The Solar Doctrine

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The Solar Doctrine Page 8

by Miguel A. Fernandez

legend, in no case does this endeavor legitimize me to modify the circumstances of a cosmic order in which Arthur settled his heroic legend. This would be so irresponsible on my part as capriciously modifying the seasons of the year in order to favor the circumstances faced by the characters one creates. If the animals have demonstrated their capacity to adapt to different seasons and territories, I also want to point out the virtue of our hero Arthur, when overcoming that which rigorously can be considered to be the coldest and more tenebrous conditions of human history.

  During the most dramatic vital facts experienced by Arthur during his deed we found ourselves in time in the year 2014 AC. If we asked most of the contemporaries of those times which were in their opinion the events of such year that were going to make history, they would affirm that it would be the winter Olympic games of Russia, the 86th Oscar ceremony, the G8 meetings to stimulate global economic growth, the conflicts in Syria, the international conference of Peace in the Syria conflict, Brazil´s World Cup, the hiring of Luis Suarez for F.C. Barcelona and the proclamation of Philippe VI as King of Spain… But all of the latter played a tiny role in the destiny of humanity, of the individuals and in the legend of Arthur, similarly to how the conflicts that took place inside the Roman Coliseum between the gladiators in no way influenced the unstoppable decline of the Roman Empire…

  The liberation of the Temple in 2014, as any other battle for the sake of freedom and Honor, required in Arthur´s case a bloody combat where compassion only emerged once the enemy was clearly defeated. In some ancient traditions it is outlined that the battles that take place in the Dark Times that Arthur had to live in, those times of the Iron Age or Kali-Yuga, are always the most ruthless and cruel of all battles, and in truth from the perspective of the creator of the true story of Arthur, that´s how they actually are. They are wars so full of brutality and criminality that it is very difficult both to imagine them as to even believe that they exist; wars where the human being itself, in the number of billions, becomes the most vulnerable and miserable cannon fodder that ever existed in the whole History of humanity.

  In order to observe these battles and wars from the widest perspective it is fundamental to be capable of perceiving reality with new eyes situated beyond time and space… And the glowing apparition of “The Solar Doctrine” before me was so intense that the timeless teaching succeeded when manifesting the miserably intense darkness upon which this light and power was projected, and that unfortunately referred to the dismal and gray human condition of the last times.

  So, in the hierarchy of powers that fought among each other to take over the control of the planet there existed already a faceless entity without destiny or soul -yet having infinite images that camouflaged it- that in the 21st century dominated all others: the Techno-System. This configuration of planetary power based its power and predominance in the fact that it was invisible to all of humanity. In actual fact, the men and women living during the first years of the 21st century, having been formed and educated in political notions and scientific paradigms of the 19th and 20th century, could only succeed in seeing the objects and technological devices as isolated between each other, as gadgets that they could supposedly make “individual use” of, and consequently their vision became powerless and myopic when intending to embrace the systemic ensemble of the planetary technology, that followed as an organism a destructive, cancerous and metastatic aim, depleting the natural resources, the native communities and the soul of men. This cybernetic exoskeleton followed autonomous laws that no man nor politician succeeded in controlling, and that neither in any case actually intended to control, since the evolution of the Techno-System´s exoskeleton was called by millions of individuals “development”, and almost all men, peoples and nations wanted to become well integrated with this development, since in the economic domain it produced well-being, comfort and the pleasurable feelings of material happiness. Thus far and wide across the whole planet millions of individuals slithered into their suits and ties every morning, ritually symbolizing in such clothing their deep obedience to the imperative of development and progress, both at an individual and on a collective level. In parallel, this happiness of men surrounded by the products and gadgets of development was shown everywhere in images and advertisements, in general by popular and famous people that in most cases were actors. Hence, the prefabricated dreams incarnated in the famous, the idols and celebrities were in reach of the sight of everyone, even though in order for such manufactured dreams to be affordable to the pocket it was indispensable to work very actively in the development of the Techno-System´s exoskeleton.

  During this winter of humanity, individuals no longer followed their own destiny nor star. None of that made any sense any longer. Very few were still the authors of their Destiny; many however were the actors. Actually actors prevailed in all fields: show-business, publicity, politics, art… Thus the concept itself of heroism became eclipsed by vulgar romanticisms and only vaguely appeared in old legends that were all mostly forgotten.

  Never had the happy and smart forms of slavery been so considerable as during the times of apogee of the Techno-System, yet as any other technique of individual suggestion, liberty was constantly proclaimed, even as a political slogan. In truth, the only freedom that existed during those times was that of, for example, choosing between a wide variety of T.V channels, radio channels, and websites, between an Iphone of Apple or a Samsung smart phone, and in many cases depending on one´s own economic situation, not even this.

  Never before had morals and ethics became so virtual; ultimately the only criteria that determined the judgment of an individual act as “good” or “bad” was the greater or lesser promotion of the Techno-System´s development on the part of the individual, and this granted the greater or lesser social recognition, since those who didn´t work for developing the Techno-System were marginalized, treated as primitive beings and covered with a veil of silence, shame and damnation. In general, and as it naturally corresponds in the case of a materialist and quantitative era, the way by which society as a whole valued the virtues of a given individual was determined by the income tax. This figure defined the social value of the individual, even though most men always cleverly came up with methods to disguise this method of measurement with all kind of artificial justifications of a moral, ethical or even religious kind, such as occurred in the case of the Puritans and Protestants who firmly believed that the “enriched are the chosen by God”. Such scale of social values was tacitly accepted by everyone, since even most women naturally sold themselves to the highest bidder and ended up marrying men who were well attached to the Techno-System´s structures, since this link legitimized and provided economic guarantees for raising children, who in a delightful and funny way were born merely with the destiny of serving the Techno-System, generally through consuming cool entertainment and diversion for their whole lives. Thus, the morals of efficiency and productivity constituted the one and only morals of a totalitarian society that however believed itself to be free, and almost no economist nor sociologist put in question such social utilitarian morals; all humans learnt it and accepted it after a bombarding mass-media brainwashing that started during the most tender childhood. Politics, having been the governing factor of the destinies of the peoples before the 19th century, during the 21st became not more than a virtual spectacle full of actors and administration bureaucrats that had absolutely no influence in the development itself of the Techno-System, which mostly depended on the availability of technicians, engineers and technocrats, all combined with abundant material and energetic reserves.

  And even all that is described up to this point is still a quite superficial impression. Under the surface, the picture was much gloomier and creepier. Since underneath the terrestrial and human crust was dwelling the SuperDragon, an entity that human beings were incapable of perceiving during the recent times since their vision could only become projected upon what was immediate, up-to-date, ephemeral, sensational; mai
nly due to the subconscious suggestion caused by T.V and newspapers. Nevertheless, we must also point out that this human myopia when it came to not being able to perceive the SuperDragon of the depths had not always existed, and that previously there had been many cultures in the West and in the East that did actually accomplish the perception of this monster as a supernatural power, yet these cultures in general were considered to be “infantile” and “primitive” by the historians and scientists of recent times, who promoted in the most prestigious colleges and universities the goodness and benefits of developing the destructive Techno-System to the max…

  Ultimately the SuperDragon was the entity that offered energy to the whole of humanity from the telluric depths of the earth´s subsoil, in the form of coal, oil and gas, thus boosting a greater power in order to mobilize matter, yet in particular also intensively activating demons, drives and human passivities. Yet the human being, a weak species when it comes to facing this monster, is prone to getting carried astray by

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