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Greater Vampires

Page 29

by Trudie Collins


  Luke sensed JD’s presence as soon as he walked into the room. “It’s me,” he said quietly and saw JD relax his shoulders. “Have you been keeping count?”

  “Yes. Five left. Scott, Jane and Craig plus two from Sanctuary 12. How did they get Gabriel?”

  “Everyone from 14 were working together. Except for your father. As Gabriel killed Katie, Jonathon tried to take his head off. I intervened, but Craig was also there and his sword made contact before I could do anything about it. Gabriel is going to have one hell of a bruise on his neck. Craig didn’t hold back.”

  “I taught them well.”

  “How do you want to do this? Want me to take care of your people while you deal with the other two?”

  “Sounds like a plan. Any idea where they are?”

  “Sanctuary 14 are in the room to our left. I don’t think they can hear us, but if they can, they’re going to be ready for me.”

  “The rest are to the right. Good luck.”

  Luke said nothing, choosing instead to run through the open door, moving so fast he took out Scott before any of them were aware of his presence.

  Scott’s name was called out, along with two others. JD had worked fast.

  “Want to surrender now?” Luke asked. “You’re the only two left alive.”

  “No way,” Craig said and slashed his sword at him. Luke stepped out of his way.

  “You can’t win this.”

  “Then I’ll die trying,” Craig said and swung his sword once more.

  Jane also slashed at him, making him jump back. He moved behind her and gently touched his fangs to her neck. He felt her slump in defeat.

  “Jane’s dead,” Jeff’s voice sounded out.

  “You’re all alone now Craig.”

  “So are you,” Craig said. He thrust his sword forward and Luke ducked. Craig knew he was still in front of him so jumped in surprise when he felt fangs on his neck.

  “No he isn’t,” JD said, then began laughing.


  “So what have we all learned today?” Jeff asked when everyone was congregated together.

  “All trainers are evil,” someone called out.

  “We already knew that,” someone else replied.

  “Greater vampires can be killed,” Jonathon said.

  “Think again,” Sarah said. “I was watching the whole thing. Luke and Gabriel were toying with you. They could easily have killed all five of you the moment you entered the room.”

  Jonathon looked at Gabriel, who nodded. “I could have killed Katie before she shouted her warning.”

  “Damn,” Jonathon said. “And I thought we did well.”

  “You did,” JD said. “I am very interested in seeing the recording of this. However, you sacrificed one of your team. You should never do that.”

  “No we didn’t,” Katie said. “I was not a sacrificial lamb. The only reason I was attacked was because I was on point. Gabriel could just as easily have gone for one of the others. We were prepared for any of us to be attacked.”

  “Alright. I’ll take your word for it for now and will make my own conclusions when I have seen the video evidence. Well done all five of you. I was impressed and I know most of the others here were as well.”

  “We still lost though,” Craig said.

  “You never had a chance of winning.”

  Jeff took over. “For most of you, your biggest enemy was yourselves, not the vampires. As soon as you heard the screaming, you panicked. I think all of the trainers observing learnt a few things today and will be discussing tactics with their teams.”

  He then turned to address Luke and Gabriel. “From an attacking point of view, how did it go? How much could you see?”

  “We can’t see in the dark,” Luke said. “Though our night vision is better than a human’s. We could see everyone, but couldn’t always tell who was who. We relied more on our hearing and sense of smell. We could tell when a hunter was frightened by their breathing and sweat. They were easy to pick off.”

  Gabriel took over. “It was easier at first. With so many hunters together in one place, we killed everyone before they knew we were there. When they split up more, it was harder to find them.”

  “We easily tracked those from Sanctuary 14 as they made no attempt to keep quiet.”

  “Why?” JD asked.

  “We worked out what was going on,” Scott said. “We knew that all three of you would be able to hear us, even if we whispered, and we decided it was better for us to keep in contact so we could stay together.”

  JD raised his eyebrows. “Someone was using their brain.”

  “We all were,” Jonathon said.

  “That is one lesson that everyone can take away from here,” Jeff said. “Sometimes trying to be quiet and not let the vampire know you are there is pointless. The chances are that they will spot you before you spot them.”

  The discussion went on for another hour then everyone headed home. Jane went to Sanctuary 5 with her boyfriend and JD and Sarah drove Luke and Gabriel home.

  “Did you enjoy that?” JD asked, looking in the rear view mirror to see their reaction.

  “Other than the pain in my neck, yes,” Gabriel said. “When can we do that again?”

  Does she know what she is letting herself in for

  Luke took Anna’s hand before nervously knocking on Gavin’s office door. They entered when given permission and took seats in front of his desk.

  “What can I do for you?” Gavin asked. He could tell by their demeanour that it was something serious.

  What they were there to see Gavin about they had discussed for a long time and they were both sure it was what they wanted to do. They had talked to Paul and Gabriel and had their support.

  Luke took a deep breath. “We are here to ask your permission for me to turn Anna.”

  Gavin knew the request would come, but hadn’t been expecting it so soon. “What if I say no?”

  “Then we will abide by your wishes,” Luke said. “At least for now.”

  The answer surprised Gavin. He had assumed that they were there out of courtesy only and that, in reality, he would be given no say in the matter. He was pleased that this was not the case.

  “Are you really sure about this? It’s a big step that there is no going back from.”

  “I am,” Anna said. “I know what I am giving up, but I also know what I’ll be gaining.”

  “You will never be able to have children.”

  “That wouldn’t be an option anyway seeing as Luke could not be the father.”

  “It’s going to hurt. More than you can possibly imagine.” Gavin wasn’t trying to change her mind; he just wanted to make sure she had considered all of the facts.

  “Luke has told me everything. I’ve also spoken to JD about it so I know what he went through.”

  “It will be worse for you. Being turned by a greater vampire not only hurts more, but it lasts longer. You’re looking at two days of constant agony, maybe more.”

  “I know. But it’s what I want to do. It’s what I have to do eventually if I am to stay with Luke.”

  “Alright. You have my permission. When?”

  “Next month. Me, Luke and Gabriel have booked two weeks off work. That should give me enough time to transition and get used to being a vampire.”

  Gavin was watching her closely as she spoke. Most humans gave an involuntary shudder when talking about turning into a vampire, but Anna didn’t.

  “Very well. Let the family know tonight. I’m sure nobody will object, but they should be given the chance to.”

  “Will you tell the council?” Anna asked. Now that Gavin was a member of it, she wasn’t sure what he had to tell them.

  “Not yet. I’ll tell them after it has been done. That way it’s too late if they have any objections.”

l of the greater vampires gave Luke and Anna their support. Gabriel, Martin, Helen and Paul had already given their okay and Juliette would never say no if her husband had already said yes. That just left Cassy and Brian. They both agreed immediately, though they kept giving Gabriel nervous looks.

  Gabriel denied everything when Luke took him aside later. Luke knew that he had threatened the other two vampires, and Gabriel knew he knew, but he still would not admit it.


  Later that evening, Sarah was playing cards with most of the other hunters and Natalie when her phone rang. Seeing that it was Anna calling her, she left the room to take the call.

  When she returned, she looked concerned.

  “What’s wrong?” JD asked.

  Sarah debated whether to speak or not. What Anna had told her she had said in confidence, but Sarah trusted everyone in the room.

  “This cannot leave this Sanctuary,” she said. “Anna has made the decision to be turned. It will happen next month.”

  Jonathon whistled. “That couldn’t have been an easy decision to make. While I would agree to it if it was the only way to save my life, I wouldn’t even consider it in any other situation.”

  “Look at it from Anna’s point of view,” Katie said. “She is ageing. Luke isn’t. Would you consider doing it if it meant being able to stay with me for all eternity?”

  “Of course,” Jonathon said a little too quickly.

  “Liar,” Katie said. “I wouldn’t for you either. While I plan on living with you for the next fifty years or so, eternity is way too long.”

  “Does she know what she is letting herself in for?” Scott asked. He could still remember the sound of JD screaming when he had been injected with venom.

  “Yes,” JD said. “Luke, Gabriel and I have all spoken to her about it, though she is going to suffer a lot worse than I did. Being turned into a greater vampire is a lot longer and more painful process than becoming a lesser one.”

  “I wish you wouldn’t use that term,” Sarah said. “I can’t get used to you being a lesser anything.”

  JD grinned at her. “Would you rather I lived forever?”

  “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

  “Is there anything we can do to help her?” Natalie asked. She hadn’t been at Sanctuary 14 when JD was turned, but she has been told that Doc had knocked him out. By the time he awoke, the pain had gone and his transformation was complete.

  JD shook his head. “Luke and I have discussed this. The drugs Doc gave me will have no effect. She will have to suffer the agony for at least two days without any pain relief.”

  “Two days? That’s horrible. How will she cope with that?”

  “How will Luke?” Katie asked. “I bet he never leaves her side.”

  JD and Sarah looked at each other. Both of them were thinking the same thing. ‘Nor will Gabriel.’ They were the only two people outside of those who lived with Luke who knew of Gabriel’s feelings for Anna.

  “All we can do is give them whatever support we can,” JD said. “And keep this to ourselves until it’s over.”

  “Do we tell Jane?” Scott asked. She was at Sanctuary 5 again, visiting her boyfriend.

  “Yes,” Sarah said. “But she has to keep this to herself. She can’t tell anyone.”

  “I’ll tell my parents when they get back from the movies,” JD said. “They won’t tell anyone. Scott, you had better inform Doc and Silvia.”

  Sarah sighed. “It doesn’t seem that long ago that the only vampire I knew was JD. Now I work with two, they both visit here on a regular basis and my boss will be one soon. This takes some getting used to.”

  “In a few months time you may be the mother of one,” Craig said.

  “When did life get so complicated?”

  “The moment you asked to be trained.”


  The weeks flew by. Sarah was getting larger by the day, or at least that’s how it felt to her, and was becoming more and more tired. She had to reduce the number of training sessions she attended and took it a lot easier at those she did make it to. She made the decision to drop the morning ones before JD told her to, though she did get up with him every day to watch.

  Eventually Anna’s last day at work before her two week break arrived. It was Friday night and she and Luke were watching TV in their lounge. She was due to be turned the next day.

  Neither of them were taking much notice of the program; their minds were on other things.

  “I don’t think I’m going to be able to sleep tonight,” Anna said. She wasn’t scared, but she was nervous. Very nervous.

  “Me neither,” Luke said as he stroked the back of her neck in the way she liked.

  “What can we do to take our minds off it?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “Have you ever turned anyone before?”

  “No. Normally I would refuse, try to talk the person out of it. Being a vampire isn’t like most people imagine. You’ve lived with us long enough to know the reality. I may be wrong, but I don’t think anyone living here has intentionally turned someone.”

  Anna moved Luke’s hand from her neck and put his arm around her as she leaned back against him. “This waiting is killing me.”

  “So why are we waiting?”

  Anna sat up and turned around to look at him. “What?”

  “Why are we waiting? Why not do it now?”

  Anna could only think of one reason. “Should we wait for Gabriel to get home?”

  “Why? It’s not as if I plan on letting him in the room when I do it.”

  “Alright. I’ll get changed into something more comfortable while you go and let Gavin know.”

  Luke kissed her then left the room. Anna selected an old tracksuit from her wardrobe. It was comfortable enough to sleep in and would soon need replacing so it didn’t matter if it got stained with blood. She had no idea if she would crave blood the moment she turned or how messy a drinker she would be initially.

  They met in the basement bedroom. Nobody knew what Anna would be like when she first turned so she and Luke would be locked in until they were certain she could control herself.

  Anna was sitting on the edge of the bed when Luke walked in. The room was full of memories of her time with Gabriel, memories she was looking forward to replacing.

  Luke sat next to her and took her hand. “Are you really sure about this?”

  Anna nodded. She didn’t trust herself to speak.

  Luke gently ran his hand down one side of her face, then softly kissed her lips.

  “I love you,” he said, then kissed her more passionately.

  She laid back, pulling him down beside her, and gripped his hair tightly, encouraging him to continue.

  He worked his way down her throat, planting kisses and teasing her skin with his tongue. As he moved back to her mouth, he ran one hand down her side.

  He rolled on top of her, took hold of her hands and raised her arms above her head. He kissed her once more then made his way down the side of her neck.

  She didn’t react when he sank his fangs into her. He had done this many times before. This time he didn’t hold back. He let his venom flow, pumping more and more into her until he had no more left to give. Then he kissed her again.

  He continued to kiss and caress her until she pushed him away. She was panting, but he didn’t think it was from excitement this time.

  “Go,” she gasped. “You don’t want to witness this.”

  “Nothing and nobody is going to drag me from your side. I’ll be here until it’s over,” he said.

  Then she began to scream.


  “What the hell is that noise?” Gabriel asked as soon as he walked through the front door. Screams were echoing all over the house.

sp; “Anna,” Helen said. There were tears in her eyes. The sound was almost unbearable to listen to.

  Gabriel ran to the security room, where he found Gavin and Brian watching the monitors for the cameras in the basement bedroom. They had switched the microphones off, but they could still hear Anna scream.

  “How long has she been doing that?” Gabriel asked.

  “A couple of hours.”

  Gabriel glanced at a monitor. Every time she cried out, she arched her back, then fell back onto the bed when she went silent, only to repeat the procedure a few seconds later. Luke was sitting on a chair beside the bed, holding her hand.

  “How’s he coping?”

  “He hasn’t moved since she started,” Gavin said. “Other than to wipe her forehead with a damp cloth every now and then. I don’t think any of us are going to get much sleep tonight.”

  “I will,” Gabriel said. “I’m going out again. I’ll be back in the morning. Someone needs to be awake and lucid in case she needs anything.”

  “Alright,” Gavin said. It was the sensible thing to do, though he was surprised Gabriel was prepared to leave Anna. He didn’t know that Gabriel had an ulterior motive. “I’ll call you if anything changes.”

  Gabriel packed an overnight bag then drove to Sanctuary 14. He and Luke visited there so often that they had been told the combination to the gate and given a space to share in the garage.

  “Can I stay here tonight?” he asked Sarah when she opened the door for him.

  “Of course. Not looking forward to tomorrow?”

  “It’s already started. I can’t bear to hear her screaming. And I need a favour off Doc. Is he here?”

  “In his office, I think.”

  Gabriel dumped his bag in the room he usually stayed in, then went to see Doc. He explained what was going on and what he needed and Doc was happy to help out. He took him to the medical unit at the back of the house, selected what he wanted from one of the cupboards, then showed Gabriel what to do.

  Gabriel thanked him, stored the items he had been supplied with in his bag, then went looking for Jonathon.


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