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Page 14

by Colleen Houck

  Nebu explained, The pyramidion on the top of the temple represents the highest point in the city.

  “Pyramidion?” I asked.

  Yes. It’s the peak of the Benben obelisk. Amun-Ra’s image has been carved into the large diamond you see there, and all who live in the city look to it at sunrise and sunset to remember that Amun-Ra is the first to be welcomed by the sun each morning and the last to honor it before dusk falls.

  “Hmm. I wonder if he’s trying to compensate for something.”

  Nebu whinnied and shook his mane. I would be careful what I say in the Golden City, he warned. Amun-Ra is not a god to be taken lightly.

  I smiled and patted Nebu’s neck. “You worry too much. Believe me, I’ve been trained in the social graces since the time I could talk. We’ll be fine.”

  It’s just that it would pain me to learn that your journey ended before it began. Perhaps I should remain at your side when you meet him.

  Threading my fingers through his mane, I held tightly as he gracefully descended to the flagstones below. His hooves hit the sparkling tile, and the air he stirred up as he balanced his weight blew my hair in every direction. He tucked his wings into his side so tightly that they disappeared even from my view, and we trotted down the long bridge leading to the gate, where guards stood with long, dangerous-looking spears crossed between them.

  Perhaps, if all goes well, you could pass along a message for Anubis to give to my woman. I do not know if he will deliver it, but it couldn’t hurt to ask.

  “I could do that,” I offered, wondering about this woman who was loved by a unicorn. “Anubis owes me anyway. What would you like me to say?”

  Tell her…tell her that my heart still burns for her.

  Even more mysterious. “If I can, I will share your message.” I slipped off his back and teetered for a moment, trying to gain my balance. Nebu pressed his nose into my hand and I patted his muzzle in gratitude.

  Come. Let me guide you as far as the inner chamber if I cannot convince you to allow me to remain by your side while you’re here. The stallion walked beside us as we approached the guards, and he addressed them himself. This sphinx wishes to gain an audience with He Who Came Into Being by Himself. We request entrance.

  A stone-faced guard answered. “Tonight he has business elsewhere, but perhaps Horus might like some entertainment.”

  Entertainment? Tia hissed, bristling at the idea. They wish to make sport of us?

  Tia was interrupted by one of the guards opening the gate and ushering us inside. We were given some vague instructions and left to our own devices, which I found strange for a fortification as large as Amun-Ra’s temples. I suppose that spoke to the power of the gods. There must not be too many who wished to challenge them.

  Since Nebu walked confidently beside us and seemed to know where he was going, I wasn’t overly worried.

  I wondered how best to approach Horus. Surely he would help us. Amon did carry his Eye, after all. What we were doing would affect everyone, even the people who resided in the golden city of Heliopolis. If Seth broke free, they would be in just as much danger as the mortal realm, wouldn’t they?

  As we walked through the temple, all I could do was gape at the splendor and opulence of Amun-Ra’s home. Servants passed us bearing golden pitchers and trays full of ripe fruits, sweets, and cheeses. After the fifth one nodded demurely, giving us not even a second glance, I finally noticed something. “They’re all women,” I observed.

  Who are you referring to? Nebu asked.

  “The servants. And they’re all gorgeous.”

  Both Amun-Ra and Horus like to surround themselves with beauty and the riches that their stations afford.

  I rolled the idea over in my mind for a moment and then said, “Ah, I understand.”

  What is it? Tia asked me.

  I’ve been around guys like this before, I explained. They show off their money or power by only associating with those they consider worthy.

  And are we not…worthy? she asked.

  In our current state? Not really. I ran a hand through my wind-tangled hair. My dress was mud crusted, ripped, and bloodstained from where Tia had sunk her claws into me. I brushed my hand across the heart scarab at my waist, searching for some comfort to get me through our current situation.

  Ah, Tia said in my mind. You wish to bathe and—she searched for the word—condition your mane.


  And if we did this, we would be worthy enough to gain an audience with Horus?

  I’m not certain of that, but at least we wouldn’t embarrass ourselves.

  Are you sure baring our claws and teeth, even dull ones such as yours are, wouldn’t impress him more?

  I’m sure.

  After a beat, Tia said, Very well. May I address the unicorn?

  Tia’s presence bubbled to the surface, and the switch of control felt as natural as merely stepping out of the way. “Unicorn,” Tia said. “It is I, the lioness. Lily feels ashamed to meet a god adorned in this manner. We require your assistance.”

  Nebu cocked his head, studying us with an unblinking eye. Lioness, he said, and inclined his head respectfully. You’ve been quiet. I nearly forgot you were there.

  “I did as you asked,” Tia said simply with a shrug.

  You did. I appreciate your patience on the journey.

  “And I appreciate you for not dragging Lily off to be your virgin sacrifice,” she said with a smirk.

  Nebu nudged her shoulder softly and she froze, but at my urging, she was soon able to relax again. She even awkwardly patted his nose in a stiff sort of way. I was proud of her.

  You don’t need to be so rough, the stallion remarked with a jerk of his head.

  Tia dropped her hand. “I apologize. I’ve never petted a unicorn, or any other creature, for that matter. My type of caress usually ends in death. But from your reactions when Lily does it, it would appear that you enjoyed it. Perhaps I was mistaken.”

  I normally do enjoy it, he said as he took a step closer. You may attempt it again, Lioness. If you wish to, he added.

  Stretching out her fingers once more, Tia gently cupped the unicorn’s cheek. After a moment, she said, “I find it strange that you endure a human’s touch.”

  You would like it, too, he answered, if you were in your old form.

  “Perhaps,” she said. “But that is never to be again.” There was a hint of sadness in her voice, and it was the first time I noticed that when she spoke, my voice sounded different. It was throatier, rougher, a bit like she’d swallowed sandpaper and was trying to speak around it. I thought about all that she’d given up to make me what I was. It seemed to me that sharing my body with her was a little thing to give.

  After a moment, Tia asked Nebu again, “Is there anything you can do to help us?”

  No, he replied. There is nothing I can do. But there is something you can do.

  “I? What can I do?” Tia asked as she took a step back.

  You are sphinx, he answered simply. Focus on what you want together.

  “But I do not know exactly what Lily needs.”

  Then let her take the lead, but open yourself to allow the power to flow through you.

  Tia nodded, and in the blink of an eye we switched places.

  Whether Nebu knew the switch had happened or not, he patiently guided us. Close your eyes and think of what it is that you want.

  I obeyed, envisioning clean and appropriate attire to meet Amun-Ra and Horus. At first I didn’t notice anything was happening. I thought the warmth on my arms was from being inside the gleaming temple, but I soon felt the sting of sand. I opened my eyes and found I was surrounded by a little storm cloud of dust. It whipped around me in a circle, beating softly against my limbs, scrubbing my skin until it shone.

  The rags of my dress disappeared in the cloud and the grains settled against me, forming a new dress. This time, instead of the jade green of the heart scarab, I was clothed in cream and gold. A tight bodice beaded in
sparkling gems wrapped around my torso. Strands of gold cinched my waist. The scarab was now a brooch attached to the right shoulder of my gown where the bodice met the sleeve, and starbursts of tiny green beads shot from it and tapered off, disappearing altogether when they reached my belt.

  The floor-length skirt was adorned with gold-tipped feathers sewn into the fabric, the tips angled out in such a way to make me look like a bird. As I touched one, I realized that the feathers were identical to those of Isis. Comfortable slippers adorned my feet, and bands of clinking gold bracelets wound up my arms. Reaching up, I was comforted by the feel of the spears on my back and the tips of the feathered arrows still sticking out of the quiver.

  My hair was tossed in a cyclone of sand that pummeled through the strands until they were soft and smooth. The grains tickled my scalp, and my hair was soon swept up in loosely pinned curls. I touched the top of my head, which still tingled, and glanced into a polished shield that was mounted on the wall. The last bits of sand above me solidified and created a golden winged headpiece that crowned my face in such a way that it was reminiscent of a lion’s mane.

  Tia was pleased with that effect and bragged that the last part had been her doing. I ran my hand over the beaded bodice, smoothing the fabric over my hips, fingers lingering on the silky feathers. “Well, how do I look?” I asked Nebu.

  Like a queen, the stallion replied. Shall we proceed?

  I nodded and strode ahead confidently, knowing I was now prepared to meet a god on equal footing. The noise of people laughing, tinkling fountains, and soft music guided us, and it wasn’t long before we found the source of it. It was a party.

  Putting on my best I’m-so-pleased-to-make-your-acquaintance smile, I stepped inside the large atrium, my hand on Nebu’s back for moral support. The room was full of beautiful things—fountains, statues, long, richly oiled tables full of delectable foods—and women. There were women everywhere.

  Redheads, blondes, brunettes. Women who looked like they were from Africa, Asia, South America, Native America, Alaska, Russia, Polynesia, and some who looked…otherworldly. It was like a Miss Universe pageant of the tall, poised, and lovely. Some of the women lounged. Some served. Some conversed in small groups. But there was one thing all of them had in common other than their staggering attractiveness.

  They were all giving their attention, whether fully or partially, to one thing—one man, to be specific—a man who lounged on a white chaise and exuded power. He was a man richly dressed, and seemed accustomed to getting what he wanted. He was a man as handsome as any Hollywood actor, and he was well aware of his charms. He was a man surrounded by fawning women, and the most beautiful things in the world. And he was a man who was staring directly…at me.

  “Hello,” he said warmly as he flashed me a winning smile, one that had probably enchanted every woman he’d ever encountered in his long life. Though he hadn’t moved from his reclined position, I got the sense that his relaxed appearance was a front, and that in the blink of an eye he could either have a knife at my throat or throw me over his shoulder and carry me off. I wasn’t sure which one he was more inclined to do at the moment, but either way, I knew that this man, this…god…was dangerous. The dimple on the side of his mouth and the mischievous twinkle in his eye were disconcerting.

  Instead of answering him, I merely nodded deferentially and tightened my grip on Nebu’s mane. The unicorn spoke up. Allow me to introduce Lily. She is a newly made sphinx who seeks an audience with Amun-Ra.

  Horus heard what Nebu said, but his eyes never left mine. It made both me and Tia uncomfortable. The god stares us down, she murmured. He challenges us!

  No, I said. He is taking our measure. Be patient.

  Smoothly, Horus rose from the chaise. He was tall, lean, and muscled but not overly so, and as he approached, Tia remarked that he moved like a jungle cat, purposely, slowly, his eyes never leaving his prey. Horus stalks us, she hissed.

  I ignored her and narrowed my eyes, taking in his rakish expression and his handsome, angular face. My fingers itched for the weapons on my back, but I forced a smile to my lips while placing my hands on my hips, showing him that I wasn’t afraid. I was perfectly capable of defending myself.

  When he stopped a few feet away and the air between us became thick with expectation, I finally inclined my head and said, “It’s nice to meet you.”

  A small laugh crossed his lips as he tilted his head to study us. “Yes,” he murmured, a rich tone to his voice that told me each word he spoke carried a thousand possibilities. “Very nice.” Without looking at anything but me, he raised his fingers in the air, twisted them with a flourish, and said, “You may leave us. I’ve found my…distraction for the evening.” He shot me a smile warm enough to melt the sun.

  At those words, every woman in the room faded away as quickly as an ice cube in the desert. I swallowed, suddenly nervous, and spent the next few seconds dissuading Tia from calling up her claws.

  “You too, Nebu,” Horus said.

  I think not, the stallion answered, causing the god to finally glance in his direction. She is not here to sate your appetites, Nebu warned.

  Horus grinned and turned back to me, boldly taking my hand and kissing my fingers. “Perhaps I am here to tend to hers, then.” Horus raised his head and gave me a meaningful wink. At that, I lost control of Tia. One second my hand was being kissed by a god and the next, I’d raked my claws across his palm, causing instant and deep cuts, then pulled my hand far away from his. Instead of blood, light pooled at each of his wounds and then quickly healed.

  The attack didn’t bother Horus. Actually, it appeared to do just the opposite. Seemingly beguiled, he took a step closer, slid his hand up the still-extended claw to my bare arm, and murmured enticingly, “How refreshing. There’s nothing I like more than a woman who offers a challenge.”

  As fast as Tia emerged, she retreated and I was in control once more. I took a step back and moved around him, putting Nebu at my back so that the god had to turn around to face us. “The unicorn is right. We haven’t come here to”—I searched my mind for a word that would be clear and yet not insulting—“bask in your glory.” He raised an eyebrow but his lips twitched with humor.

  “Then, please, enlighten me as to the reason you’ve decided to gift me with your company.”

  “I’m here—we’re here,” I corrected, “to ask permission to ride the celestial barque into the netherworld.”

  “Ah, I see.” Horus walked over to the table and filled two golden goblets. After presenting me with one, he raised the other in my direction and lifted the cup to his full lips. “Why are you still here, Nebu?” he asked, a slight tinge of irritation to his voice. “I thought I asked you to leave.”

  You did. I simply wish to assure the young lady’s safety first.

  “You doubt my abilities to function as a proper host?” he asked with a roguish wink in my direction.

  On the contrary, I have no doubts as to your abilities. I have doubts as to your intentions.

  “I see. Then what can I do to persuade you that my intentions are entirely honorable?”

  You can swear on your golden falcon.

  Horus spun to face Nebu. “You should know better, Unicorn, than dare a god to swear by the very piece of himself that has been cut off. Should I have you swear on your alicorn and the powers you have lost? You go too far, Nebu.”

  Is he speaking of Amon’s golden falcon? I wondered. If so, he doesn’t sound happy that Amon has it.

  I apologize if I have broached a tender subject, Nebu addressed Horus. It is merely that I know how very precious the falcon is to you and I know that if you made a vow by it that you would not break it.

  The wide shoulders of Horus lowered slightly but the handsome man finally nodded and waved his hand in dismissal. “Very well, I swear on the wings of my golden falcon that I will not harm the young sphinx or use my powers to influence her in any way.”

  Thank you. Nebu took a few steps toward m
e and nuzzled my arm. I must depart now, Lily. I do not have the leave to deny a request of Horus. But should you have need of me at any time or in any place, use your young man’s spell to summon me. I will come if at all possible.

  “Thank you, Nebu,” I said quietly.

  You are welcome. Do not forget, young sphinx, I will someday return to collect my boon. The unicorn pushed his head into my arm for a final time, then stretched his great shimmering wings and leapt into the air. He rose higher and higher until he reached the domed ceiling of the atrium, and with the twitch of Horus’s fingers, the roof opened up to the night sky and he disappeared.

  When Nebu was gone, Horus approached me, walking around to the other side of the chaise I’d just sat upon, and draped across it once again. He captured my hand in his and trailed kisses from my now human fingertips up my arm to my shoulder.

  Nervously, I said, “You promised Nebu you wouldn’t use your powers to influence me.”

  “I’m not using my powers,” he said, lips tickling my skin. “I’m seducing you with my all-too-human magnetism.”

  “Be that as it may, I already have a boyfriend. Besides, your mother, Isis, said you’d help me.”

  Horus sighed and lifted his head. “Don’t you know it’s never a good thing to mention a man’s mother whilst he is in the middle of rendering you mindless with passion?”

  “I’m hardly mindless with passion.”

  “Yes,” he said with a frown. “Why is that? I usually don’t have this much difficulty convincing a woman to succumb to my charms.”

  “Maybe I’m just not as susceptible as the women you generally associate with.”

  “No. That’s not it.”

  “I’m pretty sure it is.”

  He peered at me closely, his chiseled jaw inches from my face. If he’d wanted to, he could have closed the distance between us as easily as a thought, but instead his eyes narrowed, as if searching for something beneath my skin. For a moment, I thought he was looking for Tia, that he might sense her within me, but had he found something else.


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