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The Essential Louise Hay Collection

Page 36

by Louise Hay

  Lazaris has a wonderful exercise that I would like to share with you. Pick a spot on the planet. It could be anywhere—very far away or just around the corner—some place on the planet that you would like to help heal. Envision that place as peaceful, with people well fed and clothed and living in safety and peace. Take a moment every day and envision it.

  Put your love to work to help heal the planet. You are important. By sharing your love and all the magnificent gifts within you will begin to change the energy on this beautiful, blue-green, fragile planet that we call our home.

  And so it is!


  I remember when I couldn’t sing very well at all. I still don’t sing very well, but I am much more brave. I lead people in song at the end of my workshops and support groups. Perhaps one day, I will take some lessons and learn; however, I haven’t gotten around to it yet.

  At one event I began to lead everyone in song, and the man in charge of the sound system turned off my microphone. Joseph Vattimo, my assistant, said, “What are you doing?” The other man said, “She’s singing off key!” It was so terribly embarrassing. Now, it really doesn’t matter anymore. I just sing my heart out, and it seems to open up just a little bit more.

  I’ve had some extraordinary experiences in my life, and the one that has opened my heart on a very deep level has been working with people with aids. I can hug people now who, three years ago, I couldn’t even look at. I’ve gone beyond a lot of my own personal limitations. In reward for that, I have found so much love—wherever I go, people give me tremendous amounts of love.

  In October 1987, Joseph and I went to Washington, D.C., to march for governmental help for aids. I don’t know how many are aware of the aids quilt. It’s rather in credible. Many, many people from around the country got together and made quilt patches to commemorate someone who has died from aids. These patches are made with so much love and put together with patches from all over the world to make an enormous quilt.

  When we were in Washington, the patches were put into sections and displayed between the Washington and Lincoln monuments. At six o’clock in the morning, we began to read the names of the people on the quilt. As we did, people would unfold the patch and put it in place next to the others. It was a very emotional time, as you can imagine. People were crying everywhere.

  I was standing with my list, waiting to read, when I felt this tap on my shoulder. I could hear someone say, “Could I ask you a question, please?” I turned around, and the young man standing behind me looked at the badge with my name on it, and shouted, “Louise Hay! Oh my God,” and he went into absolute hysteria and flung himself in my arms. We held each other, and he just sobbed and sobbed. Finally, when he could contain himself, he told me that his lover had read my book many times, and when he was about to leave the planet, his lover asked him to read a treatment from my book. He read it slowly, as his lover read the lines with him. The very last words his lover said were, “All is well,” and he died.

  So here I was, right in front of him. He was extremely touched. When he could compose himself enough, I said, “But what did you want to ask me?” It seemed that he had not been able to complete his lover’s patch on time, and he wanted me to add his lover’s name to my list. He just happened to pick me. I remember this moment very well, because it showed me that life is really simple and the things that are important are also simple.

  I want to share a quote with you from Emmett Fox. If you don’t know Emmett Fox, he was a very popular teacher in the ’40s, ’50s, and early ’60s and one of the clearest teachers I know. He has written some beautiful books, and these are some of my favorite words of his:

  “There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer. There is no disease that enough love will not heal. No door that enough love will not open. No gulf that enough love will not bridge. No wall that enough love will not throw down. And no sin that enough love will not redeem. It makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble. How hopeless the outlook. How muddled the tangle. How great the mistake. A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all And if you could love enough you would be the happiest and most powerful person in the world. “

  It’s true, you know. It sounds wonderful and it is true. What do you need to do to get to that space where you could be the happiest and most powerful person in the world? I think inner space travel is just beginning. We are just beginning to learn about the Power that we have inside us. We’re not going to find it if we contract. The more we can open to ourselves, the more we are going to find the Universal energies available to assist us. There are incredible accomplishments that we are capable of.

  Take a few breaths. Open your chest and give your heart room to expand. Keep practicing, and sooner or later the barriers will begin to drop. Today is your beginning point.

  I love you,

  Appendix A

  Meditations for Personal and Planetary Healing

  Acknowledge yourself for being centered when there is incredible chaos around you. Acknowledge yourself for being courageous and for doing so much more than you thought you could.

  The healing work we do at the end of our workshops and support groups is very powerful. We usually break into groups of three and do a form of laying-on-of-hands for each other. It is a wonderful way to accept energy and also share energy with many people who are reluctant in one way or another to ask for help. Often, profound experiences occur.

  I would like to share some of the meditations we do at our healing circles. It would be wonderful if we all did them on an ongoing basis either by ourselves or in groups.

  Touching Your Inner Child

  See your inner child in any way that you can and notice how it looks and feels. Comfort your child. Apologize to it. Tell it how sorry you are for forsaking it. You have been away for so long, and you are now willing to make it up. Promise this little child that you will never ever leave her or him again. Anytime it wants, it can reach out and touch you, and you will be there. If it is scared, you will hold it. If it is angry, it is okay to express the anger. Tell it you love it very much.

  You have the power to help create the kind of world that you want you and your child to live in. You have the power of your mind and your thoughts. See yourself creating a wonderful world. See your child relaxed and safe, peaceful, laughing, happy, playing with friends. Running free. Touching a flower. Hugging a tree. Picking an apple from the tree, and eating it with delight. Playing with a puppy or a kitten. Swinging high above the trees. Laughing with joy and running up to you and giving you a big hug.

  See the two of you healthy and living in a beautiful, safe place. Having wonderful relationships with your parents, friends and co-workers. Being greeted with joy wherever you go. Having a special kind of love. See where you want to live and what you want to work at. And see yourselves as healthy. Very healthy. Joyous. And free. And so it is.

  A Healthy World

  Envision the world as a great place to live in. See all the sick being made well and the homeless being cared for. See disease become a thing of the past, and all the hospitals now apartment buildings. See prison inmates being taught how to love themselves and being released as responsible citizens. See churches remove sin and guilt from their teachings. See governments really taking care of people.

  Go outside and feel the clean rain falling. As the rain stops, see a beautiful rainbow appear. Notice the sun shining, and the air is clean and clear. Smell its freshness. See the water glisten and sparkle in our rivers, streams, and lakes. And notice the lush vegetation. Forests filled with trees. Flowers, fruits, and vegetables abundant and available everywhere. See people being healed of disease, so that illness becomes a memory.

  Go to other countries and see peace and plenty for all. See harmony between all people as we lay down our guns. Judgment, criticism, and prejudice become archaic and fade away. See borders crumbling and separateness disappearing. See all of us becoming one. See our Mother Earth, the planet, heale
d and whole.

  You are creating this new world now, just by using your mind to envision a new world. You are powerful. You are important, and you do count. Live your vision. Go out and do what you can to make this vision come true. God bless us all. And so it is.

  Your Healing light

  Look deep within the center of your heart and find that tiny little pinpoint of brilliantly colored light. It is such a beautiful color. It is the very center of your love and healing energy. Watch the little pinpoint of light begin to pulsate, and as it pulsates, it grows until it fills your heart. See this light move through your body from the top of your head to the tip of your toes and the tip of your fingers. You are absolutely glowing with this beautiful colored light. It is your love and your healing energy. Let your whole body vibrate with this light. You can say to yourself, “With every breath I take, I am getting healthier and healthier. “

  Feel this light cleansing your body of disease and allowing normal health to return to you. Let this light begin to radiate out from you in all directions, touching the people around you. Let your healing energy touch everyone whom you know who needs it. What a privilege it is to share your love and light and healing energy with those who are in need of healing. Let your light move into hospitals and nursing homes and orphanages and prisons, mental hospitals, and other institutions of despair. Let it bring hope and enlightenment and peace.

  Let it move into every home in the city in which you live where there is pain and suffering. Let your love and light and healing energy bring comfort to those in need. Let it move into the churches and soften the hearts of those involved, so that they truly operate with unconditional love. Let the beautiful light that comes from your heart move into the Capitol and government buildings, bringing enlightenment and the message of truth. Let it move into every capital in every government. Select one place on the planet as a place that you would like to help heal. Concentrate your light on that place. It may be very far away or it may be around the corner. Concentrate your love and light and your healing energy on this place and see it come into balance and harmony. See it whole. Take a moment every day to send your love and light and healing energy to this particular place on the planet. We are the people. We are the children. We are the world. We are the future. What we give out comes back to us multiplied. And so it is.

  Receiving Prosperity

  Let’s realize some positive qualities for ourselves. We are open and receptive to wonderful new ideas. We allow prosperity to enter into our lives on a level that it has never entered before. We deserve the best. We are willing to accept the best. Our income is constantly increasing. We move away from poverty thinking into prosperity thinking. We love ourselves. We rejoice in who we are and we know that life is here for us and will supply us with everything that we need. We move from success to success, from joy to joy, and from abundance to abundance. We are one with the Power that created us. We express for ourselves the greatness that we are. We are divine, magnificent expressions of Life, and we are open and receptive to all good. And so it is.

  Welcome the Child

  Put your hand over your heart. Close your eyes. Allow yourself not only to see your inner child but to be that child. Let your own voice speak for your parents as they welcome you into the world and into their lives. Hear them say:

  We’re so glad you came. We’ve been waiting for you. We wanted you so much to be part of our family. You’re so important to us. We’re so glad you are a little boy. We’re so glad you are a little girl. We love your uniqueness and your specialness. The family wouldn’t be the same without you. We love you. We want to hold you. We want to help you grow up to be all that you can be. You don’t have to be like us. You can be yourself. You’re so beautiful. You’re so bright. You’re so creative. It gives us such pleasure to have you here. We love you more than anything in the whole world. We thank you for choosing our family. We know you’re blessed. You have blessed us by coming. We love you. We really love you.

  Let your little child make these words true for it. Be aware that every day you can hold yourself and say these words. You can look in the mirror and say these words. You can hold a friend and say these words.

  Tell yourself all the things you wanted your parents to tell you. Your little child needs to feel wanted and loved. Give that to your child. No matter how old you are or how sick, or how scared, your little child needs to be wanted and loved. Keep telling your child, “I want you and I love you.” It is the truth for you. The Universe wants you here, and that’s why you are here. You’ve al ways been loved and will always be loved throughout eternity. You can live happily ever after. And so it is.

  Love is Healing

  Love is the most powerful healing force there is. I open myself to love. I am willing to love and be loved. I see myself prosper. I see myself healthy. I see myself creatively fulfilled. I live in peace and safety.

  Send everyone you know thoughts of comfort and acceptance and support and love. Be aware that as you send these thoughts out, you also receive them back.

  Envelop your family in a circle of love, whether they are living or not. Include your friends, the people at work, and everyone from your past, and all the people you would like to forgive, but don’t know how.

  Send love to everyone with aids and cancer, and to the friends and lovers, hospice workers, doctors, nurses, alternative therapists, and caretakers. Let’s see an end to aids and cancer. In your mind’s eye, see a headline that reads, “Cure for cancer found. Cure for aids found.”

  Put yourself in this circle of love. Forgive yourself. Affirm that you have wonderful, harmonious relationships with your parents, where there is mutual respect and caring on both sides.

  Let the circle of love envelop the entire planet, and let your heart open so you can find that space within you where there is unconditional love. See everyone living with dignity and in peace and joy.

  You are worth loving. You are beautiful. You are powerful. You open yourself to all good. And so it is.

  We Are Free to be Ourselves

  In order to be whole, we must accept all of ourselves. So let your heart open and make plenty of room in there for all the parts of yourself. The parts you are proud of and the part that embarrass you. The parts you reject and the parts you love. They are all of you. You are beautiful. We all are. When your heart is full of love for yourself, then you have so much to share with others.

  Let this love now fill your room and permeate out to all the people that you know. Put the people you want in the center of your room so that they can receive the love from your overflowing heart. From your child to theirs. Now see all the children in all the people dancing as children dance, skipping and shouting and turning somersaults and cartwheels, filled with exuberant joy. Expressing all the best of the child within.

  Let your child go and play with the other children. Let your child dance. Let your child feel safe and free. Let your child be all that it ever wanted to be. You are perfect, whole, and complete, and all is well in your wonderful world. And so it is.

  Sharing Healing Energy

  Shake your hands and then rub them together. Then share the energy in your hands with the beautiful being before you. It is such an honor and privilege to share healing energy with another human being. It is such a simple thing to do.

  Whenever you are with friends, you can spend a little time sharing healing energy. We need to give to each other and receive from each other in simple, meaningful ways. The touch that says I care. We may not be able to fix anything, but we care. I’m here for you and I love you. Together we can find the answers.

  All disease comes to an end. All crises come to an end. Feel the healing energies. Let that energy, that intelligence, that knowledge be awakened in us. We deserve to heal. We deserve to be whole. We deserve to know and love who we are. Divine love has always met and always will meet every human need. And so it is.

  A Circle of Love

  See yourself standing in a very safe space.
Release your burdens and pains and fears. Old negative addictions and patterns. See them falling away from you. Then see yourself standing in your safe place with your arms wide open, saying “I am open and receptive to ___________.” Declaring for yourself what it is you want. Not what you don’t want, but what you do want. And know that it is possible. See yourself whole and healthy. At peace. See yourself filled with love.

  All we need is one idea to change our lives. On this planet we can be in a circle of hate or we can be in a circle of love and healing. I choose to be in a circle of love. I realize that everyone wants the same things that I want. We want to express ourselves creatively in ways that are fulfilling. We want to be peaceful and safe.

  And in this space, feel your connection with other people in the world. Let the love in you go from heart to heart. And as your love goes out, know that it comes back to you multiplied. “I send comforting thoughts to everyone and know that these thoughts are returning to me. “ See the world becoming an incredible circle of light. And so it is.

  You Deserve love

  We don’t have to believe everything. In the perfect time-space sequence, that which you need will rise to the surface. Each one of us has the ability to love ourselves more. Each one of us deserves to be loved. We deserve to live well, to be healthy, to be loved and loving, to prosper, and the little child deserves to grow up to have a wonderful, wonderful life.

  See yourself surrounded by love. See yourself happy and healthy and whole. See yourself as you would like your life to be. Put in all the details. Know that you deserve it. Then take the love from your heart and let it begin to flow, filling your body with healing energies.

  Let your love begin to flow around the room and around your home until you are in an absolutely enormous circle of love. Feel the love circulating, so as it goes out from you, it returns to you. The most powerful healing force is love. Let it circulate over and over again. Let it wash through your body. You are love. And so it is.


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