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Alien Retribution (Zerconian Warriors Book 13)

Page 12

by Sadie Carter

  She gasped as he lightly flicked her nipple, drawing back. He just stared down at her as he continued to play with her nipple, one eyebrow raised, almost as though he was daring her to say something.

  She licked her lips. “I-I don’t have much experience with this.”

  He tipped his head to one side.

  “With any of it. At all,” she clarified, feeling her cheeks heat.

  He narrowed his gaze, looking thoughtful. She thought he might step back, might be horrified by her lack of experience, but all he did was lightly pinch her nipple. She sucked in a breath at the sharp bite of pain that soon morphed into a throbbing need.

  “Oh stars. Is that your way of telling me that you do have experience?”

  There went that grin again. She really had no chance against him.

  “This is-this is the first time we’ve really been alone.” She glanced over at Zoey. “Well, you know what I mean. I feel like I should get to know you,” she sucked in a breath as he ran his hand down her stomach, “maybe ask you questions,” he whispered his fingers over her mound and she whimpered, “we don’t really know each other that well,” he cupped her between her legs, the heat of his hand searing her, and she felt herself growing wetter, oh stars, she needed to stop him before this got out of hand, “and shouldn’t I know something about you before I let you touch me like this?”

  His answer was to sit then pull her onto his lap. He took her mouth with his again, probably to stop her from talking. It was a relief, really. She couldn’t help but feel she was making a fool of herself. Who started asking questions about their partner in the middle of a…of a…what did one even call this? She had nothing to compare this to. Her mother had never talked to her about kissing or touching or how it might make her feel. Nerves had her stiffening and Boris took hold of her chin in a grip that wasn’t painful but was firm enough to let her know he wouldn’t brook any resistance. He turned her face to him, raising an eyebrow in a clear demand for her to explain herself.

  Well, he could just wait. Because she was done talking. She already felt like she’d made a fool of herself. She should never have let him touch her nipple or…or down there. What had she been thinking? What if he wanted to take things further?

  “This is all very strange for me,” she told him. Stars! What happened to remaining silent? “The only person I ever expected to touch me like this was my mate.”

  He stiffened beneath her.

  “Oh, not that I expect you to mate with me or anything.” She laughed nervously. “I did not mean that. Do not worry, I do not expect you to mate with me. Just, I never expected to be in this position and my mother never really explained things. Not about touching, or how it might make me feel. Not that I could imagine my mother ever speaking of such things…oomph.”

  He interrupted her, again! Not that she could complain much since he was kissing her once again and she really did like that. Still, she should be miffed that he kept stopping her mid-speech. It wasn’t good manners.

  He dropped his hand to her breast again, flicking and lightly pinching her nipple until she was writhing on his lap, her need almost overwhelming. She needed release. She needed him. She whimpered against his mouth. Then he drew the top of her dress down and, pulling his lips from hers, reached down to take her puckered nipple into his mouth, sucking strongly.

  “Oh. Oh.” That tugging against her nipple did things to the place between her thighs. Delightful, wonderful things.

  Then suddenly, he tucked her breast back into her top. Confused for a moment, she blinked up at him. “You-you’re stopping?”

  He brushed her hair back then gave her a soft kiss before setting her off his lap and standing. She sat there for a moment, wondering what had happened. Had she done something wrong? He reached down and grabbed hold of her hand, pulling her up then, in a move that surprised her, drew her in for a quick hug.

  When he drew back and walked away, she just stared at him. Then she realized that he was heading towards Zoey, who was sitting up.

  Happiness flooded her. He hadn’t ended things because of something she’d done, but because Zoey was waking up.

  “What happened?” Zoey held her hand up to her head with a groan. “Jeez, this hangover beats all hangovers, even worse than the one when I went on a rage-filled drinking spree after my asshole boyfriend took off with our neighbor.”

  Nassir was still breathing heavily after that kissing session with Boris. Flencix had not kissed like Boris. He’d been all fumbling hands, and clumsy, slobbery lips. She shuddered at the memory. Getting away from him had been a relief. Right now, she would give anything to have Boris touch her again.

  Boris was like capturing a star in her hands. Hot. Fiery. And impossible to hold onto.

  “Why would he run off with your neighbor?” she asked, hoping to keep Zoey distracted as she quickly righted her clothing.

  “Fake boobs,” Zoey answered.

  “Fake breasts? She was a robot?”

  Zoey laughed then groaned, massaging her temple. “Don’t make me laugh, my head is pounding. But yeah, she was more silicone than woman. Butt implants, liposuction, fake breasts, that woman was almost a cyborg. She also had a brain the size of a pea. He wasn’t with her for her debating skills, that was for sure.”

  Zoey removed her hand from her face then slowly sat up, leaning back against a wall. “Where are we?”

  She looked awful, her skin pale with bruises under her eyes. Boris frowned and crouched beside her, reaching out to place two fingers on her pulse. Nassir had to breathe through the jealousy that reared up, threatening to overwhelm her.

  This is not the time to lose your mind.

  Besides, he was not hers. A few kisses, a couple of touches, a weirdly real feeling dream did not mean they were anything to each other.

  “I’m okay,” Zoey told him with a tired smile. “Just a bit queasy. What happened?”

  “We were kidnapped.”

  Nassir braced herself for fear, anger, yelling, crying. Instead Zoey groaned and rested her head back. “Not again.”

  “Again? You have kidnapped before?”

  “Yes, twice when you consider that Dex basically kidnapped me. I wasn’t down with the whole mating thing then.”

  Down with mating? What did that mean? Was it a sexual reference? She found herself blushing and kept her gaze from Boris.

  “At least the company is better this time,” Zoey said with a sigh. “Last time I was kidnapped it was with the old bat. She drove me insane. Although I had Giz with me. He’s not going to be happy he got left out this time.”

  “He would wish to be kidnapped?” she asked.

  “He doesn’t like to miss out on the action.”

  From what Nassir had seen of the furry creature he seemed to mostly sleep. Although he had been rather ferocious when that fight broke out in the Royal Guardsmen headquarters.

  “Dex is going to kill me. He hates when I get kidnapped or when people try to kill me.”

  “The people who kidnapped you tried to kill you?”

  “Hmm, oh no, I was actually talking about a different situation. See, there is a group of humans who don’t like that human females are coming to Zerconia to mate with our warriors. They think we shouldn’t dilute our wonderful human genes with Zerconian DNA.” She snorted. “We’re not forcing all those women to come to Zerconia, you know. They’re coming because Zerconian males are freaking hot. Over-protective Neanderthals, but we don’t tell them that part. No sense in ruining the illusion, right?”

  Nassir did not know what to say that.

  Zoey looked around. “Where’s Zillion?”

  “I am not sure, he was not here when I woke up,” Nassir replied, feeling worried. She looked over at Boris who shook his head. So he had no idea either. “Perhaps they left him behind?”

  “Why take us but leave him?” Zoey gave her a thoughtful look. “Princess Nassir, huh?”

  Nassir flushed. “I am sorry I did not tell you. I thought
it best you did not know who I was.”

  “I still don’t really know. I should have guessed, though. You knew more about meal etiquette than I did. Although I am proud that I can now use the word etiquette.”

  “I do not know why Tazan has taken the two of you.”

  And she could only think that it did not bode well for any of them.

  “Maybe he didn’t bring Zillion because he was injured. Too much hassle to keep him alive?” She glanced over at Boris for a moment. “After all, he didn’t know we’d contacted Dex. He might have thought he was leaving him to die.”

  “It does sound like something Tazan would do.”

  “He was not what I was expecting. I’m disappointed. When you said bounty hunter, I was thinking of some big, burly-looking dude. Dangerous. Not some little pipsqueak with a God complex. Who were those big guys with him? I couldn’t get a good look at them, they were standing back in the shadows.”

  “They work for him. They have been chasing me for a while now. They have come close to catching me a few times. I have not been close enough to see their faces properly.” And now they had caught her. And she was on her way back to her uncle. She gulped. Boris’s touch had replaced her fear with passion and for a while she had almost been able to forget. But now that terror returned.

  “Nassir. Hey, Nassir, it’s going to be all right.”

  Her heart raced, making her feel ill. She could not go back to the evil one.

  Hands grabbed at her. Hot breath on her neck.

  No. No.

  “Nassir? Boris, I think she’s panicking.”

  No. No, she would not panic. Focus, Nassir. Breathe.

  “Nassir, look at me.”

  The firmness in Zoey’s voice surprised her. She glanced up to see Zoey watching her with concern. She shifted her gaze to Boris who was still crouched by Zoey but his eyes were focused on her. His gaze had deepened and she had to work hard to tear her eyes from his.

  “We’re going to be fine,” Zoey told her.

  She leaned back against the wall behind her, her legs too weak to hold her.

  “My uncle is despicable. He gave me to the evil one in return for killing my parents so he could take over as King of our planet.”

  “I remember you telling us that,” Zoey said gently. “I’m surprised he didn’t kill you as well.”

  She shrugged. “I suppose he did not see me as a threat. Women cannot inherit the throne.”

  “Seems a bit sexist,” Zoey said.

  “Women are expected to remain at home and raise children while men work. Children are expected to be quiet and obedient. My mother raised me, I saw my father very rarely. When I did, he expected me to be quiet and polite. I have seen the way other children act. If I were to act that way I would have been severely punished. I loved my parents, but they were very strict. All of my mother’s lessons were about becoming a subservient, graceful, and refined princess. I was given lessons on how to host a social affair, on how to eat, how to speak, how to greet others.”

  Lessons that had, unfortunately, left her poorly equipped to deal with the real world.

  “I have often thought she must be looking down on me with horror right now. I have not been able to honor her by remaining the gracious, quiet princess she raised.”

  “If she can’t see how amazing you are then she’s blind,” Zoey said.

  Boris remained still throughout their conversation and she avoided looking at him. She could not believe she was revealing so much of herself.

  “Amazing? I am not amazing. Since I escaped the evil man that my uncle sold me to, I have lived on the streets. I have foraged for food from garbage, I have, to my shame, stolen food when I was starving and could find no other source. I have gone weeks without bathing. My clothing was dirty and stank. And I spent all that time afraid.”

  She started as Boris suddenly appeared in front of her. He crouched next to her then reached out and took her hand in his. She was shocked for a moment and then she clung to his hand.

  “Nassir, you survived. You evaded capture for goodness knows how many months. I’m guessing this Tazan is a pretty good tracker, but you kept out of his grasp for months. You survived. That is amazing. I think you’re a wonderful person. So you had to do some things you’re not proud of, do you know how many people would have just given up? But you didn’t. You’re strong. You’re kickass. I’m really proud you’re my friend.”

  Nassir had to look away as she blinked back tears. She looked at Zoey then Boris. His face was hard, stern. But then something softened and his eyes grew warmer.

  Then she glanced back at Zoey. “I’ve put the three of you in danger, though. And Zillion, wherever he is. It’s my fault you’re here.”

  Zoey waved her hand in the air. “Don’t worry, we’ll be rescued soon.”


  Zoey tapped her head. “I’ll call Dex. We’ve got a special link.” She was still for a moment then she frowned. “That’s weird. I can’t reach him. We can’t have gotten that far, can we?” She looked around as though searching for the answer. But they were in a windowless box of a room. They couldn’t determine where they were nor how much time had passed. Only a slight hum and the occasional rocking motion indicated that they were moving at all. “When we are far apart, the mating link doesn’t work. Shit. Think they hit hyper speed or something?”

  “I suppose it is possible,” Nassir allowed.

  “Boris, can you reach your guys? Maybe they can contact Dex for us?”

  “What do you mean? What guys? How will he speak to them?” Nassir asked.

  He was still pressed up against her side, the heat of his body doing weird and wonderful things to her insides. She shook that thought from her head.

  “Boris has another family,” Zoey told him. “Only they call him Kruz.”

  “Kruz?” She looked at him in surprise, but he was not looking at her, he stared at the wall across from them.

  That name did not suit him.

  “Yeah, when I met Boris I had to give him a name. I didn’t realize he’d taken a vow of silence, of course. So I gave him the worst sounding name I could think of in an effort to make him tell me his real name. Obviously, that didn’t work and since I had to call him something. Boris stuck. And then we met his brothers, well, they’re not really his brothers but they call themselves that. They told me his real name, but by then he was Boris. He seems to like it that way.”

  “Where are they?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. They’re mercs. They take jobs all over the place. But he stays in touch with them. Can you get through?”

  Boris shook his head.

  “Boris’s race uses telepathy,” Zoey said. “Shit, so it’s not just me?”

  Telepathy? Why hadn’t she considered that?

  She had telepathic abilities. They were rusty. The only other person she knew with them had been her mother and she had never encouraged her to use them.

  But perhaps if she could link with Boris, then she could speak to him. She started sifting through her brain, searching for the thread.

  This could take a while.

  Zoey sighed. “This sucks. Maybe they have some sort of frequency interferer thingee. I don’t even know if that’s possible but it sounds good. Looks like our only hope might be Zillion. And I really thought hell would freeze over before I ever said that.”

  Boris stared across the room at Nassir. She smiled at something Zoey said, the smile softening her face. She was a tiny thing. Small and graceful. Like one of those little butterfly creatures he’d seen while watching one of those movies Zoey was so fond of.

  She makes you smile.

  The only other person who ever made him smile was Zoey. But the feelings he had for Nassir were nothing like what he felt for Zoey. Zoey was his sister in everything but blood. He felt protective of her and was frequently irritated with her—especially when she did foolish things like leave the palace alone. He loved her.

  But he certainly didn
’t want to strip her naked and kiss every inch of her. His cock was hard, his balls aching. If he didn’t get Nassir alone soon he’d end up with the bluest blues in the galaxy.

  He drew all his control, resisting the urge to shift around uncomfortably. Why was he so attracted to this female? He’d met a lot of beautiful women, it wasn’t that. She had a quiet manner, a graceful charm. Rather than being flashy and in your face, she snuck up on you. She’d certainly caught him by surprise. This attraction was disconcerting. He had no space in his life for a female.

  But Nassir was not a one-night stand. She had commitment written all over her.

  What had he been thinking, touching her? Kissing her?

  It was easy to tell she wasn’t experienced. Her touch had been clumsy and unsure, but she caught on quickly. His cock twitched as he remembered the way she’d licked her little tongue along his bottom lip.

  He realized he’d misjudged her when he’d first met her. He’d thought her cold. Unfeeling. Calculating.

  She was anything but cold. She was sizzling heat. And he wanted more.

  But she deserved more than a scarred mess of a man who didn’t really know how to feel happiness. Who kept himself coldly detached from almost everyone, who didn’t truly believe he deserved to feel anything good…not when he had failed his family, had failed to find the person who orchestrated their murders. His brother would never feel this for a female. His sister would never experience laughter and friendship again.

  How could he move on with his life, how did he possibly deserve to when they were gone and he had yet to avenge them?

  He scowled, thinking it over as Nassir giggled. He softened in the face of her delight. But how could he give her up? The one person who actually reached that deep, dark place inside him?

  “I think King Rohan set us up,” Zoey suddenly said, catching his attention.


  Nassir looked thoughtful. “It could have been his guards. They could have acted without his knowledge.”

  “Except he was the one who suggested I take you out for dinner. At this wonderful location he knew of.”

  “Yes, but that doesn’t mean the guards didn’t use that opportunity to take us somewhere else.”


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