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Alien Retribution (Zerconian Warriors Book 13)

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by Sadie Carter

  Alien Retribution

  Zerconian Warriors

  Sadie Carter


  Sadie Carter

  Alien Retribution

  © 2018, Sadie Carter

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

  Cover Design: Sweet n Spicy Designs

  Editor: Christie Giraud: EbookEditingPro

  Books by Sadie Carter

  Zerconian Warriors Series

  Alien Warrior

  Alien Lover

  Alien Mate

  Sweet Alien Savage

  Alien Savior

  Alien Morsels

  Alien Mine

  All I Want for Christmas is my Alien

  Alien Sacrifice

  An Alien to Die For

  Alien Commander

  Alien Explosions

  Alien Retribution

  Joyadan Mates


  Shadowpeak Wolves

  Big Wicked Wolf

  Sinfully Savage Wolf

  Demon with Wolves

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  Table of Contents

  Alien Retribution


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen


  An Alien Holiday

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  A note from Sadie

  Alien Holiday, a novella where Boris and Nassir first meet is included at the back of this book. Read it first! Not mandatory but things will make more sense.

  Thank you to Sharon for helping make this book great, and at such short notice!

  Lastly a huge thank you to all of you who have read, loved, and reviewed my Zerconian Warriors. You are the reason I keep writing. Thank you!

  Enjoy Boris and Nassir’s story. It’s a little different from my other books. Both of these characters kind of sneak up on you. They’re both damaged in their own way. Boris has the kind of loyalty we would all want in a friend. While Nassir has a quiet bravery. But there’s still plenty of excitement, humor, and a little craziness (Zoey features heavily in this story after all )



  “That man is a tight-ass, jerk wad, coccydynia!”

  Mila just stared at Zoey then over at Boris questioningly. Boris winked to let her know it was nothing serious.

  She gave him a slight smile back, bouncing the small bundle in her arms up and down. “So that insult-of-the-week calendar seems to be working.”

  Zoey nodded enthusiastically. “Oh yeah, now I can go around insulting idiot warriors and they have no idea what I’m saying.”

  “Do they ever?” Mila asked dryly.

  Zoey wrinkled her nose as she followed Mila into the house. “Well, nobody could call them quick learners, but I get the feeling they understand more than they’re letting on.”

  Boris took a moment to ensure the door was secured before following them into the living area of Mila and Koran’s house. Usually, it was a meticulously tidy space, but at the moment clothing and dirty dishes were strewn around, covering almost every available surface.

  Mila gave them an embarrassed look. “Sorry, I haven’t got much done lately. Quentan is taking up most of my time. Seems the only time he’ll sleep is when he’s lying on me, which means I have little time to do anything else.”

  Zoey nodded. “I remember that with Elodie.” She started picking up bits of clothing and folding them or tossing them into a pile to be washed. “Don’t worry, we’ll get this placed tidied up in no time.”

  Boris collected dirty dishes and took them to the kitchen. Giz found a comfy spot, circled a few times then plopped down. Boris shook his head. The creature was growing entirely too fat and lazy.

  “Oh, you don’t have to do that,” Mila protested. “You’re guests.”

  Zoey snorted. “Since when are we guests? We’re family. You did the same for me when Elodie was a baby. So, sit down, shut up, and let me make you a cup of tea or something.”

  “Pretty sure an Empress isn’t supposed to make cups of tea.”

  Zoey grinned. “Pretty sure an Empress isn’t supposed to say shut up either. I could get Boris to make it, but last time Liula told him to make a cup of tea he put salt instead of sugar in it.”

  Mila grinned over at him. He shrugged, attempting to look innocent.

  “I didn’t even know she drank tea.”

  “It’s the one human custom that she deems civilized.” Zoey said the last word with quote marks. “Like we’re all beasts running around naked, beating on our chests and gnawing on raw bones. Although I’ve had some boyfriends that weren’t far evolved from that.”

  “So Liula is a coccydynia?”

  “No. Well, yes, she’s always a pain in the ass. But this time I’m talking about that rat bastard, Zillion.”

  “The arms trainer? What did he do?”

  “He was born, that’s what he did.”

  If anyone had told Boris that he would end up as a bodyguard to an impetuous, loud, incredibly loyal Empress, Boris would have laughed. Following a female around all day would have been considered sheer torture. But life with Zoey was like navigating a minefield while blind.

  Sometimes more adventure than even he wished for.

  But still a lot of fun.

  Zoey sat with a sigh. “Sorry to just turn up like this, especially when Koran said you’re too tired for visitors, but after my encounter with that troglodyte, I had to vent. And I feel bad running my mouth off at Boris all the time, when he never does the same.” She turned to look at him, a corner of her mouth quirking up. “Not sure how he puts up with me sometimes.”

  Actually, Boris thought it was his privilege to guard her. He wasn’t sure why the Gods had sent him to her, but when she purchased him from that auction he’d known it was meant to be. Not that he had not forgotten his vow to avenge his family’s deaths. He had already taken care of those who had wielded the knives that slashed their throats. But the one who ordered the murders still had to pay.

  He knew that eventually the one he sought would be revealed to him. In the meantime, he guarded Zoey. She wasn’t just his charge, she was his friend.

  “Honestly, if I wanted to kill myself all I’d have to do is climb his ego and jump.”

  Mila smiled as she sat on the sofa across from Zoey. Boris stood back, watching over them.

  “I’ve met him a few times. Doesn’t think much of humans, does he?”

  “So it’s not just me? Yippee,” Zoey said sourly.

  “What happened?” Mila asked.

  Boris could see Zoe
y was calming down. Mila had that effect on people. A good attribute for a diplomat to have.

  “Oh, I just asked him to give us some blaster lessons.”

  Mila raised her eyebrows. “And he refused you?”

  “Hard to believe, huh? You would think a perk of this Empress crap would be having people instantly obey me. But no. Nobody takes me seriously.” Zoey pouted while Mila grinned.

  “Poor little Empress, all she wants is to have her demands met with instant obedience.”

  Zoey crossed her arms over her chest. “Is it too much to ask? But no. Everybody questions me. Empress, have you really thought that through? Empress, nobody wears red and purple together, do you want to get changed? Empress, you can’t serve that at a lunch function, it’s just not done. Empress, you must be gracious and soft-spoken at all times. Empress, you must not make jokes. Empress, you must not laugh so loud.” Zoey snorted. “Screw that.”

  Mila gave her a sympathetic smile. “Tough at the top, huh?”

  “It sucks at the top. I mean, whatever happened to unquestioning obedience, huh?”

  “Pretty sure that’s called a dictatorship.”

  “At least if it was a dictatorship, that jerk-face Zillion wouldn’t be able to laugh when I requested that he come to our self-defense classes and teach all the women to use blasters.”

  Mila sighed. “He’s not the easiest warrior to get along with.”

  “He turned away as I was in the middle of explaining how it would be beneficial for the women to know how to shoot. And when I followed him, demanding that he listen to me, he told me that he would never teach a female to use a blaster. That he considered us too weak and soft to ever be able to shoot something, therefore it would be a waste of his time.”

  Mila’s mouth dropped open. “Okay, I can see why you’re so mad.”

  Zoey sighed and leaned back in the chair. “I probably wouldn’t have taken it so badly if I hadn’t had such a crap week.”

  “Liula?” Mila asked sympathetically.

  “Yeah. The old bat is back in fine form, pointing out every little thing that I do wrong.” Zoey rubbed at her temples. “And Dex is so busy, he’s little help. Plus, I don’t like to complain to him too much about his mother. For all that she’s a bitch, she still gave birth to him. He doesn’t need to hear about my problems. I’m trying to tell myself that she lost her mate so she deserves a bit of leeway, but honest to God if she doesn’t ease up on the critiques, I’m gonna have to do something drastic.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know, is shooting your mother-in-law from a cannon frowned upon?”

  Mila smiled. “Don’t think there are many cannons available around here.”

  Zoey tapped her chin. “Hmm, true. Might have to think of something else.” She stood. “I’ll talk to Annabel about blaster lessons. I’m going to have to find some way to sneak in and grab some blasters to practice with, as well as figure out a safe place to do it since Zillion won’t let us use the training area.”

  Zillion needed to learn that saying no to Zoey was not a good idea. And that upsetting her wouldn’t be allowed. Boris might not be able to do something about the old bat, but he could deal with the arms trainer.

  Zoey stood and Boris moved forward. Zoey rarely sat still for long.

  “I better go before Koran finds me here and tells me off for tiring you.”

  Mila sighed. “I’m fine. Honestly. I enjoy company. Koran is just fussing. I love Quentan, but staying home with him all day is driving me nuts.”

  Zoey laughed and hugged her gently, careful not to squash the baby. “Don’t worry, it gets easier. Sort of. And, I hear shooting things is a really good stress reliever.”

  “Good point. Sign me up for those blaster lessons. Koran can spend some daddy-son time with Quentan.”

  “Will do. That probably won’t be until after I get back from Maalika though.”

  “Ooh yes, your anniversary trip.”

  “Yeah, although it’s not technically the date we mated, I don’t care. I need a trip away with Dex.”

  “I thought you were going to Ulrika though?”

  “Dex changed his mind.” Zoey chewed at her lip. “He needs to see his friend, King Rohan. I’m hoping to get him to relax and have some fun while we’re away, though. Doesn’t matter where we go, this trip is going to be awesome.”

  Chapter One

  “This trip is going to suck,” Zoey muttered to Boris. “Look how many people Dex is bringing with us. I expected you to come and a few warriors but this is ridiculous! This isn’t the romantic trip for two I had in mind, not unless Dex has suddenly decided he’s into orgies. Which, I am not.” She looked up at him with a grin. “No offense.”

  Boris bit his lip. None taken.

  “I mean, you’re hot and all, but it would be like sleeping with my brother.”

  They were standing on the landing pad, watching as the ship they were taking to Maalika was loaded.

  Dex strode towards them, frowning as he barked out orders. He had seemed more stressed of late. Boris wished he knew what was concerning him. Whatever kept him preoccupied better not come back on Zoey.

  Zoey tapped her foot as she glared up at Dex. “Dex, is this all really necessary?” She waved a hand around.

  “You should not glare at your mate that way in front of others,” Dex answered her.

  Zoey turned away. Boris growled and Dex turned to give him a sharp look. He just stared back at Dex calmly. The Emperor needed to…what was the phrase Zoey liked to use?

  Pull his head from his ass?

  Yes. That was it.

  Zoey let out a loud sigh. “Dex, an anniversary is all about having hot monkey sex in every position and on top of every surface imaginable, and even those that are unimaginable, although personally, I can’t think of many surfaces that we couldn’t have sex on, especially with your strength. You can just lift me up and toss me onto anything.”

  Boris came close to smiling as one young Zerconian males, who had been walking past at the time of Zoey’s announcement, tripped, the crate in his arms flying forward and hitting Macon, who stood a few steps in front of him. Macon turned with a scowl.

  “What do you think you are doing, Johan?” he snapped at the poor boy, who was gaping at Zoey. “Pick that up and get moving; the Emperor’s ship is leaving in fifteen minutes.”

  Obviously, Macon had not heard Zoey’s statement or he might have made an allowance for the boy, who probably never thought to hear the Empress of Zerconia speak of sex. Or maybe it was the monkey part that was causing him consternation. Boris knew that a monkey was an animal on Zoey’s planet. He did not understand what was so interesting about the way they had sex, though. Perhaps he would need to look that up later.

  Dex turned to look at her with a frown.

  “Zoey,” he scolded, “do not speak of joining when we are in public.”

  Nobody heard his admonishment except for Boris, but he did not like the way Zoey’s shoulders slumped. Dex had been preoccupied and short-tempered of late, and it was starting affect Zoey.

  “Sorry,” she muttered, crossing her arms over her chest. “Forget I said anything.”

  Dex nodded. “Apology accepted.”

  Boris resisted the urge to smack some sense into him, as Zoey would say. Well, she would have said that if she was feeling more like herself. She stared over at the ship.

  Then she turned to look up at Dex. “Do you know how many of your warriors take a woman home after one of those human-Zerconian mixers? I’m pretty certain they’re not taking them home for a nice cup of tea and a chat. They know what sex is.”

  Dex frowned. “That has no bearing on our conversation.”

  “Seems to me it does. Since everyone else is getting some except me.”

  “Getting some?” Dex asked, sounding confused.

  “Sex, Dex! Keep up.”

  Dex sighed. “I thought that I just asked you not to speak of sex in public. It is not becoming
of an Empress.”

  Boris winced. Dex had not been this thoughtless with his words in a long time.

  Something warm and furry pressed against his leg, and he looked down as Giz yawned sleepily. Zoey’s pet was the laziest creature he had ever met. But while he appeared harmless, his claws came out if Zoey was threatened.

  Zoey seemed to have a knack of collecting those who were alone and aimless and bringing them together. He, Giz, and Rastian, the lawyer-turned-child-minder, were all here because of Zoey.

  No one had expected the Emperor to die so soon and for Dex and Zoey to be thrust into a leadership role, least of all Zoey, who still struggled with her role as Empress. It didn’t help that Dex’s mother was an old dragon. Another of Zoey’s sayings. Although from what he understood, a dragon was not a real animal on her planet.

  Sometimes it was difficult to keep up with her.

  Not that he minded. Life with Zoey kept him entertained. He stayed because of her. Because when he looked at Zoey, he saw his family. He still loved the men he thought of as brothers, but he didn’t belong with them now.

  He belonged with the short blonde female now glaring up at her large mate.

  “I thought part of the reason we were going away was for a holiday together. You’ve barely touched me lately. Do you no longer find me attractive?”


  “We are nearly ready to leave, Emperor,” Jaxan interrupted.

  Boris winced. Terrible timing.

  As Zoey turned, he caught a hint of tears in her eyes. He clenched his good hand, resisting the urge to give Dex a smack around the head. He didn’t know why the other man was putting this distance between him and his mate, but if he did not start treating Zoey the way she deserved, then Boris was going to get angry. He liked Dex, respected him.

  But no one hurt Zoey.

  “Good. I will speak briefly to Koran and then we will leave.” Dex nodded to Jaxan. Rastian walked towards him, the thin, stooped man carrying a babbling Elodie in his arms. Dex stopped to run his hand over Elodie’s head, speaking to her for a moment before Rastian continued towards them.


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