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Alien Retribution (Zerconian Warriors Book 13)

Page 16

by Sadie Carter

  A piece of food fell from his mouth and dropped to his shirt as he continued to chew with an open mouth. Up and down. Saliva built up at the corners of his mouth. She grimaced in disgust, her stomach turning. While they hadn’t been starved on the ship, they certainly hadn’t been well fed. And from what she had seen during the short trip from the port to the palace, the people were suffering. Thin, dirty, and weary looking. Hungry.

  While her uncle sat down to a dinner that could have fed twenty.

  “Tazan! Finally, you bring my beloved, thieving niece back to me.” As he moved his chair back, it creaked ominously under his weight, before he stood and moved around the table. Obviously, his tailor could not keep up with his weight gain as his shirt strained over his monstrous stomach. He stood, planting his feet wide.

  Tazan wrapped his hand around her upper arm. She knew his grasp would leave a bruise, but she didn’t flinch. She just stared at Faru with a slight sneer on her face.

  “I stole nothing from you,” she spat at him. “And I am not your beloved anything. If you loved me you would not have murdered my parents or sold me to that evil asshole.”

  Asshole. Another word she was now fond of.

  Red flushed his cheeks and his smile quickly disappeared. “How dare you!”

  He strode forward, his hand raised. A deadly noise came from behind her, stopping him. She froze, her pulse raising. Why didn’t Boris keep quiet? Maybe Faru wouldn’t have noticed him if he could have just kept out of it. She had tried to gain his promise to allow her to handle this earlier, but he had just given her that look that meant he thought her insane.

  Faru went pale as he stared over her shoulder. He took a step back. She looked at him, puzzled. Yeah, Boris was scary but this seemed an over-reaction from such an arrogant man.

  “Who is that?” Faru asked, pointing over her shoulder, his hand shaking. It was as though he had seen someone he knew.

  “He is no one,” she said quickly. “A servant.”

  She felt terrible about the lie, but she thought Boris would understand. She wanted to protect him.

  “Your niece is right,” Tazan added. “He is no one. I have not decided what to do with him, yet. I thought perhaps he might be worth some ransom, but I am not sure either of them are, considering I have heard nothing from that one’s mate.” Tazan turned to point at Zoey in disgust.

  Nassir was not certain why Dex had not replied, but she knew it was not because he did not care about Zoey.

  Faru turned his gaze from Boris, directing it somewhere else. He smiled. Nassir shivered. That was not a good sign. “And who is this?”

  Tazan narrowed his gaze. “You are interested in her? I am afraid she will cost you, if you are.”

  Faru’s face filled with interest, sickening her. She had to get his attention off Zoey.

  “Uncle, why did you send a bounty hunter after me?”

  He gave her a disgusted look. “You cost me a big deal, you little bitch. Loyrul disappeared the same time you did and his brother has been putting pressure on me to find you.”

  Loyrul. The evil one. The center of all her nightmares. Wait, disappeared?

  “Disappeared?” she asked, hating the note of fear in her voice. She heard Boris made a low noise of anger. She had to calm herself for his sake.

  “I know nothing of his disappearance. When I left he was breathing.”

  Unconscious, but breathing.

  Faru snorted. “I care not what happened to him. But his brother wants you. I will send a message to him to retrieve you.”

  No. No, she would not go back. Panic swamped her

  Faru turned back to Tazan. “I would be interested in talking of a price for the other female.”

  “Perhaps you would like to discuss it over dinner? I am afraid I have been traveling straight for days. I could use some good food and company.” He creepily eyed up one of the young servants, who ducked back into a doorway with a gasp. That sick feeling inside Nassir grew. “If you have somewhere my men could put these three?”

  “My niece and the cripple can go into the dungeons beneath the palace. I’ve re-opened them. My brother was too weak to use them. But the other female, she can stay with us.” He smiled at Zoey. Nassir shuddered and not at the sight of all the food caught in his teeth. Whatever he had in mind for Zoey, Nassir knew she could not allow to happen. “Guards!”

  Several guards descended upon them. And that’s when Boris attacked.

  Chapter Thirteen

  She ran her hands over his chest, tracing the scars, her touch so light that it was almost a tease, although he knew she did not mean it that way.

  The uncertainty in her touch only seemed to drive his need for her higher. He reached up and pulled her down, kissing her long and deep. Hard. Hot.

  She drew away and placed kisses along his jaw, blowing a soft breath in his ear that made his cock harden even more. His balls ached, burned. If he did not get release soon he was afraid he would do himself damage. She worked her way down his neck, along his chest, moving her mouth to surround his nipple.

  She tugged lightly at his nipple and he groaned. The part of him that liked to be in control wanted to reach for her, to take over, but he enjoyed this take-charge side of her. Liked the confidence she was displaying. She moved lower and he took in a sharp breath.

  You don’t have to.

  I want to, she replied, shocking him. But then, this was a dream, wasn’t it?

  She moved between his legs, grabbing the base of his shaft in a light grip.

  Teach me what to do.

  Firmer. Grasp hold of me in a firm grip then lick the head of my cock.

  She lowered her head, her dark-blonde hair spilling out around her. He groaned as that hot little tongue lapped at him like he was an icy concoction on a hot day. A little murmur of pleasure came from her, teasing him, tempting him.

  Take me into your mouth. As deep as you can. Suck on me.

  She took him in, so slow and careful. Then she sucked and he let out a shout, half-sitting in his shock.

  She drew back with a gasp. Boris? Boris?

  “Boris? Boris, wake up!”

  He opened his eyes with a gasp and stared around him in confusion. Where was he? It was dark, just a few slivers of light piercing the gloom through some short bars set up high in a door. It was cold and he could smell damp. He had to be underground.

  “Boris, are you all right?”

  He turned his head sharply towards the scared voice, nearly groaning as pain lanced his head. He reached up to touch his head where it hurt the worst, encountering one hell of a lump.

  “Easy, don’t poke at it.” Someone moved beside him and her scent hit him, surrounding him in love and lust.


  “Hey, you remember me, that’s a good sign. As hard as they hit you I felt sure you were going to end up with a concussion and unable to remember anything.”

  He could tell she was attempting to keep her words light and cheerful, but her voice wobbled every few words, betraying how upset she was.

  Someone hit him? Who?

  His mind scrambled to think. Kidnapped. Their arrival at Nassir’s home.

  Nassir trying to act so brave before her evil uncle.

  And then her uncle turning his attention to Zoey.

  Zoey. He sat up, trying to ignore the way his head spun. They must have hit him pretty hard. He looked around him frantically, even as the pounding in his head warned him that he should really lie still and quiet for a while longer.

  Boris? What is it?

  He turned to her, grabbing at his head as his vision blurred so badly he thought he might pass out.

  Here, lie down.

  Reluctantly—no male ever wanted to appear weak in front of his mate, after all—he allowed her to help him lie down.

  You can use telepathy? he asked, shocked.

  I couldn’t in the ship. I tried several times. Zoey must have been right about them having some sort of scrambler or bloc

  And before then?

  I didn’t realize you could use telepathy until Zoey told me on the ship.

  Where is Zoey? Is she here? He shot up in alarm then wished he hadn’t as his head swam.

  She stiffened next to him.

  I don’t know. She must be with my uncle still.

  That wasn’t good. He had to get out of here. He attempted to stand, only to fall back onto his ass. He cursed his weakness.

  “Sit still,” she urged. “Sorry, it hurts my head to use telepathy to speak back to you a lot. I guess I need to practice. I have checked every inch of this cell. There is no way out except that door and it is well reinforced.”

  Can all of your people use telepathy? Could you summon one of them to help us?

  She shook her head. “No, just my mother and I. Perhaps it has something to do with her heritage. I remember her telling me that my grandmother was from another planet. Where was it? Aikon?”

  His eyes widened. Aikon. That is the sister planet of my home planet.

  “Oh. I guess that explains it. Do you think that is why we can…why I can sense you…umm…”

  Why we come together in our dreams?


  It made sense now. Many, many years ago, his race had split in two. The population had grown too large for one planet to sustain them. Half left and took up residence on a close planet—Aikon.

  But your hair and skin? She did not look like his people.

  “I take after my father. But my eyes…”

  Are your mothers.

  “I should have guessed. I always felt this closeness to you. But it wasn’t until Zoey said you could speak with telepathy that I thought about my mother’s people. I never met any of them. And she was not a full-blooded Aikon so her hair was not quite like yours. It was lighter and didn’t have purple and blue highlights.”

  It was on our way home from visiting Aikon that my parents were ambushed and murdered. Along with my brother and sister.

  She grabbed hold of his hand between hers. “I am so sorry.”

  I vowed to avenge their murders. To take the lives of those who killed them. I found those who committed the deed, but not who paid them to commit the heinous act.

  “Why would someone pay to have your parents killed?”

  He stared up at her, wishing he could see her more clearly. I do not know, even now. I asked those who I hunted down but they did not know the answer or they would not tell me.

  He thought it was the former. There was not much people would not tell under torture. However, he would not tell her that. He did not want to taint her with the terrible things he was guilty of doing.

  But my father spoke of an alliance he was trying to form with a planet where the female had Aikon relatives.

  She gasped. “My mother?”

  Perhaps. My father was the leader of our planet. A devastating virus several years before I was born decimated our population and he wished to find a planet that would help us rebuild. Then he was murdered.

  “I don’t remember my parents ever talking about any of this.”

  You are a few years younger than I.

  “Old man,” she teased.

  He grinned at her. Are you teasing me, Nassir? And to think I thought you so cold and formal when we first met.

  “You did?”

  He nodded. You seemed so distant. Like you cared about no one but yourself. However, I now see this was just a mechanism you use to protect yourself. Your princess persona.

  “My princess persona?” She sounded slightly insulted.

  Yes. But underneath that cool exterior lurks hot, passionate woman.

  Her breath grew faster. “You think so, do you, old man? Are you going to be able to keep up?”

  He growled at her teasingly.

  Reaching over, he scooped her onto his lap, ignoring her wriggles of protest.

  Sit still, he commanded.

  She froze for a moment then thumped him on the chest with her hand.

  “Do not think to order me around.”

  No, Princess. I would not dare.

  She froze for a moment then made a derisive noise. “Some princess. Have you seen me lately?”

  Not nearly enough of you.

  He could feel the heat of her against his cock and wished it was her pussy pushed up against him rather than her ass. If the cold room on the spaceship was the wrong time to take her, then here in this damp, dark dungeon was ten times worse.

  Didn’t stop him from wanting her, though.

  “What if he hurts Zoey? It will be all my fault.”

  Oh no. He was not having this. No more guilt. Whatever happens is not your fault. It is that bastard uncle’s of yours.

  “I think we should just change his name to bastard. Suits him better.”

  You are beginning to sound more and more like Zoey.

  “Thank you.”

  He groaned, but grew more serious. I mean it, Nassir. I will not have you blaming yourself. You are not at fault for any of this. If it is anyone’s fault other than the bastards, it is mine.

  “Yours? Why?”

  Because I let you sneak away from us on Ulrika. If I had stopped you, then Zoey would have insisted you come back with us to Zerconia. You would have been safe all this time, instead of living on the streets.

  She was shocked by the guilt in his voice. And she didn’t know what to say, but she did know he wasn’t at fault.

  “You didn’t know me back then. You thought I was a threat, didn’t you?”

  You made me uncomfortable. I thought it was my instincts telling me there was something off about you. Something untrustworthy. Instead, I think that uncomfortable feeling might have been panic.

  “Panic?” she asked. “You?”

  Me, he answered dryly. Because I found my mate. Only I wasn’t ready for you. And because of my fear you lived alone, on the streets, where anything could have happened to you. Gods, I don’t even know what did happen to you because I am too afraid to ask.

  She ignored that first part for a minute; she needed to think that over. “Nothing happened to me.”

  Nothing? Aarlia, you do not live like you did and then describe it as nothing.

  Aarlia, she knew that word. She’d heard it from her mother.

  Loved one.

  Her breath left her in a sob.

  Are you crying? He sounded panicked. What did I do?

  “Nothing. Everything. You really wish to be my mate?”


  Her heart stopped.

  I know you are my mate. You are mine, aarlia. And you will never be alone again, because I will always be here for you. You will never know fear like you did, because I will protect you. You will never have to wonder where your next meal comes from or worry about keeping yourself safe and warm. I intend to take very good care of you, Nassir. My mate.

  She hugged him fiercely. “And I will take just as good care of you. Boris-Kruz. My mate.”

  Boris is fine. Kruz was my old life.

  “Good. Because I like this man.”

  He hugged her back. I know you deserve more. A male who is not scarred and crippled, but I—

  “Shut up.”

  He stiffened beneath her.

  “Do not call yourself crippled around me. I will not hear it. You can do more than three other men can. You are not crippled. And those scars are nothing to be ashamed of. I don’t know exactly how you got them, but I know you must have suffered. But you got through it. You survived. To find me.”

  The passion in her voice eased the knot inside him.

  I don’t know if I would have survived without Zoey. I was in a dark place when she found me. I had killed those who murdered my family, but was no closer to finding the one who ordered their deaths. I wanted my life to be over. I was taken by Coizils when they attacked a shipment my brothers and I were guarding.

  “I know what that feels like.” She fingered her locket. “There is a pletha pill in here. I told my
self I would use it if I ever found myself back here.” She laughed. “And now that I am here, I cannot use it.”

  I will not lose you.

  His hand closed over hers.

  “No, you won’t.” She cleared her throat. “Your brothers?” She knew he didn’t mean the one who had died.

  Not by blood, but we were close like brothers. We worked as mercenaries. The Coizils sold me to a miner. The mine exploded. I was lucky to escape with just these scars and an injured arm. I was sold on to an auction house. When Zoey found me, I was being auctioned as a sex slave. She bought me.

  “She bought you.” She stared at him in shock.

  To free me. When she tried to rip my ownership papers in half, not knowing it was made from Lankan, I just knew.


  I knew she would be important. My life had purpose again. She is important to me, Nassir.

  She squeezed his hand. She had always known that. There was no sliver of jealousy as there had been in the past. Zoey had saved him.

  “How are we going to help her? There is no way out of here.”

  Boris sighed. Help me up.

  She aided him to stand. As he stumbled, pulling her close to him, she wondered if he really needed help or he was using it as an excuse to grab her bottom.

  She didn’t care either way.

  Ten minutes later, they had covered every inch of the cell. Again. She had already examined this room while he lay unconscious, but she wasn’t about to stop him from searching again.

  “What are we going to do? How will we get to Zoey?”

  He drew her against him.

  I do not know, my mate.

  Fear filled her. If he didn’t know what to do then she felt like they were completely doomed.

  Chapter Fourteen


  She didn’t know how long they had been sitting in this cell, but even with Boris’s arm wrapped around her, she was growing more chilled.


  She couldn’t say this out loud, even though it was just the two of them here. “I didn’t kill him.”


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