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I Will Not Beg

Page 21

by Cherise Sinclair

  Eeeks. “No, sir. Sorry, sir.”

  Sir Ethan looked at the monitor and put his thumb and forefinger close together in a just a little gesture, then turned his attention to her. He moved his hand up and down. Bend.

  She folded in half and gripped her ankles. Offering her bottom.

  “Count for me so I don’t lose track.” The man deliberately, sadistically swished the damn switch in the air, terrifying her with the sound, before letting loose.

  The sting across her bare buttocks made her jump. But it wasn’t too painful. “One, sir.”

  More slices hit, burning more intensely. “Two, sir. Three, sir.”

  He moved to her other side and adding the last two in a new spot. Harder. She squeaked. “Four, sir. Five, sir.” Ouch!

  “All right then. You can stand up, girl.” The monitor stepped back.

  “You were a good submissive, Piper. I’m proud of you.” The approval in Sir Ethan’s voice made tears come to her eyes. He stood close to her, not touching, but protective, making her want to bury herself against him. His gaze caught hers and held, giving her the slow internal slide of surrender.

  His fingertips lifted toward her face, stopped. He shook his head and sighed. “It’s time to cup your pussy and count to a hundred, poppet. You get a chance to recover.”

  That was good because her bottom burned and so did her pussy. Wait a minute. “You mean, recover so I can come again?”

  His swift grin was answer enough.

  She shot him a look that made his grin widen.

  “I’ll catch up with you in a bit.” He gave her a long appreciative look that made heat rise in her face, then followed after the other three Doms.

  She scowled when she saw that guy—tall, built, and naked Darrell—trailing after Stan. The jerk. Hoping Dixon wouldn’t notice the creep, she started counting.

  A couple of minutes later, she finished and hurried toward Booth Four.

  The first hit of water on her now overly sensitive clit almost sent her into orbit. Each one after moved her far too quickly into needing to come.


  But she held the climax off.

  Others were orgasming. Like when deVries, Sir Ethan, Xavier, and Stan all surrounded Abby, trapping her the same way they had Piper. The professor came with a scream that was half orgasm and half outrage.

  Grinning, Piper darted into Booth Five’s pen, collected her number, and was done.

  Although done wasn’t really the right word—because she was so aroused, she might just die.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ethan collected his dazed submissive as she wobbled off the field near Booth Five. She was drenched—even her hair had managed to get wet. With the sun behind the trees, the air was chilling, and despite the flush of arousal, she’d get cold quickly.

  “Come, pet. We’ll sit by a fire pit until you warm up.” As he wrapped an oversized towel around her and held her against him, her contented sigh filled an empty space inside him. She was his, his submissive to enjoy, to care for, to cherish. The sense of satisfaction ran deep.

  As he tucked her clothing into his toy bag, he noticed a male submissive kneel in front of Stan. Since the subbie’s arm was marked with 1 through 5, he was probably hoping to collect a reward from the Dom.

  “That jerk,” Piper muttered. “He’s trying to steal Dix’s Master. Can we go hit him?”

  My loyal subbie. Ethan kissed her lightly. “No, poppet. Stan will have to fend off aspiring lovers all by himself.”

  As they watched, Stan frowned, looked down at the man, and shook his head no before walking away.

  “Well, okay then,” Piper said under her breath.

  Grinning at her endearing indignation, Ethan slung his bag over his shoulder and walked her down the path. They went past the food pavilion, a workshop, more tents, and came to the various evening gathering areas—the ones with fire pits.

  The primal aggressive music of the Hu band’s “Wolf Totem” caught his attention, and he guided Piper toward the shadows around the fire pit. Blankets had been spread out on the grass as an invitation for people wanting a place to fuck.

  On the far side, away from some enthusiastic activity, he set his toy bag on a blanket that was close enough to the fire pit to feel the warmth.

  Standing beside the blanket, Piper turned her head, listening to the slapping, wet sounds of someone having a good time.

  When Ethan set his hand on her nape and pulled her against him, her back against his chest, a quiver ran through her. Sliding his hand under her towel, he cupped a full breast. Her nipple hardened against his palm. “I intend to take you hard, sweetheart. I hope you’re ready.”

  “Oh, I don’t know,” she said. “I’m awfully tired.” And the little brat ground her round ass against his dick.

  He bit the curve between her shoulder and neck and felt her shudder. “You have my permission to nap while I fuck you.”

  Her startled giggle made him grin.

  As he helped her sit on the blanket, four people appeared out of the shadows—two younger Tops and two bottoms. One was Tanya, the brunette who’d served as his rope model earlier.

  “Ethan, um, excuse us? Do you have a minute?” asked one of the Tops. “We had a question about the demo earlier.”

  Bloody hell, now? Cock aching like a sore tooth, Ethan suppressed his sigh and smiled instead. “Of course. How can I help?”

  “You said the chest harness only needed a few more wraps of the rope to turn it into a bondage position for sex. Can you… We wanted to try that.” The young man flushed and patted the rope hanging out of his leather bag.

  “It would be easier to show you than to explain,” he said slowly.

  Tanya knelt and bowed her head, waiting for his permission to speak.

  “Yes, Tanya?”

  “I’d love to serve as your rope bunny again, Sir Ethan, if it pleases you.”

  * * *

  Sitting on the blanket, Piper ignored the talk as she thought about the game that had just finished. Had she really scurried around naked, orgasmed in public, and giggled so hard she’d almost fallen over? Who would have thought sex and dominance could be…fun?

  When one of the bottoms spoke, Piper realized the woman who’d been in Sir Ethan’s rope demo was offering to be his model again.

  Piper stiffened. Sir Ethan had chosen this blanketed area so they could make love. Or fuck like rabbits. Both. But that rope-bunny seemed to think Sir Ethan’s hands would be on her.

  “All right,” he said to the bunny, then went down on a knee to pull rope from his toy bag.

  The woman was beautiful. Tall and slender. No, no, no. Jealousy was a murky swamp in Piper’s belly.

  Tensing against his probable rejection, Piper touched Sir Ethan’s thigh before he could stand.

  “Poppet?” He rubbed his knuckles against her cheek.

  She hesitated. Could she bear being really tied up? Here? Was she crazy? “I can… Could I be…?”

  He studied her, then leaned forward and said for her ears only, “I wasn’t going to restrain you for an audience, but if you’re comfortable, I’d love to tie you.” His gaze warmed her more than the towel around her.

  “I can do this. I’d like to. Please, Sir.”

  “Excellent.” He stood and lifted her to her feet, tossing the towel to one side, leaving her naked. “Thank you, Tanya. My submissive will help me this time.”

  My submissive. Everything inside her turned to mush at the possessive words, and it was frightening. The last time she’d felt this way, she’d handed over everything. Herself, her body, her soul.

  “Piper.” One word. A quiet reminder to stay in the present, to pay attention to him.

  Her gaze locked onto his.

  “Better.” He gave her a smile, then took bandage scissors from his bag and laid them on the blanket. Pulling rope from his bag, he folded the length in half. “I want your weight balanced, hands loose, eyes on me.”

  He made severa
l turns with the rope, around her ribs, up and under her breasts and over, before folding her arms behind her back, forearm against forearm. Her breasts were lifted upward in the harness. More rope circled and compressed them further, tightening the skin, making her nipples pucker and ache.

  His hands moved over her, so sure and competent, smoothing the ropes over her skin. His touch was soothing and somehow heightened every sense in her body. His dark velvet voice stroked over her in the same way as his fingers.

  Sir Ethan ran his hands ran down her torso, cupped a breast, touched her hip. “See how this knot is made?”

  Half mesmerized by the feelings running through her, Piper leaned her head against his shoulder.

  Standing with the other three, Tanya was frowning, lips forming a pout.

  As Sir Ethan continued binding Piper’s breasts, she realized why the rope-bunny was displeased. Because Sir Ethan’s behavior was different with Piper. Despite the inherent intimacy of rope, the interaction between him and Tanya had been about the knots. The design. Warm, but not erotic.

  With Piper, he was deliberately arousing her with every touch. When he adjusted the rope on her breasts, he caressed and teased her nipples. As he moved her hair to run a rope down her back, he kissed the exposed curve of her neck. This was sensual bondage, each movement, each knot, each slide of the rope made to heighten her arousal.

  And oh God, it worked. She could feel the wetness of her pussy, the tight swelling of her clit.

  Standing behind her, Sir Ethan cupped her breasts, his thick cock pressed against her ass as he spoke to the young Tops. “This is the chest harness I demonstrated on stage. At this point, rather than tying off the rope around her waist, I’ll restrain her in a convenient position for my use.”

  She tensed the slightest amount.

  He bent, his cheek against hers. “Give me a color, sweetheart. I can stop if you need.”

  The knowledge that he was so aware of her body, so cognizant of her worries, made her lean back against him. She rubbed her cheek against his, her heart full to overflowing. “Green, Sir. I’m all right, Sir.”

  “I’m proud of you, poppet,” he murmured, then spoke in a normal voice. “Kneel, please.”

  He gripped her upper arms as she knelt on wobbly legs. His leg was against her shoulder as he stroked her hair, keeping her tied to him with more than rope. “A standard frog tie will restrain each calf against each thigh. An additional rope above and below her knees will add stability to the upper tie.”

  Down on one knee beside her, he started to wind rope down her legs. Meticulously, knot by knot. Each breath brought her his clean masculine scent. His smoky sonorous voice was a low murmur in her ears.

  Flames licked over her skin with each press of the rope, each glide of the strands. Even as the heat increased, the ropes—his ropes—enclosed her in a seductive cocoon. Her mind slowed, each thought drifting past like a leaf on a slow river.

  He positioned her on her side, bent her right leg, and tied her calf against her thigh. His hand stroked up her inner leg, teased her pussy, then he rolled her over and tied the left leg to match the right.

  “That’s pretty incapacitating,” one man commented.

  “Having the extra rope around her knees lets me do this.” Moving her as if she were a doll, his hands warm and careful, Sir Ethan tied a rope, securing her knees partway to her chest.

  She really would be unable to move, and she didn’t care. Everything inside her wanted more—more touches, more stroking. His cock.

  He turned her, so her head was down with her shoulders and cheek pressed against the rough fabric of the blanket. Her arms were behind her back. Rather than her knees secured against her chest, ropes held her knees perpendicular to her torso, putting her butt high in the air and also letting him push her thighs widely apart to expose her ass and pussy.

  A shiver of need ran through her.

  “Any questions?” he asked the four people.

  “No, I think we can follow that. Thank you very much,” one said. The rest murmured their appreciation, and she could hear them moving away.

  “You look very pretty like that, poppet.” Sir Ethan skimmed a fingertip along the rope around her waist. Just that single touch focused her attention right there, making everything inside her melt.

  Her eyes closed, each breath slower, as she savored his nearness and waited for him to release her.

  Instead, she heard a zipper. The crinkling of a condom packet. He knelt behind her. “It would be a shame to waste all this hard work, don’t you think?”

  Her words were gone, but her body shouted yes.

  Moving her knees even farther apart, he settled between them. She could feel the fabric of his jeans against her bare inner thighs.

  He was dressed. She was naked. He was free. She was restrained…and in a way that gave him unobstructed access. He could touch her wherever he wanted, and she couldn’t even move her hands.

  He had all the power—and it made her want him all the more.

  Leisurely, using one finger, he explored her pussy, stroking the crevices, fingering her clit, moving the hood up and down. Invading her entrance. Rubbing the small space between it and her asshole.

  All her focus narrowed to the slow slide of his fingers as her pussy swelled and ached with need.

  “Hmm. The arse-up position always reminds me that there are two holes conveniently available,” he mused.

  What did that mean? She braced for him to take her, wiggling slightly in anticipation.

  Instead, his strong hands parted her buttocks.

  She jerked in shock. “Wait, wait.” Ugly memories threatened to overwhelm her, but even as she pushed them away, she realized nothing was happening.

  He’d stopped. This was Sir Ethan. He wouldn’t hurt her. Stroking her back gently, he waited.

  She sighed. “Okay.”

  “Breathe, poppet.”

  Even as she took the ordered breath, cool lube drenched her asshole.

  He paused again, cleared his throat.

  Right, right. She inhaled.

  “Good girl.” Something cool and smooth pressed against her back hole, and he firmly penetrated her with a slender anal plug.

  She squeaked at the hot stretching of unfamiliar muscles, the ruthless possession of that very private part of her body. Panting, she struggled against the ropes that bound her arms behind her back, the ropes that kept her bottom so high in the air. So vulnerable.

  The feeling of him simply taking her over ran through her, like a high-speed elevator going down.

  “Still all right?” he asked gently. His big hands massaged her buttocks. Owning her. “Give me a color.”

  Red. No, yellow. Despite the shivers that ran through her, she wasn’t panicking. Wasn’t hurting. “Green. I think, green.”

  His chuckle stroked over every nerve in her body. “There’s no hurry. Take some time to decide.” And he resumed playing with her pussy.

  Her asshole throbbed, zinging with awakened nerves as he teased her clit, driving her closer and closer to coming, until she was shaking with need. A whine escaped.

  “Still green?” His voice held laughter.

  Damn Dom. “Green.”

  “Good enough.” He slickened the head of his cock in her wetness and started to push inside.

  She whimpered as the anal plug and his thickness stretched her to an almost unbearable tightness. Too full. Her pulse pounded around the intrusions, and she squirmed helplessly.

  As he continued his inexorable possession, the ropes seemed to tighten around her. She could do nothing. She was completely under his control, his power. His.

  Then he was in, a solid, intimate, heady presence inside her. Leaning forward, he kissed her nape, cupping her breasts, sending dark hunger through her.

  Even as the walls of her vagina throbbed around him, he began, increasing in speed and power until she could feel the jolt of each driving thrust deep in her core. Taking her hard as he’d promised.<
br />
  “I like this position for you, poppet.” His fingers teased her nipples, tugging, pinching to a mind-spinning pain. “Everything is in reach—and you can’t interfere.”

  When he reached around to play with her clit, his thrusts never slowing, glorious pleasure rushed through her…sending her closer and closer. Anxiety flared, and she fought against coming. It was too much. She’d lose everything if she came. Restrained and coming, he’d have her completely in his power, in his control.

  “Piper.” His hand flattened on her pussy. His thrusts halted. The pause was long. Alarming. “Can’t you trust me, poppet?”

  She was panting, excited, scared, and…yes. Yes, she trusted him. For restraints. For orgasms. For both together. Her eyes closed, her muscles relaxed, and she…surrendered.

  “There we go.” He smoothed one hand over her back, even as his other slid through her wetness, rubbed over her clit, demanding a response. His cock filled her, jarring the sensitive asshole nerves with every thrust, tightening her clit, and the excitement grew inside her, the need filling her until her whole lower half quivered on the brink.

  He slowed, his touch lightening, drawing it out, and she could hear her whimpers.

  “Nice, very nice. Let’s come together, shall we?” He hammered into her, short and fast, even as his finger rubbed directly over her clit, slick and demanding and impossible to deny. The pressure grew, grew inside her until her whole body balanced on the precipice.

  And fell. Wave after wave of sensation roared through her, even as his grip on her hip tightened, as his cock thickened and jerked. He came, sending more spasms through her. More and more. The blanket, the ground, the world disappeared.

  Even as she lost herself, she knew she was safe, cradled within his ropes and his care.

  Two hours later, having cleaned up and rejoined the Dark Haven people around a different fire pit, Ethan stroked Piper’s silky hair. Her head was pillowed on his thigh, and she looked as contented as he felt. His mind was quiet—Shibari was an active form of meditation for him—and his body was replete with what had followed.


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