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Stone Sober: A Hawke Family Novel (The Hawke Family Book 3)

Page 7

by Gwyn McNamee

  That doesn’t mean I have to stop worrying, though. Things happened too fast for me to grab the license plate of that truck, and given where we were in the parking lot, I doubt the cameras will have picked up anything useful. Still, I’ll go back and talk to Vance and the other staff so they understand what went down. They need to know there may be someone sketchy hanging out and waiting for the girls when they are alone.

  It isn’t just about Nora’s safety; it’s about the safety of every single woman who works there.

  And now, even though she’s here and safe with me, Nora’s still a million miles away. That won’t do at all.

  “Where’d you go?”

  It takes a minute, but her eyes finally refocus on mine, and the fear I find there chills my blood. Fear is something that doesn’t belong tarnishing such a beautiful face. It’s one of the reasons I’ll continue to deny myself what I want. Because she would fear me too, eventually.

  What are you so scared of?

  “Nowhere.” She shakes her head and forces a tight smile, trying to make light of whatever just happened in her head. But I know something more is going on than just realizing what danger she was in last night. She was scared when I appeared, but she reacted quickly and struck accurately, debilitating me almost instantly. I don’t believe for a second she was frightened enough to cause the distress I just saw in her eyes, even after learning about the sketchy truck being there. No, there’s something else going on. And even if we can’t be together, I’m going to figure out what it is so I can do everything in my power to see that she never gets that look in her eyes again.

  I focus on her and hold her gaze, waiting for her to come clean about where she really disappeared to.

  That bottom lip of hers disappears under her teeth again momentarily and her eyes flick down to the floor before she straightens. “Thank you, for trying to help me. I’m sorry I—”

  “Almost made me a eunuch?”

  She finally cracks a smile, and the way it lights up her face has me leaning in closer. Closer than I should. Closer than is wise when I’m barely clinging to restraint right now.

  My lips hover mere inches from hers…so close, I can see the bottom one quivering slightly.

  Her small hands land on my chest, but I don’t have time to wonder whether it’s to push me away or draw me closer, because the shrill ring of my phone breaks the spell she has cast over me.

  Whoever the douchebag calling me is, he’s about to lose his fucking balls.

  I draw back from her and reach into my pocket for the offending device.


  I turn my back to her and step away a few feet before answering. Nora undoubtedly knows who Dom is. Pretty much everyone does in this town. Between his drug business, the girls he runs on Bourbon Street, and all the other things he has his hands in, he’s basically a household name. Plus, she was there to see Savage’s less than positive reaction when I announced I was moving back and going to work for him. That probably means she also knows what he does, or at least has heard rumors. She doesn’t need to get wrapped up in the kind of business I do with him.


  “Are you on your way?”


  I check my watch. My meeting is in less than half an hour, and all the way across town.

  “Leaving now.” I don’t give him time to ask why I’m cutting it so close before I hang up.

  He would never understand letting a woman interfere with business. In his world, which I guess is mine now too, women are, for the most part, expendable. You have your wife, and you have your side piece, or pieces. The wife stays home and remains either oblivious or turns a blind eye while raising your kids while you’re free to fuck your way through town. I never, in a million years, would have expected a man like Dom to let his wife walk away from him, especially with his son. Women are expendable, but not wives and families. I suspect he loved her more than he ever dared let anyone know and thought living apart would keep his family safe. But I haven’t had the balls to ask him about it, and he never brings it up.

  Regardless of his situation, letting Nora delay me for this meeting would not be explainable or well received.

  I can’t believe I forgot about the meeting. Five minutes later, I would have been late and would have put us in an even worse position by strolling in there, apparently not caring about making him wait. It’s just one of the hundred reasons I need to stay away from her. No distractions.

  When I return my attention to her, she’s back to avoiding my gaze. Her eyes land anywhere else in the room but on me, and she has her bottom lip pulled between her teeth.

  Fuck, I want to bite that lip.

  “I have to go.”

  Really, I need to get the hell away from this girl.

  “Oh, okay.”

  Was that disappointment in her voice? Or is that just hopeful thinking?

  She moves to step around me but I grip her bicep as she passes, stopping her with the side of my body pressed against hers. That damn sugar cookie scent invades my nose again, and I try and fail in not taking a deep breath to bring it all the way into my lungs. Those blue eyes cut up to mine.

  I bring my free hand up to grip her chin, ensuring she can’t look away from me. It’s important she understand what I’m about to say.

  “This can’t happen.”

  She doesn’t move, doesn’t flinch, doesn’t even blink. Nor does she take any time to consider her response. “I know.”

  The words linger in the thick air between us for a moment before I slowly uncurl my fingers from her arm and let my other hand fall from her face.

  Releasing her and letting her walk out of my house is like having the air sucked out of my lungs. I can’t see her anymore, even at the club. It’s becoming an addiction, a way for me to relax and destress from the pressure of working in Dom’s world. Those eight minutes and thirty-seven seconds I see her on stage have become my oxygen, and I don’t know how to breathe without it. But I have to learn.

  The word tense doesn’t even begin to describe the atmosphere in the room, sitting across from Eduardo Castillo. Whatever Dom said to him, anger is a weak term for what the leader of the largest up-and-coming crime syndicate is throwing at me.

  No less than seven armed guards stand at the ready around the room, probably with at least two dozen guns at their disposal, either on their persons or within arm’s reach.

  I came alone and unarmed.

  That’s the way I prefer it.

  A show of force does no good from my perspective. Castillo’s beef isn’t with me personally, and he knows what Dom would do if any harm befalls me.

  Still, that doesn’t make the churning in my stomach lessen. Keeping my cool, at least outwardly, while my blood is thrumming in my veins and pounding in my ears is something I forced myself to learn. It’s essential in the courtroom and in meetings like this.

  Keep it calm and cool, Stone.

  After several moments of silence, and a harsh stare down, no doubt intended to make me quiver in fear, Castillo finally nods at me. “So, Mr. Hawke, what is it I can do for you?”

  I grin and cross my ankle over my knee, trying to demonstrate I’m as relaxed as if we were old friends. “Let’s not play that game. I don’t have time for bullshit. You know why I’m here.”

  One bushy eyebrow slowly raises. “Do I?”

  Fucking prick.

  I give him my best don’t-fuck-with-me stare and wait.

  Another tense minute passes before he chuckles and reclines back in his over-stuffed leather chair. “What is it you expect to accomplish by coming here, Mr. Hawke? I think I made myself pretty clear when I met with your employer last month.”

  I scoff and sit up straighter, using my full size to reinforce the confidence I’m trying to put out. “Telling Dom you have no involvement with his missing shipments, when we all know it’s been you, doesn’t get us anywhere. We need to be honest with each other to ensure other steps don’t need to be taken.”

  My words elicit a grunt from one of the goons behind me, and they all shift a step closer to us.

  “Do you really think coming into my place of business and issuing threats is the way to keep things amenable?”

  The smile I give him is anything but friendly. “That wasn’t a threat. That was an observation of the situation and anticipation of the likely result if the channels of free and open communication are not opened. If I were making a threat, you would know it.”

  He steeples his fingers in front of his mouth and considers me for a moment. “I appreciate your directness, Mr. Hawke. I agree that avoiding any…conflict…is probably in everyone’s best interests. But I wonder what it is you expect me to do here.”

  “I expect you to show some respect for Mr. Abello and his business. I expect you to back off the attacks on his shipments and stop interfering with the docking of his boats in Barataria Bay. Any further actions taken against the organization will result in swift reprisals.”

  A sly smile spreads across his face. “Now that was a threat.”

  Damn right, motherfucker.

  One that should have been issued a long time ago, before it even got to this point.

  “It certainly was. And I suggest you take it to heart and reconsider your current course of business.”

  Castillo appeared during the massive influx of people after Katrina. It didn’t take him long to stake his claim in several areas of the city during the period of unrest. And his rumored ties to the Madrigal Cartel meant there wasn’t much of a fight to him invading territory and setting up shop.

  Until he was stupid enough to mess with Dom. Dom has let it go on far too long, thinking it would never affect him. And now, Castillo has an ego the size of Texas because he’s gotten away with so much for so long without resistance.

  “You can tell Dom I am sympathetic to his concerns, but obviously, I deny any involvement in any unfortunate incidents that may have befallen any of his businesses. If he has a problem, I suggest he look within and clean up his own house before making accusations that could result in war.”

  I rise from my chair and re-button my suit jacket. “If that’s the way you want to play this, just remember, I gave you a friendly warning.”

  Castillo smiles, but it doesn’t touch his eyes.

  This is going to get bloody.

  No way Dom is going to let this guy get away with continuing to fuck with him. Things are out of my hands now. I stay out of the enforcement side of the business. I don’t want to know what goes on. Out of sight, out of mind. Plausible deniability.

  Being the voice of reason is one thing, getting my hands dirty is another.

  They are dirty enough to last me a lifetime already.

  It’s easy to walk out and not look back. He doesn’t deserve my time or any more of my attention. This hard stance he’s taking will only end up with him in a body bag. And frankly, I don’t give a shit one way or the other.

  That’s part of how I’m able to justify what I do for Dom. The people who get hurt always have it coming. He’s ruthless, but he’s not stupid or cruel. He makes decisions based on logic, not rash judgments. It’s the only reason Castillo wasn’t dead the moment Dom’s first shipment disappeared.

  I slide into my car and rev the engine. A light rain hits the windshield as I head back toward Dom’s. He’s not going to like the news I have for him. Thankfully, he’s not one to shoot the messenger.

  My phone rings just as I pull up outside Dom’s building.


  The last twenty-four hours have been full of surprises already. First the nut shot, then Nora showing up, now Savage is calling?

  What the fuck does he want?


  “Stone?” Savage’s voice is gruff and laced with the ever-present exasperation that’s there when he talks to me.

  “Who the hell else would it be?”

  He sighs loud enough for me to hear it through the line. “Don’t be a smartass.”

  “What do you want, Savage? I’m about to step into a meeting.”

  “With Dom?”

  Like that’s any of your business.

  “Yes, with Dom. Why?”

  “Look, I really need to talk to you. There are some things you need to know now that you’re back permanently. Things you should have known a long time ago.”

  The last thing I want to do right now is have a chat with my brother. Whatever Savage has to tell me can wait…indefinitely for all I care.

  “Not now. I need to go.”

  “Fine, but can you come over to the club after you’re done? Gabe and I will be here all night, and it’s probably best if we’re both here when we talk.”

  I’m not going to be able to deal with Savage after the day I’ve had already, let alone when I’m done meeting with Dom. And I need to steer clear of the club for a while if I’m going to stay away from Nora.

  “Not tonight. If you want to talk, we can do it tomorrow night.”

  He lets out an annoyed sigh. “Fine. But be here tomorrow night.”

  I hang up and slam my hand on the steering wheel. Why does my brother always have to be such a demanding asshole?

  I step out into the drizzle. I’m going to need something stronger than a drink before I meet with Savage and Gabe. I sure as fuck hope Dom’s guys have found some shit for me.

  “How did it go over at TWO last night?”

  Gabe’s voice makes me jump. I hadn’t even heard him approaching me at the bar. The bass bumping through the club and the loud partiers tend to make it a little difficult to know when someone sidles up next to you.

  H. E. Double Hockey Sticks.

  No way I’m telling him about what happened in the parking lot. Even if he might get a kick out of hearing that I maimed Stone, he would ream me out for not having an escort.

  Byron eyes me warily across the bar. I’ve already had my talk with him, and he’s apologized profusely, assuring me he would never give that information to a patron. It was only because it was Stone. I can understand that, somewhat, and I know he’s worried I’m going to tell Gabe. I offer him a reassuring smile and turn to my boss.

  “It was okay. Good money. But I prefer working with the girls here who I already know. I’ll still fill in there when needed. I think I have two more nights this week I’m already scheduled.”

  Despite getting some time away from Gabe and Savage…and Stone…working at TWO left a bad taste in my mouth. It wasn’t that there is anything inherently bad there, it just has a different feel and the girls don’t know me. I’m just someone who came in and is taking money from their wallets. I’m comfortable here, where I know the people and the lay of the land. Even if it means having the Hawke boys watching over me like big brothers.

  “I didn’t think you’d like it much. That’s why I didn’t mention it to you originally.”

  I narrow my eyes on him, ensuring he knows I know he’s full of crap.

  He chuckles and winks at me. “Just finish your scheduled nights there and we’ll keep you here unless you tell us otherwise in the future, okay?”


  Byron lines up the drinks I ordered, and I pile them on my tray before meandering over to the table that ordered them. These three have been here all night. They must have dropped at least a grand already between drinks and tipping the girls. So far, they’ve been relatively easy to please, but that tends to change as the alcohol content of their blood increases.

  “Here you go, boys.” I smile and set the drinks in front of them.

  The blond with the quick smile and wad of cash sitting on the table in front of him grins at me. “Thanks, Cashmere. Now, when will we get to see your fine ass on stage again tonight?”


  I bite back the initial response on the tip of my tongue.

  Don’t insult a customer for saying the same crap everyone does.

  I don’t always work the floor, but we were short a waitress tonight and it means
more tips. Calling this guy a d-bag would probably cut me off from their cash-flow.

  “In about half an hour.” I practically run away from their table after snatching up the ten they give me.

  Why am I so testy today?

  It’s like my temper fuse got cut in half. I’m usually so even-keeled, but tonight, everything is agitating me.

  Who am I kidding? I know exactly why I’m so on-edge.

  Stone Hawke.

  Going to his place was a bad, bad idea. I should have left it alone and avoided any confrontation until it was absolutely impossible not to. Undoubtedly, I would have run into him at a Hawke family event, or even at the club eventually, but I could have put it off and ensured it happened in a public forum instead of his personal space.

  I gave him the upper hand, and then I let my mouth run away with me.

  I really hadn’t intended to tell him I knew. It just slipped out. And once it was out there, hanging in the air between us, there was no going back.

  Him caging me in against that wall should have felt restricting. I should have wanted to push him away and escape the confines of his arms, but it felt so darn good. Better than anything I’ve felt in almost two years. And he wasn’t even touching me.


  I haven’t been attracted to a man in so dang long. Why does it have to be the bad-boy Hawke?

  Maybe now that things are out in the open, we’ll be able to avoid each other. He said this can’t happen, and he’s absolutely right. It can’t.

  No more bad decisions.

  It’s the mantra I repeat a thousand times a day. One I know will keep me from ever falling into the abyss again. I’m sure my sister thinks deciding to strip was the worst decision I ever made, but it’s the right place for me right now. It’s the only place there isn’t any pressure to be brilliant and perfect all the time. Here, I can pretend to be a blonde bimbo with a great body. That’s all they want, anyway. It’s probably all Stone wants.

  Byron waves me back over to the bar, and I bee-line for it, offering smiles to some guys at the other tables as I pass. One reaches out and smacks my ass, making me yelp.


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