Heart of The Reaper: A Dark Monster Romance

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Heart of The Reaper: A Dark Monster Romance Page 16

by YD La Mar

  I hear a gurgle sound and I almost trip on some papers that have flown onto the ground by my feet. What the hell?

  I watch in horror as the sprites start to torture the poor gardener. It’s not even my usual sprites either, I’ve never seen these guys.

  I’m trying to figure out their names to make them stop when Bear appears in a flash and brings down his scythe in a large arc. The energy that fills the room is almost explosive as he growls and slices the gardener into pieces, spraying blood all over the place, while the sprites start chewing on whatever they can get their hands on.

  My mouth is hanging open and I’m stunned speechless. How the hell am I going to clean up this mess?

  “I was going to get rid of him! All he needed was a damn check, Bear!”

  The sprites screech and disappear as the room starts to feel even smaller and hotter with Bear’s rage. He turns his attention on me and my heart starts to pitter patter inside my chest.

  “You dare allow this male in your presence?”

  “I dare to do whatever the fuck I want. All this bastard needed was for me to sign a damn check and he would have been on his merry way!”

  His eyes flash with something, and I feel my pussy get wet. He acts like he hates it, but he loves it when I give it to him just as good as he gives it to me. He loves punishing me for my supposed insubordination, and I love his punishments. Just thinking about it makes me want to squirm where I’m standing.

  I can feel his gaze between my legs, just like I can feel his energy crackling in the room. He comes after me and I run around the desk to the other side, out of his grasp. Of course, that shit only works in the movies because Bear just flashes right where I was running to and slams me onto the desk, face down.

  His scythe is gone, leaving both of his hands free to do as he pleases with me. When one of his hands scratches down my back, leaving trails of burning pain, my back arches, my ass rubbing right against his crotch. His other hand grips the table, his skeletal fingers leaving scratches and dents on the smooth and pristine surface.

  One of his hands holds my neck from the back and squeezes right before he rips my skirt off me and shoves his cock inside my soaking wet pussy, knocking my thighs painfully into the desk. My pussy feels so full, so stretched, the pain and pleasure mingling as he continues to invade my center with punishing thrusts. My cries of pleasure echoes into the house as he continues to ravish me and punish me for his own pleasure.

  The sounds of chitter laughter can be heard weaving in the air.

  Since I already had my house visitation today, now I’m just hanging out back in the realm of the dead, bored as heck.

  Walking around the hallways again, I bypass the ones with the loudest screams and cries and continue wherever my feet lead me. I stop when I come to a room with a large long dining room table. Wow, look at this. I didn’t even know we had a dining room! Bear doesn’t even eat. I mean, he devours sometimes, but not because he’s hungry. I wonder which demons need to eat?

  Walking around, touching the backs of all the chairs, I count a total of ten. This is one big table. Deciding on the bigger end chairs, I sit down and just stare at the surroundings. This chair needs a butt cushion.

  A demon flashes next to me and I have to take a double-take because this shit is just hilarious. He’s stocky and porky looking. He’s wearing a damn chef’s hat, but the top of it is singed while the rest of it is covered in soot. He looks like he’s sweating, even though this particular room is much cooler than the rest.

  He has a fucking pig’s snout but the face of a fucking wart-filled toad of sorts. Three fingers on each hand tipped in claws, of course. I swear, his gut is hanging so far over. I don’t know how he can even see his feet when he walks.

  “Good eve, Mistress.” Mistress, huh? I guess so, since everyone calls Bear Master and all.

  “Hi, there. Who are you?”

  “Ah….I am Adar.” Sneaky little thing. He’s not telling me something.

  “Adar...what are you a demon of, may I ask?”

  “Ah…” He pulls at his fucking non-existent collar. He looks like he’s sweating bullets now. Why does he look so guilty?

  “Ah...I am a demon of gluttony, Mistress.” I laugh out loud because, of course, he is. Look at the fool.

  “Alright. Did you need something?”

  “Oh! Well, there was an accident of sorts, and I happened to come across some meat I was able to cook up. I thought perhaps you would like to join me in this fine meal.” Oh, how nice of him. He’s sharing. I guess I could eat something.

  “Sure, bring it on.” A flash and a poof, and right before my very eyes is a large spread of food on the table. In the middle looks like some sort of charred meat that smells faintly of fried chicken and bacon. Strange. The other plates look like random things from fruit to gravy. Well, when in Rome and all that.

  We start eating and chatting about nonsense when other demons start to arrive and join us in our meal. Two of the demons just happen to be my part-time babysitters, Amoora and Araaz. Quasi pops in later and I give him some of my scraps under the table, having eaten my fill.

  The next flash that happens makes everyone screech and jump. Bear is staring at everyone and everything. When his eyes land on me, the flames behind it start to change into a color I haven't seen before, a blue and yellow-green. What does that mean?

  Quick as a whip, his hand shoots out and grabs Adar’s neck, picking him up off his feet. That shouldn’t be so sexy.

  “Tell me, demon. Who is it you feast on?” Wait. Hold the fuck up. What does he mean ‘who’?

  My face must look aghast at the news because I can feel Bear getting angrier on behalf of me towards the demon he’s choking.

  “M-M-master.” This fucker isn't going to be able to tell us anything like this.

  “Drop him, Bear. How is he supposed to talk? I want answers, too. Fuck.” Who the hell did I just eat?!

  Bear does as I say and the poor pot-bellied guy lands and sort of rolls a bit before he’s able to get up onto his knees before my man.

  “There was - there was an accident, Master. The beast beside the mistress, h-h-he ran into Prosi and she toppled into the hellfire. By the time I came around to seek out the smell, she had already been charred to a crisp. I figured, why let it go to waste and the mistress was already sitting here waiting. I wanted to make a good impression, so I asked her to share this meal with me.”

  What. The. Actual. Fuck? I just ate a damn demon?!

  I scream as I jump out of my chair, about to kick this fucker’s ass for not telling me I was eating a damn demon! But Bear is quicker and grabs me by the midsection right before I get to him, while I kick and scream and yell profanities at the porker below me. I’m going to kill him and feed him to my damn demon dog!

  “Calm yourself, female. It is not as bad as it seems. Judging by the number of demons that shared this meal, you did not consume much.”

  “Who the fuck is Prosi?!”

  “Ah. Prosi was the demon of vanity. It is not so bad, my Reese.” Not so bad? NOT SO BAD? I’m crying into my hands at this point because this is fucking nuts. Bear turns me around in his arms and cradles the back of my head towards his chest, soothing me.

  “Amoora. Take Adar to the next room. His torture will be under the supervision of Rosser.”

  “No, master! I beg of you! NOOOOOO….” They must have flashed out because even his echoes disappear.


  I snuck out of the realm today. Bear was out reaping, but I didn’t want to find myself in another predicament I would regret from my wanderings of the hallways. Ugh. I mean, I don’t feel any different since eating that meat. I’ll just have to wait and see.

  I was able to make Amoora and Araaz flash me to a nice little downtown shopping center near my old place of work when I was an assistant. The building that was destroyed hasn't been rebuilt yet. I have a sneaky suspicion I know what happened, but I choose to ignore it for now. Shit happens all the ti
me anyway, right?

  Walking down the street, window shopping, I wonder how much stuff I can flash back. Or does it only work with bodies and not material things? Ooo, that’s a pretty dress. Lookie, lookie. I’ve never been into dresses before but this one, I just can’t take my eyes off of. Look at the matching shoes!

  I’m bent over a bit, trying to stare into the window for a better look at the shoes when some fucker runs by and grabs my purse right off my shoulders, dragging me a good few feet on the ground in the process.

  I’m scrambling to get up to chase him when I see a jacked-up-looking back end with a half tail. Quasi takes down the fucker as he turns into an alleyway and I run to catch up. All I hear are screams and raptor screeches. When I make it to the entrance of the alley, Bear flashes before me with his scythe raised and ready. He doesn’t swing though, instead he brings it down slowly as we both watch Quasi stand on his hind legs like a damn human, devouring the flesh of my attacker. The wet sound of flesh being torn apart, the gurgles of the man choking on his own blood are quieted by the constant chewing Quasi does so efficiently. Well then. It’s a good thing my pup was sneaking and following me around. I knew Quasi was capable of taking care of himself, and now he’s taking care of me. My heart starts to swell.

  When the body of the man basically disappears, leaving only the blood splatters behind in the dark and dank alleyway, Bear and I both turn to look at each other, then turn back to look at Quasi as he comes back down to all fours and licks his front paws.


  I need to do this. Yes, yes. Mistress and Master would like this. We should, we should.

  But I need help with this task. Who do I ask?

  What cavern am I in?

  The sounds of screams echo louder the further down I skip. Ahh, I think this is Baphba’s torture chamber. Yes, yes. He knows about the younger humans. He should know.

  The flames of the underworld lick up at my entrance, signaling to Baphba of my presence.

  I watch as he whips one of his sprites and souls. I am glad the Master has not tasked me here. Baphba can be brutal when he’s on a roll. I like following the Mistress much better. Sometimes she sneaks me the red snack that looks like innards but tastes so sweet and chewy. A good Mistress she is. Yes, yes.

  One of the sprites takes on the shape of a small human child, whilst sucking the cock of a human male. What games do they play today, hmm?

  My vision is not as good as others, but the pores on my skin let me take in my surroundings in blurs and colors.

  The male soul is lost in his haze of lust. Why does that sprite look so familiar, eh? He simulates a small black hair child that could pass as my mistress if she was younger.

  “Ahhhhhhh!” The sounds of his screams are music to our ears as the sprite changes back into his original form and takes a bite out of the human’s phallus. I laugh with glee so hard that I fall back. Baphba sees me and whips the human with his fire whip. It crackles when it hits the skin, the sound of sizzling continuing long after the whip has been removed.

  “Why do you bother my chambers, sprite? Don’t you have anything better to do? Can’t you see I’m working?” Baphba is a grumpy bastard, but the Master says he performs his duties well.

  “May I have a word with you? I have things to discuss, concerning the Master.” The lesser demon is now bending the human before him with his face towards his spiked phallus. Oh my. It is said he can ejaculate the flames of hell out of it when he pleases. Another lesser demon I did not see earlier comes by and shoves himself into the back of the human soul.

  They look busy, but I must complete this task. I must.

  Baphba is thrusting but turns to me. “Well, get on with it, then? What need does the Master have of me?” The human male’s mouth is starting to shred, making Baphba’s phallus glisten with blood. How fascinating. He must have a better slide now. Mmm-hmm.

  “Sprite!! Stop your gazing of my phallus and answer me! I have things to do!”

  His booming voice takes me by surprise, and I let out a yelp as I fall over my feet. How embarrassing. I need to not do this so much.

  “Y-y-yes. I need advice on the mating rituals of younger humans, yes. Our Mistress would enjoy what these humans call a “date” with the Master. We do not like seeing her upset, you see. We need to make her love Master more. Yes, good plan it is, right?”

  The lesser demon’s groan sounds kind of like he’s on the verge of death himself as the flames of hell release from his phallus into the human’s mangled face. The sizzle is much louder now as I watch blisters and blood start to form on what’s left of his face. The demon behind the human male groans whilst staring at the human’s face and as he pulls out, he shoots his spend all over the male’s back. I laugh with glee as his spend transforms into tiny creatures that begin to devour the human’s flesh.

  Through gargled moans, I hear Baphba’s voice.

  “Sprite! Get yourself together. I have no advice for your matters. I only deal with the souls that lust after the flesh of human children. There are no dates to be had in their minds as I torture their souls. You are better off asking Asteer, for she is a hedonistic demon, used to the ways of man.”

  Oh, that Baphba is a smart one, yes. I should have thought of that.

  “I give you my thanks, Baphba! I see why Master holds you in high esteem. Until we meet again, enjoy your duties!”

  He doesn’t wave back at me, but I hear his voice speak as I exit his chambers. “Ah, James, you please me so. I find that you are my favorite of the souls I have here. Shall we go again?”

  “I bore of his ass, you always get the best part of him!”

  “How about we change things up then, Mot’an?”

  “I have been lusting after the human named Olivia. Her soul calls to me. How about we pair these two up and have some real fun, Baphba?”

  The sounds of the echoes of a female scream bounce off the cavern walls as I skip down the hallway to find Asteer.


  “What in the blazing hells took you so long, Araaz! I’ve been waiting! The other sprites have already set up the table and black candles! Master and Mistress could be here any minute!”

  My partner in crime, Araaz, is maniacally laughing, and it fills my chest with glee. Laughter is such a curse, it is so infectious and uncontrollable when it is around. I cannot help but find myself laughing along with the stupid sprite.

  “Asteer has given me much information. We must set up some sort of candle-lit dinner, you see. Though I do not know how a candle would taste so good inside your dinner, the flames must do something to the taste. What do I know of human ways? Asteer is a smart one, she is. We shall follow her orders.”

  Asteer is a smart one. Master has not been upset with her like the last guy. I forget his name already.

  “Okay then, who is providing the meal?”

  “Adar has been released. He was kind enough to provide us with one of his delicacies.” Ah, this is good. We are almost ready then!

  I signal to the other sprites to get things going. These dimwits are easy to control, as I am one of the smarter ones, you see. They are all followers if there is a leader present. I brush off the nonexistent lint off my shoulder as humans say. It is good to lead. One of these days, the Master will see my skill and promote me. This is my hope.

  The table is set out in the field by the river. The flowers are a little crunchy, but they should do. There are a few gathered on the table and a few that are scattered around the table for effect. Araaz tells me that Asteer said having petals lead to the table is a form of “human romance”. So we shall do this as well. Yes, this is all coming together.

  “What are you guys up to?” All the sprites screech in surprise and disappear before I can make my own escape. My chest is tight in fear. I do hope we finished our duties before the sprites left us.

  “Mistress!! We welcome you to your candle-lit …”

  “Blasted hellfires! Who dares summon me? I was in the middle of the co
ld regions of the human realm, reaping souls! I have things to do!”

  Ah, perfect. Perfect. They are both here. I laugh with glee and the Master shoots me a glare that makes me swallow my laugh back down my throat. A scary one he can be, our Master. Digging up what little pride and courage I have, I clear my throat before our surprise announcement of brilliance.

  “Master! We have set up a date for you and our beloved Mistress! Do enjoy yourselves! We will be standing by, at your service if you need anything of us, yes.”

  “What kind of abomination is this? What is this date you speak of?”

  “A date!!” Our mistress clasps her hands with enthusiasm, and pride swells in my chest at the sight. We did good, yes.


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