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Stealing Her Heart: A Kindred Tales Novel (Brides of the Kindred)

Page 15

by Evangeline Anderson

  “I know—they’re teaching them how to please women,” Vicky murmured. “The thing is…” She cast a glance over her shoulder to where the other two women were being blotted dry with towels by their students and talking in low voices to each other. “The thing is, I had to pretend that I was teaching you the same thing,” she told him. “And now they want a demonstration!”

  Chain felt his shaft stir between his legs.

  “A demonstration of how well I can please you, you mean?” he murmured, smiling at her. “That shouldn’t be a problem, sweetheart. Not at all.”

  “You don’t understand,” Vicky hissed. “That oil stuff I was soaking in relaxes all your inhibitions but it also makes it impossible for me to fake pleasure or an orgasm. So unless you’re really good, we’re not going to pass this test.” Her face pinched with worry and regret. “I’m sorry, Chain—I know this is really unfair to lay on you. And really unfair to ask you to do in the first place, too. I mean you probably don’t want to do all this with someone my age. With—”

  “Oh, I want to,” Chain assured her before she could get started denigrating herself because she was older than him—which made absolutely no sense, he thought. “I want to very much, Victoria,” he murmured. “I have wanted to pleasure you—to put my hands and mouth all over your beautiful body—from the moment I first met you.”

  “You…you have?” Her cheeks colored in a blush.

  “Look at me…” Chain raised her chin with one finger so that she was looking up into his face. “Sweetheart,” he murmured, “There were at least a dozen unattached females in the Last Chance Bar when I walked in—I chose you because you were the most beautiful and interesting-looking. Your face wasn’t just blandly pretty—you had character. And the minute we started talking, I knew I had chosen well. I wanted you—and I still want you.”

  “But, well…” She bit her lip. “Do you think you’ll still be able to—you know—do what has to be done? Considering that the oil stuff I was soaking in won’t let me, er, fake it? I, er…” She cleared her throat. “I had to fake it nearly every time with my ex. He just never, uh, really cared about getting me off.”

  “I’ve said before he was a fool,” Chain said, frowning. “Pleasuring your partner is the best part of sex—any male who can’t see that doesn’t deserve to have a lovely partner like you in the first place, Victoria.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled at him, but there was still anxiety in her big green eyes. “So…you’re sure it won’t be a problem?”

  Chain gave her a slow smile, feeling his shaft twitch again with anticipation.

  “No problem at all,” he assured her. “Look, just tell me what you want,” he went on, when she looked at him uncertainly. “Direct me—tell me exactly what to do and how to do it. ‘Teach’ me.”

  The very thought of her teaching him like that made his shaft so hard he thought it might burst through the magno-tabs that held his leathers together. Gods, he loved it when a woman directed him in bed and told him the best way to please her!

  “You want me to…to say out loud what I want you to do?” Vicky looked uncertain about this.

  Chain nodded firmly. “That makes it more like a lesson, don’t you think? How else can you show off your teaching technique?”

  “Well…” She nibbled her lush lower lip in a way that made Chain want to kiss her—or maybe suck her nipples some more. “I guess so,” she said at last. “Though this is going to be the strangest observation I’ve ever had.”

  “You’ll do fine—we both will,” Chain assured her. “Now come on—I think they’re expecting us.”

  He nodded towards the front of the room where Professors Lornah and Torella were waiting expectantly.

  “I guess so.” Vicky nodded at the other two women. “It’s time to face the music.”

  “I’m not certain what that expression means,” Chain murmured. “But if the meaning is that I’ll be allowed to touch you all over your sweet body and taste you between your legs, then I agree—let’s go face the music.”

  “Chain!” she murmured, swatting him lightly on the arm. “You’re incorrigible!”

  “No…” He smiled at her. “Just hungry…hungry for you, sweetheart.”

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Vicky couldn’t believe they were doing this. She felt like she was moving in a dream as she and Chain walked up to the front of the room where the other three students were beginning to move the massage tables out of the way.

  “Wait,” she told them, putting her hand on one of the movable tables.

  Torella frowned. “Don’t you want them to move those so they can bring a proper sex platform instead for you and your student to demonstrate?”

  Sex platform? God!

  Somehow Vicky kept a straight face.

  “Not now. We’re going to need the massage table because…because my technique starts with a massage,” she said quickly.

  “That’s absolutely true,” Chain said with a perfectly straight face. “Running your hands all over her beautiful body is the best way to get a female warmed up and ready for pleasure.”

  “Well, I do enjoy a good pleasure massage from time to time,” Torella said thoughtfully. “All right. The massage platform stays,” she said to her students. “Tell me—what else do you need for your technique?” she asked, addressing both Vicky and Chain.

  “Sometimes my Lady likes me to use toys on her,” Chain answered before Vicky could even open her mouth. “But for demonstrating the purity, simplicity, and utter genius of the pleasure techniques she has taught me, all I really need are my hands and my mouth.”

  Torella and Lornah seemed to approve of this answer. They looked at each other and nodded.

  “Good—you would not have been allowed any vibrating instruments,” Lornah said. “Those are easy to use and too much like cheating. To demonstrate truly good technique, no student should need more than the assets the Goddess has given him.”

  “Agreed,” Torella said. “Well, don’t let Lornah and I bother you. We’ll go sit on the couch and judge your technique. Silently,” she added, giving her colleague a stern look. “We don’t want to break their concentration, after all,” she told Lornah.

  “No, I suppose not—although I’ll be certain to offer constructive criticism after the demonstration,” Professor Lornah said stiffly.

  I just bet you will, Vicky thought sourly. Lornah seemed like the kind of woman who would criticize everything—even someone else’s lovemaking technique.

  A technique which you don’t have, the little voice in her head pointed out. Hell, Kevin couldn’t find your clit with two hands and a flashlight your entire marriage and you never trained him to do any better. How in the world do you think you’re suddenly some kind of sex guru who can train Chain to do whatever it is that will get you off?

  But the dissimilarity between the big Kindred and her ex, Kevin, was that Chain wanted to learn how to please her, Vicky thought, trying to console herself. And that made all the difference—she hoped. At any rate, it was a good starting place.

  “All right,” she said to Chain, trying to sound like she knew what she was doing. “Help me up on the massage table please. I’ll start face-down and you’re to massage every inch of me.”

  His midnight-blue eyes glowed.

  “With the greatest of pleasure, my Lady,” he murmured, leading her to the table. “Come, let’s get you comfortable.”

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Vicky allowed Chain to help her up and get her comfortably situated face down on the padded massage table. She reflected that before getting into the pool of liquid valium oil, being naked in front of him and everyone else in the room would have made her intensely uncomfortable. However, though some of the effects of the pool had worn off, she still felt much more relaxed and open than she would have believed she could be in such a situation.

  Also, what Torella and Lornah had told her about the effects of the oil on her body seemed to be true—p
arts of her that had been jiggling and wobbling before seemed much firmer now. It was like she’d had an all-over firming and tightening treatment that made her feel ten years younger.

  That would still make you too old for Chain, whispered that snarky little voice in her head, but Vicky was determined to ignore it. Closing her eyes, she relaxed on the table with her arms at her sides and her face comfortably positioned in the padded rest at the head of the table.

  She’d had Chain arrange her so that her head was towards the bank of golden-green-blue flames, which gave off a gentle warmth, and her feet were to the judges. It just seemed like she would be able to relax more than way, she thought. It would be better if she could pretend she and Chain were the only ones in the room and no one else was watching.

  The big Kindred seemed to think the same thing because her leaned over her and murmured in her ear, “Relax, sweetheart. It’s just you and me here. Just concentrate on my hands on your body and forget everything else.”

  “All right.” Vicky sighed contentedly. Soon she would have to demonstrate her “technique” by telling him exactly what to do to her. But for now, she could take it easy while he warmed her up.

  And warm her, he certainly did. Her skin still had a light coating of the vexba oil so there was no need for Chain to use anything else when he started the massage. Vicky felt his big, warm hands gliding over her body, starting at her back and shoulders and then moving down her arms before continuing to smooth over her hips and ass and all the way down her legs.

  He’s touching me all over first—getting me used to his hands on my body, she thought dreamily. It was a lovely sensation and it started a warm tingling in the pit of her stomach. She liked that the big Kindred didn’t just dive right in like her ex would have. Not that Kevin ever would have given her a massage—that would have been a waste of time, in his estimation. But Chain seemed to relish touching her body, handling her as though she was a beautiful but delicate piece of art that he was privileged to be able to caress.

  After several trips with his hands gliding up and down her body, he started the actual massage—to her surprise—at her feet.

  Vicky gave a surprised start and then a little moan of pure pleasure as he pressed his thumbs against the arch of her right foot and then balled his fist to rub against her entire sole.

  “Oh my God—that feels good,” she murmured. The way Chain was touching her wasn’t sexual but it was certainly sensual and the way he was massaging her tired feet made her feel even more relaxed.

  “I’m just doing as you’ve taught me, my Lady,” he murmured. “To me, every part of you is beautiful and deserving of my attention and devotion.”

  “That’s lovely, Chain,” Vicky murmured contentedly. “Continue with the massage, please. You’re doing wonderfully so far.”

  “Thank you, my Lady. Pleasing you is my highest reward.”

  He spent a good amount of time on her feet and then moved back up to her shoulders where he began to knead with expert skill, making Vicky moan again. Because of her daily responsibilities, she carried a constant knot of tension right between her shoulder blades that not even the relaxing purple vexba oil of the pool had been able dissolve. But Chain found it now and pressed his thumbs into it, rubbing and massaging until it seemed to magically melt away, easing the constant little ache she always felt.

  “Oh,” she heard herself murmur. “That’s good, Chain—really good.”

  “It’s as you taught me, my Lady,” he said again, smoothly, “A female cannot be truly well-pleasured until she is completely relaxed.”

  Vicky didn’t know if that was strictly true or not, but it certainly sounded good—she hoped that Torella and Lornah were taking note. Then she did her best to put the two Priima Bellans out of her mind and just enjoy the massage which was absolutely the best one she’d ever had in her entire life.

  Chain’s big hands seemed to be magic. After thoroughly massaging her back, they glided down to her waist and hips and he spent some time kneading her upper thighs and calves. By the time he came back up to her ass, Vicky’s whole body felt like jelly. And when he palmed the globes of her ass and began a slow, sensual massage that opened her inner thighs with each circular movement he made, she didn’t feel uncertain or uncomfortable at all.

  “My Lady,” he murmured. “As per your earlier instructions, I wish to stroke and caress every inch of you. Are you ready for the more intimate part of your massage now?”

  “God, yes, Chain,” Vicky heard herself say with no hesitation.

  With a little moan, she spread her thighs wider for him, well aware that he must be seeing her bare pussy as he rubbed and worked her. But she didn’t even care.

  No wait, she did care, she decided. She wanted him to see her there—to see how warm and wet and relaxed he was making her. How ready she was getting for him to do more…to take the next step.

  “My Lady, you seem to be quite wet and swollen between your thighs,” Chain murmured, continuing his massage. “Would you like me to massage you there as well? Perhaps I can ease some of your tension.”

  Vicky didn’t even have to think about it.

  “Yes, Chain,” she murmured, spreading her thighs even wider. “God, yes—touch me there. Massage me where I need you the most.”

  “My pleasure, my Lady.” His voice was a deep growl of desire. “There is nothing I would like more than to massage your sweet little pussy.”

  As he spoke, Vicky felt one big warm hand cupping her mound while the other continued to rub her ass.

  With a little moan, she nestled into his palm, tilting her hips and arching her back to get more contact with him as he began to rub.

  Chain started with her outer pussy at first, teasing her by rubbing and massaging the outer lips. But soon enough two long fingers slid into her slippery folds, bracketing the tender button of her clit and he began to slide up and down, tantalizing her with the gentle friction.

  Vicky moaned again and began to rock her hips along with his motion. God, he was barely touching her—just rubbing the sides of her clit—and yet the pleasure he brought her was incredible. It was nothing at all like the rough way Kevin had manhandled her lady bits on the rare occasions he decided to give her a little extra stimulation to “get her in the mood.”

  Her ex had believed that a woman’s clit—when he could find it—was some kind of magic doorbell. As though if he just pressed it long enough and hard enough it would magically make her aroused enough to want to let him do anything he desired with her.

  Chain clearly knew this wasn’t so. He kept up the gentle friction until Vicky was breathing hard, her heart pounding as her hips worked frantically to meet his rhythm. God, she was going to come, she thought—come so hard—and it would be the first time anyone besides herself had given her an orgasm.

  Maybe it was because of that fact that the orgasm, when it came, was so intense. Or maybe it was because at the last minute, just as her pleasure peaked, Chain slipped the fingers of his other hand deep in her pussy channel and began to pump just as the orgasm claimed her.

  “Oh! Oh, God, Chain—yes—yes!” Vicky heard herself crying as he continued to rub her clit and fill her. She could feel her inner walls contracting around his invading fingers—could feel herself squeezing him for dear life as the pleasure washed over her and she came harder than she ever had in her life.

  “That’s right, my Lady,” she heard him growling softly. “Come for me—come hard while I rub your hot little clit and fuck your sweet little pussy with my fingers. Gods, you’re so wet and hot—I could pleasure you all night!”

  His dirty words and the soft, growling voice they were spoken in seemed to do things to Vicky’s insides. God, she couldn’t believe this was happening to her—couldn’t believe she was basically putting on a sex show with a man she hadn’t known a whole week yet.

  But it felt right, and she never wanted it to stop.

  “Chain…oh God…” she moaned helplessly as the orgasm went o
n and on.

  Chain kept rubbing her until the last little quivers of pleasure raced through her, leaving Vicky panting and limp on the massage table. She turned her head to the side so she could see him standing there, his fingers still wet with her juices.

  “Chain, that was…” But words failed her.

  The big Kindred leaned over so that they were eye to eye and gave her a half-lidded, hungry smile.

  “My Lady,” he murmured. “I hope that I pleased you.”

  “Pleased me? My God,” she whispered weakly. “You did more than please me. And to think I was worried because I wasn’t going to be able to fake it. That was amazing.”

  “It certainly was,” the voice of Professor Torella said from behind them.

  Vicky half-raised herself with a start. In the heat of the overwhelming orgasm Chain had given her, she had completely forgotten there was anyone else in the room besides the two of them.

  “That was a fine demonstration,” Torella said approvingly.

  “Not was,” Chain growled and Vicky looked up to see that his midnight-blue eyes were burning. “Not was,” he repeated. “Because it’s not over yet.”

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Chain was on fire—his shaft near to bursting in his leathers, he wanted Victoria so badly. Being able to rub and stroke all over her sweet body had barely been an appetizer for him and he was hungry for the feast—hungry to taste all that sweet honey he’d coaxed her to make when he made her come with his fingers.

  Going to make you come again, sweetheart, he swore silently as he looked at her. But this time with my tongue—going to taste your sweet honey right from the source.

  Luckily, whoever had made the massage table she was on seemed to understand that sometimes a male needed better access to his female. The bottom part of it split in half so that her legs could spread easily for him.

  The height was adjustable too and soon Chain had it exactly where he needed it—and he was, himself, exactly where he needed to be—kneeling between Victoria’s thighs and contemplating her beautiful pussy.


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