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Page 9

by Laura Sutton

  The tears lasted for hours until she did not have the energy to cry one more tear from her body. She laid on the ground, the memories still assaulting her over and over; the good, the bad, and the ugly. When the memories finally started to slow, and she could breathe regularly again she pushed herself up from the floor. She fell back down, weak from the dehydration. She tried again and soon several pairs of hands were on her. She looked up, seeing Nate, she tried to push him away.

  “No. No, I don't want you to see me like this.” Her bottom lip trembled.

  “I'm not leaving your side. We are in this together little one. I told you that before.” Nate picked her up and kept her in his lap as he sat at one of the bar stools. Ashton grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and set it by Nate's hand, opened. Nate picked up the bottle and put it to Violet's lips. “Drink.” She sipped the water until the bottle was empty. Looking over the people in her house her heart warmed. She didn't know when Nate, Ashton, Colton, Tyler, and Sylvia had come into her house. She hadn't heard them. She sat up in Nate's arms.

  “Sir, may I ask a favor?”

  “I think you've earned one,” Nate smirked as he looked at her.

  “May I go to my Grandmother's? I really want to finish that, and I need to be doing something. Complete something.”

  “Sure, Little One.”

  “I'll go to.” All the people in the group started agreeing one by one.

  “You guys have wasted enough time with me. You have subbies to be with.” Violet looked around. Her heart was huge with the love from her friends, but she was not going to put them in danger when she knew that she was close to death. Raymond had told her how he was going to kill her, and she did not want them to get hurt or watch her die.

  “You’re our subbie tonight and you even get to boss us around, a bit. Tell us what needs to be done and we'll knock out the rest of the house tonight. At least as much as we can.” Sylvia smirked. Looking to the others around her. Violet watched her eyes.

  “S, it's not safe.”

  “What do you mean little one?” Nate asked as he looked to her.

  “Remember the hospital?”

  “Hard to forget Little One.”

  “When I said no Raymond... it's because he promised to kill me. Told me how... how he'd kill me.”

  “You wanted to go to your grandmother’s, so he could grab you?” Nate clutched her to him tightly in his grasp.

  “No. He won't grab me there. He doesn't know where I live, that I know of. I want the house finished in case something happens to me. No one should have been left to handle that mess, not even me. My grandmother was a packrat. I've spent so much time there trying to get rid of stuff that I'm almost to the point of trashing everything. I just want it finished so I don't have to risk myself leaving the property any longer.”

  “We'll get it finished,” Nate promised as he looked up to the ones that were standing around them.

  Sylvia walked away from the small group in the kitchen the moment that she heard that Raymond had been threatening to kill her and how he was going to do it several times. “Philip, I need a favor.” She said the moment the other person said hello. “I need protection set up at 240 Windsor Street. We are on our way there. One in our group had been threatened with a serial killer death.” Sylvia whispered so no one else would hear her.

  “Is Violet ok?” Philip asked Sylvia. He knew immediately it was his submissive sister that was being threatened.

  “No,” Sylvia said as she looked over at Violet still shivering in Nate's arms. “We are about to leave. Let me know when everything's in place.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” Philip commented as he ended the call.

  Sylvia walked back over to the group. “Security is set up, but I still say she doesn't leave the house without one of us by her side.”

  “You hear that little one. Once inside the house, you can't go outside without one of us.”

  A smile crept up on Violet's face. “Does that mean you guys will handle the heavy lifting and throw the crap away in the dumpster?”

  “How heavy?”

  Violet shrugged. “Your muscles might not be enough.”

  Ashton and Colton burst out laughing as Nate started to tickle Violet as she shrieks in laughter. “Ok, ok. You may be strong enough together.” She giggled. “Course I dropped it on my head.”

  “Why were you doing it alone?”

  Violet looked back at Sylvia. Sylvia shook her head. “Let me guess when you were upset and crying. You overdid it while processing all of your emotions and tried lifting something that you should have more than three people lifting.”

  “Yeah, the couch,” Violet said quietly.

  “No lifting anything over twenty pounds.” Nate sighed in annoyance.

  “It was your fault.” Violet huffed as she sat up.


  “You pissed her off Nate. The feeling she was working out was her jealousy with your hands on another sub.”


  “Violet.” She said right back.

  Nate just chuckled as he kissed Violet's temple. “I know all about your green-eyed monster. Go change into something comfortable and we'll head out.” Nate smiled as she slid from his lap.

  Chapter Eleven

  Violet was wedged between Nate and Sylvia in the front seat as Tyler, Colton, and Ashton were all in the back of the SUV. Violet leaned her head over and rested it on Nate's shoulder, closing her eyes. Listening to the banter between the Dominant's in the car always calmed her in so many ways. She smiled as she listened to Tyler talk about his latest “crazy” arrest. Seeing her grandmother's small brick house and the huge dumpster outside made her sit up straight.

  “Do you have the key?” Nate asked.

  “Yes, Sir.” Violet pulled out a key from the pocket of her jean shorts. He fisted it in his hands.

  “When you get out, stay close behind me. Once inside all the blinds need to be closed immediately. Don't go in front of the windows until then. We'll discuss more inside.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Violet agreed. She knew that he was going to keep her safe. Her only concern was Nate getting hurt. She only cared about Nate's safety; she didn't care about her own safety any longer because she did not have the strength to care. They quickly made their way inside as they got everything locked up as tight as a virgin on her wedding night as Violet stood against the wall just watching.

  Sylvia looked over to Violet, smirking. “Ok boss, get to bossing us.”

  Violet gave a small smile back. “I'm at the point to say trash it all.”

  “Is that what you want?” Ashton asked Violet. His eyes full of pity and compassion. She hated the look.

  “The plan was to sell all of the stuff that I could... that was before I had a good job.” Violet shrugged. “I don't need the money any longer and I just want to be rid of this house so that I can focus on my job and classes.”

  “Classes?” Sylvia asked as he looked at her.

  “Yeah, I've been taking business classes at night or morning, whenever I have some free time.”

  “That's why the business mockups in her office,” Nate smirked as Violet's eyes went huge.

  “You saw all of those? You just mentioned me giving you the wrong file.”

  “Yes, I even saw the mock up's that you did for the expansion of The Manor. Sylvia told me to take a look.”

  “Traitor.” Violet stuck her tongue out at Sylvia.

  “Put that away before you lose it,” Nate commanded. His dominance making Violet melt inside.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Back to the house... I think we should just trash it all.”

  Nate shook his head. “If it looks valuable or sellable let’s keep it. I see you already marked some stuff for sale around the house. Which rooms still need to be done?”

  “The kitchen, back room, and the rest of my Grandmother's room. It's not a lot but it's time-consuming by myself.”

  “You're not alone... let
's get started.” Violet nodded and hugged Sylvia.

  “Thank you... all of you.”

  “Anything needs to go out to the trash just leave it by the door. One of us will get it.” Nate watched Violet.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I'll help Violet in her Grandmother's room while you guys knock out the kitchen and backroom.” Sylvia put her arm around her waist and walked into her grandmother's room.

  “I'm sorry that I told you that way about Raymond.”

  “Sylvia, I trust you and it's ok. You were upset about the law getting in the way. He'll get what's coming to him.”

  “Your faith in me is blinding.”

  “You've earned it S.” Violet hugs her tight.

  “Thought you two were going to work?” Tyler bellowed down the hall, looking at them with his arms folded across his chest.

  “We are, we're just better multi-taskers.” Violet chuckled.

  “Oh girl, I can multi-task with the best,” Tyler smirked.

  “Ain't that the truth,” Colton said behind him laughing.

  They all laughed as they all got to work, someone turning on some upbeat music as they all got to work. A few hours later the house is cleaned out and the men were taking bags and boxes out to the dumpster. Violet looked around the house, a happiness filled her that it was done but a sadness to see the place she'd come to for holiday's her whole life. Taking a deep breath, she walked through checking each and every room and cabinet. She wanted to make sure that she didn't leave anything behind. She grabbed the last two large duffels that were in her bedroom. “Nate, could you please put these into the SUV? It's the last of my stuff, not trash.”

  “Sure, little one. Anything else before we head out?”

  “Just have to make a call to the agent that I hired to take care of everything.”

  “Make the call and then we will head out.”

  Violet nodded, picking up her phone she dialed Angie Bryant. “Hey Angie, it's Violet.” She paused listening to the fluttering voice. “Yeah, the house is finally done. Sorry, it took me so long. Everything that is inside is for sale, I don't care about the prices just try to get the best price you can for the items. You know me, I just want all of this done.” Violet laughed into the phone as she sat down at the dining room table. “I'll leave the key in the box between the door and the storm door. The code is what you have in the file. It's all yours now. Thanks, Angie. Talk to you later.”

  Violet stood up from the table and pulled the key off the key ring. She walks towards the door where they are all standing and talking. “I just have to lock the door and put the key into this box for the agent to get in the morning. Again, thank you all for helping me finish this mess.” She smiled to the people who had come to mean a lot to her since she'd started her new life.

  “No need to thank us little one. It's our pleasure.” Everyone agreed as they go back outside, Nate locking the door and placing the key where Violet had told Angie to look and walked to the SUV. A strange peace settled over her as they traveled back home. Home. The thought brought a smile to her face as she leaned her head over on Nate's shoulder, listening to all the Dominant's in the car chatting with one another. As she sat there, she remembered all the good times that she had in that house.

  Chapter Twelve

  She did not know when the darkness closed around her and she'd fallen asleep until Nate picked her up. She woke up quickly at the movement. “I can walk Sir.” Violet smiled truly as she gazed up at him. “You can but you aren't.” Nate looked up with a smirk as he walked into her cabin; cradling her into his arms.

  “Sir, may I make a request?”

  “You may ask little one.”

  “I need a distraction.”

  “Movie night it is.”

  “Sir I mean even more of a distraction. Maybe a little space-time?”

  “Space-time?” Nate's eye arched upwards as he looked down to the small woman in his arms.

  “Sir I need that Subspace. Please, Sir? I'm begging. Please.”

  “I do love to hear you beg.” Nate kissed her as he set her down on her feet. “Strip.”

  Violet smiled with a blush as she pulled her t-shirt off, unbuttoning her short jean shorts and let them slide down her milky legs. Picking them up she folded them and put them on the end table. Then shucked her bra and underwear. She knelt down, putting her hand's palm up on her thighs and lowered her head.

  “Beautiful. Rise, my sweet girl.”

  Violet rocked backward and gracefully rose to her feet keeping her head lowered in submission. Nate put his finger under her chin and raised her head. He crushes his lips to hers. Deepening the kiss, she moaned in his mouth as she ground against his erection that was strained against her waist.

  “Tonight, I'm going to claim your ass, after I redden it for the rude Dominant tone you did in the meeting this morning.” He glared at her as she was about to protest but bit her tongue.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I think tonight we'll try the cross.”

  “Cross? There isn't a cross here.”

  “There isn't a cross here, Sir. I think that's what you mean.”

  “Yes, Sir. That's what I meant.”

  “There is a cross, upstairs and I will have you tied to it. Now march your cute little ass up the stairs.” He moved her towards the stairs, and she went up the stairs, biting her lip. She'd never really been punished by Nate or by any Dominant. Sure, she'd been spanked but never like the punishment she knew that she deserved.”

  “You have something to say?”

  “I'm sorry Sir. I was way out of line during the meeting. I should have held my tongue and represented you better. I'm sorry I failed you.”

  “You never failed me, but you do need to learn. I know you have a good relationship with Sylvia and the others, but they are Dominant's and you have to show respect to no matter what.”

  “Yes, Sir. I know that I deserve this punishment and I'll take it like a big girl. You're right about the Dominants Sir. I know better.” Violet walked over to cross, shivering as he breasts laid against the cross. The cold seeping in her body but the warmth in her clit was pulsing heat through her body. She put her arms up. Nate buckled her into the straps, kissing each of her hands.

  “Keep your legs apart or I'll strap those in as well.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Nate opened the closet of toys. He picked up a riding crop as he unbuttoned his shirt and laid it on the bed. Smack. The crop landed on her right ass cheek as she whimpered. She hit her four more times. She took the pain from him and he put his hand beneath her as he kissed her neck and rubbed her clit, pushing two fingers into her. “You redden beautifully little one. I love seeing my marks on your skin.”

  “More Sir.” She begged.

  “You want more?”

  “Yes Sir, Please.”

  Nate chuckled. “God, I love you woman. You remember your safe word?”

  “Yes Sir, Locket.”

  “Good girl.”

  He picked up one of his favorite whips that felt like a feather and kiss. He hit her repeatedly until he heard her scream.

  “Please sir, I can't... oh God. I need to come.”

  “You like the feel of my whip against you?”

  “Yes, sir. Please, I’m begging!”

  “Come for me Locket.”

  He slid his hand between the cross and her heat, pushing a finger, quickly pumping in and out of her. “Master!” She screamed as she lost control on his hand. He lifted his fingers up to his mouth. “You are so sweet. I will never get enough of you my cherished little locket. I love you, Violet.”

  “I love you too Nate. So much Sir.” Her head goes back and rests on his chest.

  “I got you little one.” Nate pushed his body against her as he undid both of wrist cuffs. He picked her up and carried her to the bed behind her. He laid her on the bed, and he kissed down her chest, paying special attention to each of her nipples. Sucking and plucking each nipple as she moan
ed and writhed on the bed.

  “Touch me.”

  “I'm already touching me.”

  “No touch me, sir. I need you.”

  “You have me. Use your words little one if you want something.”

  “I need you to rub my clit.”

  “With what?”

  “Your fingers, cock. Fuck anything?” She gasped.

  He smacked her thigh hard. “Ouch.”

  “Language.” Nate knelt above her. “You have no imagination little one,” Nate smirked as he looked up her body. “I'm going to touch you until you beg me to stop.” Nate kissed the inside of her thigh as he knelt on the edge of the bed and pulled her to the edge, pushing her legs over his shoulder. He licked and sucked her until she started to beg him to come. He stopped and pulled back.

  “No.” She said in frustration.

  “You aren't running this show. I told you what was going to happen tonight. Now get in the middle of the bed, on your knees, chest to the bed, ass up.”

  She moved into position, a little shaky. She watched Nate, a lazy smile on her face.

  Cold lube dripped onto her as he rimmed her and then stuck a finger into her ass. She moaned as she gripped the comforter. He pumped his finger in and out of her enjoying hearing her moans, adding in another finger. When he thought that she was stretched enough he added more lube and lubed himself up. “Reach back and open yourself for me. I want you to know who's taking you.”

  Violet reached back and parted her ass cheeks. Nate lined himself up and slowly pushed the tip of himself in. “Relax for me Violet, my little locket.” Violet took a breath. Nate pushed the rest of the way in as Violet's eyes went glassy as she soared into subspace in ecstasy. He reached around her starting to rub her. “Come now.” He ordered as he pumped into her several times as he grows and spills his seed into her hot channel. Spent she falls to the bed with a smile. As Nate laid beside her, he pulled her into his arms kissing her forehead. “Thank you, Sir.”


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