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The Essential Louise Hay Collection

Page 17

by Louise Hay


  Mental irritation, impatience, annoyance in the surroundings. This child responds only to love and to loving thoughts. All is peaceful.


  See: Colon, Intestines, Mucus Colon, Spastic Colitis

  Insecurity. Represents the ease of letting go of that which is over. I am part of the perfect rhythm and flow of life. All is in Divine right order.


  Holding on to the past. Fear of letting go. I easily release that which I no longer need. The past is over, and I am free.


  Fear. Escaping something or someone. We surround you with safety and love. We create a space for you to heal. You are loved.


  Small outbursts of anger. I calm my thoughts, and I am serene.


  See: Bronchitis, Colds, Influenza


  See: Pinkeye

  Anger and frustration at what you are looking at in life. I see with eyes of love. There is a harmonious solution, and I accept it now.


  Refusing to release old ideas. Stuck in the past. Sometimes stinginess. As I release the past, the new and fresh and vital enter. I allow life to flow through me.


  Hardened areas of thought—stubbornly holding on to the pain of the past. I move forward, free from the past. I am safe; I am free.

  Coronary Thrombosis

  See: Heart Attack

  Feeling alone and scared. “I’m not good enough. I don’t do enough. I’ll never make it.” I am one with all of life. The Universe totally supports me. All is well.


  See: Respiratory Ailments

  A desire to bark at the world. “See me! Listen to me!” I am noticed and appreciated in the most positive ways. I am loved.


  Tension. Fear. Gripping, holding on. I relax and allow my mind to be peaceful.


  See: Bronchitis


  Tears are the river of life, shed in joy as well as in sadness and fear. I am peaceful with all of my emotions. I love and approve of myself.

  Cushing’s Disease

  See: Adrenal Problems

  Mental imbalance. Overproduction of crushing ideas. A feeling of being overpowered. I lovingly balance my mind and my body. I now choose thoughts that make me feel good.


  See: Injuries, Wounds

  Punishment for not following your own rules. I create a life filled with rewards.


  Running the old painful movie. Nursing hurts. A false growth. The movies of my mind are beautiful because I choose to make them so. I love me.

  Cystic Fibrosis

  A thick belief that life won’t work for you. “Poor me.” Life loves me, and I love life. I now choose to take in life fully and freely.


  See: Bladder Problems


  Rejection, stubbornness, isolation. What don’t you want to hear? “Don’t bother me.” I listen to the Divine and rejoice at all that I am able to hear. I am one with all.


  Represents leaving the movie of life. I joyfully move on to new levels of experience. All is well.


  See: Alzheimer’s Disease, Senility

  A refusal to deal with the world as it is. Hopelessness and anger. I am in my perfect place, and I am safe at all times.


  Anger you feel you do not have a right to have. Hopelessness. I now go beyond other people’s fears and limitations. I create my life.

  Diabetes (Hyperglycemia, Mellitus)

  Longing for what might have been. A great need to control. Deep sorrow. No sweetness left. This moment is filled with joy. I now choose to experience the sweetness of today.


  Fear. Rejection. Running off. My intake, assimilation, and elimination are in perfect order. I am at peace with life.

  Dizziness (Vertigo)

  Flighty, scattered thinking. A refusal to look. I am deeply centered and peaceful in life. It is safe for me to be alive and joyous.

  Dry Eye

  Angry eyes. Refusing to see with love. Would rather die than forgive. Being spiteful. I willingly forgive. I breathe life into my vision and see with compassion and understanding.


  Fear and intense anger. I create peacefulness in my mind, and my body reflects this.

  — Amoebic

  Believing they are out to get you. I am the power and authority in my world. I am at peace.

  — Bacillary

  Oppression and hopelessness. I am filled with life and energy and the joy of living.


  See: Female Problems, Menstrual Problems

  Anger at the self. Hatred of the body or of women. I love my body. I love myself. I love all my cycles. All is well.


  Represents the capacity to hear. I hear with love.

  Earache (Otitis: External/ Ear Canal Media/ Inner Ear)

  Anger. Not wanting to hear. Too much turmoil. Parents arguing. Harmony surrounds me. I listen with love to the pleasant and the good. I am a center for love.


  See: Bruises


  Breathtaking antagonism. Mental eruptions. Harmony and peace, love and joy surround me and indwell me. I am safe and secure.


  See: Holding Fluids, Swelling

  What or whom won‘t you let go of? I willingly release the past. It is safe for me to let go. I am free now.


  See: Joints

  Represents changing directions and accepting new experiences. I easily flow with new experiences, new directions, and new changes.


  Fear of taking in life. Not worthy of living. It is my birthright to live fully and freely. I love life. I love me.


  Insecurity, disappointment, and frustration. Replacing self-love with sugar. Blamers. I am both powerful and desirable. It’s wonderful to be a woman. I love myself, and I am fulfilled.


  See: Bed-wetting


  Sense of persecution. Rejection of life. A feeling of great struggle. Self-violence. I choose to see life as eternal and joyous. I am eternal and joyous and at peace.

  Epstein-Barr Virus

  Pushing beyond one’s limits. Fear of not being good enough. Draining all inner support. Stress virus. I relax and recognize my self-worth. I am good enough. Life is easy and joyful.


  See: Eye Problems


  Represents the capacity to see clearly—-past, present, and future. I see with love and joy.

  Eye Problems

  See: Sty

  Not liking what you see in your own life. I now create a life I love to look at.

  — Astigmatism

  “I” trouble. Fear of really seeing the self. I am now willing to see my own beauty and magnificence.

  — Cataracts

  Inability to see ahead with joy. Dark future. Life is eternal and filled with joy.

  — Children

  Not wanting to see what is going on in the family. Harmony and joy and beauty and safety now surround this child.

  — Crossed

  See: Keratitis

  Not wanting to see what’s out there. Crossed purposes. It is safe for me to see. I am at peace.

  — Farsighted (Hyperopia)

  Fear of the present. I am safe in the here and now. I see that clearly.

  — Glaucoma

  Stony unforgiveness. Pressure from long-standing hurts. Overwhelmed by it all. I see with love and tenderness.

  — Nearsighted

  See: Myopia

  Fear of the future. I accept Divine guidance and am always safe.

  — Walleyed (Exotropia)

bsp; Fear of looking at the present, right here. I love and approve of myself right now.


  Represents what we show the world. It is safe to be me. I express who I am.

  Fainting (Vasovagal Attack)

  Fear. Can’t cope. Blacking out. I have the power and strength and knowledge to handle everything in my life.


  See: Overweight

  Oversensitivity. Often represents fear and shows a need for protection. Fear may be a cover for hidden anger and a resistance to forgive. I am protected by Divine Love. I am always safe and secure. I am willing to grow up and take responsibility for my life. I forgive others, and I now create my own life the way I want it. I am safe.

  Female Problems

  See: Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Fibroid Tumors, Leukorrhea, Menstrual Problems, Vaginitis

  Denial of the self. Rejecting femininity. Rejection of the feminine principle. I rejoice in my femaleness. I love being a woman. I love my body.


  Anger. Burning up. I am the cool, calm expression of peace and love.

  Fever Blisters

  See: Cold Sores, Herpes Simplex

  Fibroid Tumors & Cysts

  See: Female Problems

  Nursing a hurt from a partner. A blow to the feminine ego. I release the pattern in me that attracted this experience. I create only good in my life.


  Represent the details of life. I am peaceful with the details of life.

  — Thumb

  Represents intellect and worry. My mind is at peace.

  — Index Finger

  Represents ego and fear. I am secure.

  — Middle Finger

  Represents anger and sexuality. I am comfortable with my sexuality.

  — Ring Finger

  Represents unions and grief. I am peacefully loving.

  — Little Finger

  Represents the family and pretending. I am myself with the family of Life.


  Fear. A blockage in the letting-go process. I am safe. I trust fully in the process of life. Life is for me.


  See: Gas Pains


  See: Influenza

  Food Poisoning

  Allowing others to take control. Feeling defenseless. I have the strength, power, and skill to digest whatever comes my way.

  Foot Problems

  Fear of the future and of not stepping forward in life. I move forward in life, with joy and with ease.


  See: Bone Problems


  Fear. Denial of pleasure. A belief that sex is bad. Insensitive partners. Fear of father. It is safe for me to enjoy my own body. I rejoice in being a woman.


  Stagnating beliefs. Refusing to release the past. Letting the past rule today. I live in the present moment, joyous and free.


  See: Boils

  Gallstones (Cholelithiasis)

  Bitterness. Hard thoughts. Condemning. Pride. There is joyous release of the past. Life is sweet, and so am I.


  Mental morbidity. Drowning of joy with poisonous thoughts. I now choose harmonious thoughts and let the joy flow freely through me.

  Gas Pains (Flatulence)

  Gripping. Fear. Undigested ideas. I relax and let life flow through me with ease.


  See: Stomach Problems

  Prolonged uncertainty. A feeling of doom. I love and approve of myself. I am safe.


  Represent the masculine and feminine principles. It is safe to be who I am.

  — Problems

  Worry about not being good enough. I rejoice in my own expression of life. I am perfect just as I am. I love and approve of myself.


  Represent holding stations. Self-starting activity. I am the creative power in my world.

  Glandular Fever

  See: Mononucleosis

  Glandular Problems

  Poor distribution of get-up-and-go ideas. Holding yourself back. I have all the Divine ideas and activity I need. I move forward right now.

  Globus Hystericus

  See: Lump in Throat


  See: Thyroid

  Hatred for being inflicted upon. Victim. Feeling thwarted in life. Unfulfilled. I am the power and authority in my life. I am free to be me.


  See: Venereal Disease

  A need for punishment for being a bad person. I love my body. I love my sexuality. I love me.


  The need to dominate. Impatience, anger. I am safe and secure. I am at peace with myself and with others.

  Gray Hair

  Stress. A belief in pressure and strain. I am at peace and comfortable in every area of my life. I am strong and capable.


  Nursing those old hurts. Building resentments. I easily forgive. I love myself and will reward myself with thoughts of praise.

  Gum Problems

  Inability to back up decisions. Wishy-washy about life. I am a decisive person. I follow through and support myself with love.


  See: Bad Breath

  Rotten attitudes, vile gossip, foul thinking. I speak with gentleness and love. I exhale only the good.


  Hold and handle. Clutch and grip. Grasping and letting go. Caressing. Pinching. All ways of dealing with experiences. I choose to handle all my experiences with love and with joy and with ease.

  Hay Fever

  See: Allergies

  Emotional congestion. Fear of the calendar. A belief in persecution. Guilt. I am one with ALL OF LIFE. I am safe at all times.


  See: Migraine Headaches

  Invalidating the self. Self-criticism. Fear. I love and approve of myself. I see myself and what I do with eyes of love. I am safe.


  See: Blood

  Represents the center of love and security. My heart beats to the rhythm of love.

  — Attack (M.I./Myocardial Infarction)

  See: Coronary Thrombosis

  Squeezing all the joy out of the heart in favor of money or position, etc. I bring joy back to the center of my heart. I express love to all.

  — Problems

  Long-standing emotional problems. Lack of joy. Hardening of the heart. Belief in strain and stress. Joy. Joy. Joy. I lovingly allow joy to flow through my mind and body and experience.


  See: Peptic Ulcer, Stomach Problems, Ulcers

  Fear. Fear. Fear. Clutching fear. I breathe freely and fully. I am safe. I trust the process of life.


  See: Anorectal Bleeding


  See: Anus

  Fear of deadlines. Anger of the past. Afraid to let go. Feeling burdened. I release all that is unlike love. There is time and space for everything I want to do.


  See: Liver Problems

  Resistance to change. Fear, anger, hatred. Liver is the seat of anger and rage. My mind is cleansed and free. I leave the past and move into the new. All is well.


  Ruptured relationships. Strain, burdens, incorrect creative expression. My mind is gentle and harmonious. I love and approve of myself. I am free to be me.

  Herpes (Herpes Genitalis)

  See: Venereal Disease

  Mass belief in sexual guilt and the need for punishment. Public shame. Belief in a punishing God. Rejection of the genitals. My concept of God supports me. I am normal and natural. I rejoice in my own sexuality and in my own body. I am wonderful.

  Herpes Simplex (Herpes Labialis)

  See: Cold Sores

  Burning to bitch. Bitter words left unspoken. I think and speak only words of love. I am at peace with life.


  Carries the body in perfec
t balance. Major thrust in moving forward. Hip Hip Hooray—there is joy in every day. I am balanced and free.

  Hip Problems

  Fear of going forward in major decisions. Nothing to move forward to. I am in perfect balance. I move forward in life with ease and with joy at every age.


  Anger that is covered over. The blanket used is usually fear. A desire to blame. There is often an unwillingness to nurture the self. I am a loving parent to myself. I am covered with love and approval. It is safe for me to show who I am.

  Hives (Urticaria)

  See: Rash

  Small, hidden fears. Mountains out of molehills. I bring peace to every corner of my life.

  Hodgkin’s Disease

  Blame and a tremendous fear of not being good enough. A frantic race to prove one’s self until the blood has no substance left to support itself. The joy of life is forgotten in the race for acceptance. I am perfectly happy to be me. I am good enough just as I am. I love and approve of myself. I am joy expressing and receiving.

  Holding Fluids

  See: Edema, Swelling

  What are you afraid of losing? I willingly release with joy.

  Huntington’s Disease

  Resentment at not being able to change others. Hopelessness. I release all control to the Universe. I am at peace with myself and with life.


  Fear. Feeling pressured and frantic. I am safe. All pressure dissolves. I AM good enough.


  See: Diabetes


  See: Eye Problems


  See: Blood Problems


  See: Thyroid

  Rage at being left out. I am at the center of life, and I approve of myself and all that I see.


  See: Asphyxiating Attacks, Breathing Problems

  Fear. Resisting change. Not trusting the process. I am safe everywhere in the Universe. I love myself and trust the process of life.


  Overwhelmed by the burdens in life. “What’s the use?” I now choose to make my life light and easy and joyful.


  See: Thyroid

  Giving up. Feeling hopelessly stifled. I create a new life with new rules that totally support me.

  Ileitis (Crohn’s Disease, Regional Enteritis)

  Fear. Worry. Not feeling good enough. I love and approve of myself. I am doing the best I can. I am wonderful. I am at peace.


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