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Turning Point

Page 45

by Lara Zielinsky

Cassidy checked her purse for the tickets she would have to exchange. She conŹsidered the keepsakes she had left in her old bedroom — the pictures in the mirror, the yearbooks in the closet. St. Louis was only the last stop in her family’s many moves, but it was the home she remembered most. Now it all felt like her things belonged to someone else. She now understood that her parents had believed she was supposed to stay that same amenable girl. She wasn’t, and she would have to wait them out until they realized that as well.

  She shook herself, rubbing her cheek where it still hurt from her father’s hand. “Yes, I’ve got everything.” She got in on the passenger side of the front bench seat and secured her belt. “All right. Let’s go.”

  The doorbell sounded as Brenna, Thomas, and James were finishing their holiŹday cleanup and sampling a fruitcake sent by Rachelle Cheron. James went to the door.

  Looking through the peep hole, his face took on a puzzled expression, and he opened the door. “Ms. Hyland?”

  Brenna paused in folding together her wrapping paper collection. Cassidy? She pushed to her feet and dusted off her hands. “Cass? I thought you were in St. Louis.” She pushed the door open wide and watched as Cassidy nudged Ryan forward first. Cass looked tired, and her face seemed a little drawn. Her left cheek was bruised.

  “We were in St. Louis until this morning. I decided to come home early.”

  “Well, we’re just finishing cleaning up. Come on inside; I’ll make some coffee.”

  “I’d like that.”

  Brenna watched as Cassidy crouched and helped Ryan off with his coat. SensŹing something unsettled about her, Brenna gave in to the impulse to put her hand on Cassidy’s shoulder. Cassidy rose with Ryan’s coat in her hands and turned to meet Brenna’s gaze.

  “We need to talk,” Cassidy said quietly.

  Chapter 42

  Thomas and James stood as Cassidy and Ryan entered the living room, Brenna walking in behind them. “It’s good to see you,” Cassidy said to them.

  “Mom told me you were in St. Louis visiting your family,” Thomas said with concern.

  “I was. We had…a problem.” Cassidy looked to Brenna. “They don’t like what I’m doing,” she elaborated vaguely.

  Brenna wondered exactly what Cassidy meant, but clearly the woman didn’t want to speak in specifics without a private word first. “Thomas, would you take Ryan into the game room? I’ll make some cocoa with our coffees and bring them in a minute.”

  Thomas looked as if he were about to balk at the request, and Brenna noticed how he fidgeted toward Cassidy. “Just a few minutes,” she added.

  Finally he nodded. “All right. Ryan, c’mon. Let’s see how you do on my latest Playstation game.”

  James actually led the way, clearly eager to leave the whole group.

  Brenna nodded toward the kitchen once she and Cassidy were alone. “It’s not perfectly private, but obviously something’s on your mind.”

  Cassidy followed her to the kitchen and helped pull out the makings for coffee and cocoa. “I’m sorry. I didn’t really think about this; I just knew I needed to see you.”

  Shaking her head, Brenna flipped on the coffeemaker and then reached over to grasp Cassidy’s hand. “You should feel you can come to me about anything. So, what happened at home?”

  “My parents didn’t like the same sex kiss I did with Rachelle. I mean, really didn’t like it. I found that out Christinas Eve.”

  Brenna pulled down mugs with a light clatter to the counter. “Controversial stuff. We knew that.”

  “Unfortunately, that was not all. They’ve decided that somehow L.A. has corŹrupted me. They basically demanded I come back to St. Louis to live with them.”

  “That’s nonsense. You’re thirty-two and have a great job.”

  “They don’t care about that; they think they need to ‘fix’ me.”


  “They… We had already argued about what I was doing out here in L.A. I had a present for you. It accidentally got mixed in with the others under the tree. When my father intercepted it, well, he…” Cassidy’s explanation trailed off as she recoiled from the memory of her father’s contorted angry features. “He hit me.”

  Brenna closed her eyes and inhaled, caressing the bruise. “So that’s where you got this. Damn.”

  “This is not about you and me, I swear I didn’t tell them. Too much could go wrong. You and I together only can decide who learns what and when. But my father… I’ve lived meekly… I didn’t realize it. My few visits home were relatively quiet. I didn’t suspect they harbored these kinds of feelings. They apparently felt…or at least my father felt, that my acting is a game. My mother called it a phase I was supposed to grow out of.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Cassidy nodded. “Their narrow-mindedness and lack of understanding hurts. I actually thought for a while that you might like to come to St. Louis the next time I visited. There are a lot of things that I’d like to share with you from my growing up.” Cassidy shook her head. “But I won’t be going back to see Ihem for a while. At least until they understand that I won’t change to suit them.”

  “That bad?”

  “My father was…unrelenting. I decided to leave, but more to prevent being thrown out and making more of a scene in front of Ryan or the other children.” The teapot whistled, and Cassidy poured water into three mugs of cocoa mix, stirring each.

  “I remember saying something about our families when we started this.” Brenna sounded regretful.

  Cassidy shook her head. “It matters, yes, but we’re adults, Bren. It’s our life. My parents don’t get to tell me what to do with it.”

  “But your family is all you have.”

  Taking Brenna’s hands, Cassidy pulled her against her body and kissed her. “No, please. Ryan and I have you.” Trying to convey her conviction, Cassidy lifted Brenna’s chin and kissed her solidly.

  Thomas stood in the kitchen doorway staring at the two women as they parted. A shocked moment of silence was shattered by his “What’s going on?”

  Brenna exhaled and swallowed, then felt Cassidy’s arm around her back and the long fingers wrapping around hers. “I think it’s a good time for a family meeting.”

  Thomas turned sharply, striding quickly down the bedroom hallway. Before they could catch up to him, he pounded on his brother’s bedroom door. Brenna shushed him. “Stop!”

  James, half-undressed, appeared at his doorway. “Mom has something to disŹcuss,” Thomas said quickly.

  “Can’t it wait until morning?” James asked, leaning against the doorframe.

  “I’m not listening to this alone.”

  Thomas pushed open the door, and James’ exhaustion fled instantly, replaced by anger. “What the fuck’s up with you?”

  Brenna cleared her throat, reminding them she, and Cassidy, were right behind Thomas. “Family meeting. Now.”

  James grabbed a robe and arrived in the living room as Brenna was directing Thomas to sit on the couch. “Being angry won’t change what I have to say,” she started.

  “About what?” James sat in nearby chair, looking up expectantly. With her hand on Brenna’s arm, Cassidy was moving both Brenna and herself onto another seat, the divan, and foot stool. Cassidy sat up behind Brenna, who leaned forward on the stool.

  “This is nuts!” Thomas’ outburst was emphasized by him jumping to his feet.

  “Sit down!” Brenna ordered. “Sit down, please,” she added more softly.

  Thomas did as she asked. James continued to wait and watch, with growing curiosity.

  “Ryan?” Cassidy asked.

  “Busy with Mario Brothers,” Thomas answered curtly.

  Brenna looked over her shoulder, meeting Cassidy’s gaze, squared her shoulŹders, and turned back to face her sons. “Cassidy and I have grown very close over the last few months. We didn’t realize at first what was happening.” She reached for Cassidy’s hand. “I didn’t realize what was happening,” Brenna amended. “Bu
t I

  couldn’t…didn’t want to stop it.”

  Thomas ground out, “When?”

  “When what?” James asked.

  Cassidy answered, “It started getting really serious on the camping trip.”

  “When you were flirting with me?” Thomas snapped. He turned on his mother. “Why you?”

  “What’s wrong with me?” Brenna retorted sharply.

  “I was not flirting with you, Thomas.” Cassidy sighed. “I genuinely think you’re a great guy, but it’s not… I’m in love with your mother.”

  “You’re in love with Mom?” James blurted. “How the hell did that happen?”

  Brenna’s gaze darkened in dismay at his language, but he was uncowed. So was Thomas. “She… You…” He shook his head and stormed to his feet. “So all that stuff you told me, about being her friend?”

  “It’s all true, Thomas. I am Cassidy’s friend. When I opened myself to that much, I realized I felt more than just friendship.”

  “So you… This is why you’re getting the divorce?” James asked.

  “Kevin and I were a mistake I made.”

  “The fight you had, you said he left.”

  “I had to tell him the truth.”

  James nodded. Thomas countered, “And the gym climb, dinner — that was a…a…date?”

  Cassidy answered. “Dating is part of being together.”

  “Together? So…you…you have been…physical?” Thomas closed his eyes, rubŹbing them quickly. “Forget it, I don’t want to—” He cut himself off again. “I’m going out.” With quick jerky motions, he stalked to the front door, grabbed a coat, and slammed out of the house. Brenna was on her feet after him, watching in dismay as he took off on foot.


  “Bren, wait.”

  “But it’s…”

  Cassidy turned her back inside. As they reached the living room, James was just entering the hallway. “James?” Brenna asked.

  “You’ve said what you need to,” he said with a shrug. “I’m going to bed.” The door to his bedroom closed loudly in the sudden silence.

  Brenna sat down heavily on the couch where Thomas had been just a few moments earlier. “Well, I can see that wasn’t the best way to do this.” Cassidy sat next to her, wrapping her arms around Brenna as she turned into her chest.

  “You should get some sleep while I go after Thomas,” Brenna said after a few minutes struggling for calm.

  “Any idea where he would go?”

  Brenna thought. “It’s late. It’s Christmas. I don’t know.”

  “He knows that, too.”

  “He was still in love with you,” Brenna said ruefully.

  “I gathered.”

  “I’m sorry. First you have the scenes with your family, then here.”

  “I’ve been gifted with a lot in the last few months. I’m not giving it up easily.” Cassidy stood, pulling Brenna up with her. “Let’s go look for Thomas.”

  They helped each other into light coats, then got into Brenna’s car. “There’s a park down the street,” Brenna suggested.

  “All right.”

  They were just out of the cul-de-suc, reaching the first corner to turn when Brenna’s headlights picked out a figure walking on the south sidewalk toward them. The light caught his face and Brenna quickly stopped. She was out of the car on her side as Cassidy strode across the grass.

  “Thomas?” Cassidy called.

  “Yeah.” He sounded winded.

  “Your mother was worried.”

  He looked toward Brenna, then up at Cassidy. “I just needed some space.”

  “Are you all right?” Brenna asked.

  “With this?” He gestured between the two women. “No.”

  “I’d like to think you are smarter, and kinder, than that,” Cassidy said gently. “Can you at least give us a chance?”

  Thomas’ ears reddened. He looked away from Cassidy but nodded.

  “That’s all we’re asking.”

  “Will you come home?” Brenna asked.

  He nodded again and moved to the back door of the SUV. Reaching for the handle, his hand met Cassidy’s. They said nothing, but Thomas let her open the door for him and close it after he was inside.

  Cassidy put herself in the front passenger seat as Brenna went back to the driver seat. They were silent for the short turn around to the house. Thomas said nothing to them as he entered. He disappeared into the bedroom hallway before they could ask him for his coat.

  Cassidy hung both her and Brenna’s coats. “I should probably take Ryan and go home.”

  They walked into the empty living room. Brenna nudged Cassidy into the couch cushions. Then she also sat down, pushing herself further back, coaxing Cassidy to turn her back into her chest. As they nestled together, Brenna stroked her fingers through Cassidy’s hair, untangling it with her fingers but also relishing the feeling of its softness against her skin.

  They settled into an embrace, arms around one another, each breathing in the other’s scent and sinking slowly into the sense of warmth and peace being together generated for them. Out of the corner of her eye, Brenna caught the twinkling of the Christmas tree lights and remembered her present for Cassidy. “I have something for you.” She brushed her lips over Cassidy’s and sat up.

  “No, it’s—”

  Brenna’s fingertips silenced her. “Shh. Humor me?” She retrieved the small cube-shaped package and watched anxiously as Cassidy studied it. “Do you rememŹber one of the first real conversations we had? In my trailer?”

  Cassidy’s brow furrowed. Now curious, she tore the wrapping and withdrew the unmarked cardboard box. The top lifted easily after a fingernail was judiciously applied to the bit of tape sealing it.

  Brenna smiled, love shining from her eyes as Cassidy tipped the box to the light and looked inside. Slender fingers withdrew two ceramic figurines, and Cassidy smiled. “Rocky and Bullwinkle?” Her voice filled with amazement and amusement.

  “Friends through thick and thin,” Brenna explained, kneeling on the couch cushion. “A promise.” She bent toward the uplifted face and kissed the full mouth with infinite love pouring through their connection. “I do love you,” she murmured as their lips barely separated for a breath.

  Cassidy put the figurines aside and grasped Brenna’s shoulders, and then, unromantically, she yawned. “I’m sorry,” she said, dropping her face away.

  “You don’t have to collect Ryan now.” Brenna shook her head. “Please stay?”

  “Thomas isn’t going to handle that very well.”

  “I missed you.” Brenna reached for Cassidy’s hand. “When I saw you on the doorstep, it was… I thought about you so often today.”

  “Me, too.” They wrapped their arms around one another. In the relative privacy, they reveled in the contact and kissed lightly.

  “Then please, stay. We’ll have breakfast tomorrow. I’m taking Thomas and James to the mall with their gift certificates. Maybe we can…I…it might feel ‘normal’ for them.”

  As Cassidy considered the offer, her brows knitted then relaxed slowly. “All right.” Brenna smiled and quietly led Cassidy to the bedroom. As she was being guided inside, Cassidy stopped. “I should go sleep with Ryan.”

  “We can put him to bed.” Brenna led Cassidy to the game room, and showed her how the sofa folded out to a single bed. She watched Cassidy change her son’s clothes to pajamas, and waited at the door as mother and son said good night. When Cassidy got to her feet and came to the door, she grasped her hand. Cassidy looked to protest.

  Brenna kissed her. “We’ll be up long before anyone else,” she whispered persuaŹsively. Cassidy let herself be led into Brenna’s bedroom.

  Passion was there, riding a hot crest in Brenna’s stomach as Cassidy undressed. However, she only reached for Cassidy to position them both in the middle of the bed, arranging the covers around them. She brushed her lips across Cassidy’s nose and closed her eyes. “Go to sleep.”

  Gradually their bodies curved and settled into one another. Their breathing quieted, evened out, and finally slowed into sleep.

  Chapter 43

  Edging away from the dark anxiety of her dreams, Cassidy moved closer to Brenna as early morning sent rays of light through the gaps in the curtains. With a deep breath, she inhaled the soft sweet scent of the woman next to her. Her uneasiŹness faded away, safely closed off to be dealt with another time, and she opened her eyes. A smile curved her lips when another gaze met hers.

  She blinked sleepily into blue eyes that were almost indigo in the indistinct light. Lips met hers again, filled with love and comfort. Brenna’s fingers splayed over her back, the tips circling along her spine and raising tingles. All in all, a pleasant way to wake up. It was then she realized that her borrowed tee shirt had been eased up and Brenna’s hands were moving over her skin, not through the shirt.

  “Good morning.”

  Brenna’s words were breathed against her ear. Pleasure coursed over Cassidy in sauna-like waves of wet heat. “Good morning,” she offered back, concluding on a groan as Brenna’s knee grazed against her center with just the right pressure. Brenna rose and loomed over her for a moment, just studying her, and Cassidy rolled onto her back to meet her gaze. She found desire and a soul-deep connection looking back. Fingertips trailed through the long locks of hair at her temple, eyes following with a reverent intensity. The contact filled Cassidy with the contentment of being cherished.

  Even when the light touch skimmed over her bruised jaw, there was no pain, only healing. Listening to Brenna’s murmurs of disbelief and comfort regarding her parents’ treatment, Cassidy felt the rawness of her spirit being mended as if it were being rewoven in a loom. Torn apart by her parents’ revulsion and rejection, Cassidy felt Brenna’s love and support making her whole again.

  Satiny lips soothed over hers, and an invitation was issued by the gentle nipŹping on her lips. Cassidy met Brenna’s eyes and found the dedication, protectiveness, and all those qualities she so loved in their out-of-bed moments that moved her so much. The realization that she was a whole person to this woman who had so comŹpletely captured her heart ignited Cassidy. She answered the invitation as it was given — with a kiss. She poured her feelings into the connection and was gathered up and held safe in her arms.


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