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Island Fire

Page 38

by Bobbi Smith

  Desiring to arouse Espri completely, Mitch sought her breasts, pressing heated kisses to their sweet fullness. Thrilled by the hot, moist suction of his mouth, she cried out her pleasure, wrapping her legs about his hips and inviting him to take her. Needing no guidance to her precious womanly core, he entered her with one smooth stroke. Shuddering as the heat of her body closed around him, he began to move, seeking the ultimate rapture of union with her. Moments of pure love followed as they blended together in a frenzy of ecstasy and then reached the pinnacle of joy, their pulsing passion sweeping them away in a haze of sensual bliss.

  "I love you." Mitch whispered the ardent pledge as they lay momentarily replete.

  "It's good." Espri sighed, contentedly.

  "Very good," he responded, his voice a seductive murmur, his arms tightening about her as he felt his desire for her flame to life again.

  Espri sensed his arousal and smiled invitingly as he pulled her atop him.

  "I don't think I'll ever get enough of you," he growled, his gaze passion darkened.

  "I hope you never do, Mitch," she whispered breathlessly as he nibbled at the sensitive cords of her throat.

  Gentle kisses soon gave way to heated caresses as he shifted lower to savor the delicacy of her bosom. His hands worked magic on her lithe form, teasing and arousing her to the heights once more, and his lips followed suit, tracing paths of delight over her satiny flesh until she cried out in ecstasy.

  Espri rested, sensually content, for only a moment before the desire to pleasure Mitch urged her on. She moved sinuously against him, her hips pressed rhythmically, tantalizingly to his, letting him know that she was ready, telling him of her excitement. Trailing passionate kisses over his chest and stomach, she smiled when she heard his sharp intake of breath as she touched him most intimately. Then her mouth sought him, loving him, until he pulled her away and guided her above him to straddle him.

  Espri took him deep within her body and began to thrust against him slowly, wanting to prolong his enjoyment for as long as possible, but Mitch could no longer wait. She had driven him to the brink, and he needed the satisfaction only she could give. Drawing her down to him so he could kiss her, Mitch took total control, his body claiming hers completely in a driving embrace that left them both spent yet enthralled. Finally, wrapped in each other's arms, savoring the splendor of their love, they drifted off to sleep.

  Sunday dawned bright and warm, and though Espri had hoped to speak with Catherine, Mitch's decision to take her on an outing delayed the confrontation. He whisked her away to the Cliff House on the coast, where they enjoyed a late breakfast and then passed the balance of the morning delighting in the magnificent view of the Pacific and the sea lions frolicking there. By midafternoon, however, the temperature began to drop, so they decided to end their sojourn by the sea and return home. Though they had come by way of Geary Street, Mitch instructed their driver to return by way of Golden Gate Park and Market Street.

  "We're going back a different way?" Espri asked as she settled in next to Mitch in the confines of their carriage.

  Mitch's expression was enigmatic as he looked down at her. "Yes. It's a slightly longer route."

  "Longer?" She glanced at him questioningly. "Why would you want to take the long way home?"

  His grin was rakish as he drew her close. "Remember the conversation we had in the carriage the other day?" His hand strayed knowingly to cup her breast.

  She remembered distinctly. "As I recall, I was about to reveal something to you."

  "I believe that's how it went." He kissed her softly as his fingers worked at the buttons of her bodice.

  "But we got back to the house too quickly," Espri continued as he gently pushed her dress from her shoulders and bared her breasts to his ardent caresses.

  "This time, love, there will be no interruptions." Drawing her across his lap, he kissed her as his hand strayed beneath her skirts.

  Espri found the novelty of making love in the carriage exciting, and she eagerly followed his direction as he positioned her in the most comfortable way to receive him. When he came to her, she was ready and they blended together in a rush of heated joy, the gentle swaying of the carriage enhancing the eroticism of their coupling. Spiraling to the crest together, they abandoned themselves to the fiery force of their desire. Caught in the vortex of their passions, they experienced love's glory, holding tightly to one another as intoxicating waves of pleasure swept through them.

  Though the return trip was longer by several miles, Mitch and Espri were too preoccupied to notice. Indeed, they were more than a little disappointed when they found themselves drawing up before the mansion. With haste, they straightened their clothing, and when the driver opened the door for them, they descended with considerable dignity, vowing in loving conspiracy to go on Sunday outings as often as they could.

  "Did you enjoy your trip to Cliff House?" Catherine asked as she faced Espri across the breakfast table the following morning after Mitch and Jon had left for the office.

  "Yes," Espri confirmed. "The view's beautiful and the food was excellent."

  "Jon and I have been there often and we've always enjoyed it," Catherine remarked as she finished her tea. "Have you made any plans for the day?" She was hoping that Espri had somewhere to go that afternoon so she could arrange to visit Roland at his office.

  "No. I've decided to stay in today."

  "Well, I have a few things to do, so I guess I'd better get started." Irritated, she started to rise from the table.

  "Catherine, I need to speak with you for a few moments, if you have the time?" Although Espri was apprehensive about telling her sister-in-law what she'd seen Saturday night, she knew she must. She hoped fervently that there would be no need for this matter to go further than the two of them.

  "Of course. What is it?"

  "Something happened Saturday night that I feel we must talk about," Espri began.

  Catherine was confused. Everything had seemed to go so well at the party; what could have happened to draw this kind of response from Espri? "You sound so worried. Did someone slight you in some way or—"

  "No. Nothing like that, Catherine." Espri paused briefly before broaching the subject. "It's just that later in the evening, I was going into the study to rest for a moment, and I walked in on something I wish I'd never seen."

  Catherine felt herself grow pale, but she kept her wits about her and asked innocently, "What?"

  Espri had been watching the other woman's reaction to her words, and she was amazed at how controlled her response was. "I saw you kissing Roland Stuart."

  Panic surged through Catherine. Espri had seen her with Roland! Her mind was racing as she realized the folly of her actions.

  "Oh, no." She managed a strangled whisper that she hoped Espri would interpret as desperation. "You won't tell Jon, will you? I could never bear it if he found out . . . but there was no other way."

  "What are you talking about?" Espri had expected denials or anger from Catherine but never this sudden fear.

  "Roland . . . said he knows something that could ruin Jon's business . . . and that he would use it against him if I didn't agree to sleep with him!" she lied, hoping that Espri was naïve enough to believe her.

  "What kind of information could he possibly have?"

  "I don't know." Catherine pretended to agonize over the situation. "But I was afraid to cross him. He's a very powerful man, and I know how much Williams Shipping means to Jon."

  "How long has this been going on between you?"

  "For several months now."

  Espri was stunned. "I'll tell Mitch. He'll handle it."

  "No!" That thought really alarmed Catherine, for the last person she wanted involved in all this was Mitch. "Please, don't tell anyone. I don't want to risk losing Jon."

  "I understand, but if Roland Stuart is doing something to force you to sleep with him, you need someone's help. As soon as Mitch and Jon return, we're going to tell them the truth. It's th
e only way out of this."

  Catherine was alternately furious and frightened, but, faking a resignation she was not feeling, she answered, "I know you're right, but I'm so afraid Jon won't understand."

  Espri gave her a sympathetic look. "It will work out. You'll see."

  Roland sat across the desk from Clark in the privacy of the captain's cabin. "Thank you for having me aboard. I've enjoyed seeing your ship."

  "I was a little surprised to hear from you so quickly." Clark had received Roland's note that morning, and, impressed by his eagerness, he had immediately arranged a tour of the Providence for him.

  "Time is money," Roland told him. "And I don't believe in wasting either one."

  "That's a commendable notion for any good businessman," the captain countered. "Can I get you something to drink?"

  "No. No, thank you. But I do have something else to discuss with you."


  "Besides my usual business, I also have very special merchandise shipped from China," Roland began.

  "I'm afraid I don't understand." The captain frowned as he tried to grasp Stuart's meaning.

  "I'm prepared to offer you a considerable sum to ensure the safe, undetected delivery of my more 'perishable' cargo."

  Clark, a very moral man, was immediately suspicious, but he asked, "Just what kind of merchandise is it that you want me to carry?"

  Roland's expression was guarded as he contemplated the captain. "If you're a true businessman, you'll appreciate what I'm about to tell you."

  "Go on."

  "The 'cargo' I bring into the country satisfies a great demand in the city and brings top dollar on the market." He paused for effect. "Your cut would be substantial."

  "Yes," Clark said impatiently.

  "I supply females for the Chinese crib operators," Stuart finished bluntly.

  Clark had a difficult time maintaining a mask of civility. This man was no better than the slave traders who'd flourished in the South before the war.

  "Do Jon and Mitch know about this?" Clark's tone betrayed none of his outrage.

  "Naturally," Roland lied. "Everyone likes to make an easy dollar. They're not exceptions."

  "I see." The captain paused. "I can easily see that your venture would be very profitable, but I'm afraid I do not wish to be involved in it."

  Roland was surprised. "There's money to be made—"

  "I'm sure, but I'm not interested. I don't believe in trafficking in slaves. It's a filthy business."

  Recognizing the finality of Clark's statement, Roland shrugged off his remark and stood up. "Thank you for your time. I'm just sorry we couldn't work something out."

  "I'm not, Mr. Stuart." Clark dismissed him coldly as he moved to open the cabin door. "Good day."

  Roland strode from the room, seemingly unconcerned by his rejection, and Clark shut the door firmly behind him.

  Beside himself with anger, the captain then sat back down behind his desk to think things through. How could he have been so duped? He'd thought he and Mitch had understood each other, but if this was typical of the way Williams Shipping did business, he would have to cease to be involved with that company. He would not sully his ship or his own reputation by carrying human cargo. Wanting to face Mitch and set things straight, he got up and was about to leave when Mildred came in.

  "Darling, I just saw Mr. Stuart leaving. How did your visit with him go?" she asked, but when she noticed his thunderous expression, she paused. "What's wrong?"

  "I'll tell you later." He started to walk past her, but her hand on his arm stopped his progress.

  "You'll tell me, now," Mildred insisted. It was unusual for her husband to be so upset and she was determined to know the cause. "Where are you going?"

  "My conversation with Mr. Stuart was very informative," he began tensely. "It seems that the merchandise Williams Shipping is bringing back from China is more than tea and dry goods."

  Mildred frowned. "I don't understand."

  "They are importing Chinese women to be sold into prostitution," he told her. "And they expect me to deal in the same trade."

  Gasping, she considered his statements for a moment before insisting, "I don't believe it."

  "It's true. Stuart just told me everything. I'm on my way now to inform Mitch and Jon that I will not be sailing for them. I want no part of their company."

  Astounded by the news, Mildred could only nod her agreement. "If it is true, that's the only thing you can do."

  "I'll be back."

  Clark made the trip to the office of Williams Shipping without delay, and he stood rigidly at the gate while Caleb went to tell Mitch of his unexpected arrival. Surprised by the news that the captain wanted to see him, Mitch quickly went out to greet him.

  "It's good to see you again." He offered his hand, but Clark refused to take it.

  "I need to speak with you in private, Mitch," the captain told him stonily.

  "Of course." Mitch was puzzled by his demeanor, but he directed him to his office. "Come on in and take a seat. How can I help you?"

  Clark didn't answer until Mitch had closed the door behind him and returned to his desk. "I have changed my mind about sailing for your company."

  "What?" Mitch was completely taken aback. "But why?"

  The captain's eyes narrowed as he regarded the man he'd thought to be his friend. "You know why. I've just had a very enlightening conversation with a business associate of yours, and knowing what I know now, I cannot, in good conscience, deal with you."

  "I have no idea what you're talking about," Mitch protested. "Who is this 'business associate' you spoke with?"

  "Roland Stuart."

  "Roland?" Perplexed, he met Clark's gaze. "You will have to believe me when I tell you I don't know what this is all about."

  "Stuart gave me a little insight into exactly what kind of cargo I'll be carrying."


  "Mitch, our conversation is pointless. You, no doubt, are aware of the 'merchandise' your ships carry."

  "I'm afraid you've lost me there." Williams was angered by his insinuations. "Why don't you tell me exactly what Stuart told you?"

  Clark eyed Mitch askance, but seeing his very real confusion, he suddenly realized that Stuart might have been lying about his involvement. "Stuart offered me a very lucrative deal to insure the 'safe and undetected arrival' of his merchandise."

  Mitch grew silent and pensive. "Did he say exactly what this 'merchandise' was?"

  "He did. He's importing Chinese women to sell into prostitution."

  Clark's words jarred Mitch. After a moment, he said, "If you'll excuse me for a second, I'd like to get Jon."

  Clark nodded curtly as Mitch left his office and returned moments later with Jon.

  "The captain just had a meeting with Roland Stuart this morning."

  "Ah, yes. Roland is a very good customer of ours." Jon spoke approvingly.

  "Jon, just how long have you been dealing with Stuart?" Mitch asked.

  "For almost a year now. Why?"

  "Captain . . ." Mitch urged Clark to answer.

  "Earlier this morning, your Mr. Stuart offered to cut me in on a very lucrative business arrangement, a deal he said you had full knowledge of."

  "What deal?"

  "He's bringing Chinese girls into the country to sell to the crib operators, and he's using your ships to do it."

  Jon paled at the news. "The manifests—"

  "Manifests can be altered or forged," Mitch said quietly.

  "Then you two had no idea that this was going on?"

  "None," Jon answered. "And I thank you for coming to us with this information."

  Clark nodded, convinced of their innocence. "I didn't want to believe you were involved in anything so corrupt, but Stuart said that he had your approval."

  "I think it's time we paid Roland a visit." Mitch was furious. "If you'll excuse us?"

  "I'd like to come with you, if you don't mind." Clark said.

  "Thank you." Mit
ch was grateful for his offer.

  Roland was working at his desk when he heard a disturbance in the hall outside his office. He'd just started to rise to go investigate it when his office door flew open and Mitch and Jon walked in, followed closely by Captain Clark.

  "Good afternoon, gentlemen." He greeted them smoothly and sat back down at his desk, his casual manner hiding the uneasiness that gripped him. "Is there something I can do for you?"

  "Captain Clark just paid us a visit," Jon challenged, barely managing to keep a tight rein on his temper. "And the news he brought us was most revealing."


  "You may consider our association at an end," Mitch told Stuart coolly.

  "May I ask why?"

  "The good captain has told us everything, Stuart," Jon snarled. "Any arrangements we had are canceled."

  "You can't do that. I have contracts with you!"

  "Those contracts were signed under false pretenses. You're through, Stuart. Give it up."

  "You're wrong, Williams! Your brother and I made a deal, and I'm going to see that you hold to it."

  Mitch smiled thinly. "I'd like that, Roland. Why don't you go public with this? How do you think your friends would respond when they found out that you're dealing in prostitutes? Face it. It's over. You lost."

  Roland's rage was overwhelming, but he was smart enough to know that this was not the time to lose control. He would find another way to get even with them. He still had Catherine, and that would count for something in his dealings with Jon.

  "As you say," Roland remarked cryptically, and he watched dispassionately as Mitch, Jon, and the captain left his office without another word.

  Cursing himself for ever having approached Clark, Roland got up to pour a drink. Why hadn't that damned fool kept his mouth shut? Pious idiots! That's what they were. Didn't they realize there was a fortune out there, just waiting to be made? Disgusted, but not yet ready to give up, he settled back at his desk, determined to find a way to regain the upper hand in his dealings with them.


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