Captured by the Cyborg: The Dark Marauder's Mate (The Dark Marauder's Mate Scifi Series Book 5)

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Captured by the Cyborg: The Dark Marauder's Mate (The Dark Marauder's Mate Scifi Series Book 5) Page 6

by Angela Bennet

  She was approached by a two-headed Yargozian. He was shorter than her and not bad looking, but she didn’t like the hungry look in either pair of eyes. He licked his lips with one of his long tongues and rubbed his palms together in anticipation.

  “Welcome to Dw`a’s Premium House of Enlightenment. How may we pleasure you? I would be pleased to assist you personally in all your endeavors.” He licked his lips again with his other tongue while his second face winked at her. She wasn’t sure who to look at. Choosing one, she gave him an awkward smile and handed him the disk Babette had given her.

  “I’m here to work.”

  “Upstairs?” His eyes lit with anticipation and this time both long tongues darted out to lick his lips. Destiny had to contain her shudder of revulsion. He took the infodisk from her and activated the holo-display. After quickly scanning it he shut off the disk. “You will be serving drinks. Come. We’ll start your orientation. You’ll need to get changed and I’ll show you where the staff sleeping quarters are located.” He lost some of his enthusiasm when he learned she wouldn’t be serving “upstairs.” Thanks to his reaction, Destiny was glad Babette hadn’t assigned her there.


  It was getting easier and easier to follow Destiny. Jevlen’s instinct as a Ronoshian told him how his mate was probably thinking. His processors as a cyborg ran analyses to confirm those assumptions. She’d left the landing bay quickly after disabling his ship. Rather than going back into the city, she’d left Jestansaa airspace. He tapped into Heritage City’s security monitors in the landing bay and determined which shuttle was hers. Then he searched for her ion trail. Thanks to the repairs needed on his ship after her sabotage, the shuttle’s trail was faint. But the enhanced sensors on his fighter made tracking her possible. What he didn’t like was the dual trail he picked up. Someone had followed her between planets, despite the circuitous route she’d taken to reach SeakWestria.

  Surprisingly, the Dw`a officials resisted revealing Destiny’s whereabouts to him. Even with his credentials as Commander of the Dark Marauders and his warrant for her arrest, they still were reluctant to hand her over, citing a citizen’s right to basic privacy until the citizen chose to release their confidential information into the system. All citizens of SeakWestria had a right to personal rehabilitation and could not be apprehended for past offenses – only present ones committed on-world. Jevlen questioned Babette, the welcoming coordinator, who gave him minimal information in exchange for a positive review of her services. She only did so when he admitted to being Destiny’s mate who feared for her safety.

  Now he stood in the doorway to the house of pleasure where Destiny was assigned. It took a moment to scan all the occupants scattered throughout the room. Destiny was not numbered amongst them. He was about to retreat, feeling he may have been misled by Babette, but two scantily dressed women approached him from opposite sides.

  “Welcome to Dw`a’s Premium House of Enlightenment. I’m Se`.” Jevlen studied the woman who greeted him. Her skin was pale blue while her long hair was a mix of blue, black, and lavender. He wasn’t familiar with her species and had to search his database to determine her species of origin. Crenonian. Females have voracious sexual appetites. Crenonians are prone to violence and falsehoods. She ran her hands down over her breasts that were shielded by a thin shimmering layer of purple gel. Briefly her breasts were exposed but then the gel snapped back into place to cover her. She smiled at him knowingly as he stared in surprise at the self-molding gel. “I am a hospitality hostess. I will be happy to take you upstairs and introduce you to many pleasures,” she invited huskily as she stepped close to his side and wrapped her hands around his bicep.

  Before he could extract himself from her grasping hands, the second woman took his other arm in the same way. “And I’m Leelee. I’m also a hospitality hostess.” She was tall and had short, gray hair that curled around her ears. Her skin was pale white as if she’d never stepped out in the sunlight once in her life. She had tiny gray freckles that dotted her nose and cheeks. Her eyes were black and she almost looked Bakkarian, but Jevlen suspected she wasn’t. Perhaps she was a genetic deviation of a Bakkarian. She wore a clinging sheer pink gown that revealed every inch of her thin body. Jevlen was careful to keep his gaze on her face. “I would be pleased to join you and Se` if you prefer additional company,” she offered. She gave him a suggestive look then her gaze dragged slowly down over his body.

  “While I appreciate the invitation from both of you,” Jevlen stated diplomatically as he carefully extracted his arms from each of their clinging grips. “I seek pleasure with my mate. I search for her now. Do either of you know Destiny Kagar? Is she here? I was led to believe she gained employment in this pleasure house.” He pulled out a holo-disk that contained a photo from her personnel file. He knew Destiny’s appearance had changed since she was a cadet at the science academy. She’d probably changed her appearance again.

  He quickly realized the women didn’t recognize Destiny. “Perhaps she has altered her appearance. Is there a new employee who resembles her?”

  The women stared at one another but they shared no conversation – at least no verbal communication. Jevlen tried to be patient while they communicated telepathically. He sent out another scan over the crowded room as he waited for their answer.

  “We believe you are talking about Dezzy, the new server. She started yesterday. Perhaps she is your mate?” Leelee asked.

  Dezzy? Why did that name strike a chord within him? It was close to Destiny’s name and maybe that’s why it resonated. “Perhaps. Can you take me to her now?”

  Leelee stepped closer to him and ran her hand up over his chest. “For a price, newcomer. You see, it gives me pleasure to pleasure you and I’m sure a big strong man like you will be infinitely pleasurable. That is my price – I want to seek my happiness with you. It’s only fair. Don’t you agree? You do something for me and in exchange, I help you find your mate.”

  Jevlen would have argued that her reasoning was illogical but he noticed a figure he recognized picking his way across the crowded room. Scanesch didn’t look like he belonged in the auditorium of pleasure worshippers. The bounty hunter was armed and dangerous and looked ready to kill someone. Jevlen felt a surge of protectiveness rise up for his mate. Where he’d shunned his Ronoshian instincts in the past, he now embraced them. Destiny needed him and he would not fail to protect her.

  He pushed Leelee out of the way. She gave an indignant protest but Jevlen didn’t care. Se` ran ahead and tried to block his path. “Get out of my way,” he growled.

  “You cannot enter the domain of enlightenment without a guide.”

  “Then hurry up and lead before I run you over. My mate is in danger.”

  Se` nodded and hurried ahead of him. She wended her way through the crowded and cluttered room to the back halls where the servants entered. Jevlen had seen Scanesch duck through the same doorway. “This way,” Se` insisted as she motioned for him to follow. As she moved, her gel covering moved with her. It conformed to her changing muscles, giving peeks to her body beneath. Jevlen ignored the tantalizing site. He was Ronoshian and Ronoshian men were always faithful to their mates. No matter who the temptress was, he wouldn’t be able to join his body with another. It explained why he hadn’t had relations in the past two years. His body knew what his mind didn’t.

  He pushed past Se` into the servants’ hall. Destiny’s scent was strong and it filled him with an overwhelming need to protect her. “Where is she?” he demanded. He didn’t recognize the fierceness in his own voice. If Scanesch laid one finger on Destiny, Jevlen was prepared to annihilate the hunter.

  “Back there,” Se` pointed. “Cocktails and mood enhancers are prepared in the station next to the galley. Dezzy helps prepare and serve the drinks and stimulants.”

  Jevlen reached the station and found Destiny and Scanesch. Drinks and mood enhancers where spilled and scattered everywhere and it looked like they had struggled hard. But Jevlen was
only worried for his mate and his optic processor quickly scanned her. He detected no injuries but was shocked by her appearance. Her head was wrapped in a colorful turban and her face was heavily made up with makeup that looked like a mask. She wore a sheer white gown that shimmered as she moved and it revealed every inch of her supple body. He could see the curve of her breasts, the outline of her nipples, and the dark juncture above her shapely thighs. Jevlen felt enraged seeing her dressed in such a way for strangers. However, Scanesch had his hand around her throat and the hunter needed to be dealt with. Apparently the fool planned to collect a lesser reward by bringing her in dead rather than alive. The Colonel wouldn’t be pleased to lose his prize.

  “Release her!” Jevlen roared. Before he could attack the bounty hunter a two-headed Yargozian burst into the room through another doorway.

  “Stop this! Stop this! This does not bring pleasure to my house of enlightenment!” The Yargozian hopped around while waving his hands in agitation.

  Scanesch glanced at him annoyance. “This isn’t your business,” he snarled as he pulled out his phaser pistol. Before Jevlen could shout a warning Scanesch fired on the Yargozian. Destiny opened her mouth to scream but no sound came out. The Yargozian dropped to the ground in an unmoving heap.

  Jevlen raised his own weapon. Per Confederation rules of conduct he was to apprehend any criminal and warn him of his intent. The Ronoshian way was to kill the man who harmed his mate. With protective hormones coursing through his body, Jevlen fired several quick blasts, effectively killing the bounty hunter. As Destiny dropped to her hands and knees while sucking in great gulping breaths, he adjusted his weapon and fired on Scanesch’s body again. Scanesch’s remains were now completely obliterated. The only thing that remained of the hunter was a faint bio impression that would quickly fade.

  As Jevlen rushed to assist his mate, the Yargozian sat up. One of the two heads whimpered in pain and cried for medical assistance while the other glared at Jevlen. “No, no, no!” he shrieked. “Killing is destructive! I must report you! It is a crime to disrupt the atmosphere of enlightenment in the city of Dw`a! You must be arrested! You have stolen the pleasure of another!” His cries grew more strident and a crowd of servers and customers began to gather. Both Leelee and Se` dropped to their knees to treat the Yargozian’s wound that didn’t appear too serious.

  Jevlen attempted to ignore the man. He was a Confederation officer and had jurisdiction on all Confederation-friendly worlds, and that included SeakWestria. He didn’t worry about being apprehended by the local authorities.

  “Having my mate apprehended would not give me pleasure,” Destiny protested. She clambered to her feet with Jevlen’s help and clung to him. “That man attacked me. He was the one stealing pleasure and disrupting the atmosphere of enlightenment. Jevlen protected me from harm. It gave him pleasure to protect me. And you are a fallen hero! You distracted the criminal long enough for my mate to protect me. Do you not feel pleasure in doing this great service? You are a hero!”

  Her words caught the Yargozian’s full attention. All four of his eyes widened with sudden understanding. “Yes, I am a hero! This gives us all pleasure!” he exclaimed while Destiny nodded in agreement. Jevlen didn’t understand exactly what was going on or why these people put such importance on pleasure, even over justice, but he was willing to allow his mate to work her magic. The Yargozian also stood with help from Se` and Leelee. “I believe you deserve a promotion to hospitality hostess, Dezzy. Shall we move you upstairs?” the Yargozian suggested as his gaze dropped to graze slowly over Destiny’s barely covered body. Jevlen stepped in front of his mate with a furious glare. The Yargozian immediately blanched and looked away.

  “I wish to retire to my quarters for the evening. I was nearing the end of my shift anyway,” Destiny suggested. “I know my mate has many things to discuss with me.”

  Jevlen nodded in agreement. The first would be to discuss her choice in clothing – after he ripped the gown from her body.


  “Thank you for preventing my arrest,” Jevlen commented as the door slipped closed behind him in Destiny’s miniscule quarters within the house of enlightenment. Apparently she’d gained favor with her Yargozian boss and he granted her the evening off. As far as Jevlen was concerned, she was done working in the pleasure house and she certainly wouldn’t be promoted to hospitality hostess serving upstairs. If anyone would gain pleasure from her, it would be him alone. He could feel his Ronoshian hormones coursing through him as he thought of his mate, protecting her, taking her for himself, keeping her. He breathed deeply, enjoying her scent. He liked the feel of his instincts rising up and they made him feel like his old self – before the accident on the bridge of his ship that changed his life forever.

  “They would have locked you up for stealing pleasure. This is a strange planet. I always knew SeakWestria was a cultured world but I had no idea it was so aggressively passive, if that makes sense. Do you remember how we wanted to visit here when we were both granted leave,” Destiny paused and suddenly became subdued. “No, I suppose you don’t remember.”

  She walked over to a wardrobe and pulled out her tunic and leggings. She started to pull the diaphanous gown over her head then paused. “Would you mind turning around, please?”

  Jevlen grunted with amusement. “I can see every inch of you, Destiny. Besides, if I close my eyes, I’ll still see every inch of you. Not only have I recently indulged in your delectable body, I have flashes of memory that are so hot and wet they’ll rust my circuitry.”

  Destiny blushed. “Do you have to be so crass?”

  Jevlen quickly closed the space between them. It took only three steps and he’d nearly crossed from one end of the apartment to the other. “The truth, in this instance, is not crass.” He smoothed his hand down over her body, enjoying the feel of her curves beneath the satiny fabric. He then bunched the gown in his fist and lifted it over her head. He expected Destiny to come willingly into his arms but she turned her back to him instead.

  “What’s wrong?” he demanded softly. Perhaps seeing a man vaporized had upset her. She’d gone through much during her time as a fugitive.

  “Everything is wrong, Jevlen. Don’t you see?” She turned suddenly and there were tears in her eyes, changing her irises to that silvery color he loved. “I can’t continue to be intimate with you when you don’t even remember me. You don’t care anything for me! Otherwise, you wouldn’t insist on turning me over to the Colonel. That’s the last thing the Jevlen I know would do to his mate, regardless of his Confederation orders.”

  His instinct was to pull her into his arms and make her forget her arguments, but she was right – yet not on all counts. “I do care for you. It’s true I don’t remember but on a deep fundamental level I insist on caring for you as my mate. Something within me recognizes the truth of our relationship and I have honored our union even when I didn’t recall your existence.”

  “You’ve been faithful to me these past two years, without knowing you were mated?”

  He nodded, reading the relief and wonder in her gaze. “Help me, Destiny. Help me remember so that I can help you. You don’t trust the Colonel and you’ve said I didn’t trust him either. I need to know why. I need those memories back.”

  She shook her head then stilled. “I can’t without equipment. You saw what happened last time. But wait, they’ll have the right tools in the hospital. Can you arrange something?”

  “Let’s hope so,” he answered grimly. He knew there weren’t any guarantees she would be successful but they had to try. He couldn’t return to the base without being properly prepared.


  Where are you? You haven’t checked in during the required window and I’m growing suspicious of your activities. If you aren’t capable of fulfilling your orders then I will be happy to install a new officer to retrieve the fugitive.

  Jevlen stilled as the message from the Colonel came in on his internal receiver. He and Destiny were
at Dw`a’s hospital. He’d secured a lab and equipment for her to use. He would have demanded use of the lab based on his authority as a Dark Marauder. Destiny argued that the SeakWestrians wouldn’t respond favorably to intimidation. Instead, she played on their sympathies by sharing her story of being a woman whose mate had lost all memory of their life together and what sadness it had brought. Her tactics worked like a charm and the hospital staff even took up a collection for any additional needs they might encounter.

  “Where did you go, Jevlen?” Destiny asked as she attached the electrodes and sensors to various positions on his head. She waved her hand in front of his face to get his attention.

  “The Colonel has contacted me,” he responded absently as he formulated his response. When Destiny stiffened beside him he realized he should have answered with more care. He didn’t want her to incapacitate him and disappear because she was afraid. He reached for her hand and held her gaze as he responded to the Colonel’s message.

  I am in pursuit of the fugitive. She will be taken into custody soon. He could think of nothing more to say so he ended the message. He wouldn’t betray Destiny until he was in full possession of his memories. Then he would evaluate his next step. It went against his code of conduct as an officer and he realized he faced a court martial. A forced resignation or dishonorable discharge was most likely. But his career was secondary. The more time he spend with Destiny, or in pursuit of her, the more he realized how important it was to care for his mate. She was his priority now and he wouldn’t allow anyone to harm her.

  The Colonel’s response came swiftly.

  Why the hell are you taking so long? You are incompetent. I suspect she’s messed with your head or your dick and you’ve lost all functionality. Arrest her. Get back here. Let’s see if she prefers man or machine.


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