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Highlanders Short Story Collection

Page 12

by Donna Fletcher

  Tallis remained silent, her heart beating wildly with fear.

  Cree all but dragged his wife out of the cottage and once outside he kept her walking. He wanted a private place to speak with her, or so he told himself. She had sent him to the edge of his patience with her gentle, loving touch and when she let him know that she missed his kisses he had tumbled right off. Now he wanted nothing more than to strip his wife bare and let her know that he missed more than just kissing her.

  He marched her through the village, though they were not far from the keep. Clan’s people stared and mumbled among themselves, the sight of their mighty chieftain with a firm grip on his wife not uncommon to see. All knew that Dawn had a propensity to disobey the mighty warrior, and he more often than not forgave her. This, however, was different, for news spread quickly in the village and most everyone already knew of the woman who had arrived with her son, claiming the lad to be Cree’s and all could not help but wonder what would happen.

  Sloan approached as they neared the keep.

  “Do not bother me now,” Cree warned as Sloan got closer.

  “Then I am to tell William that the new castle plans are to wait another day?” Sloan asked as he stopped not far from the couple.

  Cree swore beneath his breath once again. There had been far too many delays already on the castle that would rest on a summit overlooking the Kyle of Tongue. It would be a good stronghold and a good, safe place for his family and clan. And he wanted as little delays as possible since it would take a year or possibly more to complete.

  Dawn tapped his arm and smiled, patting her chest and pointing to him, letting him know she would like to go with him.

  “What of the twins?” he asked.

  Dawn gestured that she would look in on them before they left and reminded him there were women who helped with the feeding since his son was always hungry.

  “Valan is going to be a strong one,” Cree said with pride. “He will always protect his sister.”

  Dawn smiled and nodded, though in her heart she could sense that her daughter Lizbeth had a quiet strength about her that would serve her well.

  Cree nodded. “Aye, you will come with me, then I will not have to worry about what trouble you are getting yourself into.”

  Dawn’s smile grew and she planted a quick kiss on his cheek before hurrying off.

  “Do you truly believe that whether Dawn is with you or not that she would not involve herself in something that would bring you worry?” Sloan asked with a laugh.

  “She is a challenge,” Cree said with a slight grin.

  “And that is just one of the numerous reasons you love her.”

  “And only her,” Cree said, his eyes watching the door to the keep close behind his wife.

  “Are you sure you do not want someone sent to make inquiries about Tallis and her tale?

  Cree shook his head. “She will tell me the truth.”

  “What if she does not?”

  Cree turned a scowl on Sloan. “I will see that she does.”

  “I have seen you force the truth from men,” —Sloan shook his head— “but never a woman.”

  “One way or another I will get the truth from her,” Cree assured him.

  “And what if the truth is not what you want to hear?”

  Cree had asked himself that same question and he still was not sure of the answer, and so he had none to give Sloan. “Are the men ready to leave?”

  “They await your word,” Sloan said familiar with Cree’s abrupt way of letting one know he would no longer discuss the matter.

  “We leave soon,” Cree said and turned and walked over to the steps to the keep. He had been annoyed when Sloan had intruded upon him and Dawn for the second time, but now he was pleased he had. This brief outing would give Dawn and him time together, away from interferences, from gossiping tongues, and from a matter that could have consequences on his family that would be difficult to prevent.

  Chapter 5

  Dawn was amazed by the amount of land that had been cleared on the summit where the castle, their future home, would be built. She was also curious about what looked like a foundation to a structure that had once occupied the area.


  Dawn’s heart pounded as she turned to look out over the river that flowed lazily below the summit, fearing for a moment she would see Viking ships approaching. That, however, was not possible, since Viking attacks were now tales of the past, though the telling of them continued to instill fear.

  She turned once again, this time to face William, the young man who had drawn the plans for the castle.

  “A Viking stronghold sat here once. It fell into disrepair once it was abandoned, the weather and years claiming the rest. Cree has instructed that the stones remain as a reminder that the Vikings did not succeed in keeping claim on this land.”

  Dawn smiled and motioned with her hands, William familiar with her gestures.

  The young man grinned as he answered, “Aye, Cree will keep claim of this land and all his sons and theirs to follow.”

  Dawn spread her hand out toward the river.

  “It is a beautiful sight from up here. And the river is plentiful with sea trout and salmon. The land itself is home to pheasant, grouse, deer and more. And the seals can be quite entertaining on the beach below. It will make a good home.”

  “That it will.”

  William turned and gave a respectful bob to Cree. “My lord.”

  “I see now why you made those adjustments to the castle plans, but there are a few others I wish to discuss with you.”

  Dawn wandered off as the two discussed the changes. Usually she would insinuate herself into the conversation, curious as to how the drawings would change since her fingers itched to draw more often than not. However, she could think of little else then Tallis and her son. Or was it the fact that when Tallis spoke of Cree, she sounded as if she loved him and always would? And try as she might Dawn could not help but feel angry at the thought.

  The woman had no right loving Cree. He belonged to Dawn and no one else. And though the woman claimed she meant only for her son to know his father, was she hoping for more from Cree?

  Dawn tried to shake her concerns and doubts away, but they were stubborn and stuck to her like the persistent fleas that plagued the animals.

  “How many times must I remind you not to wonder off on your own?”

  Dawn stopped and took in her surroundings before turning to face her husband. She had been so engrossed in her thoughts that she had not realized that she had taken a worn path, leading down the side of the summit. Through the trees, a few feet ahead, she spied the sandy shore.

  She turned, forcing a smile, and held her hand out to her husband and turned her head to the shore.

  “A brief look and we return,” he ordered. “There is work to attend to.” Keeping a firm grip on her hand, he led her down the remainder of the path and onto the sandy shoreline.

  This time Dawn’s smile came easily. She could imagine bringing the twins here to dig in the sand. Swimming was another matter for it was well known that the water’s temp did not vary much between winter and summer, and only the hardy, or perhaps foolhardy, dared to tempt it.

  The shore, however, would provide a good place for picnics, games, drawing in the sand, fishing, and so much more. Her smile grew as she pictured at least six or more children playing together, laughing, having fun, she and Cree joining in with them.

  Her smile faded as she imagined a lad standing off in the distance, removed from the fun and she felt a grip to her heart. She knew the lad was Adian.

  Cree knew by her knitted brow that something concerned her and it was not difficult to know what it was. “I told you I would see to this matter. You are not to worry.”

  Though Cree spoke as if angry, she knew her husband well enough to know it was more out of concern than annoyance. But he needed to understand that she needed to talk with him about it.

  She laid a hand
to his chest and then to hers, letting him know that she loved him and before he could respond, she continued gesturing.

  “I know you want to discuss the situation, but I do not. I will see it done and that is all you need to know.”

  Dawn shook her head, letting him know that would not do.

  “I will not argue this with you, Dawn.”

  She gestured again, telling him that she would not argue either, but she would have her way.

  “Will you now?” he said as if challenging her.

  Dawn stamped her foot and tossed her chin up.

  His eyes narrowed and in the next instant his arm went around her waist and he yanked her hard against him, his face an inch from hers. “It will be as I say.”

  Dawn was not surprised that passion shot through her, hardening her nipples, fluttering her stomach, and causing her to turn wet with the want of him. It had been too long since she last had him inside her and she ached to feel the strength of him pounding into her relentlessly and bringing her endless pleasure, not to mention earth shattering climaxes. She simply could not get enough of her husband.

  Did Tallis feel the same?

  The thought angered her and made her want to show Cree that he belonged to her and her alone. She reached down and slipped her hand beneath his plaid and grabbed hold of him, smiling when she found him rock-hard.

  Cree gave a low growl, then scooped her up and walked to a secluded spot and went down with her on the warm sand, his mouth devouring hers with a kiss.

  The hungry kiss fired their passion and their hands roamed eagerly over each other.

  After a few moments, Cree tore his mouth away from hers reluctantly. “Fast and hard it will be, for we have no time to linger.”

  Dawn nodded vigorously. Fast, hard, slow, easy, she did not care as long as he buried himself deep inside her. She eagerly yanked her dress up while he pushed his plaid aside.


  The strange noise startled them both and had Cree jumping to his feet, his hand going to the hilt of his dagger.

  Dawn sat up, pushing her dress down and smiling when she caught sight of a pair of seals a few feet away.

  “Go away!” Cree shouted, waving his hand.

  The one seal bravely moved forward and responded with a resounding, “HONK!”

  Dawn laughed, though it could not be heard.

  Cree cast an eye to his wife, knowing she would find this amusing and sure enough her body shook with her silent laughter. “It is not funny.”

  In a sense, it was not funny...the pair had disturbed their lovemaking, but they were too cute to be mad at them. Besides, Dawn sensed why they were there and she gestured to her husband.

  “What do you mean we are trespassing on their spot? This is my land. If anyone is trespassing it is them.” He wanted to kill the pair for having interrupted them, though he never would. They were harmless creatures and while he could be cruel, never would he harm defenseless creatures.

  He watched his wife scramble to her feet and before he could warn her to keep her distance from the pair she was at their side. The one held his flipper out to Dawn and she smiled broadly as she rested her hand against it. Then the other one did the same.

  Dawn stretched her hand out to the spot where she and Cree had been and the pair gave her a nod and ambled past Cree without a nod or acknowledgement to stretch out in the warm sand, the sun bathing them with glorious warmth.

  Before he could voice his objections, Dawn gestured to him and his heart swelled with love. “Aye, you are right. The twins will love it here and they will love the seals.” He walked over to her and slipped his arm around her, easing her against him. “Tonight, wife, you are mine and mine alone, and there will be no interruptions.”

  Dawn tapped her chest rapidly to let him know how happy that made her.

  He kissed her quick. “I am going to make you very, very happy tonight.”

  She smiled and hugged him, laying her head against his chest.

  He tightened his arm around her. “You belong to me. You are mine.” He lifted her chin so that their eyes met. “I love you.”

  She could not help but wrinkle her brow, pat her chest, and shrug.

  “Are you asking me if I love you and only you?”

  She nodded.

  He released her and took a step back. “Did I not tell you to leave this be?”

  She pointed between them both and to her mouth.

  “There is nothing to discuss. This is between that woman and me”

  She shook her head vehemently and jabbed in the air at him and then herself.

  “No, this does not concern us.”

  She through her hands up frustrated, then shook her finger at him and pounded her chest.

  Cree went to her side and stood in front of her, his hands fisted at his sides. “Do you love me?”

  Dawn gestured without hesitation that she did.

  “Do you trust me?”

  Dawn once again did not hesitate, she nodded.

  “Then obey me on this and let it be or I will take you over my knee and take my hand to your naked backside.”

  The image of him doing just that, though with a tender touch, brought a wicked smile to her face and she closed the distance between them, her finger drawing an X over her heart.

  Cree’s loins fired to life as the image of her spread naked across his knees, his hand coming done on her round backside, flooding his senses. He grabbed her wrist and leaned down to whisper, “It is a promise you have that my hand will find your backside this night.”

  Dawn shivered at the sinful thought.

  He took her arm. “You have distracted me from my work far too long.”

  Dawn smiled and pressed close to his side as they made their way back up the path to the top of the summit. She stopped once or twice to look at some plants, then gestured for him to go ahead while she kept herself and her thoughts occupied with collecting a few plants she thought Elsa might want.

  Cree hesitated at first, then said. “Stay right here until one of my warriors join you.”

  She nodded.

  He shook his finger in her face. “I mean it, Dawn. I will not worry about you when there is work to be done.”

  She promised with her finger tracing a cross over her heart, then gave him a quick kiss before he walked off. She had no intentions of disobeying him, she had done enough of that already and the day was young yet. She became engrossed in her foraging and did not realize the warrior had joined her until she almost stumbled over him.

  It was only when she saw that the sun had moved in the sky that she realized a couple of hours had passed. It had been a while since she had spent some leisurely time in the woods and she was pleased to have had this time to herself.

  The warrior followed her back up the path and she smiled when she caught sight of Cree deep in talk with William. The sight of him never failed to thrill her or touch her heart. She truly loved this man and that love grew stronger every day.

  He turned and stretched his hand out to her. She ran to him and he wrapped his arm around her.

  “Time to go,” he said and hugged her close.

  Cree kept a conversation going as they rode at a leisurely pace, focusing on their new home while purposely avoiding the problem that had presented itself this morning. He was not ready to discuss it with her and he was not ready to admit that there was something familiar about Tallis, though he could not place it. In time, he would remember and in time she would tell him the truth—he would convince her of it.

  “Land needs clearing for the village and each section of the village will be built at different intervals. I plan on having Elsa’s cottage close to the keep in case you or the children are in need of her.”

  Dawn was wise to her husband’s ways and was aware that he talked as he did to distract her from thinking of anything else. She did not mind, for she loved when he shared plans with her and asked her opinion, which he did both—often.

  She ges
tured with a question that he was quick to answer and they shared their return journey home in relative compatibility.

  They barely reached the rise that led to the village when one of Cree’s warriors rode toward him at a fast pace.

  Cree brought his horse to a stop, raising his hand to let the others know to follow suit. Then he waited until the approaching warrior reached him.

  The warrior brought his horse to a sudden halt a few feet from Cree and did not wait to be granted permission to speak. “A troop of fifty or more is but a short distance away and they carry more weapons than necessary for a mere visit.”

  “Have trackers been sent out to see if more follow?” Cree asked.

  “Aye, Sloan had them sent out as soon as word came of the troop’s approach and I was sent to inform you,” the warrior said.

  He did not bother to ask if his men were in place, he knew the answer. His warriors were well trained and whether a small or large troop approached, their actions would be the same. They would prepare to defend their home to the death.

  “Then let us be ready to greet them,” Cree said and turned to Dawn. Without a word, he leaned over, grabbed her around the waist, yanked her off her horse and onto his, dropping her in front of him and keeping a firm arm around her before taking off down the rise.

  Chapter 6

  All was in readiness when the troop arrived at the keep. Warriors stood ready as did villagers, everyone familiar with their assigned task should an unexpected battle break out. Anxious and alert eyes followed the troop through the village and to the stairs of the keep where Cree stood waiting on the top step.

  Dawn stood inside the keep just behind the tall door, keeping it slightly ajar so that she could hear what was being said. Cree had ordered her, most vehemently, to remain in the keep until he instructed otherwise. She understood that he was protecting her from possible harm, but she would have much preferred to be at his side and see for herself what was happening.


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