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Stone Sober: A Hawke Family Novel (The Hawke Family Book 3)

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by Gwyn McNamee

  His hand falls away, and he chuckles. “You already apologized, Nora. Several times. It's fine.”

  I never expected Stone to be gracious. Given the few things my sister and Savage have told me about him, it always made him sound like he was kind of an arrogant jerk.

  “It's nice to finally meet you.” His eyes roll down my body, and a rush of heat floats across my skin. I get naked in front of hundreds of men a week for a living, but this one checking me out in the sun dress I'm wearing has me blushing like a school girl.

  Geez, Nora, get a grip.

  “It’s nice to meet you, too.”

  Actually, a lot nicer than I had anticipated. And I certainly never thought I’d find him so attractive. But there’s just something about him…

  He tosses back the remainder of his drink. “Are you having a good time?”

  I shrug and glace at Mom over my shoulder. “I guess that depends on what you mean by good?”

  It would be a lot better if she kept her mouth shut, but I'm not about to tell Stone that. It would open the door to more talk about school. And that topic is firmly off-limits.

  He grins and follows my line of sight. “Yes, I met your mother. I understand exactly what you're saying. These things can be a little bit overwhelming, as can family in general.”

  I laugh and run a hand through my hair, pushing it back off my face. “That's an understatement. I thought my family was bad, but your family is very…what's the word?”

  He leans in and sets his lips next to my ear in a far too familiar manner. “Passionate?”

  When he pulls back, he offers me a conspiratorial wink that goes straight to a part of my body I haven’t felt much from in almost two years.


  I clear my throat and look anywhere but at him. “That's one way of putting it. My sister fits right in, I guess.”

  Stone tosses his head back and laughs loudly, drawing the attention of the people milling about around us. “Yes, Dani can certainly hold her own. She's good for Savage. He needs somebody like that in his life.”

  I don’t disagree with him, but I’m a little surprised by his insight. From what Dani tells me, he doesn’t exactly spend a lot of time or share a lot of love with Savage. And it sounds like it goes beyond the typical brotherly angst.

  The strange dichotomy between what I’ve heard and how Stone’s acting right now makes me want to know more. Why does everyone think he’s such a d-bag?

  “So… Dani tells me you’re a lawyer?”

  His eyes narrow slightly, as if he’s searching for something in my question. “If I confirm that, will you hold it against me?”

  I smile at him and shake my head. “Not as long as you don't hold my profession against me.”

  I’m assuming he knows I dance. Mom seems to be the only one who I’ve managed to keep in the dark about it. Bless her heart, the woman is not very observant. I’m sure if she paid enough attention, she would have realized something major has changed in the last year.

  That wicked grin makes another appearance. “Fair enough.”

  “What kind of law do you do?”

  He shrugs as if his work isn’t important. “Mostly criminal defense, high-profile stuff, but I do some civil work too.”

  “Oh, high-profile, huh?” I'm not sure if it's meant to impress me or not. It's hard to gauge whether Stone is just being friendly and answering my questions or if he's trying to get in my pants. He could just be naturally charming and flirtatious. Or he could be the dog Dani warned me he is.

  “Yeah, most of it. The firm I work for has been around for quite a long time. It’s one of the largest criminal defense firms in the nation, but I also do a lot of pro bono work for clients who can't afford to hire lawyers.”

  Wow. I certainly wasn't expecting that. I didn’t think Stone was the pro bono type, more the I-only-do-something-that-benefits-myself type. At least, that’s the impression I got from what I’ve been told.

  Why in the world does everyone have an issue with this guy?

  I mean, I guess I can see how some people might think that he’s arrogant. In most cases, arrogance isn’t warranted. Like with all the guys I knew in school.

  But with Stone, just the way he carries himself and talks makes you believe every word out of his mouth is true and that any problems that arise, he can fix. I can't put my finger on the right word to describe his presence. It's like he fills up the entire space and swallows you into him. I can see how it makes him great at his job. Juries must love him.

  But there’s a difference between being arrogant and sucking your own dick. Stone might be confident, but in his case, I don’t think it’s unwarranted or to stroke his own ego. He’s just a man who gets what he wants and always succeeds. I can see that after three minutes talking to him.

  Yet he has a heart under all that bravado.

  Imagine that.

  She can't hide her surprise when I tell her about my pro bono work nor has she been able to cover up the way she's been reacting to my flirting with her the last few minutes. The flush over her alabaster skin, and the way she’s chewing on her bottom lip, makes my dress pants suddenly feel a little confining.


  Who would have thought I’d find something so interesting and unexpected tonight? Weddings and everything about them are a pain in the ass. Courthouse, justice of the peace, I do…that’s the way I’ll do it if I ever fall down that rabbit hole. This whole horse and pony show is a bit over the top, if you ask me.

  I was just about to write off this dinner and slip out to find something more entertaining when Nora backed into me and surprised the fuck out of me. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined my first time meeting Nora would be like this. From the little I know about her, I guess I always envisioned her as a younger version of Dani. And while they certainly look alike—the same blonde hair and intriguing blue eyes, same long legs and pale skin—Nora seems to be absolutely nothing like the older Eriksson.

  How can she be so incredibly different from her sister?

  Nora is a born submissive. That much was clear almost immediately—from her calling me sir, apologizing repeatedly, avoiding eye-contact, and fidgeting under my assessment. She senses what I am and is responding naturally. It's also just as clear she has no idea what she is.

  Everything about her screams innocent. There’s no way she’s ever been with a Dom or even explored her submissive tendencies. I have a hard time even believing she actually works for Savage and Gabe at the club.

  Dani seems the more likely candidate to work the pole than Nora, but Dani is about as far from submissive as anyone I've ever met in my life. I don't know how Savage does it considering he’s almost as much of a control freak as me. But what I said to Nora is true, Dani is good for him. I’ve never seen him this happy, and I truly am thrilled for them. What they have would never work for me, though. Dani is demanding and pushy, and that works for them, but it’s far from what I’m looking for.

  But Nora…she’s…perfect.

  Well, she would be, if not for the fact that she’s off-limits. Dani already told me, in no uncertain terms, that I need to keep my eyes and hands off her before I even met her. And now I see why. She’s magnificent. I can’t even imagine what she looks like on stage.

  My cock swells with that visual, and I have to shift my stance to avoid having a massive boner pointed right at Nora. That’s very ungentlemanly. Not to mention, her mother is standing right there, too.

  Down boy.

  Even if she weren’t in the no-fly zone, it would never work anyway, at least, not any longer than a night or two. Not only do we live on opposite sides of the country, but the flack we would get from both our families wouldn’t be worth the trouble. Plus, I don’t have time for anything. Between work at the firm and Dom suddenly needing me for every little thing now that I’m done with school, it’s been a never-ending cycle of phone calls, court appearances, briefs, little sleep, and lots of late nights the last six mo
nths or so.

  The only thing keeping me going sometimes, is the fact that I can unwind and de-stress at one of the clubs with any number of willing and beautiful women. Or lately, maybe go to a party and do a little of the white stuff. I never thought I’d be that guy who did coke. It was for supermodels and drug addicts who can’t handle their shit. But it’s pretty common in legal circles these days. It seems like at least half the lawyers I know use it, at least recreationally, though some have a major issue. Every once in a while, the high it provides is the only thing that can clear my mind and set me free from the bullshit cluttered there.

  I’d love to lose myself in Nora tonight, but that’s not wise, so maybe the little vial in my pocket is the way to go. I palm it with my free hand and work it between my fingers. It’s been a couple weeks. I deserve the release.

  But Christ, I wish it could be with her instead of a drug.

  A loud round of laughter explodes from a group to our left that includes a slew of Hawke cousins, and Nora tosses them a slightly dirty look over her shoulder. “How do you handle this all the time?”

  She doesn’t need to explain her meaning. I laugh and twist my empty glass in my hand. “Well, first, I tune out about ninety percent of what gets said by anyone with the last name Hawke…” The corner of her mouth ticks up into a tiny grin. “Second, I drink…” I hold up my empty glass, and she opens her mouth, no doubt to offer another apology, but I stop her with a raised hand. “And third, I like to find other ways to enjoy the situation and make use of my time.” Like finding a dark closet somewhere to engage in some cardio.

  I’m not totally sure she catches my meaning immediately. Just another thing that convinces me she’s more innocent than many may believe given her job. But after a few seconds, that sexy blush spreads over her cheeks again, and she returns to finding something very interesting about her shoes.

  She ponders them for a second before looking back up at me with a grin.

  It’s a terrible idea. I know it before the words are even out of my mouth. But I can’t stop myself. This may be my only opportunity with Nora and the only way to redeem this day and maybe make the rest of the party more bearable.

  “Perhaps you'd like to join me?”

  The warmth in her eyes disappears, and the look she gives flashes from interest to confusion to something almost resembling anger in a split-second.


  “I think I’ll pass. It was nice to meet you, Stone. This has certainly been enlightening.”

  She turns on her heels and stalks from the room toward the hall. I can practically feel her fuming even as she retreats.

  Note to self: you were right. Stay away from Nora Eriksson.


  Stone Hawke is an ass. There’s nothing else I can say about him without digging out a bunch of four letter words I, unlike my curse-like-a-sailor sister, refuse to use.

  I’ve never met someone so self-centered in my life, and that’s really saying something considering I spent time in the pre-med program. Even future doctors have egos too big for their own heads.

  Like Stone.

  He’s been sitting across from me at the Hawke Sunday family dinner for the last several minutes, practically undressing me with his eyes and acting like a king on his throne while the family fawns over him.

  At least, some of the family. Savage and Dani toss each other occasional looks that give me the distinct impression they aren’t very happy with Stone about something. And every once in a while, Skye will reach over and grip Gabe’s shoulder as if to warn and stop him from commenting.

  Storm, Ben, and Mrs. Hawke seem completely oblivious, though. She’s been prattling on about how happy she is Stone was able to come for a visit so soon. Apparently, he was here about three weeks ago, and no one had expected him back so soon. He’s barely been able to get a word in over his mother’s gushing.

  “I’m just so glad you’re here. I feel like I barely saw you last time.”

  Stone smiles at her and reclines back in his chair. “You were more focused on the baby, Mom, and that’s totally understandable. She’s your grandchild.”

  Mrs. Hawke smiles and nods. “Yes, but you are my baby.”

  Everyone chuckles. Such a mom thing to say, for sure. Mom says the same thing about me when she manages to get me in the same room. I admit, I’ve been avoiding her. I just can’t handle the inquisition anymore. She just doesn’t understand that I’m an adult now and perfectly capable of making my own decisions, ones she may never agree with.

  “Mom, I’m twenty-six years old.” Stone’s comment holds no bitterness, just a hint of amusement.

  “Doesn’t matter. You will always be my baby. Now, everyone, dig in!” She pushes back from the table, which is piled high with a dozen delicious-looking items. “Does anyone need a refill on their drinks?”

  Stone reaches forward with his right hand and grabs the empty wine glass by his plate. “I’ll take another glass, Mom.”

  She smiles sweetly as she makes her way around the table to him and drops a kiss on his forehead before removing the glass from his hand.

  When she retreats, his attention returns to the table. Or more specifically, to me.


  I hate the way he looks at me like he owns me. As if that would ever happen. Of course, he’s beautiful. I would be lying if I said he wasn’t one of the most physically attractive men I’ve ever met, but the ego that radiates from him is something I could never look past. I can’t believe I didn’t see it immediately when we met the first time.

  His blue eyes don’t leave mine until his mother returns with his drink. “Here you go, sweetheart.”

  “Thank you, Mom.” He tips the glass to his lips, opening them to let the wine slip between them. His eyes slide closed momentarily, and a sexy groan of appreciation sounds from deep in his throat. That shouldn’t be so hot, but I find myself having to look away. “This is delicious.”

  Despite my best efforts, I can’t keep my gaze diverted long. It’s like my eyes are drawn to him.

  He opens his eyes, and they meet mine again. The twinkle there heats my skin, and I’m pretty sure I’m blushing. “A flavor this incredible should be enjoyed all night long.” His clear innuendo thrown my way seems to blow past everyone else as they dig in to the meal Mrs. Hawke prepared.

  I shouldn’t have come here tonight. I’ve managed to avoid all the other invites to the Hawke family gatherings, feigning work or family time with Mom. But, Dani requested my presence, saying she needed another “buffer” at the table since Stone was going to be there.

  She didn’t elaborate. But she didn’t have to. Stone and Savage have always had a tense relationship, according to her. I know it has something to do with Dom Abello, but Dani has never really gone into details.

  There’s no reason to. Stone has never really been on my radar. I’ve only met him twice—once at the rehearsal dinner and then again at the wedding. And yes, at first, I thought he was charming and gracious, and I couldn’t understand why Dani had issued me a warning about him. But it wasn’t long before his clear sexual interest in me led to some not so subtle innuendos that showed me his true colors. And then I saw him sneak away with a girl during the wedding reception and return looking rumpled and with a satisfied grin on his face.


  Stone Hawke is the kind of man women either avoided or flocked to, depending on whether they wanted a white picket fence or just a good lay. There was no way he would provide the former, but I had no doubts the latter was well within his wheel-house. He oozes sex and dirty, nasty things. His eyes promise debauchery and depravity, and his lips speak of scandal.

  Staying far away from Stone has been my plan since the moment I saw his true colors. He’s bad news, and I put anything bad behind me. But that doesn’t mean the sexual pull he emits isn’t trying to suck me into his orbit.

  Dani leans over to me. “Why is Stone looking at you like he wants to eat you instead of this meal?”
  I jerk and turn my head toward her to meet her eyes. “I have no clue.”

  “You two never…” She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively, and I smack her shoulder.

  “No!” The word comes out louder than I had intended, and every single pair of eyes at the table land on me.

  Heat spreads up my neck and across my face with my blush. “Sorry.”

  Stone chuckles and smirks at me as if he somehow knows he’s the cause of my fluster.

  “Well, on that note.” He pushes his chair back and stands—his black dress pants and white button-down shirt straining to contain the obvious muscles in his legs, arms, and chest—and holds up his wine glass. “I have an announcement to make.”

  Everyone turns to watch him—some of the gazes holding interest, others harboring unease—and he grins. “I’m not just back for another visit. As of today, I am officially back, permanently.”

  “What?” Mrs. Hawke leaps from her chair while jaws drop on everyone else in the room. “Are you joking? What about your job?”

  He shrugs. “I quit.”

  Savage scoffs. “Did you quit, or did they just finally fire you?”

  “Savage!” His mother’s censure has him biting back whatever he was about to say next as he raises his hands in surrender.

  “No, Savage.” Stone takes a sip of his wine and places his free hand on the back of his chair. “I did not get fired. I quit because I wanted to come home. Everything that happened with Gabe, and now having Kennedy here, I just felt it was time.”

  My eyes flit over to Gabe. It wasn’t that long ago he was in the hospital and in really bad shape. He almost died, and that, combined with his relationship with Skye, created more tension than I care to remember. Savage wasn’t even talking to him for weeks. Talk about awkward. But things have finally seemed to have settled between them, which makes being at work with those two a whole lot easier.

  Mrs. Hawke makes her way around the table until she’s standing beside Stone. “What are you going to do? You don’t have a job here, you aren’t even licensed in Louisiana.”


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