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The Siege

Page 6

by Leigh Walker

  “Shut up.” Austin’s eyes flashed. “Blake, go now. That’s an order.”

  Rhys was paying close attention, so I kept myself composed as I turned and headed back to the castle. An order, indeed. Austin had been ordering others around his whole life. Still, I bristled at being one of his subjects. I knew the prince wanted to protect me, but he seriously needed to work on his delivery.

  I didn’t have to wait long for an audience with His Highness. He stormed into the library, startling Beast. The gnome rolled behind the log rack and peered out at him.

  “Why did you leave the castle? You were expressly told not to!”

  “I went out on the grounds to see you. I had my guard with me.” I jerked my thumb at the sentinel, who was avidly pretending not to watch us. “I didn’t know Rhys was there, nipping at your heels.”

  Austin leaned forward, his eyes amber-and-hazel eyes bright. “You never know what might be lurking about. That’s the whole point of you remaining inside and staying safe.”

  “Are we really doing this again? We just had this conversation.” I put my hands on my hips.

  Austin took a step back and exhaled deeply. “Exactly. And I don’t want to quarrel with you. But you must listen to me. You’re taking too many risks.”

  “I walked outside, on the castle grounds, and with my guard, no less. At this rate, you might as well lock me in the dungeon next to Chase.”

  Austin’s eyes flashed. “I might consider that.”

  “It’s not funny.”

  “I know, but neither is having Rhys back around.” He shook his head. “He could turn on me in an instant. And if he ever got a hold of you again…”

  I reached for his hand. “He won’t. But you mustn’t treat me like a child. Things are going to get even more intense around here for the near future. I need you to trust me.”

  “I told you—I do trust you. It’s the world I don’t trust.”

  I took a deep breath. I didn’t want to quarrel with him, either. There was enough going on, and we might be separated at any time.

  “What’s next?” I asked, changing the subject. “What word have you about the rebels?”

  His face darkened. “They have a large camp a few hour’s journey from here. From what we can tell, they haven’t dispatched a team yet. And my other sources tell me they have a similar camp set up a day’s journey from my parents.”

  “They have that many soldiers?”

  He nodded. “Perhaps they’ve recruited more soldiers over the past year, or perhaps they’re finally coming out of hiding. Did you and Balkyn have any luck with the prisoner?”

  “Not at all. She hates us, she hates Balkyn, and she told us nothing.”

  “I see. What does Balkyn want me to do with her?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know. I’m sure he doesn’t want to hurt her, but he’s not exactly her biggest fan.”

  “I could torture her, of course, to see if she’ll talk.” He shrugged.

  “I thought we were evolving. I have no love for the prisoner, but I can’t endorse such a course of action.”

  “Of course you can’t.” He chucked me under the chin. “Because you’re all that’s right and good in the world.”

  “Ooh, are we being nice again?”

  Austin narrowed his eyes. “Protecting you is being nice.”

  “Protecting me is one thing. Treating me as if I’m a delicate porcelain teacup, about to shatter if you blink too hard at me, is quite another.”

  He sighed. “I will do my best not to treat you that way, my lady. That is all I can offer.”

  “I accept your offer, then.” I smiled at him, letting my anger seep away. “Because your best is all you can ever do.”

  “Ah, Blake.” He bent down and put his forehead against mine. I could feel the tension leaving his big body. “This is why we were meant to be together.”

  “My exceptional forehead?” I joked.

  “Your exceptional wisdom, my lady. You restore my heart with your good sense, your ability to quickly forgive, and your mostly level head.”

  I chuckled. “Oh, that’s rather sweet. Mostly.”

  He put his lips to mine, and he kissed me briefly then pulled away. “I’ve got to meet with Rhys now.” Austin’s face darkened again. “He won’t do a damn thing for me unless he gets his land.”

  “So you will deed the werewolves some of the Northern lands. That’s legitimate?” I’d wondered if Austin could actually bear to sign such a contract.

  He nodded. “I believe it’s fair. If they’re fighting to protect the North, they should have a claim. That’s what they’ve always wanted.”

  “But what about your vow?” As he’d pledged to decimate the wolves, it didn’t make much sense to deed them land first—unless it was a vicious trick.

  His nostrils flared. “As I said, vows have no expiration date. Not all the wolves will pay for what Rhys and his men did. Some will remain to take the land, as is their due. Their kind will profit from the agreement.”

  “That’s lovely and all, but…” I gathered my thoughts. “Having experienced firsthand what happens when a werewolf kills a vampire, I would like to request that you do not fight Rhys and the others to the death. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. I do not care for the idea of your heart exploding. In addition, if you’ve found a way to work together again, don’t you think there’s a chance of reconciliation?”

  Austin blinked. “They stole you from me and plotted to take my kingdom. Of course I am going to fight them to the death, just as soon as we deal with these rebels. That is what they deserve, and that is what they will get.”

  My heart thudded just thinking about all the danger surrounding us. “My lord, do you understand that I do not want to live in a world without you?”

  “Yes. I feel the same, hence my somewhat overprotective streak.”

  “What if I had made a promise—something that could harm me and put me at risk? Would you not try to discourage me?”

  He rocked back on his heels. “I live by my word, Blake. Do not ask me to go against my very beliefs.”

  I raised my chin. “I only ask you to put yourself in my shoes, when the time comes, and give yourself a moment to consider what could happen.”

  Austin swept into a bow. “I will do my best, my lady. I promise you that.”

  “As I said, that is all I can ask of you.”

  He kissed me briefly—always too briefly—then turned on his heel and was gone again, his dark cape sailing behind him.

  Chapter 10

  Give A Little Bit

  I passed Robert in the hallway. He looked much improved since the last time I’d seen him. His clothes were neat and pressed, and gone was the dour expression he’d worn since Rose had been turned.

  “How is she?” I asked.

  “Better.” He smiled. “She’s terribly upset about what happened in the woods, of course. She’s quite embarrassed.”

  “Tell her she has nothing to be ashamed of. She’s been through a lot, and from what I understand, it’s all part of the process.” I squeezed his arm. “Will you tell her I’m thinking of her? I can’t wait until we can see each other again—when she’s ready, of course.”

  “I’ll do that.”

  “Robert, I was also wondering… Will you be filming anything in the coming days? I’m sure that the king doesn’t want word of an attack spreading, but I’m wondering if we have a duty to report the rebels’ status to the settlers.”

  He brushed his hair to the side, looking thoughtful. “I agree with you, of course. But I don’t know what Mira Kinney or the king would make of such footage.”

  “Perhaps we could keep it quiet for now… Save it for a rainy day?”

  “Yes, my lady. I’ll see to it.” With a brief bow, he was on his way.

  “What was that all about?” Eve caught up with me. She was looking very professional again, a tight-fitting black combat uniform and shiny black boots showing off her fit physique.
br />   “Robert updated me on Rose, and I asked him if he would perhaps get some footage of what transpires around here the next few days.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Do you really think the king would let something like that be broadcast?”

  “No. But I think we have an obligation to the people in the settlements. I know it’s not my country to run, but I believe everyone is better off—and safer—if they know the truth. We don’t have to do anything with it—not yet anyway.”

  Eve nodded. “We’ll have it if the time comes.”

  “Where are you off to? You’re looking very official.”

  She smiled, true happiness radiating off of her. “Austin has asked me to lead a team. We’re heading out on a reconnaissance mission.”

  “What’s that? I didn’t study fancy military words in school.”

  “It’s a scouting mission.” Eve held her head high. “We’re going to stake out the best places to hide so we’re ready for the rebels.”

  I blew out a deep breath. “When do you expect them?”

  “Anytime now.”

  My heart sank. “Lovely.”

  She patted my arm. “Don’t worry. You’ll be safe—you have my word.”

  “I’m not worried about that. I’m worried about you and Austin.”

  “We’ll be fine. We were made to fight.” My friend surprised me by hugging me. “Take good care of Beast, not to mention Tamara and Shaye. I expect they’re going to be a bit tense.” With that, she was gone.

  I groaned as I watched her march down the hall toward the door. Eve was going out there. Austin was going out there. The wolves were already out there, as were the rebels. There was only one thing for my lowly human self to do: eat.

  I’d just about made it to the kitchen when Tamara and Shaye intercepted me. “Where are you going?” Tamara hissed, looking around. “We just heard they’ve struck a deal with the wolves and we’re about to go to war!”

  I sighed. “Follow me.” We headed into the kitchen, and I prepared us each a large slice of carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.

  “Eating at a time like this?” But Tamara stopped complaining as soon as she had a bite. “This is fantastic. I should eat cake every day for breakfast—I daresay I feel better already.”

  Shaye picked at her food.

  “What’s the matter?” I asked.

  She put down her fork. “What if my brothers are out there? Or my dad?”

  I reached for her hand and squeezed it. “Let me talk to Austin. I’ll see if there’s anything we can do.”

  “Thank you.”

  Luckily, I’d already finished my cake. I hustled off, hoping to find the prince. There was a knot of sentinels waiting outside of the conference room. I could hear Austin’s voice from inside.

  “Today is not a day to strike. Today is a day to understand. We need to see their weapons if we can. We need to establish strongholds out in the forest. We need to work with the wolves to establish a system for protecting the North together.”

  He paused. “It’s very important that we let them come to us. I will not authorize an attack on the rebel camp. We have the numbers, and we could of course crush them. But I’ve no wish to shed blood today or any day. You’ve fought beside me for years—you know that. But these rebels seek to kill us under the guise of good destroying evil—hypocrisy at its finest. They will strike first, even though we’ve been peaceful up here for centuries. And I for one will never forget what they did to us in the past—the lives they destroyed, including those of their own people.”

  There was nodding and grumbling among the soldiers.

  “So today,” Austin continued, “let’s go forth and do our best. If they come to us, so be it. Let’s prepare to protect what’s ours, to protect those we love, and to protect our great nation. To the North!”

  “To the North!” the soldiers shouted in response.

  They marched out, heading toward the grounds, and I waited. When the prince strode through, I was ready. “Your Highness. A word?”

  He nodded and came closer. “What is it?”

  “Shaye has family that are rebels.” I kept my voice low. “Her father and older brothers. She’s worried that they’re out there.”

  Austin nodded. “What’s their surname?”


  “I will keep this in mind and see if there is anything to be done.” Austin hesitated. “But there are a lot of them out there. We might not be in a position to ask questions before battle. If we can take prisoners, we will. But I don’t know what’s going to happen.”

  “I understand, as does Shaye. I just wanted to put you on notice.”

  He gently kissed my forehead. “I must go.”

  I nodded. “Of course. I’ll be thinking of you.”

  “And I, you.”

  I stepped back against the wall and watched him leave. My limbs and heart felt heavy. The rebels weren’t here to battle, not yet, and the day so far had been about getting organized. But anything could happen out in the woods.

  I glanced down the hall to find Austin waiting by the door, staring. “Blake.”


  “Do you want to come with me?”

  “I’m sorry, my lord?” I must have misheard him.

  He took two steps closer. “I asked if you would like to come with me today. I can show you the strongholds and you can see the perimeter of the forest in the daylight.”

  I swallowed hard, not believing what I was hearing. “Aren’t you worried about the wolves seeing us together?”

  “I thought about it.” He shrugged. “I’ve calmed down a bit. Rhys already knows the truth about my feelings for you, and I can see there’s no point in hiding. He won’t challenge me now that he has his promise of land.”

  I nodded. “He has what he wants. There’s no advantage in harming me.”

  “Correct. And I would like you to see the full extent of the grounds. If something were to happen to me, you might have to lead. You can’t very well do that if you’ve no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Austin!” I put a hand over my heart. “Please don’t talk like that.”

  “I’m not actually worried, just being practical. I’ve been having you in my strategy meetings for the same reason—you need to be up to speed on everything so that my people get accustomed to coming to you for things, because you are, as they say, my better half.”

  My cheeks went hot. “Th-Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. So come with me today, my lady. I’ve reversed myself—and I can’t have you here sulking all day. I expect I’d never hear the end of it.” He chuckled.

  “Are you sure?”

  The prince nodded. “I’ll feel better having you by my side for as long as I can. That way, I can personally guarantee your safety, which is my priority. Go and change. Trousers, boots, and a heavy coat are what you need. We won’t return until nightfall.”

  I curtsied. “Yes, my lord.”

  “You don’t have to be so formal about it.” He laughed.

  “I am loving your orders. I’ve never been happier about obeying them in my life.”

  His eyes flashed. “Go on, then.” He jerked his chin in the direction of the stairs. “Before I change my mind.”

  I didn’t have to be told twice. A few minutes later, I was dressed and ready to go. I brought Beast to the library, surprising Tamara and Lord Bryson.

  “Watch him for me?” I sat the gnome on Tamara’s side of the couch. Lord Bryson frowned at it, looking disapproving.

  Beast purred as Tamara scratched his head with her long lacquered fingernails. “My pleasure. But where are you off to?”

  “I’m going with the prince to scout the woods.”

  Tamara arched an eyebrow. “The prince is taking you with him? I thought you were on house arrest!”

  “Apparently, he changed his mind.” I lifted my chin. “He said he wants me to know the grounds better.”

  “Ooh, because he’s ser
ious about you. I do love a good show of intentions. He’s taking your relationship to the next level, just as I predicted.”

  “Um…” I didn’t know what else to say, especially in front of Lord Bryson. “I’ll be back by nightfall.”

  She winked at me. “Perhaps you’ll be engaged by then!”

  “Oh, enough.” But I stopped as I was leaving the room. “Lord Bryson, won’t you be joining us?”

  “Reconnaissance is boring, if you ask me.” He yawned. “I expect I’ll get out there if it comes down to a battle. Those usually don’t disappoint.”

  He yawned again, and I shot Tamara a look. She shrugged as if to say, I hope his bank ledger’s more exciting than he is.

  It’d better be quite overflowing, or Lord Bryson would probably get the boot. The designer boot, of course, but the boot nonetheless.

  I took my leave, rushing off to find the prince. I smiled to myself. I would not be giving His Highness the boot anytime soon—or ever. His invitation had proven that he was, in fact, evolving rather nicely.

  We scouted the forest for hours. There were no signs of the rebels, and we encountered no wolves. With the sun shining overhead and all the guards around, the woods seemed much less eerie.

  Austin led me to a copse of birch trees and stopped. “Down through here is one of our tunnels.” He pointed out a small opening dug beneath the trunks.

  “Can you actually fit in there?” I peered at the entrance, which only looked wide enough for a small child to wriggle through.

  “It’s unpleasant, but we can burrow through soil.”

  I stopped peering at the opening and gaped at him instead. “I’m sorry?”

  He shrugged. “My kind. We can burrow through soil.”

  “Do you mean like a worm?” I felt sick and fascinated at the same time.

  Austin chuckled. “As I am not a worm, I don’t know. I only know that I can go into that tunnel and move through the soil, emerging at the exit, and I can do it very quickly.”

  I put my hands on my hips. “Why was I not told about this? No one slid through dirt tunnels at the palace, I’ll tell you.”


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