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Stone Sober: A Hawke Family Novel (The Hawke Family Book 3)

Page 13

by Gwyn McNamee

  Her eyes track the movement and widen slightly before she sucks in a deep breath and audibly gulps.

  My cock twitches in my hand. With her gaze still very much focused on my cock, I slide my hand up the shaft—once, twice, three times.

  The shudder that rolls through her body continues straight through mine.

  Fuck. I didn’t think I could want her any more than I already do, but she’s killing me.

  I stifle a chuckle when she finally jerks her stare away from me stroking myself and focuses her attention to one of the large beams of the four-poster bed.

  Reluctantly, I release my dick and take a step closer to the bed. I don’t need to look to know what she’s seeing, but I want to gauge her reaction up close.

  The metal eye ring protruding from the wood glints under the room lights. Her eyes jerk over to the opposite side of the bed to the matching ring. Then they flit to the two beams at the head of the bed before finally coming back to meet mine. Thin blonde eyebrows furrow her forehead.

  “Are those…”

  She trails off, apparently unwilling or unable to voice what she knows to be true.

  I don’t answer her. Nora needs to learn she won’t always receive answers from me, and that I am in charge here.

  The half-voiced question lingers in the air between us while my cock continues to throb. Having her on my bed while I’m buck fucking naked is pure torture.


  At first, it appears she may defy my command. Her eyes narrow briefly, and her fists clench at her sides. But then something softens in her gaze, and she slides up until she’s kneeling in front of me.

  “Good girl.” She doesn’t even realize what she’s doing yet. Her desire to comply with my commands is innate.

  I offer her my hand. When she accepts it, I don’t miss the way her eyes dart down to my cock briefly before returning to my face as she climbs from the bed to stand before me.

  “What are you doing?”

  Excellent question.

  “Showing you who I really am.”

  Her eyes widen, and she sucks that lip under her teeth again.

  Fuck, that’s so hot.

  “You better release that lip. You’re going to need your mouth wide open for this.”

  The gulp she takes is audible and makes me smile.


  There’s a hesitation, but it’s only momentary before she lowers herself to her knees in front of me. The wood floor is going to be uncomfortable. But she’ll survive. It’s just giving her a taste of what she’s in store for if she really wants to do this with me.

  “You sure you want to do this, Nora?”

  She nods her head. I reach down and grasp her chin. “No nodding. ‘Yes, sir,’ is the appropriate response.”

  Her lips tremble before the words I’ve been dying to hear from her finally tumble out. “Yes, sir. I want this.”

  Fuck yes!

  I release her chin and drop my hand to my side. My cock bobs in front of her face, and she reaches out for it. I catch her wrist before she can wrap her small fingers around it.

  “Mouth only. Hands behind your back.” I drop her wrist, and she complies.

  If she starts twisting that hand around me too, I’ll blow in a fucking second. Besides, seeing her on her knees, hands back, with my cock buried down her throat is pretty much my dream come true.

  She peers up at me from under her long lashes and leans forward. Her hot, pink tongue darts out and swipes across the tip of my cock.

  Holy hell!

  Before I can even catch my breath, she sucks me into her mouth, swirling that sweet tongue around my length the entire way in.

  “Jesus, Nora.” His fingers catch in my hair, and he tugs me forward, pushing himself further into my mouth. The slightly salty taste of his pre-cum dances across my tongue.

  My lips stretch to accommodate him.

  Christ, he’s big.

  I moan around his cock, and his hips buck, driving him even deeper.

  I’d give just about anything to be able to grab him. But that’s not what he wants or needs.

  Blue fire blazes in his eyes as he stares down at me. I pull back, swirling my tongue across the bottom of his dick along the way, then move back down until the head hits the back of my throat.

  “Fucking Christ!” He yanks on my hair and reaches down to grasp my chin. “I’m going to fuck your mouth, Nora. But I’m not going to come. Your sweet pussy is going to milk that from me.”

  Heat floods my core. By the time he finally touches me, I’m going to be drenched.

  Who would have thought Stone’s filthy mouth would rev me higher than any sweet words ever have?

  He releases my jaw and pulls his dick from my mouth.

  “You ready?”

  There’s no question what my answer is. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good girl.”

  The head of his cock presses against my lips, then he shoves forward, all the way to the back of my throat, almost gagging me while his hands tighten in my hair, holding me in place. I groan, and it seems to spur him into action. His hips snap back and slam forward, thrust after thrust, doing to my mouth what he’s promised to do to other places.

  The muscle in his clenched jaw throbs, and he squeezes his eyes shut, then jerks himself free of my mouth.

  He doesn’t say anything. But his heaving chest and wild eyes tell me what I need to know.

  His control was slipping. He was going to come.

  I can’t stop the smile from forming.

  He raises an eyebrow. “Proud of yourself?”

  I nod and try not to appear too smug.

  There’s no humor in his look. “Did you just nod, Nora?”


  “Sorry, sir. Yes, I am proud of myself.”

  A smile plays at his lips. He holds out his hand and waits for me to take it.

  Stone’s hand clasps around mine, and he tugs me until I’m pressed up against him, his arousal straining between us.

  Geez, there’s no way that’s gonna fit.

  Almost as if he’s reading my mind, he chuckles and grinds his hips against mine, pushing the rock hard flesh into my lower abdomen.

  “You should be proud, Nora. Pushing me to the edge like that isn’t easy to do.”

  My heart swells in my chest.

  He releases my hand, letting it fall to my side. “Turn around.”

  His deep, gravelly voice goes straight to my aching core, and I squeeze my thighs together as I follow his order. If I didn’t already have an inkling, seeing those eye hooks screwed into his massive bed confirmed Stone is definitely into some kinky stuff.

  I’m not entirely sure how I feel about that. I’ve never been with anyone who did more than stick it in, get off, and pull out. Experimenting wasn’t really an option. But something tells me that with Stone, it wouldn’t be experimenting at all.

  Oh no…This man knows exactly what he’s doing in the bedroom.

  And I trust him. Mostly.

  When my back is to him, he reaches over my shoulders and threads his arms through mine, pinning me in place with his chest pressed to me and my arms immobile.

  What the…

  His warm breath flutters against my neck before a barely-there kiss is brushed against my skin. I shudder against his strong hold but it isn’t uncomfortable or an unpleasant feeling. No, being pinned against Stone is definitely somewhere I want to be.


  He tugs lightly on my arms, urging me to step back with him. Then he turns us until I’m facing the far wall of the room. Three large black lacquered wardrobes line the wall, almost reaching the ceiling.

  Stone must have a lot of clothes.

  With a nudge, he urges me to walk forward across the wood floors until the cabinets tower over me. His arms tighten around mine, pulling my shoulders back almost painfully and leaving no space whatsoever between my back and his hard chest and very large erection.

  “Open it.” />
  His command and the heat of his breath against my neck render me mute. I couldn’t form a response even if I wanted to.

  I tug my arms out from his loosened hold and step forward tentatively.

  Why do I feel like I’m not going to like what I find in here?

  My hand quivers when I raise it to the shiny silver knob. After a deep breath, I tug on the right side door, and it pops open, swinging into the room.

  I gulp through the knot suddenly in my throat.

  Two rows of coiled rope hang on the door, varying in widths, textures, sizes, and colors.

  “Open the other one.”

  When my shaking hand manages to open the other door, I can’t help the audible, sharp intake of breath.



  Flashes of shiny metal and dark leather flood my vision. I can’t focus on just one item.

  Either he keeps his kitchen implements in a very strange place, or he’s into some seriously twisted stuff. These look like torture devices.

  The giant thing that looks like a meat hook with a ball on the end of it sends a shiver down my spine, and I step back, directly into Stone’s hard, warm body.

  His large hands land on my biceps, and he squeezes them gently. “Say something.”

  I would, if I had any freakin’ clue what words were. My ability to string letters together seems to have flown the coop along with any willingness I may have had to explore Stone’s kinky side. This…this is something else entirely.

  “Nora?” A gentle shake snaps me from the dark hole of morbid images I was drowning in.

  How do I phrase this question without sounding judgmental?

  “What is all this stuff for?”

  A soft chuckle floats from behind me, and he presses his lips to the skin right behind my ear. “Fun.”


  I’m not exactly seeing how a giant meat hook, leather straps, whips, and all the other insane-looking devices hanging within the bureau could possibly be for fun. At least, not fun for me…

  “Even that giant meat hook with the weird ball thing on it? What’s that for, anyway?”

  His right hand reaches around and clasps my jaw, urging until I look up at the ceiling. Smack dab in the middle of the large open area of the room, several large ring hooks are screwed into the ceiling.

  “That’s an anal hook, and it’s for your pleasure. Up there,” he draws my face back down until I’m looking at the chest again, and then slides his other hand down between my ass cheeks, pressing firmly against the tight fabric of my yoga pants, “and down here.”

  Oh no…

  I clench my cheeks against his probing fingers and try to put some physical distance between us, but he doesn’t relent. He holds steadfast, keeping me prone against his body.

  “Are you starting to understand what I was trying to explain to you?”

  What else can I do but nod?

  I’m literally speechless. And I’m not sure if I should be screaming and running as far and as fast from Stone as possible, or turning around and jumping him right now. It would be fruitless to deny my attraction to Stone, what he does to me every time he’s in the same room. But I’m not naïve enough to think Stone isn’t a dangerous man. He is. The life he leads—working for Dom Abello and this dark, sexual side—are so far and beyond what could be considered safe or normal.



  That’s what I need.

  Somewhere out of Stone’s orbit, where I can think and process all this.

  Because there’s no way I can think clearly with a very hot, very horny Stone pressing himself against me.

  The way Nora clenched her ass around my hand and tried to wiggle free of me should give me pause. She’s uneasy. But…she hasn’t said she wants to leave. And she hasn’t struggled. She’s followed every order I’ve given her without question and responded to me when I’ve asked if she wants to continue.

  There’s a submissive in there somewhere, she just doesn’t want to acknowledge it.

  Of course, she’s bound to be curious, and probably a little—or a lot—shocked by what she’s seeing. But I don’t want to give her too much time to dwell on all the awful things she’s probably picturing in her mind. She needs to experience what it’s like to be with me, before she lets unfounded, uneducated fears ruin the potential for something amazing between us.


  She flinches slightly in my arms, and I pause and let her settle before turning her to face me. It kills me she’s averting her eyes, but I understand it.

  I wrap one arm around her waist and tug her to me while I tip her chin up with a finger until those baby blues meet mine. Drowning in their depths is a very real possibility. I’ve never wanted to lose myself so completely in someone else, to push the entire world away and just be with them. It’s terrifying and thrilling at the same time.

  Her bottom lip quivers slightly. “Stop what?”

  “Stop thinking I’m going to mutilate and torture you.”

  The look on her face is fucking priceless. She has the balls to pretend to be shocked by my statement, when we both know that’s exactly what she was thinking.

  She wouldn’t be the first girl to see my bag of tricks and go running. But most women crave a sexual dominant, even if they don’t know it. And when they’ve opened their minds and their legs to me, I’ve never heard any complaints.

  Nora won’t have any either.

  Her eyes drift to the side, refusing to meet mine despite the fact that I’m still holding her chin up. “I don’t think that. I just…I mean…what am I supposed to think?”

  “You’re supposed to trust me and trust that I would never do anything to hurt you or anything you don’t want me to do.”

  The silence that fills the room is deafening. I release her chin and step back, sure she’s about to bolt and ready to give her room to do so without making her feel more uncomfortable.

  But instead of racing toward the door, she moves over to the other two bureaus and stops in front of them.

  What is she doing?

  “What’s in these?”

  I chuckle and step up next to her. “The one on the left has my suits. This old house has a tiny closet. The one in the middle…well…why don’t you look?”

  Nora sucks at hiding her emotions. The trepidation in her eyes when she glances over her shoulder at me is crystal clear. But so is the curiosity.

  When she returns her attention to the cabinet, I close the little distance between us until I’m a mere inch away from her. The doors open, exposing ten drawers. She reaches out and pulls one open, and her breath audibly catches.

  Vibrators fill the drawer, varying in sizes and shapes. With strangled noise, she shoves it closed and opens the next one, revealing thirty different butt plugs. Her body visibly trembles as she tugs on another one. This one gives her pause. I doubt she’s seen half of what lies on the velvet bottom of the drawer before.


  The thought of surprising her with some of the things in there makes my cock harden even more.

  “Still think I’m going to torture you?”

  She chuckles and turns to face me. “Oh, I’m sure of it now.”

  The gleam in her eye and tilt of her mouth assures me it was said in jest. But she’s right, I probably will torture her…in a way…but she’ll enjoy it.

  I capture her face between my palms and angle it up to me fully. “Are you going to bolt?”

  Uncertainty flashes briefly before she shakes her head. “No.”

  “Is there anything you don’t want to do? Anything you don’t want me to do? Anything that’s a hard limit?”

  Her brow furrows, and she glances over her shoulder at the open bureaus. She turns back to me with her lip pulled between her teeth. “I’m not sure. I’ve never tried anything.”

  I take her face in my hand and brush my thumb across the soft, delicate skin of her cheek. “Are you open to trying things? To tru
sting me to know what you’ll enjoy? I promise if you ever want me to stop, you just say the word. You’re in control.”

  There isn’t any hesitation this time. She nods. “Yes, but I do need you to explain what that is.” She points to the side of the room under the window without tearing her eyes from mine.

  There’s no need for me to look. I know exactly what she’s pointing at, and a grin spreads across my face.

  God, she’s so fucking adorable.

  Her innocence is like fucking gasoline being thrown on the fire of my libido. The smart thing would be to show her the door before we both do something that’s only going to complicate our lives more, but I can’t find the strength to push her away. Not while I’m buck naked and have her in my domain.

  That probably makes me a fucking dick. A selfish one.

  She doesn’t need to be exposed to the crud and filth in my life, especially after what I found out last night. But her sweetness seems to quell the burning rage that’s been simmering since I learned the truth, and it always has. Until the day she showed up in my house, I hadn’t realized how I’d been using her as a balm to soothe my soul since the first time I met her. Going to the club to watch her whenever I came into town became a ritual. And once I moved back, leaving her be was physically impossible for me.

  I can’t stay away from Nora Eriksson.

  It may be both our undoing.

  But it will be so fucking worth it to finally have her in the hundreds of ways I’ve been imagining for so long. To finally watch her unravel in my arms. To have her lose herself in me. To give her the release and direction I know she needs. To set her free from whatever has her tangled up in her own head.

  And I know the perfect place to start.

  “Nora, I’m not going to tell you what that is. It’s best explained by demonstration.”

  Her responding moan and shudder is the only invitation I need, and I descend on her mouth, intent on finally giving her all of me.

  The moment his lips hit mine, I sag into him, pressing my body against his and granting him entrance to my mouth.

  His tongue slips along my lips and tangles with mine. Heat floods between my legs, and I wrap my arms around his neck, tugging him closer. Even pressed against me, he’s not close enough. I need him on top of me, inside me, I need it all.


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