage West for the night.

  “Dalton, I have something I want you to read when you get home. Months ago, I promised you a love letter and here it is.”r />
  “Can’t I read it now?”

  “No!” she said “Wait until you get home.”

  “Okay, sleep well my love and I am finally going to marry you tomorrow.”

  “I love you, Dalton”

  “I love you my Sarah.”

  Dalton left and went to his car. He was almost too excited to wait until he got home to read the letter but she insisted so he hustled home. His family was waiting for him when he arrived. They asked if there was anything else that needed to be done before the wedding. “No, my Sarah is an organization wizard and she is ready. She plans to rest until all the girls get there tomorrow to get ready.” Dalton excused himself to go to his room. As soon as he closed the door and put his suitcase down, he opened the letter

  My darling Dalton,

  It is finally here, our wedding day is tomorrow.

  I look back on these last few months and I am sure I am still dreaming. From the first date when you almost asked me to marry you until now, you have been a constant steady and wonderful love. All those years ago, I never imagined we would be here.

  Tomorrow I will join my life with yours. You captured my heart and I choose you to love because you are so special. You are special because you are gentle, kind, caring, honest, trustworthy, fun, hard-working and loving.

  You have given me passion, love, support and caring in ways I didn’t know I needed. Tomorrow night when we are able, we will join our bodies as we have longed to do. I can’t wait. I am so in love with you, sweetheart and I am ready to give you my all.


  Dalton read and re-read the letter until he had it memorized. He decided he couldn’t wait until tomorrow to talk to her.

  “I knew you would call me.” She said in greeting

  “I had too. This letter is so special. I must have done something right in my life to have you want to join your life, your heart, your body with mine.”

  “You did do something right. You gave me you.”

  “And you wanted me, I am so honored.”

  “You are going to make me cry. I love you and sweet dreams my love.”

  “My dreams will come true tomorrow.”

  Lindsay and Gabby arrived at the suite before Amy and CeCe. Everyone exchanged hugs and tried not to cry. Lindsay exclaimed “We can’t cry now, we will look terrible for the wedding.”


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