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Greater Vampires

Page 34

by Trudie Collins

  The vampire was constantly watching her. She seemed to find it amusing when Sarah went from room to room, looking for anything that would help her.

  Sarah had been forced to remain in the kitchen while the woman cooked her breakfast. The threat of being injected with venom was all it took for her to comply. She had no idea what effect it would have on her unborn child and she didn’t want to find out.

  Lunch had been a repeat of breakfast. She ate alone, while the vampire watched her. Sarah had no idea where Sandra was and didn’t care.

  Now evening was approaching and the sun was beginning to set.

  “Food is almost ready,” the vampire said. “You should come downstairs.”

  Sarah suspected it was not a request. When she had been left alone, she had considered trying to break a window, but in her condition, she wouldn’t be able to make it to the ground. Also, the vampire would hear and would be in the room before she had chance to escape.

  Sarah marked the page in her book with a scrap of paper then placed it on the bed. She followed the vampire from the room and down the stairs. As she entered the kitchen the aroma of the cooking food hit her. She had no idea what it was, but it smelled delicious.

  “Sit down,” the woman instructed and placed a glass of water on the table. Sarah did as she was told and began eating as soon as a plate of food was put in front of her.

  Her nose hadn’t been deceiving her; it was very good. She told the vampire so and invited her to join her.

  “I don’t eat,” she said. “It gives me no pleasure any more. Nothing seems to.”

  “Why have you kidnapped me?” Sarah asked between mouthfuls. “I can understand why Sandra is involved, but what has JD ever done to you?” She used the name everyone used for him, except herself.

  “Who is JD?”

  Sarah looked at the vampire carefully. She didn’t seem to be faking ignorance. “My husband.”

  “He is of no importance to me.”

  “So why am I here?” Sarah didn’t expect to receive an answer, but there was no harm in asking.

  “Sandra says she was attacked and those responsible avoided punishment. She wants to make them suffer. I have my own reasons for wanting you here.”

  The vampire looked down as she spoke. Had she been able to see through the table, she would have been looking directly at Sarah’s extended abdomen. Sarah shivered. Whatever this vampire wanted, it involved her child.

  “And they are?” Sarah asked, but the vampire said nothing. “Sandra’s lying to you. She made advances on my father-in-law. When he rejected her, she had someone attack her and blamed him. My husband helped the truth come out and Sandra was exiled.”

  “I don’t care.” The look the vampire gave Sarah held no emotion.

  She sat down opposite Sarah and indicated that she should keep eating. When Sarah complied, she began talking again.

  “Have you ever lost someone you loved?” She spoke softly, in a flat monotone.

  “Yes,” Sarah said. “The man I was engaged to died.”

  “How did you cope?”

  “A good friend stopped me from killing myself and eventually I found a reason to go on living.”

  “That is a luxury I don’t have. It’s almost impossible for my kind to kill themselves. Do you still remember how you felt when your fiancé died?”

  “Yes. It’s something I will never forget.”

  “Then imagine what it’s like to know that you are going to feel like that for all eternity.”

  “I moved on. I found love again.”

  “Then you are lucky. I thought I would, but as the decades passed, I realised I was just fooling myself.”

  “It’s never too late.” Sarah was beginning to feel sorry for this poor lonely woman. Then she remembered how she looked at her. There was almost a hunger in her eyes every time they travelled down below her waist.

  “I have given up hope. But enough about me. Do you really like the food?”

  “Yes, I do,” Sarah said.

  The vampire almost smiled. “I used to enjoy cooking, when I had someone to cook for.”

  “How did you and Sandra become friends?” If Sarah could keep her talking, she might reveal something useful.

  “We aren’t friends. She is merely a useful tool. We met accidentally in a park. She was walking all alone and I was thirsty. I was surprised that she knew I was a vampire. She begged me not to kill her and told me her story. Her version of it, anyway. I felt sorry for her so I attacked someone else, then we went for coffee. She told me all about hunters and eventually she spoke about you. When she talked about getting even with your husband and his father, it was my suggestion that we kidnap you.”

  “What does she intend to do now?”

  “I have no idea and I don’t care. I have you, which is what I wanted. I will keep Sandra around as long as she doesn’t interfere with my plans, but if she gets in my way, I will kill her.”

  “What are your plans?”

  “You’ll find out when the time is right.”

  She put her hand in her pocket and pulled out Sarah’s phone. “Who is Jason?” she asked.

  “My husband. Most people call him JD, but I call him Jason.”

  “He has called you a few times. Do you want to speak to him?” She held the phone out to Sarah.

  Sarah tentatively reached for it, wondering what the catch was. The vampire made no attempt to prevent her taking it and watched curiously as she unlocked it and scrolled through the missed calls and text messages. JD had called a number of times, leaving voicemail each time.

  She decided to listen to them before calling him. She was desperate to hear his voice and didn’t believe that she would be allowed to speak to him.

  Tears formed in her eyes as she heard him tell her how much he was missing her. He promised to find her. It was a promise she was able to believe.

  She was so engrossed in listening to JD’s voice that she didn’t hear Sandra enter the kitchen. When the last of the messages had finished, she selected JD’s name and hit the dial button.

  Before it could start to ring, Sandra snatched the phone from her hand and hung up.

  She rounded on the vampire. “Are you stupid? Why are you letting her use her phone?”

  “I saw no harm in it.”

  “No harm?” Sandra shouted. “What if this bitch knows where we are? If JD finds out, he’s going to come here and kill us.”

  “Good,” the vampire said. “Though I doubt he could manage it.”

  “He was the best hunter we have ever had before he became a vampire. The change only made him a more efficient killer. On top of that he has friends who are greater vampires, as they like to call themselves.”

  “Is that supposed to scare me?” the woman asked.

  “You are both going to die,” Sarah said. “Release me now and he might let you live.”

  Sandra turned around and slapped Sarah across the face. The vampire moved fast, grabbing her arm before she could do it again. “Lay your hand on her again and I’ll make sure you regret it. She is mine and she will be well cared for.”

  The vampire snarled at Sandra, revealing her fangs. Sandra shrunk away from her. When her arm was released, she ran from the room, taking Sarah’s phone with her.

  “Humans,” the woman said. “They’re more trouble than they’re worth. Now where were we?”

  “You were going to tell me why you want me,” Sarah said.

  “No, I wasn’t, but I like the way you keep trying to get what you want from me. You’ll never give up, will you? You remind me of how I used to be. Under other circumstances we might have been friends.”

  “We still could be if you let me go.”

  The woman laughed. It was soft and almost musical. Sarah suspected she did not do it very often. “Would you like dessert?” she asked and walked over to the oven.

  That’s inhuman

  “What did they say?” JD asked when Gavin disconnected his call. They were driving
to Sanctuary 2 to see Mark. JD was under no illusion that he wasn’t still in contact with his daughter and he intended to make him tell him where she was.

  “The council have given their approval for you to question Mark, under the circumstances. They also said that you can handle this however you see fit, provided they are kept informed.”

  “And if they had said no?” JD asked.

  Gavin looked at him, making sure he knew he was speaking the truth. “Then I would have resigned from the council and we would do this anyway.”

  They were the only two in the car. Everyone else was at Sanctuary 14, keeping an eye on Craig. He had not been given enough venom to turn him, but it had been close.

  When JD reached Sanctuary 2, he didn’t bother to press the buzzer. He knew the code to open the gate to every Sanctuary, though usually he didn’t do so. It was impolite, but this time he didn’t care.

  The front door was locked, so he was forced to ring the bell. It was either that or break it down, which he was tempted to do, but managed to restrain himself.

  “JD,” the man who answered said in surprise. “What are you doing here?”

  JD recognised him, but couldn’t remember his name. “We’re here to see Mark. Is he in?”

  “I’m not sure that is a good idea,” the man said and moved so he was blocking the doorway.

  “We have the council’s permission,” Gavin said. “Call them if you doubt me.”

  The man’s eyes widened when he realised who he was talking to and he quickly moved out of the way. “He’s in the lounge, I think,” he said.

  Mark was sitting on the sofa with Shirley when Gavin and JD entered the room. He paled when he saw JD.

  “We need to talk, privately,” JD said.

  Mark shook his head. “No way.”

  “We talk now, or in front of the council. The choice is yours,” Gavin said. “JD is not here to harm you.”

  Gavin hoped he was telling the truth, though he doubted Mark would walk away unharmed if he didn’t tell JD what he wanted to know.

  “Come with me then,” Mark said and stood up. Shirley stood as well.

  “I’m coming with you. As a witness, if nothing else.”

  JD wasn’t in the mood to argue. He needed answers and he needed them fast.

  Mark led them to an empty office and invited them to take seats. JD preferred to remain standing, as did Gavin. If Mark didn’t tell them what they wanted to know, he planned on biting him, controlling him, making him reveal everything he knew.

  “I know you are still seeing your daughter,” JD said. He kept his tone soft and his anger reigned in. “I just want to know where she is.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, JD saw Shirley tense, but he kept his focus on Mark. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” JD knew he was lying.

  “I’m not here to trap you or punish you Mark. I have no interest in you whatsoever. It’s just Sandra I am interested in.”

  “Why? So you can kill her?”

  “If I have to, yes.” Shirley gasped and Mark’s jaw dropped in shock. He had not been expecting JD to admit it.

  “She has kidnapped my wife,” JD continued. “And I intend to get her back.”

  “She wouldn’t do that.”

  “Just like she wouldn’t set my father up?”

  Mark did not back down. “How do you know she is involved?”

  “We have a witness,” Gavin said. “We know he’s telling the truth. I don’t know how and I don’t know why, but your daughter is in league with the rogue greater vampire. She bit our witness and altered his memories. We had to put so much venom in him to reverse what she had done that he was close to turning.”

  “You did what?” Shirley exclaimed. “That’s inhuman.”

  “It was Craig’s decision,” JD said. “It was a risk he was prepared to take in order to get Sarah back.” He turned to Mark. “Now are you going to help me or will I have to make you?”

  Mark slumped in his chair. He looked at Shirley, who nodded. What he was about to say would get both of them kicked out of the hunter society.

  “I’ve only seen her a couple of times since she was exiled, but I know where she is. Her grandmother on her mother’s side died last year and we haven’t gotten around to selling the house yet. She’s living there.”

  “Address?” JD asked and Mark provided it.

  JD then took his phone out of his pocket and dialled a number. “Damon, it’s JD. Mark says he hasn’t seen his daughter and I believe him. He has, however, given an address where she might be staying. I am going there tonight.”

  He listened to the response. “I’ll do my best, but I can’t guarantee it. If I have to kill her to save Sarah, I will. The greater vampire will probably be there as well so I’m taking a few friends with me.” He listened once more, thanked Damon and hung up.

  “Why did you just lie for Mark?” Shirley asked.

  “He has gone through enough already. Also, I think it’s cruel to prevent family members from seeing each other. Why should everyone be punished for the actions of one?”

  He looked at Mark, who was close to breaking down. “We will do our best to keep Sandra alive, but I’m making no promises.”

  Mark nodded his head. He believed what JD was saying, but he had no real hope that he would ever see his daughter alive again.

  Before getting in the car, JD called his brother.

  “How’s Craig?”

  “He’s doing alright. The pain has gone. Luke and Gabriel both assure us that he won’t turn, though they admit that it was close. I don’t think it has hit him yet. When it does, he is going to fall apart. How did you get on?”

  “We have an address. I’m coming home to get changed, then we are going on a hunt.”

  “You’ll need some help,” Gavin said when JD had hung up. “Luke, Gabriel and I will come with you. I’ll call the others and ask them to meet us there, just in case.”

  JD didn’t thank him; there was no need. Gavin was doing this to capture the greater vampire just as much as he was to help Sarah. Had a greater vampire not been involved, he would have helped anyway.


  “You are not going,” JD told Craig. He was in the medical unit, still being monitored by Doc.

  “I’m fine. Doc says I am. Luke and Gabriel say I am. I am going.”

  “No you are not. That is an order. I will not risk your mind not being completely on the mission. I know how badly you want to help Sarah, but you have done your part. You have done more than most people would. Let us take care of the rest.”

  “I need to do this JD.”

  “And I need you to stay here. As your trainer, I have that authority over you. Or are you planning on quitting, just so you can join us?”

  Craig glared at JD. “You’re a bastard.”

  “So I’ve been told many times. Now what is your decision?”

  “I’ll stay here,” Craig said, though it was obvious he wasn’t happy about it.

  “Thank you. That is one less thing for me to worry about. We will stay in constant contact.”

  Natalie walked up to Craig and hugged him tight. She was part of the reason JD was refusing to let Craig go on the hunt. After what had been done to him, she needed Craig by her side; she needed to know that he really was alright. If he left with the rest, she would worry herself sick.

  All of the other hunters from 14 were waiting by the door, suited up and fully armed.

  “This is not going to be a normal hunt,” JD said. “The priority is getting Sarah back. If at all possible, Sandra is to be taken alive. We’ll leave the vampire to her own kind. Luke, Anna, Gabriel and Jane are with me, the rest go with Scott. Nobody do anything stupid. We all want Sarah back, but we will not risk ourselves trying to accomplish that.”

  There was no more that needed to be said, so JD picked up the keys to one of the hunting cars and walked away.

could feel the tension in the air. None of the hunters were nervous, but they weren’t relaxed like they normally were at the start of a hunt. What they were going to do should be easy, but none of them believed that would be the case. They had no idea what condition Sarah would be in, or even if she was alive, but they had to assume she was alright. To let themselves think anything else would put their mission at risk.

  JD drove fast, but not too fast. “Do you have any idea why a greater vampire would become involved with Sarah’s kidnapping?” he asked Luke, who was sitting next to him.

  “I have one idea,” Gabriel said from the back of the car, “but you are not going to like it.”

  “Tell me anyway.”

  “A long time ago, I hit rock bottom. I wanted to die. I researched how it could be achieved. I came across rumours that said the blood of a hybrid, half human, half vampire, will turn a vampire human once more.”

  Silence filled the car. JD put his foot on the accelerator.

  “As I said, they are only rumours,” Gabriel said. “And this may not be the reason that a vampire is involved.”

  JD pushed harder on the pedal.

  When he pulled up outside the address he had been given, he looked at the house. Through the closed curtains, lights could be seen in one upstairs window and the front downstairs room.

  JD phoned Craig. “We are here. I’ll leave the line open, but I’m not sure how much you’re going to be able to hear.”

  He turned his volume up full then placed his phone in his pocket. Katie called Natalie’s number. Between the two phones, hopefully those back at 14 would be able to hear some of what was going on.

  “Scott, Gavin, Jonathon and Katie take the front. The rest of us will go round the back,” JD said, then moved off.

  In the darkness, he made his way through the garden and around the back of the house. The back door was locked, but it didn’t take him long to pick it. He momentarily thought of Simon, who had been more skilled at lock picking than any of the others. He then banished all thoughts from his mind and focused on the task at hand.

  He peered through the window. The back door led to a kitchen. The lights were on and a figure was standing at the counter, waiting for the kettle to boil.


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