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Apprehensions & Convictions

Page 40

by Mark Johnson

Balzer, Jack, 47–48, 59, 64–71, 112, 123–124, 296

  Bama Pride motel, 3–8

  domestic violence case, 4–6

  FUCK MEN tat lady, 5–7, 180

  Barker, Robbie, 308

  Barnhart-Thibodeaux, Victoria, 186–190, 194–199

  Battles, Mose, 54–55

  Sweets (dog), 54–55

  Bear (Officer), 65, 124

  Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office, 23, 25–26, 31

  Personnel Board, 26–27

  Betty (nurse), 129–130, 135

  Billye and Bill (aunt and uncle), 315–316

  Black, Frank, 235–239, 241, 243–244, 259–260, 262–263, 277–278, 280

  Blake, William, 131

  Blankenship, Jordan, 197–199

  Blood Work, 1–2

  Boulder Legal Services, 82

  Boy Scouts, 8–10, 16–17, 20, 253

  Troop 68 Spring Camporee, 75–78

  Brock, Randy, 180–183, 189, 194–195

  Broder, Joey, 294

  Brown, D’thuggin, 320

  Brown, Sharon, 59–63

  Bukowski, Charles, 52, 173

  Burglary, 97, 217–218, 223–224

  Kenyatta “Blond Weave”, 224–225

  definition of, 177

  First Home Invasion, 227

  Mudbug, 107–112

  Burke, Edmund, 255

  Busch’s Grove, 158–160

  Camp Lejeune, 165

  Car break-ins, attempted, 41–43

  Car chases, 83–89

  bail jumper, 86–89

  Heather Thibodeaux, 183–185

  Mardi Gras, 261–265

  Mudbug, 107–112

  with Porter, 84–85

  Carter, Roshunda, 153–156

  Central African Methodist Episcopal Zion, 154

  Chandler, Raymond, 123

  Child endangerment/neglect, 71

  Christmas patrol, 38–39

  reasons for taking, 39

  security guards, 40

  Claggett, Harry, 41, 45–46, 211–212

  Claude (barber), 116–117

  Club Chez When (Cheez Whiz), 179–180, 187

  Cobb, Lee J., 75

  (Dr.) Cohen., 78, 80, 82, 132

  Colorado Power, 11–14

  Pacesetter corporate gift, 13

  Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph, 16

  Colt, Andy, 233, 251

  Colt, Brandy, 233–234, 237–240, 243, 247–248

  Colt, Candy, 233–234, 251–252

  husband, Troy, 233

  Colt, Grandma, 233, 235, 250

  Colt, Travis, 232–241, 243–247, 251–252

  in Metro, 248–250

  Colt, Wesley, 232–236, 239–240, 243–244, 247

  drugs, 250–251

  in Metro, 250–254

  Country Club of Mobile, 154–156

  County of Forensics, 56

  Craighead Elementary School, 296

  Crudup, Richard, 296–297

  CSI, 147

  Culkin, Ben, 133–135, 140

  Culkin, Judith “Judy” Anise (biological mother), 129–130, 134–143, 157, 159–160, 167, 171–172

  Culkin, Kathy, 134, 140

  Culkin, Will Jr., 134

  Culkin, Willard, 132–134

  Culkin Memorial Hospital, 131–132

  Culkin Oil, 133–134

  Curtis, Donte, 259–261

  Cunningham, Kayla, 267–269

  Dahmer, Jeffrey, 119

  Daniels, LT, 214

  Darby, Captain, 283–284, 293

  Dead bodies (Signal 26), 51–58

  abandoned houses, 52–54

  Backwards Man, 56

  Faceless Biker, 56–57

  funeral home, 51–52

  gangbanger, 57–58

  Melted Man, 57

  Mose Battles and Sweets, 54–55

  Denver Post, 23

  Deuteronomy, 157

  Domestic violence (Signal 39), 28, 64–71, 91–98

  Bama Pride motel, 4–6

  children and, 93

  Darius Jones, 93–94

  Mama Ruth, 67–68, 71

  physical evidence of, 93

  Shaletha, 68–71

  Woodlawn Apartments, 99–103

  Dortch, Fannie, 63–64

  Dowling, Ed, 314

  Draper, Harley, 211–213

  Drugs, 88, 111–112, 179–181, 197, 244–245

  Dubovitch, 3–7

  Eastwood, Clint, 1–2, 66, 216, 246, 248, 324

  Ebenezer Apostolic, 154

  Edwards, Sergeant, 211

  Elder Abuse, 194

  Ephesians, 83

  Failure to Obey, 238

  Farewell, My Lovely, 124

  Felonies, 177–178, 184, 231

  A Few Good Men, 143

  Finkel, Sara, 155–156

  First National Bank of Colorado Springs, 13

  First Presbyterian (Waukesha, WI), 113

  FloraBama Lounge, 315

  Fritz (MPD-K9), 201, 212–213

  Fuck Mark Johnson page, 294–296

  Fuller, (Officer), 285

  Gary “Dancer” (Officer), 246

  Gibbs, Fletcher, 233–235

  Sarge (dog), 234–235

  Goldmouth, Fat Money, 320

  Gonzalez, Manny, 11–14, 16

  Green, Steven, 271–273, 291, 295–296, 309

  death, 275–276, 289, 293

  funeral, 294

  Groening, Matt, 99


  gangbanger, 57–58

  holsters, 44–45, 147–148

  securing, 273–275

  Hammond, David, 43

  Hampton Public Library, 131–132

  Harboring a Fugitive, 194

  Hawkins, 245, 247

  Head Start, 14

  Hindering Prosecution, 194, 238

  Holy Name Catholic, 154

  Home Invasion, 230

  Hostage situations, hypothetical, 28–29

  Huntsinger, Stephen, 77–78

  Hurston, Zora Neale, 91

  Ideal Lounge, 179

  Interviewing suspects, 145–147, 175, 215–217

  Jackson, Vic, 13–14

  Jacob’s House of Blessings Assembly of God, 154

  Jenkins, Cornelius, 271

  Jenks, Roosevelt, 234

  Joe Cain Day, 311–312

  Johnson, Kate (daughter), 23, 290–291, 299–300, 322

  husband, Dave, 290, 299–300

  Johnson, Mark

  adoption issues, 77–79

  alcoholism, 30, 78

  applications to police departments, 23–34

  biological parents, search for, 80–82, 127–143, 159

  birth, 81, 141

  Boy Scouts, 8–10, 14, 75–78, 162, 172

  childhood, 14, 75–78, 116–117

  Commander’s Citation, 88–89

  dinner party with Schultz’s, 71–73

  education, 15–16, 24, 27, 78–79, 158

  employment after college, 15–16

  fights, 43–4

  firing range practice, 33–34

  first meeting with Judy Culkin, 136–139, 157

  first meeting with Tom Whitaker, 165–172

  Freelance writing work, 16, 165

  Gunshot wound, 284–285, 292

  Head Start volunteer, 14

  Luling (LA), 116, 119, 121

  Meritorious Service Award, 309

  Move to Mobile (AL), 17

  Mobile Police Department, joining, 34–35

  New Orleans (LA), 16, 116–118

  performance observation, 89

  plainclothes detective work, switching to, 123, 125–130, 144–145

  police academy, 1–3, 32–33

  police academy groundskeeper work, 32–34

  post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 297–302, 308–310

  Press, 127

  Purple Heart, 309

  recovery programs, 19–21

  Retirement, 323–324

  salesman job, 157�

  spring break, 44

  United Way work, 3, 14, 16–19, 59–64

  University of Colorado, Boulder, 78–79

  Waukesha, WI, 16, 113–116

  Johnson, Margaret (mother), 80–82, 116–117, 159–163, 168, 312–313, 316

  death, 314–315

  Johnson, Nancy (wife), 16, 19, 128, 137, 155, 158, 165, 169, 204, 206, 209, 244, 291, 298

  communications director for the county Commission, 174

  concerns about moving to Mobile, 17, 113, 122

  dinner party with Schultz’s, 71–73

  on Mark’s career as police officer, 23–25, 125, 127

  on single mothers, 61–62

  visiting Mark at the hospital, 285–287, 289–290

  volunteer auxiliary of Mounted Unit, 46–48, 174

  Johnson, Peter (son), 16, 23, 165, 322

  Johnson, Stan (father), 25, 80–82, 118, 158–164, 312–313, 316

  death, 313–314

  Jones, Darius, 93–94

  Jones, LD, 95–97, 99–105, 124, 285

  Excellent Police Conduct award, 105

  Jung, C. G., 311

  Kennedy, Kelly Ann, 180–183, 185–188, 190–191, 195

  father, 191–194

  King Lear, 165

  Korean War, 170–171

  Lawson, LaJuan, 224–230, 254

  cousin, Chandra, 227–228, 230

  father, 225–226, 228

  Leah (Nancy’s friend), 298

  Legends Lounge, 65, 179

  Liz’s Haven, 179

  Lock picks, 148

  Loitering for the Purpose of Prostitution, 179

  Lopez, Nash “Lusty,” 150, 152–153, 176–177, 222, 292–294

  Louisiana State University, 120–121

  Love is a Dog From Hell, 173

  Mardi Gras duty, 294, 296–297

  2012, 256–265

  2013, 311–312, 316–320

  Car chase, 261–265

  Conde Cavaliers, 255, 311

  Fat Tuesday, 256, 299

  Mystics of Time, 311, 316

  Nancy, mounted duty, 47–48

  Order of Myths parade, 311

  police gear required for, 256–258

  shooter, 317–319

  Mariah (prostitute), 179–180, 187–190, 196–198, 290

  Marvin, Lee, 75

  Matthew, 267

  Maugham, W. Somerset, 113, 122

  McCall, Tom, 32–34, 173–174, 323–324

  McClanahan, Jim, 297

  McNaughton, Judge, 252–254

  Metro Jail web page, 180

  Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 23

  Miranda forms, 221, 224, 272

  Misdemeanors, 178–179

  Mitchell, Johnny “Mitch,” 191–194, 196

  Mobile Black Foot Soldiers, 294–297

  Mobile General Dollar Store, 268–287, 296

  Mobile Police Academy, 289

  Mobile Police Department,

  Beat 12, 124–127

  Class 31, 34–35

  Facebook sting page, 226–227

  Fifth Precinct, 295

  First Precinct Investigations, 149–156, 179, 304

  Fourth Precinct, 294

  Second Precinct, 10, 156, 179, 245

  Third Precinct, 34, 179

  Training Center, 191

  Mobile County Public School, 126

  Mullins, Roy, 202–206, 213

  New Orleans Times-Picayune, 128–129

  Nicknames, 246

  O’Malley, Devin, 150–153, 226–227, 292, 294, 298, 323–324

  LaTonya Nettles, 226–227

  Odom, Finest, 100–105

  (the) Onagers, 315–316

  Orwell, George, 1

  Parker, Dorothy, 23

  Parkway Lounge, 197–198

  Parris Island Depot, 165

  Parsons, Pete, 298–299

  Petroleum Club, 119

  Pettway, LaMarcus, 219–222, 254

  death, 222

  grandfather, 220

  Planck, Chip, 76

  Planck, Ernie, 23, 75–78, 158, 162

  Planned Parenthood, 26

  Playboy, 75–78

  Porter, “Portly,” 1–2, 4–8, 10, 84–85, 147–148, 180, 215, 227, 284

  Press-Register, 153–156, 297

  Prince, 46–49, 174

  Prisoner escape, 111

  Pritchard Police Department, 23

  The Professionals, 75

  Property damage, 95–97

  Prostitution, 179, 187

  Protection order, 95, 97

  Proverbs, 107, 231

  Pruitt-Igoe towers, MO, 14–15

  Psalms, 37

  Puckett, Lester, 5–10

  Raceway Discount Gas, 270

  Rangeline Road, 202–214

  Reckless Endangerment, 184

  Red (sponsor), 20–21, 91, 308

  Rehabilitation programs, 9–10

  Sunshine Group, 121

  Twelve Step meetings, 9–11

  Resisting Arrest, 44–45, 71, 238

  Rivera, Lupita, 12–13

  Rivera, Mrs., 13

  Riverside Baptist, 220

  Robberies, 146–147, 227–230

  definition of, 177

  Mobile General Dollar Store, 268–287

  Robbery First degree, 271

  Rocky Mountain News, 23

  Rodeo Sports News, 16, 165

  Rogers, Will, 311

  Romans, 268

  Roney (Officer), 212

  St. Louis Country Day School, 158

  Salvation Army, 18, 118, 121–122

  Sarge, 46, 65, 87–89, 96–97, 123–124, 290

  School of Environmental Design, 15

  Schultz, Heinz and Ilse, 71–73

  Security cameras, 177, 229

  Seinfeld, 30

  77 Sunset Strip, 147

  Shoplifting, 40

  Simmons, 285

  Slocumb, Earl, 151–152, 175, 214, 222, 292–294

  childhood, 216–217

  family, 217

  Officer of the Year award, 175

  Theorem of Property Crime, 215–222, 226–227, 254

  Smith, Tobias, 268–269

  Sorkin, Aaron, 143

  South Park, 216

  Spraggins, 114–115, 122

  Stakeout, 201–214

  State reform school, 71

  Steadman, Big Rick, 231–232, 238

  Stedman, Little Ricky, 231–233, 235, 239

  mother, 232

  Stout, Doug, 18, 20, 31

  Strickland Juvenile Center, 224, 250, 319

  Sunshine Group, 121

  Thefts, 178–179, 231, 233–235

  credit card, 179, 180–185, 194–195, 197–199

  definition of, 177

  Theodore Aggregate, 201–214

  Wedding Crashers, 153–156

  Theodore Aggregate, 201–214

  Thibodeaux, Heather, 182–188, 190, 192–196

  Tulane Hospital, 81, 138, 141

  Tulane University Medical School Hospital, 129

  Twain, Mark, 224, 243

  United Way , 26, 28, 39, 62, 64, 253

  Annual Red Cross Heroes Banquet, 11–14

  Baton Rouge, 17, 118–120

  Colorado Springs, 17

  La Case de Esperanza, 115

  Lifelines, 91

  management training program, 165

  mission, 16

  Mobile, 3, 63, 113, 120–122, 126, 155

  New Orleans, 19

  of America, 122

  Penelope House, 91

  Pikes Peak, 16, 165

  Quality Assurance Committee, 62–63

  Requirements of partners, 17

  Southwest Alabama, 17

  theft from, 126

  transitional living apartments, 59–60

  Wisconsin, 17

  University of Colorado, Boulder, 78–79

  Student Health Center, 78–79

  University of South Alabama, 121

pital, 285–287

  Urban League, 118, 120

  Vietnam War, 15, 127, 171

  Waits, Tom, 23

  Walker, Jerry Jeff, 23

  Wallace, George, 114

  Wallace, Lawrence Jr., 267–287, 291–292, 295–296, 300–301

  father, 302–304

  mother, 304–308

  Warrants, 46, 88, 192, 244, 247

  Waukesha County NAACP, 114

  Weatherby, Carl, 42–46, 49

  Weatherby, Merle, 49

  Whitaker, Tom (biological father), 140–143, 159–160, 165–172, 315

  Whitaker, Marilyn, 168–169

  (The) Willows, 81, 128–129, 138

  Wilson, Charles “Charlie,” 268–270

  Wilson, Bill, 314

  Woolsey, Hugh, 13–14

  Wright College for Women, 141

  Youthful Offender status, 230, 254

  Zebra, 179

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