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My Crazy Life

Page 7

by Katrina Kahler

  “Sure, it is!” Frank said. “It makes her totally unique in this world. Or any other world for that matter.”

  I raised a hand to stop Frank from talking. Surprisingly he did stop. Looking at Jimmy I said, “Yeah I’m different, but everybody is different.”

  Nina Note: That sounded so LAME!

  “Well, not identical twins!” Frank offered.

  “Actually they have different personalities,” Ruby said.

  I gave them both my be quiet or else glare. They both stopped talking.

  “Jimmy, I can do things that normal people can’t do. I’m super strong. It takes a lot to hurt me. I can pop out claws or fangs. I can make some weak-willed people do what I want. I can float and stuff.”

  “Wow,” Jimmy said. “My mom was so right…”

  Shaking my head, I insisted. “No, she wasn’t. Not at all. I might be different but that doesn’t mean I am bad or even kind of bad. My kind and others like me serve a purpose on Earth…” I stopped talking for a moment to let what I said kick in.

  “What’s that purpose?” Jimmy asked.

  “To stop Glitters!” Ruby shouted excitedly. She popped her hands over her mouth. “Sorry,” she mumbled.

  “I’m cool,” I told her.

  “What are Glitters?” Jimmy asked. “They sound kind of silly.”

  “Great question!” Frank said. He turned to me. “See, Nixy this man is smart.”

  “Glitters are these creatures that glitter…” I said.

  “Yeah kinda figured that part out,” Jimmy said.

  Frank turned to Ruby. “Man, and I thought I was the slow one.”

  I gave Frank a stern look and held up my fist.

  “Right,” Frank said dropping back. “I will be quiet now.” He made a zipping motion over his mouth.

  “You do have a temper,” Jimmy noted.

  “Yeah, comes from both sides, mostly mom’s,” I admitted.

  Jimmy grinned. “Good I love that you have passion!” He took a deep breath. “Now tell me more about these Glitters.”

  “They are creatures of pure mischief. Normal people can’t see them, but they still manipulate normal humans. They make them do bad and crazy things. Through the centuries they have convinced humans we vampires and werepeople are bad.” Taking a quick breath, I continued, “And some of us have been bad. I guess some of us have bothered humans in the past. Especially the weaker willed of us. While some of us are still selfish twits, none of us hunt humans anymore.”

  “Oh wow,” Jimmy said. He took my hand. “So we hunt you...but you don’t hunt us.”

  Shaking my head. “No. We don’t. We figured our energy would be better spent tracking down and stopping the Glitters and other tricky creatures like gremlins and sprites and doing good.”

  Jimmy nodded. “Makes complete sense to me!” He was quiet and deep in thought for a minute, and then he smiled. “How do we do it?”

  I shrugged. “I have no idea. When we see Glitters we stop them.”

  “Why don't you hunt them down?” he asked.

  “We’re trying but they are hard to find, being invisible it makes them hard to see,” I said.

  “But now you have a hunter on your side. At least a hunter in training” Jimmy said. “I bet I can convince my mom.”

  I shook my head. “Let’s not tell any of our parents,” I said. “At least not yet. My mom can be stubborn.”

  “My mom also,” Jimmy said.

  “It’s agreed we keep our friendship a secret,” I said, “for now.”

  Jimmy smiled. “Agreed, it’s best for all.”

  “Especially you two!” Frank said.

  I didn’t argue because he was right.

  “Still if you need help with these Glitters, ask Ruby text me and I will be there!” Jimmy said.

  “Sounds like a plan!” Frank said.

  Jimmy looked at Frank. “Now what is your story, my large friend?”

  “My dad made me in a lab,” Frank said.

  “Why do I believe that?” Jimmy grinned.

  “Cause it’s true,” Frank said.

  “That is so cool!” Jimmy gushed.

  “Of course, it is, my dad’s lab has great air conditioning!” Frank said.

  Jimmy, Ruby and I laughed.

  Nina Note: Well that went about as well as it could have gone. I felt so happy that Jimmy knew the truth about me. I felt even happier that it didn’t scare him. I know mom said that Hunters can’t be trusted but I believe she is talking about the old breed. The old people. I know I can trust Jimmy just like he knows he can trust me. I knew we were all stronger together. Yeah, that sounds so corny but it makes sense!

  Chapter 14: The Clash

  Jimmy separated from Frank, Ruby and me about three blocks from our houses. Ruby, Frank and I hung back while Jimmy walked home. We didn’t want to give either of our mom’s any clues that we were friends.

  Just hanging out on the corner by a weird looking three-story orange house with a red roof we heard. “What’s the nerd crew doing hanging out here?” It was the familiar voice of Barb Bash.

  Sure enough, we saw Barb coming down the sidewalk towards us. She had a guitar strapped to her back.

  “You play guitar?” Frank asked, pointing to the guitar.

  “Nah, I just carry it around for exercise,” she quipped.

  “Oh,” Frank said mouth agape. “Cool.”

  Barb walked by Frank to Ruby and me. “Why are the cute ones always so dumb?”

  “He’s not dumb, he’s trusting!” Ruby protested.

  “Nah, I’m with Barb on this one,” I said.

  Focusing down the street. Barb saw Jimmy walking away. She put two and two together. “What is this some sort of secret meeting?” Her face lit up. “Oh, my. You two like each other, but this is some of Romeo and Juliet thing where your parents don’t like each other.”

  “Only our moms,” Frank corrected.

  Barb pulled out her phone. “Okay, what’s in this for me?”

  “Excuse me?” I said.

  “What do I get for not going to Facebook and posting this story of two star-crossed lovers? Not only will your moms be upset, but most of the girls in school will also hate on you for stealing Jimmy from them.”

  “I didn’t steal Jimmy from anybody!” I said, stomping my foot down.

  Barb grinned. “That just confirmed my theory.”

  Nina Note: You don’t have to be a monster or a Glitter to be bad. But you know, I kind of had to give Barb respect for this.

  “You’re not even on Facebook or snapchat or Instagram!” Ruby said.

  “Oh, I will so join them all,” Barb said.

  “Do you really think people will believe that?” I said. “You have no actual proof!”

  Barb crossed her arms. “Please. You know how easily public opinion is changed by rumors. You’re the pretty new girl who doesn’t want to be a cheerleader. The cheerleaders are just looking for any reason to make your life miserable. They are rotten people pretending to be sweet. At least I’m not pretending.”

  I grinned at Barb. “I respect that,” I said.

  “Thanks,” Barb said.

  “So, what do you want from me to keep quiet?” I asked her.

  Barb looked up at the sky. “Hmm. I really don’t know. I just know this is great.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile before,” Ruby said.

  Barb nodded. “I don’t doubt it. I’ve never had much to smile about before, but now I have Ms. Perfect new girl…”

  She pulled her guitar around and started making up a song about the perfect new girl.

  “Enough okay! And besides, I do have a name,” I told her.

  “Yeah I like Ms. Perfect new girl better,” Barb sang.

  “It does have a ring to it,” Frank offered.

  “Just PLEASE tell me what you want from me!” I said firmly and loudly.

  Barb lifted her arms and shrugged. “You know, I don’t really know. I just kn
ow I will know when I know.”

  “Wow, you just said know a LOT!” Frank said.

  Barb stood there stone-faced. “Yes, I am almost giddy with anticipation of what I am going to ask of you.” She crossed her arms. “Here’s the story. I don’t know what I want yet.”

  “Yes, that is clear,” I said.

  “But when I do know I will tell you and you will do it,” Barb said.

  “As long as it’s not illegal,” Ruby added.

  Barb smirked. “Hey, I make the rules here. I’m the one who holds all the cards.”

  “Deal,” I told Barb offering her my hand.

  Barb turned and headed towards the orange house. “I trust you.”

  We watched Barb walk into the house.

  “Why didn’t you mind wipe her or something?” Ruby asked me.

  I started walking towards my house. “You know, this might sound weird but I kind of respect her… in an evil genius kind of way.”

  “What stops her from blabbing and telling?” Frank asked.

  “The second she does that she loses all power over me,” I told him.

  “Oh right, great point!” Frank said.

  Nina Note: I didn’t really love the fact that Barb had something on me. But really when I looked at the bigger picture...letting Barb keep my secret and giving her a feeling of power was no big deal. As troublesome as a smart mean girl could be, she still wasn’t quite as bad as Glitters or for the matter - evil cheerleaders.

  Chapter 15: Girls’ Night Out

  That night as I sat in my room doing my homework, I got a text from Ruby.

  Ruby>I think I got something!


  Ruby>You are looking for dark mummies, right?


  Ruby>There’s an old amusement park outside of town


  Ruby>It shut down like 20 years ago


  Ruby>My mom says even when the place was open it was creepy

  Ruby>So if I were a dark mummy that’s where I would hang out

  Nixy>I will check it out.

  Ruby>U want me to come?

  Nixy>No 2 dangerous! I’ll talk to my mom

  I found mom in her room meditating. She sat in her favorite chair her eyes closed. One eye popped open when I strolled in.

  “You need something, my dear?” she asked me.

  “Actually, I’ve been thinking, mom.”

  “Good. Your father and I raised you to think,” Mom said, still just one eye open.

  “There is an old amusement park just outside of the city. It closed down decades ago,” I said.

  Mom’s other eye popped open. “My daughter that is brilliant. That is a perfect hiding place for dark mummies!”

  “It is?” I said surprised. Regaining my composure. “It is…” I said calmly.

  “Yes, a place that used to bring joy and now is dark. Dark mummies love that kind of stuff,” Mom said standing up. “And I bet they had cotton candy there.”

  She walked over to the window and opened it up.

  “Come on, let’s fly there!” she said.

  Mom didn’t have to ask me twice. I jumped at any chance to fly.

  Nina Note: I can’t express enough how much I just love the feeling of freedom when I fly. This time felt extra exhilarating knowing that we had a lead on the dark mummies and these bad mummies could tell us where the Glitters were based.

  Flying through the air I asked mom, “How do we make the mummies talk?”

  Mom winked at me. “We are vampires we can be very persuasive.”

  “Yes, but does our hypnotic voice work on Mummies?” I asked.

  “No. Of course not.” Showing me her fangs, mom said, “But our teeth do!”

  Racing through the air we made it to the old amusement park in no time. We landed just inside the locked fence meant to keep out trespassers. Truth be told I had no idea why anybody would want to come to this dark decrepit place. All that remained were stands that use to hold and support merry-go-rounds, Ferris wheels, and scramblers. The rollercoaster rails remained standing, but they looked as if a good gust of wind could take them down. A few carnival booths still remained, the paint cracking and covered in cobwebs.

  “So gross,” I said.

  “Exactly,” Mom said. “The type of place is perfect for dark mummies.”

  “How do we find them?” I asked.

  Mom sat legs crossed on the ground. “We let them find us,” she said. Pointing to the ground a spark flew from her finger creating a little fire. Mom grabbed an old stick that had been lying around. She reached into one of her pockets and pulled out a marshmallow. She popped the marshmallow on a stick and held it over the fire.

  “You carry around marshmallows?” I said.

  “Mumford gave them to me. Just in case.”

  “Will this work? Are mummies really that attracted to marshmallows?” I asked. “I thought these guys liked cotton candy?”

  “GiVe It To uS…” a few voices moaned in eerie harmony.

  “Yep,” mom said. “They are.”

  Looking over my shoulder I saw five mummies wrapped in dirt bandages staggering towards us with arms extended.

  “Can’t they tell we’re vampires?” I whispered to mom.

  Shaking her head mom said, “Nah, marshmallows make them extra stupid.”

  “gIvE iT oT Us…” the voices moaned growing ever closer.

  I stood up and turned to the mummies. Making a fist I said, “I’ll give you something.”

  The mummies stopped their approach. “You are not humans,” one of them said.

  “Hand over the marshmallows,” another moaned.

  “What does it matter, we have them outnumbered five to two, let’s just take them!” another said.

  Mom stood up and ate the flaming marshmallow in front of them. “I like those odds,” mom told them.

  The mummies mouths all dropped open. None of them had any teeth left.

  NINA NOTE: I guess that’s why they like soft sugar products so much you can chew on them without teeth.

  “They think they are tough! Let’s get them!” one of the mummies said with a stomp of his foot.

  The mummies lumbered forward slowly. Their arms still extended.

  Mom crossed her arms and looked unimpressed. “Look, guys, this ends with you giving me the information I want. You can either do this the hard way or the easy way.”

  The mummies stopped their approach. “You already ate the sweet we crave!” one of them moaned.

  NINA NOTE: Mummies really moan a lot.

  Mom reached into her pocket and pulled out a handful of marshmallow.

  “Hey, why didn’t you tell me we had marshmallows?” I said.

  Mom smiled at me. “Saving them for our friends here. Don’t worry we have more at home.”

  The mummies all exchanged glances.

  “What stops us from pummeling you and taking our prized sweets?”

  Mom picked up and old metal rod that had been lying on the floor. Mom stuck the rod into the fire. Pulling the rod out, mom grabbed the red-hot end of the rod with her hand. Mom laughed. “It tickles.” To further her point she tied the metal rod into a knot. She tossed the rod to the mummies’ feet. “I don’t pummel easily,” she told them.

  “Oh, I so hate vampires!” one of the mummies moaned. “Always showing off.”

  “We have no blood left for you!” another mummy shouted at mom.

  Mom shrugged. “Don’t care. I just want some information from you.”

  One of the mummies pointed at me. “The young one, she’s not a total vampire. She has animal blood in her. She’s a hybrid.”

  “That is impressive,” another of the dark mummies said. “Truly one of a kind.”

  I unsheathed my claws and showed them to the mummies and threatened, “I love cutting up bandages.”

  One of the mummies raised both of its arms. “Enough with the theatrics. We get it. You two are powerful. You have
sweet-savory cubes of flavor.”

  “They are called marshmallows,” another mummy whispered to him.

  “I thought you guys like cotton candy,” I said.

  “We doooo.” One of them moaned. “Only the candy machine broke years ago and it wasn’t under warranty! Now we need the other sweet sugar!”

  “We want them. What do we have to do for them?” another mummy asked.

  “Tell us were the Glitters are based,” Mom ordered.

  “Really?” one of the mummies said. “That’s it?”

  Mom pointed to her fangs. “Does it look like I am joking?”

  “No, but that’s so easy!” one of the mummies laughed.

  “You really should have figured it out,” another said.

  “Tell us or I will rip you all apart for fun!” Mom shouted.

  “Mom, chill pill, chill pill!” I said. “Totally dead mummies can’t talk.”

  “The young one is right,” one of the mummies said.

  Mom shot forward in a blur and lifted the mummy off the ground with one finger. She showed the mummy her fangs. “Talk!”

  “It’s the antique store on main! We thought that would have been obvious.”

  Mom dropped the mummy and tossed them all the marshmallows.

  “Yes, they are right. That should have been obvious!” Mom said. She punched a fist into her hand. “Should we pay these Glitters a nice visit?” she asked. She looked at me. “Wait isn’t that antique store owned by the mom of that boy you wanted to be friends with.”

  I held back a gulp. “I believe so…” I started to sweat.

  Mom put her arm around my shoulder. “See, now aren’t you glad I told you to avoid that boy!”

  “Yeah, ha, soooo glad,” I said.

  Mom sniffed me. “Why are you sweating?” she asked.

  “Just anxious about stopping these Glitters” I replied.

  Nina Note: The good news was we now knew where the Glitters most likely were. The bad news was, that place was owned by Jimmy’s mom. Which would have been bad enough if she wasn’t a vampire hunter! I would have to handle this very carefully. I just didn’t know how.


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