The Solar Doctrine

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The Solar Doctrine Page 7

by Miguel A. Fernandez

that which was no more than pure fiction and alienation.

  Yet let´s go a little beyond Arthur for a while and let´s focus in the hospital room where our potential hero was quasi-vegetatively stuck in the bed, while connected to several medical devices through tubes and catheters. Nurses here, doctors over there, medicines here, medicines over there… The T.V. set, naturally, turned on and showing a “Reality Show” that was attracting the attention of “Martin the pessimist”, “Gregorio the victimist” and “Marcus the grouchy”, feeding them with collective content and introducing in their subconscious countless stereotypes, signs and clichés that would deeply confuse them whenever they had to come up with a judgment with regard to their actual living circumstances… And nevertheless, laying down in one of the beds was, in spite of all first impressions, what was already becoming our apprentice of a hero, Arthur, exerting one of the first teachings of “The Solar Doctrine”, this is, the requirement of the “Inner War”.

  The Inner War

  War indeed because with regards to any signs of peace, there were non at all. Arthur´s Temple was rather a mad-house during those moments. In fact thousands of thoughts, ideas, conceptions and ideologies aimed to constantly find shelter in his Temple and vampirise his life for their own individualistic purposes. And we are not actually referring here in particular to ideas or conceptions that could contribute to taking care of the Temple, and cleansing it from all those elements that caused its lack of moderation, restraint and excess of burdens, but rather “guests” that Arthur wasn´t so sure if he actually had ever invited to his Temple. So, just as it was pointed by the Doctrine, Arthur had to put lots of effort into first purging from his subjective domain all those interpretations of his own particular existence that he had accumulated for years and that impeded him in attaining a clear and transparent vision upon the effective and existential reality upon which the authentic interplay of powers took place.

  Hence, starting from a viewpoint of reality that is free from all ideological and spectacular outfits can be then eventually attained a naked reality upon which “The Solar Doctrine” can be successfully applied in practical terms. In fact, Arthur was realizing that, deep down, his psyche was not more or less than the attic of a dark Temple stuffed with all sort of strange and alien objects that tend to obstruct any light that could penetrate through the windows and doors of perception. Therefore, one of the aims of the Doctrine is to essentially allow the individual to recognize these “objects” (the so-called concepts, ideas or ideologies that are alien to any direct experience and that are mostly expressed as image and spectacle) and once recognized such psychological “objects”, grant to the future hero the possibility of removing them from his thought and thus liberating the Temple from all alien objects, allowing him to open the doors of perception so that the light can trespass the senses and become reflected in the purified steel of the Solar Warrior´s sword…

  According to the Doctrine, the very fact of attaining this stage and having gone through the “purification of the Sword´s steel” demonstrates already a considerable amount of courage and bravery, since deep down all forms of fear correspond to a conscious or unconscious rejection towards any possibility on the part of Arthur of perceiving the authentic “Arthur of flesh and blood”, independent of all the concepts, signs, stereotypes, clichés and decorations that are introduced in the Temple in order to provide the image of something different capable of persuading and exorcizing a monstrous entity that roared in the telluric dungeons of the Temple… In “The Solar Doctrine” it is pointed out that the monster that heavily roared in the subsoil of our experiences is the so-called SuperDragon, yet it was also outlined that Arthur would be incapable of seeing such entity if he didn´t achieve any victory through the crucial “Inner War”.

  In the meantime, Arthur was reading on the screen of his Iphone that the man capable of withstanding what the Doctrine demands, would ultimately be the man capable of withstanding himself, in his most naked and authentic Being, free from all images and artificial signs. Independent of being socially considered as ugly or handsome, the Solar Warrior apprentice shall learn to honor his deepest Being, thus aiming to confer on it a form and meaning, such as in the case of tempering a Sword.

  This latter possibility highly motivated Arthur, and this is why he had no qualms about kicking out of his Temple all prostitutions and perversions of himself, which in no case he had personally invited. And one of Arthur´s most important insights when applying the Doctrine and when combating within is that, deep down, he didn´t actually think, but rather he was actually thought by his own thoughts, that is, he was determined in his reflections by them. Was he going to then allow some strangers to rule in his Temple? How could he ever become responsible for his Temple if he didn´t do that?… It´s obvious that in this situation it would just be impossible.

  Thus, after such a huge effort, Arthur opened his eyes and looked through the window of the room in which he was hospitalized. He immediately observed a group of clouds; mere indecisive and hesitant clouds that immediately recalled to him his indecisive and hesitant life during the last years… Would Arthur finally be capable of observing the clouds in a direct, naked way without intermediations nor interpretations? Or in other words: Without fears? That became actually his intention, but as the way to hell is generally also full of good intentions, just when Arthur decided to perceive the clouds, the annoying “Arthur, Phd working for the prestigious CSIC” interrupted as a rude meddler, saying with a know-it-all tone:

  “A cloud is a hidrometheor consisting of a visible mass formed by snow crystals or drops of water suspended in the atmosphere. Essentially a cloud is a gas formed by vaporized drops from the ocean”…

  -Get lost fucking egghead!! Get away from my Temple, you heard me? -shouted with fury Arthur in his insides- To me you are already dead, and if you don´t shut up I´ll cut you into a thousand pieces with my new Sword… Got it??…

  As soon as “Arthur of flesh and blood” expressed such firm determination and courage, even saying “What a fucking annoying guy!!” immediately the ghost vanished from his perceptive domain, and just during those moments occurred a phenomena that Arthur couldn´t help but conceive as something magical or miraculous, since suddenly all the clouds he saw through the window started to move, no longer in a hesitant way, but rather according to a perfect synchronicity and coordination… Thus, Arthur, still remaining quite skeptical before what was going on, rubbed his eyes and sat up straight, not noticing his typical pains in the abdomen area, nor the astonished faces of his roommates. He then immediately observed in the clouds a strange formation of concentric and centripetal spirals; a progressive formation that constituted the procession of the sudden arising of the majestic Sun, in the very center of this configuration, thus illuminating Arthur´s owns eyes, the vision of his Temple, the vision of his heart and the vision of his own illness… What was going on? Did he actually produce this phenomena? Had it been pure chance? What a dilemma…Yet Arthur, emerging progressively triumphant over the Inner War, let himself go into the light of the experience and in no case wanted any conceptual guest to ruin the vision. Even though it still remained too mysterious to answer the latter questions, Arthur sensed that the fact of having returned to direct contact with “Arthur of flesh and blood” caused his spirit or capacity to perceive the universe to no longer be confined in the actual physical domain determined by “Arthur of flesh and blood”, but rather was opened to completely new and unexpected domains of reality.

  In the Doctrine, these sort of experiences are conceived as signs or signals that effectively verify that important inner barriers have been removed ant that the boundary between the “I” and the external worlds, or between subject and object becomes more “fluid”… In the East, these sort of crucial experiences have been defined as satori experiences, and can take the most varied forms. However, in general the best way to identify such experiences and discern them from mere interpretations or hallucination
s, is that they correspond to highly improbable phenomena from the viewpoint of modern or classical physics and statistics. In order to attain a higher level of rigor in these cases, “The Solar Doctrine” refers to the so-called neguentropic phenomena, this is, phenomena characterized by a negative entropy that in no case violates the laws of thermodynamics but rather miraculously play with such laws, and can only be perceived when an individual, as in this case our hero Arthur, breaks the inner barriers of perception and cleanses the Temple of all which is alien… In truth, life in its most creative aspect is always characterized by these phenomena, that in not one single case have been imitated by the technology of our times.

  Hence, along the long and heroic path towards being a Solar Warrior, Arthur went through one of the most important challenges: the first “Inner War” victory and the enlightening awakening to the potential Solar Warrior that was emerging from the opening of this vision.

  Apocalypse Now

  In the first place, even though it is my mission here to be the creator of Arthur´s

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