Heart of The Reaper: A Dark Monster Romance

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Heart of The Reaper: A Dark Monster Romance Page 17

by YD La Mar

  Our Mistress grabs Master by the hands and hauls him toward the table.

  “Why is it crunching under our feet?”

  “Ah, Mistress! It is a path of petals to add to your custom of human romance, yes.” I nod my head with a smile. We did good, she noticed!

  “O-kay then. Come on, Bear, sit your grumpy ass down with me, and let’s have this date. After all the dates you have ruined, you owe me!”

  “Blasted human customs. Hellfires and damnation. I should be reaping souls by..” Our Mistress continues her human custom of pressing her lips to our Master. A good sign!

  Araaz and I stand by with some sheets over our arm. I do not understand the purpose of this, but Asteer’s advice should not be ignored. Our Mistress and Master sit down and Mistress is already poking her fork into the meat. My smile falls when I hear the Master’s roar.

  “Cease! Reese, stop your movement.” Our Master turns to us and the flames in his eyes grow in agitation. We know this look well. I am trying to stand still, but my knees are shaking. Oh, the embarrassment!

  “Amoora, who are we feasting on? Answer quickly before it is you who will be on this table!” Our Mistress throws her fork on the table like her hand is on fire.

  A shriek leaves my mouth and I trip over my tail. Gathering my sheet back over my arm, I try my best to answer the Master.

  “A-A-Adar provided the lovely meal for your date M-M-Master.”

  “Why is there candle wax leaking out of it?” Is this not part of the human dating custom? Why does Mistress ask this? How should I know?

  “What the blasted hellfire is Adar doing providing meals? Have you imbeciles not learned from the last time!?” Our Master rises quickly and throws the table with his ascent.

  My fear overcomes me, and I flash out before he can devour me.


  Bear is so overdramatic. I tell him he’s extra, and it just makes him grumpier. It’s quite cute. Once he’s done throwing the table in his tantrum, I notice there is a demon bent over under it. What in the world? Only in this place does crazy shit like this happen.

  He turns and sees me screeching before he shakes and disappears in a flash, like the other two idiots. Was that guy holding the table up? Good thing I wasn’t trying to play footsies with Bear. Imagine if my foot got caught in that guy’s mouth instead? I shiver with disgust. Knowing this place, he might be one of the kinky ones who likes that kind of stuff.

  “What is this? Why do you shake so? Amoora! Araaz! When I find you…”

  Oh dear. I bend down to pick up the small bouquet of dead flowers and bring it to my nose. I’m reminded of the days when Bear would leave me in my misery in that stupid dream of flower fields. Who knew that in my anger, I didn’t notice it was just our damn front yard under glamour. It warms my heart to think that though he was trying to avoid me, he didn’t keep me far.


  Bear stops his tirade and turns around towards me, and the flames in his eyes start to die down to their normal levels.

  Walking up to him, I place one of my hands on his chest and start to make little circles. How long have I held Bear in my heart? How does he make me love him more and more despite the things he’s done in his own ignorance of his feelings?

  “What were you doing when I would be brought here under the impression of another dream? Did you watch me from afar? Did you feel for me the way I’ve felt for you all these years?”

  Bear’s eyes flare up for a second right before he leans down to grab me by the ass and lift me up to his height. My legs wrap around him for more security, and I toss the bouquet aside before wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

  “The fire in your soul has always called to me, though I did not understand it at the time. Despite trying my damnest to stay away from you, I find myself pulled to you. You’ve bewitched me and ensnared my existence with yours. Though I have warred with myself, I find that you are worth all the suffering you’ve put me through. You are mine, little Reese, and you do well to not forget it. It is my job to make your little she-demon life a living hell as you have made mine.” How romantic. I smile at him lovingly.

  I feel myself getting wet with his stupid declarations of love, and I wriggle against him to try and get some friction between my legs. Bear has made me greedy.

  “Blasted hellfires, female! Quit your wriggling! This blasted phallus has a mind of its own and it is starting to seek what it wishes to plunder.”

  “You say the sweetest things, Bear.” I kiss him on the mouth and a guttural groan comes out of him from deep inside his chest.

  “Blasted hells! I am supposed to be reaping.” Bear lays us on the ground on top of the crunchy flower petals as he says this, telling me he’s not that much in a hurry as he wants me to believe.

  Lifting both of my legs up, Bear places them over one of his shoulders as he rubs his cock against my wetness. The tease.

  I’m lost in the lust before I realize the sound of a raptor screech is heading for us. Quasi jumps onto Bear’s back, making him growl and inadvertently shoving his cock right into my pussy. Oof. Holy hell, he went deep. I laugh as Bear grumbles about our ‘demon pup’.

  Quasi is nowhere to be seen as Bear starts to fuck me like he hates me, grumbling about the stupidity of all the creatures in his realm. His skeletal hands grip me so hard with his thrusts. I think it’s giving me abrasions, but the pain only enhances what he’s doing to my pussy. I know for a fact that Bear always tenderly caresses every bruise he gives me like it’s a mark of declaration, a mark of his love.

  Bear then grabs one of my asscheeks and spreads it apart, eyes blazing as he stares at our connection. Why does that make me so hot?

  When his cock starts growing with extra somethings and tickling my clit, he releases one of my legs as he pushes one of his fingers inside of my pussy. Holy shit. His finger is sweeping on the top of his cock as he continues to pound into me and it’s sending me into a place I never knew existed. Fuck.

  I’m chasing a climax and the moment Bear’s finger performs a sweeping upward motion, my mind fragments into a million pieces as I tumble into an explosive orgasm.

  The dead grass and flower petals start to blaze up into flames as Bear removes his finger and pushes both of my legs against my shoulder. His hips start to piston with urgency right before he growls into my shoulder and cums into me, filling me up.

  “Blasted female, what do you do to me?” My legs slowly come back down as well as my heart rate, while we lie here on the ground.

  I caress the back of his head as his cock continues to pulsate and shoot cum into me.

  “I’ve loved you from the moment I knew I could love another. It’s always been you. Perhaps what I do to you, is exactly what you do to me, Bear. I love you.”

  “I do not care for these human emotions. What is love when I would lay my existence down at your feet to feel you like this, your soul forever entwined with my own?”

  My heart feels like it’s about to burst out of my chest, and tears of joy start to prick at my eyes. How long have I waited and yearned for this from this male above me? It feels like a dream.

  “This was the most romantic date I’ve ever been on. Thank you, Bear.” He removes his head from the crook of my neck and stares at my face.

  “What in the blasted hellfires is this? Why do your eyes leek? I do not approve of this! You will cease this instant! How do human males ever copulate with you creatures when there is no reasoning to the female ways? This makes no sense!”

  I laugh as more tears leak out before giving him another kiss.

  This fucker. I love him.


  Bear flashed out for a short period to continue his work after our impromptu date. We’re now back home in our chambers within the realm of the dead, hanging out on the bed. Bear’s head is on my lap as I lazily stroke his smooth skull of a head, thinking about my life and where it’s taken me.

  Quasi takes that very moment to jump on the bed in his unc
oordinated way, taking a few tries, and proceeds to push Bear’s head off my lap. I can't stop the laugh that bursts out of me when Bear roars and Quasi raptor screeches back. I see Bear’s hands about to grab my pup, and I give it a quick kick to change its trajectory.

  “Don’t you dare, Bear! He’s my pup!” Quasi bumps his head to my chin and I pet him and give him kissy faces. “Isn’t that right? You were so good the other day, baby, yes you were. Protecting Mama like that.” Quasi loves my kissy faces.

  “What in the blasted hellfires!? How dare this vile creature be called baby when you have not bestowed an endearment like that to me!”

  Oh, hell. Is mister grim reaper jealous of my dog right now? Good grief almighty.

  Patting Quasi’s behind to let him know he needs to go. I hear him trotting off haphazardly as I pull my pouting reaper back to my lap for some petting of his own.

  “I can call you baby if you want. All you had to do is ask nicely, you know. Tantrums aren’t going to get you anything.”

  Bear turns in my lap and grumbles into my thighs as I laugh and pull him up for a kiss.

  Something’s different about me. I can’t put my finger on it. I’m not as hungry as I used to be, and I swear I can feel the tug of Bear’s essence sometimes. Is it when he thinks of me? Because I know I feel something when I think of him...which is frequently.

  Deciding to take a walk out into the grassy field with Quasi, we play some short games of fetch. Luckily today, he only brought back the stick I chose this time around. Some of these trees around us are barren and quite creepy looking. This particular one I’m standing next to has a hollow in it...and is that fucking cum leaking out? Fucking hell.

  I hear the sound of grunting nearby and when I turn to look, all I see is Asmore’s tail swishing back and forth as he humps whatever he’s humping. The air smells musky, like sex and something else. All I can see is a hint of a backend that resembles a damn deer or sorts, but is that a human arm on the ground? His pace starts to quicken and a gold pattern lights up down his back right before I hear him groan in release. I blink a few times and look over at Quasi, then look over at Asmore, then back at Quasi. I don’t even fucking want to know.

  Turning around to go back to my home, I catch a bunch of little sprites tumbling over each other, trying to scramble away. Were they following me? Gosh, this place is bizarre. When I make it back to our bedchambers, my feet become glued to where they stand. I tell Quasi to go find something to do outside. Right there on the bed is a stack of frilly, girly dresses, very much like the one I was looking at in the window that day.

  My eyes start to tear up, and I feel a tug inside my chest. Bear flashes before me with a scythe, looking ready to murder someone, when his gaze lands on mine and he roars.

  “What has happened then? Who do I need to devour and torture? Why do your eyes leak like this?”

  I sniff a little and wipe my eyes with the back of my hand.

  “Bear… did you buy me dresses?”

  His scythe disappears and he stands up straight with his hands on his hips.

  “Blasted hellfires, female! The ache in my chest made me think something has happened to you. Of course, I got you dresses. I sent my sprites to go to that damn window you were peering into that put you in harm’s way. What they make is of no concern to me. I only tasked them to get you enough.”

  I jump into his arms and bury my face into the crook of his neck. This bloody fool and his fucking romantic ways. I can’t stand it sometimes. How did I get so lucky?

  “Why do your eyes still leak like this? What is happening? Why are human females so complicated? What must I do? Do you require my phallus? I can assure you, I will fix this.”

  Oh dear Lord. What the hell, why not?

  Kissing the side of his face, I make a trail all the way to his mouth.

  “Yes, I require your phallus, oh mighty one. I require it hard and fast.” Bear does not disappoint.


  Where is my blasted female? Why must I continuously have to chase her down? Is it not a human custom for the females to await the male’s return, preferably in the bed chambers naked and awaiting a ravishing? Have I been misinformed? I need to consult another lesser demon on this.

  Concentrating on my essence, I feel the tug of her soul. Since our souls combined, it seems our fates have become aligned. My past knowledge tells me that in the rare occurrence a being such as myself binds himself to a human, said human will remain in existence until the end comes for the being. Reese will be with me for all eternity, but I have not told her so yet. I will not allow her to change her mind about me because she is mine. She should know this by now.

  Following the pull, I flash to a city I know Reese has never been to. Why is she here? What is her purpose?

  Turning around, I find the strangest and most alluring sight before me.

  Reese is in a feminine cloak with a much smaller scythe than my own. Is she...reaping? By the bloody hells. I watch as she brings back her scythe for a swing, but the weight of it topples her backward. She falls onto her rear end and that’s when her vile demon hound grabs the scythe with his jaws and starts running down the street haphazardly, like he only has half a brain. He probably does only have half a brain from what I’ve witnessed so far, but my female refuses to allow me to destroy him.

  As he runs down the street, he stumbles onto random bystanders inadvertently reaping their souls with Reese running after him yelling for him to stop.

  I let out an exasperated sigh as I rub my hand down my face.

  To have and to hold for all eternity.


  I’ve been feeling more tired lately. Am I doing too much? Maybe it’s all this flashing back and forth. Today I made Bear flash me to the house. His bed chambers are nice and all, but the constant screaming sometimes makes it hard to catch a good nap.

  Bear was not agreeable, but I was able to convince his grumpy ass. He stayed with me for an hour or so before he had to go out reaping again. Good. Don’t get me wrong, I love all the nasty things he does to me, but sometimes a girl just needs a nap. Not just a nap, a good one.

  The sprites made sure to change out all the bedsheets and clean out any of the dressers during my time spent in the other realm. The little brats can come in handy sometimes. Seems they chose to replicate the sheets from the other realm, making it look like I never even left. Whatever. I bet Bear had something to do with it. His chest gets all puffy when I tell him I miss him. It’s the cutest thing.

  Laying my head down on the super soft pillow, my mind wanders to what the pillow is made of. Hopefully, no demons were sacrificed in the making of it. Ugh. That reminds me of that demon I help to devour. I mean… it did taste like fried chicken and bacon...speaking of, I’m kind of craving something…

  I wake up when I feel someone’s hand holding me tight. It’s cold behind my back so I don’t even bother to open my eyes. When the presence behind my back starts to rub his cock all over me, I give him a good kick.

  “Blasted female!”

  I open my eyes and laugh. He doesn’t think it’s funny but too bad. Sometimes Bear needs someone to keep him on his toes. Not everyone is just here to do his damn bidding.

  Rolling over, I snuggle into his side and rub my nose on his shoulder. Once he calms down, I start to trace my finger all over his ribs.

  “Bear, I’m hungry for some grapefruit. Can we go get some?”

  “Why do you need to eat grapefruit? You shouldn’t even be hungry.”

  I lift my head off the bed with that statement. “What the hell do you mean? Why wouldn’t I be hungry?”

  “Cease your questioning female, I’ll get you a blasted grapefruit.” My eyes narrow on him. He’s hiding something from me. Does it have anything to do with me feeling different? Hmmm…

  Getting on top of him, I start to remove my clothes. Bear always shuts right up, which makes him more susceptible to the things I want to do to him.

  Slowly rocking my h
ips against his shaft, I look into his eyes and see them glowing brighter. I tease his tip, letting it bump against my clit and letting it slide in just slightly. His growl makes me giggle, and I slide him in halfway.

  I continue just like this, and when I see Bear lost in the moment, I ask the question that’s been burning in my mind.


  His eyes start to flame up.

  “Why do I feel different ever since that one day...the day that felt like our souls entwined?”

  I let out a screech when Bear flips our positions and starts pounding into me with heightened emotion. His face is close to mine as he bends me in fucking half like a damn pretzel, making him feel even deeper in me.


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