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Captured by the Cyborg: The Dark Marauder's Mate (The Dark Marauder's Mate Scifi Series Book 5)

Page 5

by Angela Bennet

  Jevlen snapped a set of manacles on her wrists then activated them. He looked truly remorseful while she was furious!

  “Forgive me, Destiny, but this is necessary. I must follow procedure.” Once her wrists were bound he traced his fingers lightly down her cheek then pressed a kiss to her lips. Destiny wanted to cry out at how wrong this was! Her chin trembled with emotion but she bit her cheek to keep from giving in. Jevlen didn’t need to know how much he was hurting her. He wouldn’t understand how betrayed she felt. He didn’t have memories, only orders – and he believed he was a cyborg commander who must obey the Colonel’s directives.

  “What happens if the bounty hunter finds us? Separates us? How will I defend myself with these?” She waved her bound wrists at him. The device beeped.

  “I will always protect you,” he answered and his tone brooked no argument. But Destiny had plenty of arguments. If he planned to watch out for her then why was he returning her to the one man intent on destroying her?

  Jevlen led her from the small apartment. She knew he’d gone into full cyborg mode with all sensors on alert.

  Nothing happened on their way to the landing bay where both their ships were stored. She didn’t tell Jevlen her personal shuttle was nearby. If luck went her way, she would be reunited with her craft very soon.

  His ship was inspiring. It was a Class Four Confederation fighter – not typically used for hauling passengers in comfort. Several transport workers stood nearby, gazing at the ship in wary admiration. As soon as they spotted Jevlen with a prisoner in tow, they scattered.

  Jevlen led her over to the small ship. He punched in a code and the gangway lowered. Suddenly Destiny’s feet felt like lead and she wasn’t inclined to move. She couldn’t do this. If she boarded that ship, she’d never taste freedom again.

  “Come on.” Jevlen tugged on her arm. When she didn’t budge he grabbed the manacles and pulled her forward. She was forced to fall in step behind him. He pulled her inside the ship. It was a tight interior with enough room for six troops and their gear. She doubted there was sleeping quarters or a galley. It was a vessel for war and nothing more. Jevlen led her toward a seat in the rear and fastened her in so she couldn’t move. “Stay here while I settle with the transportation master. I’ll return in a few moments and then we’ll prepare for departure.”

  Destiny thought she was going to throw up. “You didn’t pay in advance?” She had to hand over a large portion of Ressing Four sterling to secure her shuttle’s secure parking. Apparently Marauders received special treatment.

  “Of course not. I’ll return shortly.” Before he could leave, Destiny called out to him.

  “Jevlen, wait!” He retraced his steps and stood over her with a puzzled frown. “What is it, Destiny?”

  “Please, kiss me. One last time. I know nothing will be the same for us once we leave.”

  His expression immediately softened and he bent down so they faced one another. “We’ll get through this. I will always keep you safe,” he whispered just before his lips met hers. Destiny kissed him like it was their last, and she expected it to be just that. She felt the heat build between them again. Perhaps she could talk him into releasing her. She wanted to touch him and feel him one more time as well. But he slowly drew away and his gaze was regretful. “I will return momentarily. You don’t have enough time to try anything so don’t trouble yourself with trying to escape. It will only annoy us both and make the journey unpleasant,” he warned just before he turned on his heel and strode from the ship.

  That’s what he thinks! Destiny retorted silently. Apparently he didn’t feel the soul-deep connection between them that she felt, otherwise he wouldn’t sound so cold and heartless. She suspected he was doing it on purpose – shutting himself off to her so he could complete his mission. Otherwise, he would be forced to compromise his oath as a Confederation commander in order to protect his mate. What a mess for both of them!

  It took her less than two seconds to free herself of the manacles. The hardest part was twisting her hands so she could make contact with the device. Then she threw off the seat harness and hurried to the ship’s helm. Escaping would be pointless if his ship was still operational. His sleek vessel would overtake her shuttle in seconds. She pressed her palm to the console. So many systems were layered into the console – defense, life support, flight controls. She could hamper them all. But she only had time for one quick dash of destruction. She chose the flight controls. If he couldn’t lift off from the landing bay, he couldn’t pursue her. She didn’t want him flying without weapons or life support.

  Once the ship was adequately disabled she quickly crept down the gangway. She made it to the refueling and service console when she spotted Jevlen striding toward his ship. He was a daunting figure dressed in black. People scurried out of his way. His expression was fierce, his green eyes were piercing and missed nothing. To most he was terrifying, but to her he made up her entire world. Too bad they had to keep saying goodbye.

  “It would be best if we didn’t meet again, my love,” she whispered.

  Jevlen’s gaze darted to the console where Destiny hid. Had he spotted her? She fought to stay calm. His Ronoshian side would smell her natural essence. His cyborg side would hear her smallest movements. She couldn’t let him capture her again!

  She crept quickly away from the Marauder’s landing bay to where her small personal shuttle was stored. There was no reason to see the transport master since she’d already paid up with sterling. She boarded her shuttle, hurried through the departure checks, then waited a few seconds. She had to time her departure perfectly. If she could sneak into the exit wake of other larger ships, Jevlen wouldn’t be able to detect her specific ion trail.

  Jevlen wasn’t surprised to find the ship empty. He knew Destiny was capable of breaking all the electric bonds he placed on her. Part of him was actually pleased she’d escaped. It would only prolong the search. He would find her again and he would enjoy their reunion. He anticipated those moments when he would join their bodies again.

  The only downside was admitting his failure to the Colonel. He quickly dispatched a message through his internal subspace processor. Fugitive has escaped Heritage City. Will pursue. Update again in one cycle. He left the message brief and vague. He felt more and more reluctance to discuss matters about Destiny Kagar with the Colonel. She didn’t trust the senior officer and apparently he also felt suspicious of the Colonel prior to the mind wipe. Why? He knew the answer had been in the brief memories that assailed him but now they were gone. Until he had those answers again, he would continue to protect his mate, despite Destiny believing otherwise about him.

  The Colonel’s answering message came swiftly. Fool! How do you keep losing a mere female? Is there something wrong with your processors, cyborg? Arrest her and return to Base Bravo Two or face decommission. Don’t forget I created you. I can have you destroyed.

  Decommission? The Colonel didn’t have the authority and Jevlen didn’t appreciate the threat. He quickly responded to the arrogant officer who thought everyone should jump at his command, regardless of their ranking. Let me remind you, Colonel Bronsten, that you are no longer my commanding officer nor do you outrank me. I am Commander of the Dark Marauders. I reluctantly agreed to this mission as a favor to Admiral Xe. You will not threaten me with decommission or I will retaliate with an investigation into your practices. I’m sure we have an understanding. I will not contact you again until the fugitive is present on Bravo Two. Even then, she will remain in my custody and not yours. Call off your bounty hunters. They complicate Confederation procedure. Sonju out.

  Jevlen lingered next to the seat where Destiny had sat briefly. He could still smell her personal fragrance; it was unlike any other woman’s and even now stirred his body. He slowly followed the scent. He expected it to lead directly to the gangway but it filled the ship. As he strode to the helm the smell grew stronger. He should have known she wouldn’t be satisfied with escaping. She had to take out
his ship first. He placed his hand on the console where she must have touched it. The sensors in his palm registered faint traces of her DNA as well as her personal energy signature. Another flash of memory filled his mind. It started with their earlier encounter but quickly faded into others. Time after time, he pictured himself coupling with his mate. In each instance, she was sweet and loving, yet he sensed a dread and sadness within her – particularly the final encounters. Why would she be sad? Was she planning to leave him? He couldn’t accept that! Perhaps it was because of the Colonel. Had her senior officer driven a wedge between them?

  The reason for their parting didn’t matter, he realized. She was his mate. While he took his career as a Confederation officer very seriously, he was growing to realize that Destiny was his future, and keeping her safe was priority one.


  Colonel Bronsten swiped his hand over his short hair in frustration, then immediately fixed his mussed look. Things were not going according to plan. He had hesitated sending the cyborg after Destiny Kagar. He knew the pair had grown quite close and that’s why he ordered the mind wipe on the cyborg. Well, it was one of the reasons he did it. He had no idea something so insignificant would scare off Destiny. It was damn frustrating, since she had been an integral part of a much bigger project. He’d planned on wiping her mind too and replacing it with memories of them together. He wanted her for himself. At first he planned to keep her by his side, but his outside contact was insistent on securing her help. They needed her special skills for their weapon. The Colonel didn’t mind handing her over, but he wanted a taste of her first. That’s all he needed – just the one experience. He’d use her hard then give her to the enemy. He had a feeling she could be quite entertaining. In fact, he knew she would be good. He’d seen the surveillance footage and saw how passionately she responded to the cyborg. She usually cut the surveillance monitors before she had sex with the commander but one time she didn’t. She’d let the cyborg take her savagely against the laboratory wall and she enjoyed every moment of it. He’d watched that particular encounter a thousand times in the past two years. Even now, just thinking about it made him hot. Yes, he would definitely sample her goods before handing her over.

  As he grabbed himself to relieve the tension, he heard a sound at the back of the shuttle. Finally his “guest” arrived aboard ship. He’d been waiting thirty minutes on the outskirts of the Confederation airspace outside Bravo Two. A perimeter patrol was due within the next five minutes and he needed to be long gone before they arrived.

  “Where is she?” the Bakkarian hissed as he stepped from the transport platform. He was tall and thin, wearing a navy uniform. He had no hair and his eyes were black soulless orbs in his pale face. This Bakkarian was a high ranking official in the Bakkarian military. Bronsten refused to deal with anyone insignificant. He had to make these risks worth his while.

  “There’s been a slight delay,” Bronsten hedged as the Bakkarian glared down at him. “I know I keep pushing out the deadline but we’re having a few problems securing Destiny Kagar. I have my best man tracking her now.”

  “No more delays! You promised to give her to us two years ago and since then you make repeated excuses. The information you’ve sold us can soften our annoyance for only so long. Stop delaying or we will kill you.”

  “You can’t kill me!” Colonel Bronsten snorted derisively. “If you kill me then you will never get your hands on her and you know you need her. You’ve experimented on others of her kind and none of the Dalandrakian subjects were sufficient. Only Destiny can interact with your stellar station, and keep the weapons online. Only I can hand her over to you. If you want to defeat the Confederation, you need my help.”

  This seemed to mollify the Bakkarian – somewhat. “I give you one week. No more.”

  A week? Impossible! Even if Commander Sonju found the cagey female again and returned her to the base, it wouldn’t give him enough time to properly enjoy her services. After the headaches she’d given him all these years, she definitely owed him some of her passion. “You will have her in two weeks, no sooner.” He filled his voice with false bravado. This attitude had carried him through many difficult encounters with the Bakkarians. It had been a very profitable arrangement. He handed over meaningless confidential data and they rewarded him with wealth. He’d amassed enough to purchase his own colony on Lunira. He just needed to make this final transaction. Once Destiny was in Bakkarian hands, he would quietly disappear. And so would the Confederation, thanks to the Bakkarians’ new weapon. The balance of power was about to shift again. The thought brought a smirk to his lips.


  Someone was following her. She hadn’t spotted anything specific but her sensors detected a small craft that left Heritage City when she did and maintained a careful distance during her journey between planets. Her course wasn’t direct, following a zigzag pattern behind a couple of moons, so it wasn’t coincidental that they reached the same destination. Unfortunately, she was low on fuel and couldn’t try to ditch whoever tracked her. She first suspected it was Jevlen but he couldn’t have repaired his ship so quickly. Which meant it was the bounty hunter, Scanesch. She’d have to keep a close watch for him. The man didn’t like to lose and she’d evaded him twice.

  As she pulled into SeakWestria’s airspace, a message with landing instructions came through on her com-receiver. A smooth female auto-voice greeted her. “Welcome to Dw`a, a city of unparalleled pleasure and artistic expression in the greater SeakWestrian Corridor. Please follow the coordinates to docking bay fifteen. You will be met with a welcoming coordinator who will answer any questions or concerns you may have. Enjoy your stay in this fine city where inspiration awaits you.”

  Intriguing. She’d heard the SeakWestrians were infinitely polite and cultured people. On a planet that was mostly water, the SeakWestrians were not native to the world. When terraforming proved impossible they turned to the air and built the remarkable cities on platforms above the ocean below. She’d always wanted to visit one of the many cities that floated high above the sea. She’d chosen Dw`a because they seemed to be the most accepting culture and hopefully would find a place for her despite not having a citizen chip.

  Destiny quickly docked her small shuttle and disembarked. Outside her ship she was greeted by a tall, dark skinned, hairless woman with vibrant blue eyes. Zian. “I am Babette, your welcoming coordinator. How may I assist in your assimilation to Dw`a?” She held out a scanner that would log the information off Destiny’s citizen chip – if she still had one.

  “I seek employment and a place to stay, and I need it all to be confidential, Babette. But I do not have a citizen chip.” Babette narrowed her gaze suspiciously as she studied Destiny from head to toe. Destiny wondered if she was about to be kicked out of Dw`a before stepping foot in the city.

  “We have a system of integration for non-Confederation citizens. However, the arrangements are not of the higher standard in which we prefer all our citizens to function. Your requests will be met and you’ll be subjected to a probation period where you will be closely monitored. Does this meet with your approval?”

  Destiny nodded. As long as she could slip into the city without Scanesch or Jevlen knowing she was here, she would be happy with any circumstances the SeakWestrians gave her.

  “Good.” Babette handed her a holo-infodisk. “Outside the docking bay are transporters. Insert this disk into the scanner and it will take you to your new place of employment. There, living quarters, clothing, and further instructions will be given to you by your new employer. I hope you will enjoy your stay in Dw`a.”

  “What will I be doing?” Suddenly everything was moving too fast and Destiny didn’t like feeling out of control. What if this was a trap and she was actually being taken to Confederation detention for questioning?

  Babette’s answer was vague. “You will serve others as they seek and express pleasure.”

  “What does that mean?” It sounded suspiciously like a brothe
l and Destiny wanted no part in that. With her ability to interact with devices, she was not in such reduced circumstances that she should sell her body.

  “You will learn all you require to know once you reach your destination.” Now Babette looked bored and was obviously finished with the interview. “If you found my services as welcoming coordinator helpful, please press your thumb here.” She held out another disk.

  Destiny hesitated. What if this was a way to gather additional information? People had not been tracked by fingerprints for centuries but what if the Confederation re-instituted the method to track non-chipped citizens?

  “It will help me get promoted out of this lousy job,” Babette muttered with a frown as Destiny continued to hesitate. “Do you want me to assign you something better? Is that why you won’t give me a favorable review? I put you in the best pleasure house in the city. People without citizen chips can’t expect anything better when they first arrive.”

  “I just don’t want to be scanned. Can you press it for me?”

  Babette eyed her warily and took a step back. All her previous warmth and professional courtesy was gone. “Yeah, sure. You should catch your transport. They’ll be waiting for you at the pleasure house. And if you need anything – don’t look for me. I don’t need you getting me in trouble.”


  The house of pleasure where Destiny was assigned was a beautiful building. Tall with many floors, it was made of reflective material like mirrored glass. Inside, was a large den of pleasure. There were waterfalls and swimming ponds. A group of people did serene exercise next to one of the ponds while another group played in the pool and drank cocktails. Some customers fed one another exotic foods, while others painted elaborate works of art. Destiny lingered near the door, uncertain of how to proceed.


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