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Dark Dream’s Trap

Page 14

by I. T. Lucas

“True, but we don’t have the personnel to check that much feed by eye, so that’s a moot point. We just need to assume that he is here and keep our eyes open.”

  Ella sighed. “It’s going to be torture to know that you are in the same building and not be able to go to you, but it is for the best. I need to keep my head in the game, so to speak.”

  “We can still talk on the phone.”

  “Thank God for that. I was afraid Turner would prohibit it as well. But I guess he trusts the clan’s phones are secure against hacking.”

  “They are. We use our own satellite and the signal is encrypted.”

  She chuckled. “I don’t even know what that means, but it sounds impressive. Listening to Nick and Roni when they were helping me with the charity setup, I felt like an uneducated schlump. I didn’t know half the terms they used.”

  Smiling, Julian switched the phone to his other ear. “Don’t tell me that you’ve decided to study computer engineering instead of nursing.”

  “No way. But I’m no longer sure that I want to study nursing either.”

  "Have you given some thought to what you want to study instead?

  “I’m still thinking it over. Physician’s assistant sounds cool, but I need to get an undergrad degree first, the same as nursing.” She laughed. “We could open a hug clinic together. You’ll be the physician, and I’ll be the assistant.”

  “Sounds awesome, but we will hire professional huggers. I’m not letting you hug any guys older than twelve or younger than seventy.”




  As the jet started its descent, Ella pulled out her makeup case and went to work on her face. Next to her, Vivian put on the chestnut wig Eva had given her and pulled out her own case.

  “Should we put in the trackers now?” Ella asked Bhathian.

  The Guardian nodded. “From now on, always have at least a few on you. The Doomers could strike at any point.”

  Ella swallowed.

  It was show time, and she was ready, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t scared. Getting captured by Logan and his henchmen was a remote possibility, but it was still there. As someone who’d just recently gotten free, that was a terrifying prospect, and she got nauseous every time she thought about it.

  Which meant that she did everything to avoid those thoughts and switched to something else. Contemplating her future in college and what she wanted to study usually did the trick or thinking about the fundraiser and all the things she still had to do.

  Like finding a doodler and a scriptwriter. Her post on the clan’s bulletin board had yielded no results so far.

  “They are so tiny,” her mother said. “And surprisingly pretty.”

  The case containing the ten trackers was no bigger than a bracelet’s jewelry box, and as she opened it, Ella once more marveled at the miniaturization. The question was whether Logan was aware that such tiny trackers existed. If he was, he would search for them, and as small as the devices were, they weren’t invisible.

  After putting on the earrings and the pendant, and sticking four pins into her hair, Ella was still left with three little studs she could attach to her clothes. But to do that, she needed to go to the bathroom.

  With Arwel and Bhathian in the small cabin, it wasn’t as if she could attach a stud to her panties.

  When the jet touched down, Ella unbuckled and pushed to her feet.

  “Is it okay to take the seatbelt off?” Vivian asked.

  Arwel nodded.

  “I’m going to attach the remaining studs to my clothes. I suggest that you do the same, Mom.”

  Vivian waved a dismissive hand. “I have the earrings on and two pins in my hair. I think that’s enough for now. I’ll put the rest on when we go to the interview.”

  “We might never get to the interview, Mom. As Bhathian pointed out, the enemy may strike at any time. Besides, it could very well be that there is no interview, and that Mr. D was lying the entire time.”

  On their private channel, she sent, I’m going to put one in my panties. You should do the same.

  Isn’t that going too far?

  Maybe, but I’d rather be safe than sorry. One captivity in a lifetime is enough.

  You’re right. I’ll wait until you’re done.

  Ella nodded and ducked into the bathroom. Unlike the dim light in the cabin, the one in the tiny compartment was bright, and as she looked into the mirror, Ella realized that she’d put on too much makeup.

  Then again, it had been a while since she’d gone all out with it, so maybe that was just right.

  The nearly black purple lipstick was a cool addition to her disguise. It was so strong that she’d been able to draw a new lip line with it, changing the shape of her mouth.

  Between the makeup, the glasses, and the hair, she looked nothing like the old Ella. If she ever got to that interview, however, that grungy look was going to get her rejected for sure. It was a good thing that she had no intention of going to Georgetown.

  With the rest of the studs attached to her clothes, Ella pushed the door open and stepped out. “Your turn, Mom.”

  “You went a little too heavy with the makeup.”

  “I know. I’ll fix it when we get to the hotel. On the way, it’s better to have more than less.”

  Vivian grimaced. “We will have to do something about your looks for the interview. This makeup and this hair don’t go with the nice outfit we got for that.”

  “I’m not really going to Georgetown, Mom, so it doesn't matter if I make a good impression on the interviewer or not. Once this is over, Kelly Rubinstein will cease to exist.”

  “I don’t see why. With the Doomer out of the picture, you don’t need to abandon this identity, and if you get accepted, you should go. With the clan paying for your education, you can go for the best there is, and it doesn’t get much better than Georgetown.”

  “I decided that I want to stay home and go to a local college. There is no shortage of them in Los Angeles. And with my fabulous grades and the clan’s financing, I can pick the best.” She winked.

  Her mother smiled. “Is it because of Julian?”

  “Yes, but not only. I found a home in the village, and the extended family I always wanted to have. I don’t want to leave that and go room with strangers in some dingy dorms.”



  First-floor hotel rooms that faced the street were usually the least desirable, but Julian was very happy to have one. Standing by the window, he waited for the taxi to arrive. The driver was one of the Guardians whose name he’d forgotten. Another Guardian driven taxi had picked up Arwel and Bhathian, and it was trailing Ella and Vivian’s in case they encountered trouble on the way.

  When the cab finally stopped in the front, Julian let out a relieved breath. He’d had no reason to anticipate anything happening to them en route, but then he didn't know what to expect and when.

  There was still no sign of Lokan or any other Doomers, and it worried him. Julian vacillated between thinking that Ella’s hunch was right and that Lokan wasn’t going to show up, to imagining crazy scenarios with a bunch of Doomers arriving at the time of the interview and taking the entire admissions office hostage.

  It could happen.

  Except, they had enough Guardians stationed around the building to deal with that. Lokan and his cronies wouldn’t get anywhere near that office. Especially since he wouldn't suspect anyone lying in wait for him.

  Julian smiled when Ella got out of the taxi. Despite the glasses she had on, he could see the heavy purple makeup around her eyes, and her lush lips were painted with lipstick so dark that it looked black. But she was adorable even in her full Goth costume.

  He missed his little pixie girl with her spiky pink hair and monster boots.

  Rubbing his aching heart, he tried to imagine how he was going to survive having her so near and not going to her. Perhaps he should ask one of the Guardians for a reinforced pair of handcuffs. He sh
ould cuff himself to the bed because he was bound to sleepwalk to her room.

  As she and Vivian entered the hotel, he contemplated going out to the lobby so he could at least look at her and smell her.

  A text from her surprised him.

  Hi, we are here at the hotel, safe and sound. I thought we had the entire place to ourselves, but I see women in the lobby. Who are they?

  Julian chuckled, regretting not having the ability to read Ella’s mind. Who did she imagine the women were?

  He texted her back. I will tell you only after you try to guess.

  I heard them talking about a hospitality convention they were attending. Are they working for Turner’s friend?

  Not as exciting as he hoped. Usually, Ella’s imagination was more inventive, and he expected her to suggest that they were secret agents, or call girls, or secret agents impersonating call girls.

  He texted back. I was expecting some wild speculations from you. But your guess was half right. They work in one of the clan’s hotels in Hawaii. Turner thought it would look strange if there were only guys staying here with the two of you, so he arranged for them to attend the convention.

  Smart guy. He thinks of everything.

  It would seem that way. Text me again when you’re settled in your room. I have instructions for you and your mom for tomorrow.

  She sent him the thumbs up emoji.

  His phone rang a moment later with the tune he’d assigned to Turner.

  “Ella and Vivian are here. Come to my room.”

  “On my way.”

  Since the door was slightly ajar, Julian knocked and walked right in.

  “Close the door behind you,” Turner said. “And put some music on.”

  Julian walked over to the nightstand and found a classical station on the radio. “Is that good?”

  “A little louder.” Turner walked over to the door connecting his room to the next and knocked.

  When Vivian opened it and peeked in, Julian cast him a murderous glare.

  The sly bastard had arranged connecting rooms for himself and the ladies, while feeding Julian crap about not having contact with them until after the mission.

  “Give us a moment,” she whispered. “We need to freshen up, and then we’ll be right there.”

  Turner waved a hand. “Take your time.” He looked at Julian. “I should have waited a little longer before knocking. I forgot that ladies need more bathroom breaks than guys do.”

  “You planned this all along while feeding me bullshit about not seeing Ella.”

  Turner shrugged. “You chose to have a separate room.”

  “Let’s switch.”

  “You can move back with me if you wish. That’s the best I can offer.”


  “Because this is not a honeymoon, and this room is the headquarters. If you stay here, Magnus would want to stay here too, and you can imagine the rest.”

  As always, Turner was right, but he should’ve mentioned the adjacent rooms instead of pulling Julian’s leg about not seeing Ella until Lokan was captured.

  When mother and daughter entered a few moments later, Ella’s face was clean of makeup, her natural beauty even more breathtaking than Julian had remembered.

  Ignoring Turner and Vivian, he pulled her in for a quick embrace. “I missed you.”

  She clung to him. “I missed you too. This is such a surprise. I thought we wouldn’t be allowed to see each other until this is done.”

  “Me too.” He cast another angry glare at Turner. “Apparently, this was Turner’s idea of a joke. Not a good one.”

  “Is Magnus coming?” Vivian asked.

  “He is bringing takeout. I figured you’d be hungry after your trip.”

  Ella waved a dismissive hand. “Who can eat? My stomach is tied in knots.”

  “Same here,” Vivian said.

  “Take a seat, ladies.” Turner motioned to one of the queen beds. “We have things to go over.”

  “Shouldn’t we wait for Magnus?” Vivian asked.

  “It doesn't concern him directly.”

  Ella took Julian’s hand and pulled him to sit with her on the bed.

  “Tomorrow you are going on a campus tour,” Turner started. “Four Guardians are going to make the tour with you, pretending to be prospective students, but you shouldn't acknowledge them.”

  Julian squeezed Ella’s hand. “I wanted to do the tour with you, but Turner didn’t allow it.”

  “Why not?” Ella looked up at Turner.

  “Because you two would not have been able to keep from casting loving glances at each other, and you’re supposed to pretend that everyone on the tour is a complete stranger. Also, don’t forget to use your fake names. Kelly and Victoria. I suggest that from now on, you use them exclusively.”

  Ella nodded. “Not a problem for me, since I call my mother Mom most of the time.”

  “I’ll have to practice,” Vivian said.

  “Did the dream walker visit you lately?” Turner asked.

  “The last time was Friday night, and nothing since. Maybe I’m too nervous to dream-share?”

  Turner tilted his head. “Was that your experience? Have you been nervous or anxious on the night he didn’t come?”

  Ella sighed. “I don’t know. I’m just throwing ideas around. It bothers me that he didn't come so close to the interview. I expected him to visit me nightly to make sure that I’m coming.”

  Turner didn’t look worried. “There could be many reasons for his absence, the main one that he can’t sleep at the same time you do. If he’s on the island and busy, he can’t take naps in the middle of the day to visit you.”



  As Ella stood on the lawn with the rest of the students and their parents, waiting for the tour guide to arrive, she stole quick glances at their faces, trying to find the Guardians. She’d recognized Kri as soon as they’d gotten there, but not the others. Evidently, she hadn’t met any of the three, which made it easy not to acknowledge them.

  Stop looking, her mother sent.

  It’s normal to check out people in your group. I can even start talking to Kri, pretending that I want to make friends.

  Turner said not to, so don’t.


  As the tour guide arrived and introduced herself, Ella hardly paid any attention to the girl, scanning the vicinity for Logan instead.

  “Please, follow me,” the guide said, and the group started walking.

  It was probably her overactive imagination, but Ella could feel Logan’s eyes on her. He was watching her from somewhere. Ella had read that people could feel it when they are being watched, even if it was through a camera lens. The roofs were too steep for him to hide there, but he could be at one of the windows, or he could be flying a drone.

  Those usually made a buzzing noise, but if it was high up she wouldn’t hear it.

  Damn, she felt as if ants were crawling up her arms. If he got near her, he could thrall her, get into her mind, and see the plan. The entire operation was hinged on the Guardians catching him before he could do that.

  Not to mention his ability to compel her and any other human. God only knew what he could do with that. On the one hand she was scared shitless, but on the other hand, she had a morbid curiosity to see him in action.

  The waiting and guessing were the worst part.

  You’re doing it again, her mother sent.

  I can’t help it. I feel as if he is watching me. We shouldn't have come for the tour.

  That would have been suspicious. All prospective students and their parents go on one. That’s part of the experience.

  How would you know? You’ve never gone to college.

  I’ve read about it.

  About an hour later, when the tour was over, Ella was exhausted, not from walking but from the constant state of vigilance and stress.

  Her phone pinged with an incoming message from Turner. Follow Kri. She and the other Guardians are going to
a restaurant named Matchbox for lunch. Try to choose a table close to them.

  Ella sent the message to her mother.

  Turner had decided against earpieces because they were hard to hide, so all communication was done through the phones. But at least she and her mother had the trackers all over them.

  Oddly, those reassured her more than the presence of Guardians did. If anything happened and Logan managed to somehow snatch them, they could be rescued in no time.

  “Hi.” A girl walked up to Ella. “I’m Kristen.” She offered her hand. “I heard you mention that you’re interested in the nursing program. So am I.”

  “I’m Kelly.” Ella shook the girl’s hand. “And this is my mother, Victoria.”

  The girl gasped. “You are her mother? I thought you were another student. You look so young. People probably mistake you for sisters all the time.”

  “Thank you.” Vivian offered Kristen her hand. “We are heading to a place called Matchbox for lunch. Would you like to join us?”

  “I would love to. I was there yesterday, and the food is really good.”

  “Great, so you can lead the way. I was about to ask someone for directions.”

  “Follow me.”

  As Kristen chatted with Vivian, Ella resumed her scanning. The girl was a good cover, and she wondered whether Turner had sent her.

  Or could she be a spy for Logan?

  She glanced at the girl out of the corner of her eye. Kristen seemed genuine enough, but that didn’t mean anything. Logan could compel any human to do his bidding.

  “Where are you staying?” Kristen asked, raising Ella’s suspicions.

  “At the Hilton,” her mother deadpanned.

  Good for you, Mother.

  Vivian smirked.

  “Which one?” Kristen kept pushing.

  “The one on 22nd Street. The Hilton Garden Inn.”

  Ella was impressed. Where did you get that from?

  It was in the instructions Kian gave us. I actually read and memorized them.

  That’s why I didn’t. I knew you would.


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