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Secretive in Sacramento

Page 8

by Marie Higgins

  They both climbed in Oliver’s coach after all the prisoners were locked away, and he sat next to her. Without asking first, she slipped her hand into his, and he took it. The smile he gave her was encouraging.

  “Alone at last.” She sighed and cuddled against his arm.

  He stroked her hair. “Are you feeling better now?”

  “Much better.” She patted his arm gently. “Thanks to you, I’m not married to a madman.”

  He looked down at her, wearing a serious expression. “God led me to you.”

  Her heart fluttered with happiness. “Thank you for listening when He spoke to you.”

  “God actually showed me where to go to find Reverend Fenton.”

  “Gavin, I...” Her eyes began watering again. “I really don’t know how to thank you properly for rescuing me.”

  Emotion gathered in her throat, and her heartbeat turned erratic. She dropped her focus to his mouth... the same mouth that had been Heaven to kiss four years ago.

  “It’s all right,” he said softly. “I don’t need—”

  “And so,” she cut him off, “I won’t thank you properly. Instead, it’ll be im-proper.”

  She moved toward him, ready – and eager – to do that one personal thing she’d been wanting to do since she first saw him. When she placed her mouth on his, he inhaled sharply. But then his arms slid around her, pulling her closer, taking over the kiss.

  Joy burst inside of her as stars of happiness filled her head. With their mouths joined in passion, he pushed her gently against the wall of the coach, making their position a little more comfortable.

  Justina rested her palms against his muscular chest. His heartbeat was as fast as her own. It thrilled to know he had the same thoughts running through his head. When they’d been together four years ago, they had always joked about how well they could read each other’s mind. She was happy they hadn’t lost that spark between them.

  “Oh, Justina...” Gavin muttered as he broke the kiss but pressed his face against the curve of her neck. “We really shouldn’t be doing this.”

  Heated tingles filled her, and she breathed heavily. “Why not?”

  “Because, this isn’t real. I mean, you’ll feel differently about me tomorrow.”

  Warning bells went off in her head and she pushed her hands against his chest, moving him up slightly until she could look into his face. His lips were swollen from passionate kisses, but his eyes held a touch of sadness.

  “Don’t you like kissing me?”

  He gave her a lazy smile. “Oh, it’s not that at all. If I could kiss you all day and all night, I would, but...”

  “But what? I don’t understand, Gavin.”

  He cupped her cheek. “My sweet Justina, you’ve been through so much today, and I know your emotions are running high. You’re grateful that I rescued you, but soon, that feeling will go away, and you’ll return to the way you felt about me before you were kidnapped.”

  Smiling, she sighed with relief. “That’s good to know.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “It is?”

  “Yes, because then my heart will still beat with happiness whenever I see you. My arms will still ache to hold you and have you hold me. My lips will still want you to kiss—”

  He cut off her words by covering his mouth over hers. Sighing deeply, she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him to her. How could he doubt her affection now? True, he’d saved her from the brute that used to work with her father, but she felt they had been growing closer all week. Gavin had to feel it, too. She wouldn’t believe anything else.

  She’d do so many things differently this time around. She’d be upfront with him, and always tell him how much she loved him. Never again would she hide secrets from him.

  The coach came to a stop, and Gavin pulled up. He leaned over to the window and peered out.

  “We’re at your house,” he said breathlessly.

  She sat up straight and adjusted her clothes. She even patted her hair – and about died when realizing what it must look like. And to think Gavin still kissed her even though she probably looked worse now than she did right after climbing out of bed.

  He brushed the wrinkles off his jacket and trousers before threading his fingers through his hair. When his gaze met hers, he grinned. “Are you ready to go inside now?”

  “Yes, but before we go...” She touched his arm, leaning toward him. “I want you to know something.”

  His forehead creased. “What?”

  “I’m still in love with you.” Her voice broke. “I don’t think I’ve ever stopped loving you.”

  “Oh, Justina.”

  His voice broke too, and he cupped her face and kissed her lips briefly, but very tenderly. As he pulled away, his blue eyes glistened, just the way she remembered them doing so long ago.

  “I’m still in love with you,” he said.

  Her heart swelled and she smiled widely. “Good. I don’t want to waste any more time. Gavin, I want you in my life. Forever.”

  Chuckling, he brushed his lips over hers again. “My sweet Justina... is this a proposal?”

  “Would you be upset if it was?”

  “Not at all. In fact, it makes this moment that much more special.”

  He nodded toward the coach’s door. “Let’s go inside. Your servants are waiting, and I’m sure you would like to get freshened up. We can talk more about our wedding later.”

  She whooped with excitement and hugged him tightly. “Thank you for loving me.”

  “No,” he said, “thank you for waiting around for me to find you again.”

  DINNER HAD BEEN OVER for an hour already, and all Gavin and Justina did was cuddle in each other’s arms on the sofa in the sitting room, talking about their dreams and what kind of life they wanted together. He didn’t want to let her go. What if in his absence, she changed her mind? Although, she had told him she’d always loved him, he still worried that reality could come crashing around her and she would realize that she didn’t want him in her life.

  It was wonderful being this way with her, but there were still things he needed to sort out, like what to do about Mark? Legally, the man hadn’t committed a crime, except maybe trying to swindle money from Justina for the agency’s services since he agreed to take her case even though he worked with Oliver James.

  “You’re quiet,” she told him, drawing the tip of her index finger across his bottom lip. “Does that mean you want to do something else?”

  He laughed. “My sweet, Justina, I’ll never turn that down. However, my mind has been on Mark Drake tonight.”

  She frowned. “I’m so sorry you had to discover his betrayal the way you did.”

  He shrugged. “I wouldn’t have believed it otherwise.”

  “Are you going to continue to work for him?”

  “No.” He sighed heavily as his gut twisted. “A part of me wants to find out if he’s done anything illegal. I’d love nothing better than to arrest him for helping Oliver torment you.”

  “Yes, Mr. Drake is a cunning man, especially if he could convince me to give his agency my case just because my father knew him.” She rolled her eyes. “Father would be turning over in his grave if he knew what Mr. Drake was doing.”

  “That’s very true, but I really wished I could arrest him.”

  “Making poor mistakes isn’t a crime, unfortunately.”

  “Yes, I know.” He took her fingers and brought them to his mouth to kiss each tip. “But one thing is for sure, I won’t be going back to work for him.”

  Her eyes widened and she straightened. “So, you’re out of a job?”

  He grinned. “Yes, I suppose you can say that, but you don’t need to look excited about it.”

  She shook her head. “No, my darling man, you’re mistaken. I’m excited because I can offer you a job.”

  “Really?” He tilted his head. “Doing what?”

  “Obviously, I’m not going to let Oliver back into the company, which leaves a huge o
pening for a warehouse manager. Does that interest you?”

  Could he love this woman any more than he did already? It pleased him that she was thinking of his welfare. “It depends. How closely will I get to work with the owner of the company?”

  “Hmm...” She rested her head back against the loveseat cushions. “Well, I suppose it depends on how much training you’ll need.”

  Her gorgeous green eyes sparkled. He could get lost gazing into them. “In that case, I’ll admit I don’t know anything about being a manager for a steel company, so you might have to be with me every step of the way.” He paused and then quickly added, “And I’m a slow learner.”

  She laughed out loud, melting his heart even more. He loved making her laugh.

  “Then you’re hired.” She squeezed his hand with her fingers. “And we can start tomorrow if you’d like.”

  “Yes, I’d like that very much... boss.”

  She stared at him for the longest time, and he wondered what was going through her mind. But as long as she continued to love him, he didn’t care.

  “Gavin, I need to tell you something.” Her voice shook slightly.

  He wasn’t sure he liked that sudden shift in the mood just now. The same thing had happened when she’d confessed to being betrothed. “What do you need to tell me?”

  “After my engagement was cancelled four years ago, my father told me some disturbing information about my mother.”

  Worry etched lines around her mouth and forehead. He could tell she was hesitant about telling him. “Go on.”

  She gulped and licked her lips. “I’m so afraid to tell you, but I know you wouldn’t ever judge. I’ve learned that about you. I’ve also learned that you’re a forgiving man.”

  “My sweet Justina.” He stroked her cheek. “Please, tell me. I’ll understand.”

  She nodded and swallowed hard again. “My mother...” She inhaled deeply. “When my father first met my mother, she worked at a whorehouse.”

  Not expecting that kind of secret, he sucked in a quick breath. “She was a...”

  “Yes. That was her profession.” She dropped her gaze to his chest as her eyes watered. “My father found something in her that made him want to change her, so he took her from the whorehouse and turned her into a lady. He introduced her to society, and not one person could tell she wasn’t a true lady.”

  He slid his fingers under her chin and lifted it until she met his gaze. “Why are you worried about that?”

  She gasped. “Are you teasing me? You don’t think that’s... scandalous?”

  “Of course, it is, but she’s your mother. Tell me, during your parents’ marriage, did she ever go back to her former life?”

  She snorted a laugh. “Of course not.”

  “Then there’s nothing to be worried about. I’m sure something horrible had happened to your mother to make her think she had to choose that way of life, but your father saved her. And I honestly believe, God sees her as a true lady, too.”

  A tear slid down her cheek and he wiped it away.

  “Gavin, you’re so wonderful.” Her voice choked up. “I suppose I was the only one who judged her. I thought if men knew my family secret, they’d never want to marry me.”

  Smiling, he slid his arms around her, pulling her closer. “I don’t know about other men, but your family secret is safe with me. It doesn’t bother me in the least, because I’m so completely in love with your mother’s daughter, and all I want is to be happy with her for the rest of our lives.”

  More tears fell from her eyes. “That’s all I want, too.”

  He kissed her mouth, and her small groan of delight let him know how she really felt. He was delighted that she decided not to withhold anything from him. He was certain their relationship would last now.

  They kissed passionately for a few moments, and then she broke the kiss and stared into his eyes.

  “Can we get married tomorrow?”

  He laughed and nodded. “If there’s a way, I’ll make it happen.”

  “Good, because enough time has passed between us. I never want to let you go again.”

  “I’m glad, because being with you has made all of my dreams come true.” As he ended, he kissed her again, and this time, he would make it last much longer.


  I am happy to report that I followed your advice, and I am now a very happy bride. The man I love arranged for us to have a quick wedding, mainly to make up for lost time. However, I know it was because we couldn’t stop kissing each other and we never wanted to be apart again. I was honest with him, and I don’t ever want that bond between us broken. He is my other half and he holds my heart. Forever.

  Keep up the good work in giving advice to others. You have a true talent. I’ll be always grateful for your responding letter in the newspaper. In fact, I cut it out and it’s now framed and hanging in my bedchamber.

  Sincerely, Not-so-Secretive in Sacramento


  Yours Truly: The Lovelorn Series

  A multi-author sweet historical romance series puts an old-fashioned spin on the modern-day “Dear Abby”-style newspaper articles. Each story features someone frustrated in love who writes to The Lovelorn. Then the complications set in. Each book stands alone and will have its author’s unique creative touch.

  Readers – look for these books in this series:

  4/28 – Dear Lovelorn by Marie Higgins

  5/5 – Brilliant in Boston by Lynn Donovan

  5/12 – Secretive in Sacramento by Marie Higgins

  5/19 – Lost in Laramie by Margaret Tanner

  5/26 – Confused in Colorado by Cat Cahill

  6/2 – Torn in Toronto by Wendy May Andrews

  6/9 – Deserted in Dodge by Patricia PacJac Carroll

  6/16 – Obsessed in Oregon by Marlene Wilson Bierworth

  6/23 – Overwhelmed in Oklahoma by Elissa Strati

  6/30 – Wistful in Wisconsin by Marisa Masterson

  7/7 – Desperate in Delaware by Caroline Clemmons

  7/14 – Vexed in Vermont by Marie Higgins

  7/21 – Kissless in Kansas by Elissa Strati

  7/28 – Dejected in Denver by Cat Cahill

  8/4 – Alone in Austin by Patricia PacJac Carroll

  8/11 – Miserable in Montana by Cheryl Wright

  8/18 – Widowed in Wyoming by Christine Sterling

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  Other published stories by Marie Higgins

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  Author’s Bio

  Marie Higgins is an award-winning, best-selling author of clean romance novels that melt your heart and have you falling in love over and over again. Since 2010, she’s published over 80 heartwarming, on-the-edge-of-your-seat romances. She’s broadened her readership by writing mystery/suspense, humor, time-travel, paranormal, along with her love for historical romances. Her readers have dubbed her “Queen of Tease” because of all her twists and unexpected endings.

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