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Island Fire

Page 36

by Bobbi Smith

  "I understand." Espri nodded. "Jon's very lucky to have you to take care of all these arrangements for him, and I certainly appreciate your taking the time to show me all the details that planning this affair entails. I never dreamed it would require so much."

  "It is time-consuming to make sure that everything has been arranged, but the results will be worth it, you'll see." Catherine spoke in what she hoped sounded like an encouraging tone. "Very soon, you'll be able to handle it all on your own."

  "I hope so," Espri agreed, for she wanted to learn everything she could about life in San Francisco society as quickly as possible in order to make Mitch proud of her. Mildred's advice had helped immeasurably, but she knew she still had a long way to go to achieve Catherine's level of sophistication.

  Friday afternoon arrived amidst a bustle of activity as the household prepared for the upcoming event, and Mitch returned from the office early that day so he could escort Espri to the seamstress's shop for her fitting.

  Madame Vigney greeted them upon their arrival and quickly directed Espri to a fitting room where an attendant was waiting to help her undress. "Mr. Williams, if you will wait here, I shall have your wife model the gown for you."

  "Very well, madame." Mitch leaned idly against a table as he anticipated Espri's return.

  Espri stood patiently while Madame Vigney fussed over her. The couturiere had not only completed her ball gown but many of her undergarments too, and she insisted that the younger woman don them now in order to ensure the best fit for the evening gown. Espri found the wispy, silken garments delightfully sensuous, and she felt very feminine as she stood there clad only in the delicate lingerie. Secretly, she wished Mitch could see her, but she knew that would have to wait until later, when they were home alone.

  "Voilà!" Felice returned to the fitting room carrying the tissue-wrapped gown she had spent the past two days slaving over in her quest to create the perfect costume to showcase Espri's beauty. "I think you are going to be most pleased." Carefully, the Frenchwoman unwrapped the tissue, and with her assistant's help, they lifted the narrow-skirted gown over Espri's head so she could slip into it easily.

  The gown was a low-cut, sleeveless creation of deep turquoise silk. Severe in style, it employed none of the multiple rows of bows and lace that adorned so many fashionable gowns; instead, it relied strictly on the beauty of the woman wearing it to enhance its simple yet magnificent lines. The décolletage was enticingly low, and the fitted lines of the gown hugged Espri's trim figure in a modest, yet revealing, manner. Felice's masterpiece projected glamorous sophistication, and Espri carried it off with a natural grace that left the seamstress smiling.

  "I was right. This is perfect for you. You're absolutely breathtaking." She stood back, staring at the younger woman. "Here, turn and see!" she urged, wanting Espri to witness the change in her appearance.

  Feeling a bit self-conscious after the woman's generous compliments, Espri faced the mirror a bit hesitantly, and her breath caught in her throat when she stared at herself. She had been impressed by the gown she had made with Mildred, but this one far surpassed anything she'd ever seen before.

  "Madame!" she whispered, awestruck. "The gown is lovely!"

  "Silly," Felice dismissed. "The gown would be nothing on another woman. It is you who make it so beautiful." Her professional manner returning, she pondered the way the skirt was drawn up in the back to reveal an underskirt of paler blue. "Yes, I think a few changes here and here." She pointed them out to her assistant. "Then it will be ready."

  "Yes, ma'am."

  "Would you like to have your husband come in, Mrs. Williams?" Felice finally asked when she'd finished planning the final touches that needed to be added.

  "Yes, please." Espri was excited and wanted Mitch to share the moment with her.

  "I'll send him right in." Madame Vigney went out into the main shop and called to Mitch to join them. "She's right in there," Felice directed. Then she and her assistant left them alone for a moment.

  Mitch knocked softly before striding confidently into the dressing room when Espri bade him enter. "Madame Vigney said that you were—" He stopped short when he saw her, his eyes widening in pleasure at the sight of her sensuously cut bodice. "Espri . . . you look wonderful."

  "Do you really think so?" she asked eagerly.

  He crossed the room to kiss her softly. "Definitely, my love. You'll be the most gorgeous woman at the ball."

  She smiled her pleasure at his words. "Thank you. It's a lovely dress."

  "That it is. Catherine was certainly correct in her praise of Madame Vigney. The woman is an artist."

  "Thank you, Mr. Williams." Felice overheard him as she reentered the room. "I accept your compliment gladly, but I must tell you that not all my creations are worn so well. Your wife's natural beauty was a joy to work with."

  "Will a final fitting be necessary?" Mitch asked.

  "No. There are only a few minor details that I must correct; then it will be perfect. I shall have it delivered to you early tomorrow afternoon."

  "Thank you."

  "Most of the lingerie you ordered has been completed, so I will send that along too. Your other dresses should be ready for a first fitting some time late next week. I'll notify you, and then we can set up a time that is convenient."

  "We'll be looking forward to it," Mitch assured her; then he left so Espri could change back into her daygown.

  Later, as they sat side by side in the carriage, Espri couldn't help but smile as she thought of the delicate undergarments Madame Vigney had insisted she wear home.

  "You're looking very contented about something," Mitch remarked, noticing her enigmatic expression.

  "I am." She teasingly offered no explanation.

  "Oh? Do I have to guess what it is or will you tell me?" He drew her close and kissed her.

  Espri sighed when he released her. "I suppose I could tell you, but it would be much more fun to show you."

  "Show me?" He was becoming more and more intrigued.

  She nodded as she met his lips for another sweet exchange. "When we get home . . ." Her voice was throaty and suggestive.

  "Are you sure I have to wait?"

  Laughing delightedly, Espri answered, "I hardly think that this would be the place to reveal my secret."

  "You'd be surprised at the things that can be 'revealed' in a carriage as private as this one," he told her lustily, his hand sweeping over her in a bold, possessive caress.

  "Oh?" She gave him a deliberately innocent look, and he was about to unbutton the bodice of her gown when the carriage drew up in front of the house.

  Mitch glanced disgustedly out the window. "Had we not already arrived, my dear, I would instruct him to take us for a nice long drive."

  Espri's eyes were alight with desire as she moved slightly away from him when their driver opened the carriage door.

  Giving her a heated look, Mitch stepped down from the vehicle and then turned to assist her to alight. He bent to whisper in her ear as he set her before him. "You'll just have to be content to accompany me to our chambers."

  "I think I'd like that." Espri leaned slightly against him as they mounted the steps together and entered the house.

  Chapter 27

  Catherine was the picture of elegance as she swept down the front staircase early Saturday evening. Having spent the better part of the afternoon getting ready for the ball, she knew that she looked her absolute best. Florence had arranged her hair in an upswept style that emphasized the classic beauty of her delicate features and set off the graceful line of her neck and shoulders. Her gown of pale gold-shot silk trimmed in Valenciennes lace showcased her blond loveliness, and there was no doubt in her mind that she would be the center of attention, again, this night.

  Jon had gone downstairs earlier to enjoy a moment of quiet before the guests began to arrive, and upon hearing Catherine on the stairs, he moved out into the hall to meet her.

  "My darling, as always your beaut
y astounds me." His gaze was heated as he watched her descend.

  She smiled at him appreciatively. "Thank you, Jon. You know I enjoy looking my best for you."

  "You certainly seem to have outdone yourself tonight." He kissed her softly, wanting to enjoy a moment of privacy with her before their guests began to arrive.

  Catherine sensed his mood, however, and moved quickly away from him to survey the ballroom. "Is everything ready?" she asked, not wanting to listen to his protestations of undying love right then. Roland would be there soon, and she was anxious for him to see her in her new gown.

  "I believe so," Jon answered, following her. Assuming her coolness was due to nervousness over the ball, he smiled patiently, knowing that she would be in bis bed when the affair was over.

  "Good." Catherine turned back to her husband, regarding him critically for a moment. Dressed in his dark evening clothes, she knew he would be one of the best-looking men in attendance that night, and though she realized she should be thrilled that he was in love with her, she felt nothing. "You look so handsome, darling," she told him with a seductive smile. "I'm sure I'll be the envy of many women tonight."

  Jon started to approach her, but the sound of arriving guests prevented him from taking her in his arms. Relieved that she had been spared his embrace, Cat accompanied him into the hall, eager to greet their arriving guests.

  Upstairs in Mitch's suite, Mabel parted the heavy velvet drapes and glanced out. "Looks like everyone is starting to arrive," she remarked as she noticed the carriages starting to pull up in front of the house.

  "Do we have enough time?" Espri looked worriedly over at the maid.

  "Of course," Mabel reassured her. "You won't be going down for at least half an hour."

  "I don't know if I like making a grand entrance," Espri said thoughtfully.

  "It's quite the correct thing," Mabel confirmed. "This is your debut, so to speak, and it's most appropriate for you to enter when everybody else is already here."

  A soft knock at the door drew Mabel from her surveillance, and she hustled across the room to admit Sally. "Hurry now," she bade the younger servant. "Miss Espri will be due downstairs in half an hour, and her hair must be perfect."

  "Yes, Mabel," Sally agreed as she moved to the dressing table to lay out the necessary pins and combs. "Miss Espri, if you're ready, I can start on your hair now."

  "Of course." Espri sat down at the vanity, watching with interest as the maid painstakingly styled her hair into a cascade of curls.

  "Good evening." Elliot Whitney greeted Jon and Catherine as he entered the foyer with his wife Chelsea on his arm.

  "Elliot, Chelsea. So glad you could come." Jon shook his hand enthusiastically.

  "Where's Mitch? And what's this I hear that he's gotten married?"

  "He'll be down in a little while," Catherine put in. "We thought it would be more appropriate if he made a grand entrance with his new bride."

  "So it is true, eh?" Elliot smiled broadly. "It was a big enough surprise that he turned up alive after all this time, but to bring a wife back with him . . . what's she like?"

  "Espri is delightful," Jon told him. "You'll see."

  "Oh, Catherine, isn't it wonderful?" Chelsea sighed as she glanced up the grand staircase, hoping to catch sight of Mitch. "Why, it's just a miracle, pure and simple. To think that we all had thought him dead . . ."

  "Yes, it's a miracle." Catherine kept her tone light.

  "Now, tell me all about his wife. You know how he made the rounds here and never found a woman to suit him." Chelsea obviously wanted to be the first to hear all the news.

  "Espri is lovely." Catherine echoed her husband's sentiments.

  "I always suspected Mitch would find a very special woman," Chelsea remarked sagely as Elliot finally led her off to the ballroom.

  "Roland." Jon turned to address his business associate as he came in. "It's good to see you. I'm glad you could make it."

  "Thank you." Roland's reply was smooth, but his gaze raked over Catherine in her low-cut gown. "Catherine, my dear, you look marvelous, as always."

  "Thank you, Roland. How is Susan doing this evening?" she asked courteously, knowing that the other woman was far too along in her pregnancy to make any social appearances.

  "She's fine," he answered, playing along with her charade. "And growing more anxious by the minute for her confinement to be over. She sends her regards."

  "Please tell her that we missed her tonight."

  "I shall," Roland said politely. "Is Mitch here yet? I'm looking forward to seeing him again and to meeting his bride."

  "They'll be down shortly," Jon told him. "Ah, here's Alan, and Laura."

  Roland turned to see the other couple arrive. "Good evening, Alan."

  "Roland, good to see you. Jon, Catherine, you're looking wonderful." Alan shook hands with the men.

  "Has Chelsea arrived yet?" Laura inquired of Catherine when all the greetings had been exchanged.

  "Yes, just a moment ago, in fact," she responded. "Your gown is lovely, Laura."

  "Thank you. You know you're stunning," she told her. "That color is marvelous on you. I've never seen you looking more radiant. Your handsome husband must keep you so happy."

  Cat took Jon's arm and drew him to her, purring, "Of course."

  Roland bit back a sarcastic comment as he watched her performance, and when she glanced casually in his direction, he gave her a quick, knowing look.

  "I think just about everyone's arrived now. Shall we join the others?" Jon glanced down at his wife, his love for her obvious.

  "Please. We can start the dancing if you like." She gazed up at him adoringly as they went in to instruct the musicians to begin.

  The lilting strains of a waltz drifted upstairs as Mabel laid out Espri's new gown.

  "Are you almost done there, Sally?" Mabel asked, glancing over to where the young maid was just putting the finishing touches on Espri's hair.

  "I'll just be another minute, Mabel," she answered.

  "Fine. The music's begun so they'll be expecting them downstairs shortly."

  Mitch had finished dressing earlier so the women could have the run of the bedroom, and he now strode back in, eager to join the party below. "Are you about ready?"

  "There," Sally said triumphantly as she secured the last curl and stepped back to observe her handiwork. "What do you think?"

  "You did a fine job, Sally. My wife looks absolutely ravishing," Mitch complimented as he came to stand behind Espri. His gaze a hungry caress, he stared at her reflection in the mirror, and she felt a shiver of excitement tingle through her.

  "You do look lovely, Miss Espri," Mabel agreed. "Come, let's get your gown on you, so you can join the festivities."

  Espri took a last quick glance in the mirror, then rose to move away from the dressing table, but Mitch stopped her progress as he drew her near for a breathtaking kiss. "It's a pity we have to go to this party at all," he whispered for her ears only, and Espri smiled at his words.

  "If you'd rather not go . . ." she began teasingly.

  "Vixen! Get dressed before I decide to forget all about this ball and spend the evening up here, alone, with you."

  "It sounds wonderful, but I think Catherine would be more than a little put out with us." Espri laughed as she hurried to the maids waiting to help her don the dress.

  "There is always later, madame," he muttered.

  "Indeed there is," she responded brightly as she lifted her arms to slip into the gown Mabel was holding for her.

  The sleek garment settled over her slender shape easily, and Mabel quickly fastened the back and adjusted the skirt.

  "There now, you look perfect."

  "Not quite." Mitch went to his armoire and took out a small package. "I want you to wear this tonight."

  "What is it?" Espri looked at him questioningly.

  "These belonged to my mother," he said, opening the box to reveal a sapphire necklace and a diamond-encrusted wedding band. De
ftly he fastened the jewels about her neck. Then, reaching for her left hand, he slid the ring on her finger. "That's better."

  "Oh, Mitch." Espri's eyes were filled with tears as she turned to him after glancing in the mirror. "I've never seen anything so beautiful. I'll treasure them forever."

  He lifted her hand to his lips, kissing the ring on her finger. "That's how long I want you to wear this, my love: forever." His fiery gaze locked with hers and their hearts met in silent communication as they stood suspended in time, aware of nothing save each other and the depth of their love.

  Mabel and Sally sighed romantically as they let themselves out of the room, their departure unnoticed by Mitch and Espri.

  The sound of the closing door broke through their blissful haze and they blinked in surprise at finding themselves alone. Mitch gave her a roguish grin. "You know, my suggestion of earlier does have some merit."

  "Mitchell Williams, don't tease!" She laughed. "You know we have to go downstairs and right now."

  "I know, but the thought of taking you to bed and making mad passionate love to you is much more appealing." His smile turned to a leer as he pressed a soft kiss to her throat.

  "Mitch, don't,'" Espri protested weakly, wanting nothing more than to go into his arms, but knowing if she did she would never be able to repair the damage done to her hair and dress.

  Releasing an exaggerated sigh, he relented. "You're a cruel, cold-hearted woman."

  "You won't be saying that later." Her eyes twinkled as she started from the room.

  Mitch straightened his cuffs and hurried to open the door for her. "Are you nervous?"

  Her smile was bright. "Not as long as I'm with you."

  He bent to kiss her one last time, then they left the room together.

  Mabel had told Catherine that Mitch and Espri would be coming down soon, and when they appeared at the top of the steps, everyone was waiting.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, my brother Mitch and his wife, Espri Duchant Williams." Jon made the introduction with a flare, and a smattering of applause greeted their descent, followed by rousing greetings and well-wishing.


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