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The Solar Doctrine

Page 12

by Miguel A. Fernandez

escape from this demonic entity due to the mortgage tube that kept him rigidly imprisoned in his private cubicle.

  By feeling as well indescribably oppressed by the tube, the mere fact of just imagining himself trapped and suffering all the devouring fire of the SuperDragon for the whole eternity suddenly impelled Arthur to decide to pull off the conduct with all his strength, rage and indignation. And so intense was his heroic will to become liberated that he finally managed to pull out the tube from his chest. “Free at last” -he thought…

  Although initially satisfied from the result of his effort, Arthur immediately started to feel a cold sweat run down his face, together with an unutterable anxiety and incommensurable pain in the chest when all of a sudden he observed that in the pulled extreme of the tube there was an electric plug that was connected to some ripped up organic tissues. During this state of electrical shock, our hero apprentice immediately realized that this organic fiber breakage corresponded to those of his own heart, which no longer capable of being stimulated by the currents of the tube, immediately was turned “Off”.

  The heart attack was then immediate, and the human incarnation as a whole “Arthur” was about to also remain “Off” if he hadn´t been assisted once again by the Techno-System, with regard to what is generally known as the “Health Subsystem” or “hospital” where once again a diverse set of tubes, catheters, connections and probes were once again introduced into the subject Arthur, in order to save him from the SuperDragon. But definitely not from himself…


  After his collapse, all the medical normative and hygienic protocols were implemented and immediately intervened in Arthur´s body, introducing into his heart high voltage electroshocks, in addition to a whole series of catheters, probes and pharmaceutical compounds, in order to reestablish the nominal clinical conditions where Arthur would no longer be afraid of himself nor the SuperDragon, allowing him then to return to his own body without his tail between his legs. All these procedures of coronary reanimation by means of electroshock, whenever successful, in clinical terms are called “recovery”… But let´s not self-deceive ourselves and believe that the Techno-System implements these measures due to compassion or altruism with all the ill or unfortunate. Not at all… Ultimately the immediate aim of the planetary Techno-System was that of re-implanting the pulled out mortgage conduct to Arthur´s heart in order for him to just keep on dragging like a mule the Techno-System´s development treadmill in monthly payment cycles, trying all the time to not be burnt in the ass by the SuperDragon, and always being “positive”, smiling and “looking forward”, looking ahead towards that progress in circles where he could aspire in every moment to the most diverse carrots cyclically offered to him by the advertisement industry. These endless cycles characterized by different carrots where the Techno-System integrated Arthur as a donkey were the so-called fashions and tendencies, of which his wife Helena, as we already know, was a great specialist. And even Arthur himself had also started to feel good when walking the Techno-System´s treadmill, since he bought a new car exactly every two years, making him feel younger each time… So, implemented by a considerable number of specialists, administrators, doctors and nurses, the supreme power of the Techno-System was again repairing the lost functionality of Arthur´s body, reestablishing thus the umbilical cords that safely attached him once again to the cybernetic exoskeleton of a planetary mega-system that he, and billions of human beings, was incapable of seeing. As we already know, during his crazy fight against the SuperDragon, Arthur had decided to tear apart his heart, and this action caused severe and almost permanent injuries to his most important organ. But not even this was too much of an inconvenience for the Techno-System, which would end up at last subtly and intrusively introduced into his own heart, converting this organ as well into a cybernetic heart, first by means of a by-pass coronary surgery and then through the artificial pacemaker implant… This medical operation would testify to a definitive attack against Arthur´s freedom, and would manifest the definitive surrendering of Arthur to the dynamics that very nicely and always surrounded him with corporate smiles that the Techno-Sytem would design for him in order to easily become an always aspirant slave to the carrot of advertised happiness.

  Deep down, this future panorama was quite disheartening for Arthur´s vital breath, which had not completely decided to go back to its own body in order to let himself be dominated by that whole system of wires, cables, optic fiber, carrots and bureaucracies… Fearful and in a complete state of agitation, all his “I”s were unsteadily moving around, none of them sure if they actually wanted to find shelter in the body that had previously harbored them, or rather preferring to incarnate in another unwary organism, allowing at last the potential Temple of Arthur to be buried or incinerated… On many occasions, these “I”s were introduced in the dialysis machine, other times were tele-transported to the Amazon jungles and transformed into macaques, even though in most cases the only thing they attempted was to escape far away from the hellish domains of the SuperDragon -which appeared everywhere- so that it couldn´t burn their asses, and this mobilization and dynamism granted these “I”s the appearance of dynamic, active and even in some cases innovative and entrepreneur tendencies.

  Yet situated in the vortex of all those dramatic circumstances there was already present an aspect or potentiality of Arthur that remained calm and sovereign in the eye of the hurricane when facing the incessant agitations of all his fears and weird incarnations. It was the Solar Warrior, who was staying with his arms crossed in the hospital room, beholding in a sepulchral silence all the conflict and chaos that was taking place in Arthur´s Temple.

  The Forces of Darkness

  -Follow the Force Luke… Let go… -subtly affirmed Obi Wan Kenobi from “the other side”…

  Having experienced for milliseconds the Solar power and the first successes and achievements when applying the Doctrine, Arthur, now situated on “this side” contrary to Master Obi Wan, recalled with enthusiasm the great deeds of Luke Skywalker when the main character of Star Wars dismissed the use of his cybernetic shooting device, and instead relied on that which was called in the movie the “Force” in order to finally accomplish a supernaturally accurate fire that would ultimately detonate the core of Darth Vader´s “Empire of Evil”… Thus, inspired and kind of imitating one of his childhood heroes, Arthur intended to do the same as Luke Skywalker and courageously set apart his Iphone, aiming to directly challenge Darth Vader… I know all this sounds crazy my dear reader… However…

  …It was precisely then when Arthur also experienced “The Force” such as had been his initial aim. But unfortunately -and mainly due to lack of experience- instead of experiencing the Forces of Light, Arthur actually experienced the Forces of Darkness with such an intensity and power that until that precise moment he had not been capable of perceiving them with regard to their intrusive capacity. In point of fact, he was actually feeling how in his right hand, in a sort of magnetic and automatic way, he could feel the urge to recover the control of his Iphone and start automatically browsing all the menus and domains of cyberspace. Immediately Arthur asked himself: Why the hell am I doing this? And in no case did he find any answer, even though the answer was already embedded in the question itself… In any case, it was already quite obvious that such phenomena consisted of an irrational and reflexive act that he didn´t dominate, but rather dominated him, in a similar way in which he didn´t “think” but rather he was thought by his own thoughts. What the hell was going on?…

  Indeed it is no longer necessary to travel to Tibet and enter a Buddhist monastery in order to experience mysteries that were already enclosed within the Temple of the human body. Even remaining motionless and almost in a quasi-vegetative state, a completely new and radical form of conceiving the immediate phenomena and experiences was opening before Arthur. With regard to such phenomena, in the Doctrine is mentioned the so-called cybernetic prosthesis, in order to properly conceive the “magnetic�
�� phenomena that powerfully linked Arthur to his Iphone. These prosthesis are like electricity in the sense that they can´t be seen, but indeed “by their fruits, they shall be known”… In effect, the sort of “electrostatic attraction” that Arthur experienced between his right hand and the Iphone revealed some remarkable mechanisms and laws of his own Temple, and that according to the Doctrine he should learn to acknowledge and dominate, since one of the main aims of the Doctrine was that of liberating the Temple of all alien elements that invaded it.

  In the Doctrine it is outlined that such phenomena were a clear manifestation of the state of privation or state of passive reflection of the practitioner and aspirant to Solar Warrior. To put it briefly, these phenomena verify the fact that the individual is still in a state where he acts by mere conditioned reflexes that in most cases the individual merely suffers from without even being aware of such reflexes, inducing -analogous to what occurs in the electromagnetic induction phenomena- the urge for reflexive thoughts, feelings and emotions. Facing this phenomena

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