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Island Fire

Page 42

by Bobbi Smith

  "The hell I didn't! What are you trying to do, get us killed?"

  "Don't be ridiculous. I'm conducting a simple business deal."

  "You can't sell a white woman into sexual slavery and get away with it, not one as prominent as Espri Williams."

  "I haven't sold her," Roland declared calmly. "She's merely been placed in Chun Ki's hands for safekeeping."

  "Roland"—Alan lowered his voice as his panic became real—"Chun Ki is—"

  "Chun Ki is my friend, and he will do whatever I tell him to do. Until he receives word from me, nothing will happen to her. Now, relax. By this time tomorrow, I'll be running this entire operation and Espri will be back in her husband's loving arms."

  "I hope you're right."

  Alan was still worried, but Roland dismissed his concern as groundless.

  "Let's see to our other buyers, shall we? There's a substantial amount of money still to be made today."

  It was late afternoon when Jon finally started back to the house. With the arrival of the Aurora that morning, his day had been a busy one, and though he was exhausted, he was glad of that for he had had little time to reflect on the events of the past twenty-four hours. But as Jon entered the foyer, he remembered the scene he and Catherine had played out there that morning and a dull-edged pain knifed through him. He stood still a moment to bring his powerful emotions under control; then, needing relief, he strode purposefully into the study to pour himself a drink.

  Unbidden thoughts of Catherine assailed him as he quickly downed a full glass of bourbon. Where had she gone? Was she sorry? Angrily, he threw the empty glass across the room, then watched in furious fascination as it smashed against the wall. He would drive her from his mind! He would force all thoughts of her from his life! She had betrayed him with a lover, and had used him and his business to enrich her lover's coffers.

  Jon knew that he must erase every trace of her from his existence, so he decided to move out of the Williams house. He couldn't bear to remain here where memories of Catherine were still so fresh.

  "Mabel!" he bellowed as he poured himself another glass of bourbon.

  The maid answered his summons quickly. "Yes, sir, Mr. Jonathan."

  "Have you carried out the instructions I gave you this morning?"

  "Yes, sir. I've removed all of Miss Catherine's things from your suite and have given them to the workers in the missions."

  "You're to be commended, Mabel. Thank you." He downed the second tumbler of bourbon just as quickly as the first and then turned to face her. "I want you to pack a few of my things. I'm going to move out of this house. I'm sure Mitch and Espri would enjoy having it to themselves."

  "Mr. Jonathan," she protested, "that's not necessary. I'm sure Mr. Mitchell and Miss Espri would want you to stay."

  "I have to go," he told her, and for a moment his stoic expression slipped and she saw reflected on his handsome features a flash of the pain that was tormenting him.

  "I understand. Do you know where you'll be staying?"

  "I think I will stay at the office. There's a room at the back. I can convert it to a sleeping area."

  "If you don't mind my making a suggestion, why don't you go to a hotel, sir?"

  "The fewer people who know about this, the better."

  "Yes, sir. I'll go pack your clothes."

  "Mabel . . ."

  She looked back at him, her affection for him obvious. "Yes, sir?"

  "Thank you."

  "You're welcome."

  "Is Espri here? I suppose I should tell her what I've decided."

  "No, Mr. Jonathan. She left rather early this morning for a visit with Mrs. Clark. I had expected her back by now, but—"

  "I guess they're having a good time." Jon wasn't concerned.

  "Is Mr. Mitchell due back soon?" she asked.

  "He had a meeting on the Aurora with Captain Michaels at four-thirty, but I expect he'll be here by six-thirty at the latest."

  "Will you be staying for dinner this evening?"

  "Yes. I won't leave until Mitch gets back."

  "Very good."

  Jon refilled his glass and sat down heavily on the sofa. He knew he should be making decisions about his future, but he felt incapable of dealing with more than the rudimentary elements of his life. He was about to take another deep drink when a knock at the front door drew his attention. Thinking it might be Espri, he went to answer it.

  A young boy stood nervously before him, clutching a letter in his hand. "I have a note here for a Mr. Mitchell Williams."

  "He's not here, but I'll take it for him," Jon offered.

  "Who are you?" the youth asked.

  "I'm Jonathan Williams, his brother, and I'll make sure he gets it."

  "I don't know." The boy hesitated. "I was ordered to give it directly to Mitchell Williams."

  Jon was intrigued by the messenger's orders. Taking a silver dollar out of his pocket, he handed it to him. "Here. If anyone asks, I'll tell them you delivered it to my brother. All right?"

  "Gee, mister, thanks! Thanks a lot!" The lad handed Jon the letter, then raced down the steps.

  Jon watched him until he was out of sight. When he went inside, letter in hand, he started to put the missive aside for Mitch, but something about the boy's nervous manner had made him suspicious. Returning to the study, he closed the door behind him, and ripped the envelope open. He read, in horror, the short, meaningful note Roland had sent.

  Mitch, as you may or may not be aware, your wife is missing. I can assure you that Espri is safe, but her continued well-being is entirely in your hands.

  I want control of Williams Shipping, and I am prepared to offer you fair market value for the company. Bring sales contracts with you and meet me at my office at 10 P.M. this evening. Do not contact the authorities or I will not be able to guarantee your wife's safe return.

  Roland Stuart

  Stunned, Jon reread Roland's letter. Was this man serious? Had he really kidnapped Espri to gain control of the company? He dropped the note as fury possessed him. Not only had Roland used him and destroyed his marriage, he was now threatening to harm Espri! Moving deliberately, Jon went to the desk and unlocked the center drawer. With steady hands, he took the pistol that was kept there, and after checking to make sure it was loaded, he left the room, determined to meet with Roland.

  Chun Ki lit a small lamp on the single table in the windowless room and directed his men to lay Espri on the narrow cot that was the only other furnishing.

  "Do you need us to do anything else?" his henchmen asked respectfully.

  "No. That will be all for tonight."

  When Chun Ki was alone with the drugged beauty he turned to look down at her. He considered himself a connoisseur of beautiful women, and he found Espri to be one of the most attractive he'd ever seen. It pleased him that she was still unconscious for it gave him time to look her over carefully without having to worry about frightening her.

  Gently, he untied the gag and removed the blindfold. Seeing her features clearly for the first time, Chun Ki smiled to himself. There would be no selling of this one to his customers. Should things not work out for Roland, he would keep her as his own personal servant. The prospect of owning her pleased him, but tempting as he found that idea, Chun Ki knew he could not take measures that would ruin Roland's deal. He was a man of honor, a man of his word. Untying her hands and feet, he went to the door and called to his slaves who waited in the narrow dark hall.

  "Yes, Chun Ki?"

  "I want her bathed and perfumed. Discard her clothing and dress her in a black tunic and trousers."

  "Yes, sir."

  "Call me when you've finished."

  "Yes, Chun Ki."

  The two women worked quickly, stripping away Espri's dress and underthings, and then bathing her with the perfumed soap they knew to be Chun Ki's favorite.

  "Who is this woman who has won such favor with Chun Ki?" Ah Linn asked as she combed out the silken length of Espri's dark hair.

>   "I do not know. She is not white, but she is not Chinese either," Ming Toy responded. "Chun Ki has never shown such interest in one woman before. She must be special. Certainly her body is lovely."

  They both regarded Espri's unclad beauty, jealously.

  "I fear she will please him greatly," Ah Linn said bitterly. For many months now, Ah Linn had been Chun Ki's lover, and she did not like to think that she would be replaced.

  "Maybe not," Ming Toy encouraged. "She is obviously not here of her own free will."

  "No, but neither were we at first." Ah Linn remembered the day they had been sold to Chun Ki and the horrors they had suffered in the beginning, when they had tried to fight their fate as his slaves.

  "It is not our place to interfere with his plans. We must hurry to prepare her. Do you have the clothing?"

  "Yes." Ah Linn handed her the black silk shirt and pants, and watched as the other woman dressed her.

  "I will go tell him that she is ready."

  "Good, but do so smiling. You would not want him to know of your displeasure. It might anger him."

  Ah Linn hurried to Chun Ki's private room, entering when he called out to her to do so. She bowed low.

  "She is ready for you, Chun Ki."

  "You have done well. Is she awake?"

  "No. She did not stir the entire time."

  "That is good." He smiled thoughtfully as he followed her from the room. "Bring a tray of food and tea," he instructed, and Ah Linn hurried to do his bidding.

  Stepping into the cubicle where Espri lay, Chun Ki stared at her, his expression inscrutable.

  "Is there more I can do for you, Chun Ki?" Ming Toy offered.

  "Yes. I will need the chains and a small whip. Bring them to me."

  "Yes, Chun Ki." She rushed to get the things he'd requested.

  Moving to sit beside Espri, he touched her cheek with reverence. Marveling at the softness of her skin, he then trailed his hand down to cup her breast. His taste ran to small-busted women, and he found Espri's breast a bit too large. Still, this time he would gladly make an exception. He looked forward to the next day when he would receive word from Roland on the state of his transaction with Williams.

  It was well past seven when Roland finally arrived at the Palace Hotel. He took little notice of its beauty as he hurried to Catherine's room to tell her the news of the day. Cat had been waiting all afternoon for him to come to her, and when he knocked, she anxiously threw open the door and embraced him.

  "Darling! I thought you'd never come!" she told him as she kissed him on the mouth.

  "It's been a busy day, but a successful one, love." He returned her kiss, crushing her to him.

  "You've got Espri?"

  "It went perfectly. I've turned her over to Chun Ki for the time being. He'll keep her for me until I've concluded my business with Mitch and Jon."

  "That's wonderful! Come in." She closed the door behind them.

  "I can't stay long," Roland explained. "I've arranged a meeting with Mitch, and I want to get there early just in case he decides to pull something."

  "I understand. Can you come back here later?" Catherine asked invitingly.

  "There's nothing I'd like to do more. As soon as everything has been signed and Espri is returned, I'll come straight here. Susan won't be expecting me until later."

  "Good." Cat went into his arms for one last kiss. "I'll be waiting."

  Espri opened her eyes, then quickly shut them. Something was wrong . . . terribly wrong. The room was spinning, and she felt too weak to move . . . almost paralyzed. With great effort she lifted a shaking hand to her forehead and, drawing a deep, steadying breath, tried once more to look around. Fighting off nausea and dizziness, she finally managed to focus on her surroundings, and what she saw frightened her. The sparsely furnished room was no more than six by six—and there were no windows.

  Levering herself up on an elbow, Espri stared about, trying to recall how she'd gotten there. The last thing she could remember was coming to on the floor of the carriage, tied up and blindfolded, and someone forcing her to take a deep drink of some fiery liquid.

  Looking down at herself, she was amazed to find that her clothing had been changed. While she'd been unconscious, someone had stripped her of her regular clothing and had dressed her in a strange-looking outfit of black silk. Swinging her legs to the side of the narrow bed, she managed to sit up slowly and then groaned as she fought not to be sick.

  Ming Toy, who had been ordered to stay outside the locked door and to report to Chun Ki when Espri awoke, heard the captive stirring, and she hurried to tell him the news. Pleased that his hostage had come around, he dismissed Ming Toy and went in to see her, alone.

  Espri gasped when the door opened unexpectedly, and she stared fearfully at the huge Chinese man who stepped into the cubicle.

  "Ah, I see that you have finally awakened." Chun Ki smiled as he closed the door behind him.

  "Who are you?" Her voice was barely above a whisper.

  "A friend," he answered simply. "And you, my dear Mrs. Williams, are my most-welcome guest."

  Espri's confusion was very real as she faced him. "If I'm your guest, then I would like to go home. May I have my clothes back, please?"

  Chun Ki chuckled with amusement, and stared down at her. "I'm afraid you're not that kind of guest."

  "I don't understand." Espri frowned and then tried to stand up, but her legs felt too weak to support her. When she swayed weakly, Chun Ki helped her to lie down. "Who are you? Why am I here?"

  "In time you will know, but for now, why don't you just relax? No harm will be done to you. As I have said, you are my guest. There is some food here"—he pointed to the tray on the small table—"and tea. Would you like some? It is hot and strong."

  Her thoughts a jumble, her need to get away great, Espri decided to drink some tea in the hope of regaining some of her strength. "Yes. Thank you."

  Chun Ki turned his back, and in that instant, Espri, in a burst of energy born of fear, made a dash for the door and what she hoped was freedom. She didn't know where she was or whom she was with. She only knew that she wanted to find Mitch. Chun Ki was surprised by her move. He had thought her too weak to make such an attempt, and he was greatly displeased by it.

  "You are not a wise woman, Mrs. Williams," he told Espri as he went after her, catching her just as she would have run out into the narrow, dark hall. "That was a very stupid thing to do." Twisting her arm, he dragged her back into the room and threw her on the bed. "I was hoping you wouldn't fight your situation, but I can see that some restraint will be necessary."

  Her eyes widening, Espri rubbed her bruised arm as she watched him reach beneath the bed and bring out a length of chain. "No!" she cried, but her terror only brought a leering smile to his face.

  "But yes," he answered coldly. "I do not stand for disobedience from my slaves."


  "You are not mine yet, but I intend to have you; remember that." Chun Ki's tone was cold and imperious. "Also remember that my women are subservient." Impersonally, he grabbed her left leg and fastened the iron manacle about her slender ankle.

  "But why are you doing this to me? Where is my husband?"

  "I am guarding you for a friend, and as to where your husband is, I have no idea, nor do I care." His gaze traveled over her dispassionately as she lay, chained and helpless, on the bed. Mechanically, he then handed her a cup of tea. "Drink this."

  "I don't want it!"

  "Drink it!" It was a command.

  Fearfully, Espri took the cup, but her first sip revealed an unnatural bitterness to the tea and she balked. "No! I won't!"

  "You will," he told her icily as he reached beneath the bed to bring out a short, leather whip. Slapping the leather against his thigh, he stood over her menacingly. "Drink all of it! Now."

  Terrified, Espri gulped down the hot, drug-laced tea.

  "That's much better, Mrs. Williams," he said with satisfaction. He took the cup from h
er and pressed her down on the bed. Feeling some of the resistance go out of her, he asked, "What is your first name?"

  Espri was trying to focus on him, but already her vision was fading. "Espri," she said softly, losing herself in the vortex that was claiming her.

  "A pretty name. It suits you."

  She heard his voice from far away. Knowing that the drug was beginning to work, Chun Ki took the liberty of intimately caressing her. He enjoyed the sleek feeling the silk gave her shapely form.

  "Don't touch me! Let me go!" Espri managed only a strangled whisper as she futilely tried to escape his touch. The opiate was too powerful, and darkness overcame her, sweeping her away from the sordid reality of the situation just as she called out Mitch's name.

  Chun Ki drew back and stared down at her hungrily. He wanted very much to bury himself within her sweet body, but his promise to Roland won out. Reluctantly, he left her chamber, locking the door behind him.

  Going directly to Ah Linn's room, he entered without knocking.

  "You have come to me, Chun Ki?" She was thrilled that he had chosen her this night.

  "Do I not, always?"

  "I had worried about the new woman."

  "She is merely a guest here, nothing more," he told her. "Come. Satisfy me. I find I need you, now."

  And Ah Linn went to him gladly, eager to please him in any way she could.

  Chapter 32

  Mabel was concerned. It was well past sunset, and still there had been no word from Miss Espri as to why she had not returned from her early visit to Mildred Clark's. Glancing at the mantel clock, she was glad to note that it was nearly six-thirty. Mr. Mitchell would be home soon and perhaps he would know where Espri was. The sound of the front door opening drew her from the back of the house, and she hurried forth to greet whoever was returning.

  "Good evening, Mabel." Mitch was glad to be home. He was looking forward to spending a quiet evening with Espri.

  "Mr. Mitchell," she responded cordially, glancing around. "Miss Espri isn't with you?"

  Mitch looked at her, puzzled. "No. Should she be? I haven't seen her since breakfast."

  "I don't want to worry you, but she went out for a visit this morning and I haven't heard a word from her since." Mabel twisted her hands nervously.


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