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Alien Retribution (Zerconian Warriors Book 13)

Page 8

by Sadie Carter

Zoey’s face dropped. “Of course, I’m sorry. You’re exhausted and it’s been a horrible morning. Only problem is that King Rohan requested your company.”

  He saw the look of fear that flashed across Nassir’s face, gone so quickly he could almost believe he imagined it.

  “He did? Do you know why?”

  “No. But he probably wants to ask us about what happened today.” Zoey grimaced. “Not looking forward to that. Maybe I should take a vow of silence like Boris. Might keep me out of trouble.”

  He did not think that even a vow of silence would keep Zoey out of trouble.

  Nassir gave him a curious look. “Vow of silence? There is nothing wrong with his vocal chords?”

  He gave them both a ferocious look, to let them know he did not appreciate them speaking about him as though he were not even in the room.

  “No. It was a vow, but his reasons are his own. I think it would be better to give the King what he wants right now. Don’t want to push him too hard, not with that red hair.”

  Boris was not sure what the color of the King’s hair had to do with anything.

  “His hair? Is there something special about his hair?” Nassir asked.

  “Oh, no, it’s just a silly Earther thing. Some redheads are said to have big tempers. I can say it because I’m practically a redhead myself. But I think we better keep the big guy happy.” She bit at her lip. “I could tell him you’re not feeling well, but Dex is going to know that I’m lying. Not that I could really get in more trouble with him, but…

  Nassir nodded. “I will come. There may be questions I need to answer.”

  “Good and don’t worry, Boris and I will be there. Truth is, I could really use another friendly face.”

  Chapter Six

  Nassir could not believe how her life had done a complete one-eighty. How had she gone from scrounging through a dumpster to find some food scraps to eat for breakfast, to sitting at a heavily laden table in a truly opulently decorated dining room, with servants waiting on her hand and foot?

  A plate of food was placed gently in front of her and it was all she could do not to inhale it. Her stomach gurgled and she nearly gasped, looking around in the hope that no one had heard the noise.

  To her right sat Zoey. She was engaged in an animated conversation with King Rohan who did not seem overly upset by the incident earlier. On her other side, sat Boris. She had seen his surprise when he was included at the dining table, could feel his discomfit with the situation. He obviously was not a person who was used to formal dining.

  Her stomach gurgled again, the scent of the food making her mouth salivate to the point she felt a little nauseous. He frowned down at her. Oh Gods, had he heard the noise? Was he horrified by her poor control over her body? That the horrid noise had come from her?

  Then he gestured his head down to her food. An obvious order to eat. She leaned into him, careful not to touch him, not after the way her body reacted to him upstairs. She couldn’t believe she had allowed him to kiss her.

  Oh, who was she kidding? That wasn’t just a kiss. She’d been kissed before by that idiot, Flencix, who her parents had hoped she would marry. She shuddered at the memory. His lips had been soft and wet, his hands clumsy, and his breath…it had nearly made her gag. Anyone who ate raw onions should carry around a mouth spray and apply it liberally.

  “Nobody eats before the King,” she whispered to him. Although she really wished King Rohan would hurry up. He seemed like a good man. He was quick to smile and he had given her a warm greeting. But she was not fooled. There was an intelligent man behind the smile and easy-going appearance. And she had lived on the streets of Maalika for a while now. While the people liked their King, they also spoke of his fierce temper and his low tolerance for those who broke his laws.

  She would not wish to get on his bad side.

  Suddenly, he boomed with laughter and she jumped, placing her hand on Boris’s thigh instinctively. She snatched it back almost immediately, feeling herself blush.

  Pull yourself together, Nassir.

  She drew in on herself, pushing her real thoughts deep.

  A princess did not show what she was truly thinking.

  A princess did not display too much emotion. That was considered unseemly.

  Boris touched her thigh, startling her for a moment and drawing her out of her thoughts.

  “Yes?” she asked, turning slightly, thinking he wanted to ask her something. And she realized the absurdity of that thought as soon as she thought it. It wasn’t as though he could ask her anything. Although, despite his vow of silence, he did not seem to have trouble communicating his wants.

  But instead of removing his hand, he moved it higher up her thigh. Her breath caught, her whole body growing stiff. Thankfully, the table cloth hid what he was doing, but she still turned to check Zoey hadn’t noticed. She was waving her hands around as she spoke animatedly to the King, completely oblivious. Nassir had to duck back slightly so she wouldn’t be accidentally smacked in the face. Boris took advantage of her inattention to move his hand even higher. She reached down and clasped her small hand around his wrist. She was under no illusion that she could physically stop him, but she had to try.

  “Stop,” she hissed at him quietly, trying to keep herself composed.

  If she didn’t know better she would swear he was trying to make her lose her control. But that couldn’t be right…could it?

  His fingertips brushed against her mound and she gasped, her whole body jolting as though she’d been shocked.

  “Nassir? Are you okay?” Zoey turned to her, picking up her fork.

  “I’m fine.” Nassir gave her a tight smile as Boris thankfully withdrew his hand. And if she felt the tiniest bit of disappointment then she pushed that to one side to be examined later…much later.

  She placed her hand on Zoey’s when she went to pick up a piece of potato with her fork, looking around to make certain no one else had seen. Why didn’t the King start eating? She had never known someone to take so long to eat…unless this was some sort of punishment? Put the food in front of them then not allow them to eat?

  No, he would not do that. He was a friend of the Emperor’s was he not? Besides, one would not make an Emperor wait out of spite. That was not done.

  Nassir leaned in close to Zoey. “Forgive me, but you should wait until the King has started eating before you begin.”

  “Really?” Zoey gave her startled look then she sighed, looking forlorn. “It looks so good, it’s going to get cold before he stops talking and starts. I’m guessing this is one of those empress lessons I should have paid more attention to.” Zoey placed her fork down, looking a little lost. “No wonder Dex doesn’t want to take me anywhere. I’m an embarrassment.”

  “It is an easy mistake to make. Besides, he is being rude by not starting immediately, when he knows his guests must wait for him.”

  “He is? Think he’s doing it on purpose?”

  Nassir shrugged. She had not thought so, but as she watched King Rohan look around with satisfaction, she wondered. Then he picked up his fork and started to eat.

  She breathed a silent sigh of relief, trying to still the shaking in her hand as she speared some sort of meat. And although it was a little cold as she placed it in her mouth, it was cooked to perfection, practically falling apart in her mouth. Her taste buds danced in joy and she had to force herself to eat slowly, savoring each bite. Between each bite, she placed her fork down.

  “Hmm, I’ve never seen someone eat with such control and precision. Well, my mother-in-law does, although I try to avoid eating with her as much as I can. Nothing like eating with the old bat to make you lose your appetite. Last time I had indigestion for three days.”

  It was really not the done thing for an empress to speak of indigestion, especially in such a formal dining setting. Nor to call her mate’s mother an old bat, which she assumed was an insult of some sort. But instead of being horrified or feeling like she should correct Zoey, Nassi
r felt her lips turn up in a smile.

  “You know a bit about this sort of stuff, don’t you?” Zoey asked.


  “Yeah, all the rules around what an empress should and shouldn’t do. Personally, it all bores me to death and because the old bat is the one trying to teach me I try as often as possible to do the opposite. That’s okay on Zerconia; people there know me and those that don’t like me, well…” Zoey shrugged, trying to appear unaffected but Nassir could sense her hurt. Did these people insult Zoey? Who could not like someone as kind and caring as Zoey?

  “But this stuff, it’s important to Dex. Especially when he has to meet with other big wigs.”

  Big wigs? Did she mean the King? Did she believe his hair was a wig? It seemed very real to Nassir.

  “I’m kind of wondering how you know all this stuff, but I’m guessing that’s not something you’re willing to share?”

  Nassir shook her head. The temptation was high. She longed to share everything. Zoey knew some of it but she didn’t know who Nassir truly was.

  “Hmm, that’s what I thought. But just so you know, I’m really good at keeping secrets. Well, I can give it a shot anyway. For instance, you don’t have to worry about me telling anyone about what happened upstairs just before.”

  She tapped her nose and smiled.

  Nassir frowned. It had not occurred to her that Zoey would tell anyone. Not that it really mattered. Nassir leaned close. “Is there something wrong with your nose?”

  “What?” Zoey looked startled then sighed. “I’ve got to learn to stop using Earther gestures with you guys. After all, it’s not nearly as satisfying to give the finger to someone who doesn’t understand the gesture. Takes all the fun out of it.”

  Nassir looked at her in alarm. “Do they grow back?”

  “Huh? What?”

  “Your fingers? If you give someone one does it grow back?”

  Zoey looked at her for a long moment then she burst into laughter. “Oh, Nassir. You might have a few things to teach me, but I think it’s going to go both ways.”

  Yes, that was what Nassir feared.

  “Perhaps we should all retire into the other room for a drink,” King Rohan suggested suddenly, making Nassir start. How had she forgotten where she was? For a moment, she had let down her guard and that could be fatal in her situation.

  She couldn’t trust. She couldn’t relax. It made her a little sad because she longed to trust Zoey, to tell her everything. But even if Zoey was completely genuine, she couldn’t let down her guard. She planned to stay for a meal and bath then leave as soon as it was possible. Nobody would care about her. She was a nobody.

  She almost laughed. My, how the mighty had fallen.

  Now, she watched the King warily, noting that his smile did not reach his eyes and that his movements seemed a little stiff and jerky. It was becoming increasingly obvious how angry he was.

  His deep green eyes settled on hers and she shivered.

  All right, not angry. Furious.

  Zoey walked next to her as they followed him through into the attached sitting room. “Why do I feel like we’re being pulled into the principal’s office to explain our actions? Only this time, I haven’t just been caught smoking behind the bike sheds, I’ve lit the whole science lab on fire.”

  While Nassir didn’t understand what Zoey was saying, she was glad that Zoey seemed to understand the seriousness of what was happening. She was certain the other woman would react appropriately.

  “So,” Zoey said with a bright smile. “Anyone for a game of Twister?”

  Everyone looked puzzled except for her mate, who shook his head at her with a glare, and Boris, who just looked the same as he always did. How did he do that?

  He stood with his back to a large hearth, a place where he could watch both the door and King Rohan. She could learn a lot from him. She decided to stand a few feet behind Zoey, who had taken a seat on the sofa. The King stood across from her, while the Emperor took a seat in a chair to her left.

  “Twister?” King Rohan looked over at the Emperor in confusion. “What is that?”

  “It’s a game. There are colored dots on the floor. You spin a wheel and when it lands on a certain color and body part, you have to move that body part to a dot of that color.”

  The King was looking more and more confused.

  “Why would we do this?”

  Zoey shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s a good ice-breaker. Boris and I can show you how it works if you have a projector, I can go get my handheld and…”

  “Zoey, stay,” the Emperor barked out at her. “You’re not going anywhere until Rohan has answers to his questions.”

  Zoey sat back with a sigh. “Wonderful. It’s the bike sheds all over again.”

  “What?” the King barked making Nassir jump.

  “I warned you that humans can be difficult to understand,” the Emperor said apologetically.

  Nassir frowned. Should he not have more concern for his mate? Be defending her? After all, she did nothing wrong.

  “Then perhaps I am asking the wrong person.” The King’s glance moved over her then dismissed her, moving to Boris. “I have little liking for questioning females, anyway. I find their minds tend to be unfocused and scattered.”

  Nassir’s frown deepened. She was liking this King less and less.

  “You, what is your name?” he demanded of Boris.

  The King had been introduced to all of them before dining, so either he had a terrible memory or he was being deliberately rude. She tensed and took a step towards Boris. But when she saw the dark one’s face, she stopped herself. Who was she kidding? That was a man who did not need her help. Besides, Zoey had already stood.

  “That’s Boris,” Zoey said in a cool voice. “He is my bodyguard.”

  The King turned to the Emperor of Zerconia, a look of disbelief on his face. “This is your mate’s bodyguard? A male with one working arm?”

  “Boris is an excellent bodyguard.” Zoey looked as serious as Nassir had ever seen her. She stepped in front of Boris.

  “I wish to hear his recounting.”

  “Boris doesn’t speak,” the Emperor explained.

  King Rohan started to laugh then trailed off as he obviously caught sight of their serious faces. “Really? He does not speak?” He rattled something off to the Emperor in Maalikan. She knew bits and pieces of the language but not enough to understand what they were saying. The Emperor, a scowl on his face, spoke back.

  “Um, you do know it’s rude to talk in another language in front of people who don’t understand it, right?” Zoey placed her hands on her hips, giving her mate a disgruntled look. The King looked startled, as though he wasn’t used to being chastised. Nassir had to turn away to hide a smile. As she turned, her gaze met Boris’s. Was that a twinkle of amusement in his eyes? He looked away so quickly that she couldn’t tell.

  No, she must have imagined it. He was so serious all the time.

  “Zoey.” Her mate sighed and shook his head then turned to King Rohan. “She’s right.”

  Nassir stared at him in surprise and then quickly glanced at Zoey who was gaping at her mate, her mouth slightly open. Nassir winced. That was not the way a proper empress should conduct herself.

  Quiet, mother, she whispered to the voice in her head.

  Ooh, that actually felt quite good. Even if she did wonder whether she was growing insane.

  “She is?” Rohan asked.

  “I am?”

  “Rohan, perhaps it would be best if Zoey and Nassir rested. I can answer your questions.”

  Rohan slammed his fist down onto the small table beside him, cracking the top of it in an impressive show of temper. “My jail was in an uproar! I have eight injured guardsmen! And seventeen missing prisoners. And I wish to have answers! I wish to know who to blame.”

  Nassir had jumped when he smashed the table and now stood frozen, as though she thought that any movement might bring his wrath down on
her. When she finally remembered how to breathe, she turned to check on Zoey. And couldn’t see her. Panic filled her for a moment until she realized that Boris was now standing in front of Zoey. She saw Zoey attempt to step around him. He pushed her back.

  Her breath came easier, even as she felt a stab of loneliness. She knew that was his job, but their relationship was more than guard and Empress. They were friends. He cared for Zoey.

  What would it be like if he cared for her?

  Stop that thought now, Nassir. You can never have him. You can never have anyone.

  At least, not until she was out of danger.

  The Emperor had jumped to his feet as well.

  “Rohan! You will not act threateningly in front of my mate! We are all friends, but I will tolerate no violence or slight to Zoey.”

  Nassir held her breath, but King Rohan turned away for a moment.

  “I knew the giant teddy bear thing was an act,” Zoey whispered rather loudly.

  What was a teddy bear?

  The King turned back and Nassir tensed, ready for another display of temper, but he seemed to have himself under control. He nodded stiffly. “You are right. I apologize. That was no way to act in front of females.”

  Zoey snorted.

  “I think it would be best if we left,” the Emperor said stiffly.

  “No.” Rohan shook his head. “Please. You are all my guests and I have allowed my temper to affect my actions. You are welcome to stay. And I think it would be best were your mate under my care while we attend that other matter.”

  “What other matter?” Zoey asked, peering around Boris’s wide shoulders. “Is it the reason we’re really here? Because I know it has nothing to do with our anniversary.”

  “Anniversary?” the King questioned.

  “It’s a celebration of our mating. Basically, it’s an excuse to hole up in a hotel room, eat, drink, and fuck like bunnies.”

  “Zoey!” the Emperor snapped. “You are an Empress! You cannot say fuck like bunnies.”

  Zoey gave her mate an affronted stare. “But it’s all right to go around smashing things and yelling at people? Seems like a double standard.”


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