Captured by the Cyborg: The Dark Marauder's Mate (The Dark Marauder's Mate Scifi Series Book 5)

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Captured by the Cyborg: The Dark Marauder's Mate (The Dark Marauder's Mate Scifi Series Book 5) Page 7

by Angela Bennet

  Jevlen replayed the message twice to determine if the Colonel actually said what Jevlen thought he intended. With each replay of the smug and spiteful message, Jevlen’s temper grew and he wanted to kill the man for even suggesting to touch Destiny. For this reason alone, he would beat the man into a pulp for insulting his mate. And then he would instigate an investigation. One thing Colonel Bronsten would hate was having his dealings examined under the Confederation’s microscope. They would poke into every dark corner and the Colonel would be left naked and vulnerable. Jevlen suspected the Confederation wouldn’t like what they found and they would probably peel many layers of deception. He wondered why he suddenly distrusted the Colonel so completely. Was he beginning to remember on some unconscious level or were these suspicions because of Destiny’s influence?

  I’m sure you are not implying you intend to take personal, inappropriate actions against a Confederation officer. Jevlen was proud when his response remained remote and professional. The Confederation would have to decommission him before he would allow Colonel Bronsten to lay a hand on Destiny. The Colonel’s response was instantaneous.

  Perhaps if she gives me what I want and proves to be entertaining, then her sentencing will be lighter. I only ask that she give me the same thing she gave you up against the wall in lab C9. She seems to like it rough. But you don’t remember that, do you? For all you know, I’m just baiting you with false information about the fugitive and that’s exactly what I’ll claim if you try to report this. Bring her in or face a court martial. I don’t want any more excuses.

  Jevlen sat up on the examination table as pure rage coursed through him. All the sensors Destiny attached to his head ripped loose. He felt all his processors click in to stabilize his natural responses. The artificial intervention didn’t help. He still wanted to kill someone.

  “Jevlen? What is it? What’s happened?” Destiny asked.

  Her voice seemed to come to him from a distance but he zeroed in on her worried tone. He couldn’t even see her because of the haze of rage filling his vision. His optic processor couldn’t keep up. When she touch his face he automatically grabbed her wrist and held her hand away from him. It was a reflexive response in his programming but not the one he wanted. At her soft gasp he relaxed his grip.

  “Jevlen, talk to me. You’re readings are off the chart and you need to calm down. I won’t be able to perform the procedure because of your reaction. Your primary processor will be trying to compensate for the natural chemicals rushing through your system. Can you hear me? Tell me what’s going on. You’re frightening me.”

  Finally her voice got through to him. He took her hand gently and pressed her fingers to his lips. “I will never take you to the Colonel. I give you my word. You are my mate and I am sworn to protect you,” he stated solemnly. “I will never hand you over to him.”

  Tears filled her eyes, turning them silver again. But he didn’t like to see her cry. His grasp tightened on her fingers, conveying his need to comfort her. Briefly she nodded and swiped away the tears. “Let’s get your memory back.”

  Destiny quickly re-calibrated the equipment to suit their needs. The devices weren’t of the advanced quality she used in the Confederation lab but that equipment had been designed specifically for the mechanical enhancement program, and not for medical restoration. Rather than playing with the dials, switches, and entering commands into the computer, she simply placed her palm against the console and allowed her own enhancements to communicate with the equipment. Soon everything was in perfect order.

  “Are you ready for this?” she asked as Jevlen watched her closely. He seemed more concerned with her than with what she was about to do to him. Even though he didn’t have his memories – yet – it seemed the old Jevlen was reappearing. He’d always been tuned into her first and foremost to any procedure that was performed on him. “It may be painful when I try to breach the safeties again. I could give you a pain suppressor but I’d rather not have anything that could hinder the process.”

  “I’m in good hands. I trust you.”

  His confidence felt like a balm to her battered soul. After losing him, she never thought she would ever see him again, let alone hear those familiar words. He didn’t even have his memory yet, but he repeated his typical answer as she prepared him for a procedure. He always said the same thing, word-for-word, whenever she fitted him with a new enhancement or ran a diagnostic.

  She gave him a tight, worried smile. She hoped his faith wasn’t misplaced. She couldn’t promise to retrieve his buried memories. Yet if she succeeded, she couldn’t promise there wouldn’t be pain or damage that would ensue. But she would do her best for him, just as he swore to protect her from the Colonel. Her mate had truly returned to her.

  She leaned over him and gave him a quick kiss, as she always did whenever the lab was empty. Often, that quick kiss for luck led to other quick frantic activities. “See you on the other side,” she murmured as was her typical response.

  He gave her a slight smile but didn’t answer. She wasn’t sure if he remembered her words or not but it didn’t matter. She quickly turned back to the equipment and placed her palm against it.

  “I’m sending a quick electric probe into your frontal and parietal lobes. You’ll probably feel a buzzing sensation within your primary processor. Don’t be alarmed.” Destiny probed gently, testing his reaction, before she pushed further. He didn’t flinch once and seemed to be handling the initial phase well.

  “I’ll be going deeper now and I intend to dismantle the block. This might cause some discomfort.” She made some adjustments to the computer then she crossed to Jevlen’s side and placed her hand on his forehead. She wanted to assist the equipment, to ensure the gentlest invasion possible. He stiffened with discomfort and she knew the probe had reached the block. “Hang on, love. This isn’t going to be easy.”

  Dismantling the block proved more difficult than she expected. Jevlen grunted in pain and clenched his fists. His steel jaw flexed with agitation but he didn’t complain. He fixed his green-eyed gaze upon her and didn’t waver. Destiny wanted to comfort him but she couldn’t break her concentration. “Just a little more. I’m sorry it hurts.” Her heart cried out as he grunted with pain again. She didn’t stop, though she despised torturing him. She couldn’t. He needed his memories.

  With a final push, she forced the probe through the block. Jevlen writhed in agony upon the bed, tangling himself in the sensor wires. Destiny immediately placed both hands on his temples and brought a soothing energy to his processors and circuitry. Soon Jevlen quieted. She then straightened all the wires so she could continue. Now that the block was dismantled she could realign the gateway for the suppressed memories to interact with his primary processor.

  “Almost done. Are you feeling all right now?” she asked as she touched the top of his head. She could sense his processor worked properly and the storage that had been locked away was now channeling freely.

  “I’m fine. A bit overwhelmed by all the images bombarding me at once.”

  “They’re the suppressed memories?” she asked as she checked the computer. She wanted to run one quick diagnostic before removing the sensors.

  Jevlen blinked. “I believe so. Everything is a bit hazy and it seems like they’re trying to cram into my consciousness at once. I can’t make sense of anything yet. I see events, images. Feelings.” He shook his head and clenched his fists.

  Destiny put her hands on his shoulders and encouraged him to relax. “Let them come. Don’t fight it. It’s going to feel like a tidal wave washing over you. You’ll only exhaust yourself and overwork your processors if you try to assimilate everything yourself. Let it work itself out. Ride the wave, love.”

  “I remember the lab where I was pieced back together. I experienced a lot of pain in those rooms.” “I see you. You saved my life. You worked long hard hours to make me function properly.” “Oh, honey, we never could keep our hands off each other, could we?” He paused, frown
ing. “I see Bakkarians and the Colonel. I suspected he struck a deal with them but I didn’t have the proof.”

  Destiny stilled. “Bakkarians? I knew he was sending my reports outside the Confederation but I never knew who received them. You saw him meet with Bakkarians?”

  Jevlen frowned, concentrating, then nodded. “Yes. I saw him. I suspected this was why he ordered my mind wiped. He also planned to wipe yours. I told Rooka, your friend, to get you out of there before the Colonel could harm you.”

  He sat up on the bed and pulled her into his arms. “I love you, Destiny. You are my mate and my life. I owe everything to you.”

  This time Destiny didn’t bother to hide her tears which quickly turned to sobs of joy and relief. He was back. He remembered everything and he was finally back. The nightmare was over!

  Jevlen gently detangled her stranglehold around his neck and carefully set her away from him. “As much as I’d like to repeat some of our more interesting lab encounters –“ His eyes briefly heated and Destiny blushed at what he remembered. “I feel we need to contact the Marauders. They will help me extract you from this mess.”

  “The Marauders?” She took a hasty step back. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? I’d much rather work on the solution in a less conspicuous way. If the Marauders are involved then the Colonel will –“

  “He’ll find you one way or another. He’s very determined. He has used you and your information in his dealings with the Bakkarians. Your disappearance has made things very difficult for him, much more difficult than a mere secondary officer going AWOL. He needs you to placate the Bakkarians.”

  “What if he plans to hand me over to them? We all know how they like to experiment upon species with uncommon traits. They’ll dissect me and run tests! You can’t do this, Jevlen! Keep the Marauders out of this. We’ll both disappear instead; take on new identities. No one will ever find us –“

  “You know I have a sub-cranial beacon. If I try to go off-grid they will activate the beacon and track me by it.”

  “I could turn it off! You weren’t supposed to recover your memories. Surely I could disable the beacon so we can be free –“

  “No, honey. This isn’t the way to handle things. I’m a commander within the Confederation. I have a duty to serve. But I also have a duty to protect you. Hiding away is no way to protect you. The truth must come out or others will be harmed by the Colonel. You deserve vindication for what he has done, rather than being hunted as a fugitive and running for your life. I want better for us. You deserve better.”

  Destiny took a moment to absorb his sound reasoning. But she knew the Colonel. He wouldn’t take kindly to an investigation being opened against him. He would retaliate and she was only a secondary officer – an easy scapegoat. He would crush her. Yet Jevlen promised to protect her. Could she take a stand against the Colonel, knowing Jevlen was at her back? It was a daunting idea. They’d wiped his memory once when he got too close to the truth. They would undoubtedly do it again. Thankfully, Jevlen was wise to the Colonel’s tactics and no longer under his command. The Colonel would have a difficult time getting ahold of Jevlen.

  Finally she nodded in acceptance. “Fine, invite your Marauders into our mess. I just hope you’re not calling the enemy into our camp.” Even though she agreed, she had a bad feeling she couldn’t shake.


  Destiny hung back as Jevlen strode forward to greet the soldiers under his command. The small band of Dark Marauders made an intimidating sight and no wonder people were afraid of them. They were all huge, powerful men - fierce looking in their black uniforms with the white angel patch on their shoulders. Destiny had always heard of the Confederation’s Special-forces but she’d never encountered them first hand.

  Each of the men saluted Jevlen and she was again impressed with how powerful and dignified he was. He’d worked hard to earn his position as commander, and it had nothing to do with his enhancements. Those enhancements didn’t account for his will and determination, his personal drive, and his wisdom and cunning. He was a leader of men.

  She felt the soldiers’ curious gazes on her but they quickly snapped back to Jevlen as he addressed them. “Thank you for answering my summons so quickly. I’m sure you have many questions. Once we board and head for Base Bravo Two, I will try to satisfy your curiosity.” He motioned to the Maruader shuttle that had been sent down to retrieve Jevlen and Destiny.

  “Sir, forgive my impertinance, but who is the woman?” one of the men asked.

  Jevlen turned and motioned Destiny forward. All gazes turned toward her and she felt uneasy with the soldiers’ scrutiny. “This is Lieutenant Destiny Kagar,” Jevlen paused and his lips curled in a slight smile as he added, “my mate.”

  Destiny wasn’t surprised by their shocked looks. She was surprised when one of them stepped forward with his hand on his phaser pistol. Her heart rate accelerated at the soldier’s grim expression. “Sir, I apologize, but as acting commander, I am required to take Lieutenant Destiny Kagar into custody.”

  Jevlen waved away the soldier’s explanation. “At ease, First Officer Chaz. The Lieutenant is already in my custody. I will see to her transfer aboard ship.”

  “With all due respect, Sir, we have orders from Admiral Xe to take both you and the woman into custody and transport you to the nearest base, which in this case is Bravo Two.” First Officer Chaz wore a pained expression. “If you’ll just go quietly, I’m sure we can get this matter cleared up quickly. I suspect there’s been a huge mistake, Commander.”

  Jevlen shoved Destiny behind him as he faced the soldiers – one against six. But his enhancements evened the odds. “Run, Dessi!” he ordered, using his old pet name for her.

  Run? She hadn’t expected that! Destiny was terrified to obey him because she didn’t want to be separated from him again but she was terrified not to obey him. If the soldiers took both of them into custody she would have no one to protect her and soon she would face the Colonel again. For a moment she stood in indecision but then the first officer raised his weapon. That made up her mind! As Jevlen strode toward the offending soldier, Destiny took off running. She was fast but unfortunately not fast enough. One of the Marauders quickly caught up to her. He stopped her with an arm around her waist and pulled her up short. She tried to struggle free but of course he was too strong for her. All her struggles did was increase Jevlen’s rage.

  “Do not touch my mate!” he roared as he pounded after the soldier who captured Destiny. He wore a fierce expression and Destiny was sure he would kill the man if she didn’t intervene. She immediately stopped struggling.

  “I will not fight you. Take me into custody. I’ll go peacefully,” she cried hastily as she raised her hands. Hopefully Jevlen would see it was over and she wasn’t struggling. His Ronoshian instincts would take over and he’d get them both killed in the process of trying to free her. Manacles just like the ones Jevlen used appeared in the man’s hand and he quickly cuffed her wrists.

  Unfortunately this didn’t assuage Jevlen’s fury. He grabbed the soldier, spun him around, and planted his fist in the man’s face. “Never touch my mate again!” He hit him again and again. Jevlen’s strength was far greater than the average man’s and Destiny was afraid he would kill the young officer. His instincts had driven him into protective mode and nothing would stop him.

  The first officer fired his phaser, set on stun, but it had no effect on Jevlen except to anger him more. “I told you to run, Dessi!” he growled as he turned from the now unconscious soldier to the first officer who turned up the strength of the stun and fired again. Jevlen took a faltering step back then continued to charge toward the soldiers.

  “Sir, stand down! We don’t want to fire upon you!”

  Jevlen wasn’t listening as he charged after the group of soldiers. They were fierce, but he was far superior. It was an awe inspiring sight to see her mate quickly subdue so many with only his bare hands. But he wasn’t content with taking control. No, he wante
d them permanently incapacitated. Destiny realized she had to stop him. He would never forgive himself if he killed one of his men.

  She ran behind him and stepped into the fray. Before anyone could stop her, she grabbed his head with her bound hands. He swung around to hit whoever attacked him from behind but he didn’t have a chance. His eyes widened briefly with awareness of her and then his processor dropped him into instant stasis. “I’m sorry my love, but I’ve done this to protect you this time,” she murmured as his body slumped to the ground in unconsciousness.

  She turned to the nearest soldier who stared in awe. “You may take him aboard now, but be warned. He will not remain in this state for long. I insist you do not separate us. He will require a diagnostic scan once he reawakens. His processors were overloaded with his Ronoshian hormones. His system is out of balance.”

  First Officer Chaz stepped forward. He blinked in confusion as he stared down at his commander, slumped over on the ground. “Ma’am? I don’t pretend to understand a word of what you just said.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re unaware of his enhancements?”

  First Officer Chaz shook his head in bewilderment. “Enhancements? You mean he’s a cyborg?”

  Destiny felt her blood boil and she glared at the first officer. “Don’t call him that! He’s a man, not a machine! He merely has a few enhancements that were put in place when he nearly lost his life in the line of duty. He’s more man than any other I’ve met!”

  First Officer Chaz held up his hands. “I meant no offense. I just had no idea. He kept these things to himself. He was never the most social of officers. A lot of things make sense now.”

  “But not why you’re taking him into custody as well. That makes no sense. Is Colonel Bronsten behind this?” she demanded. Maybe she could get this soldier to see reason before it was too late.


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