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The Solar Doctrine

Page 17

by Miguel A. Fernandez

forms of declining or ill life into bitmaps and simulacra, uploading them to the internet and to be stored in the network´s cloud.

  While in the case of the perception that is characteristic of waking consciousness, Martin was merely watching on T.V. the many conflicts going on in the Middle-East, yet Arthur rather perceived that Martin was actually not seeing the external world but a mainstream vision of his inner world; in point of fact it didn´t matter that the conflicts were in the Middle-East or South Africa, since Martin was dominated by the constant urge of watching conflict, war and destruction, and Arthur -aided by the Doctrine- realized that the reflective state of privation that Martin was immersed in induced him towards these spectator demands, where in a transposed and sublimated manner was pointed out the war that was really taken place within his own Temple, where the forces of organic subversion and insurgence had taken metabolic control of his pancreas.

  Whilst laughter, good cheer and jokes were heard on the surface of ordinary consciousness, the world appeared however before Arthur´s eyes as dantesque, full of wars and conflicts of high octane, where the ancient Titans had once again returned and taken control of men. On the other hand, in the most telluric and subterranean depths there appeared a powerful Dragon that was offering energy and power to humanity at the expense of having humanity under a condition of enslavement and alienation.

  Which reality was the true one? Was the vision of an ordinary room hospital real? Or was the vision of an apocalyptic conflict among heroes, Titans, gods and dragons even more real?… Ultimately it was simply all about different levels of the same reality, where human reality in truth only constitutes a quite narrow fraction. The fact that during the previous days all the veils of illusion were torn apart and Arthur felt forced to face the reality of “Arthur of flesh and blood” made everything he perceived in the world to be much more visceral, where all forms of elementary powers took control of the human bodies, and handled them at will. This was indeed quite a macabre panorama, and Arthur, while still following the teachings of the Doctrine and still learning how to handle his Lightsaber (the Iphone, naturally) in order to gain absolute control upon it, was asking himself if within that whole panorama of war and conflict there could be something beautiful, something enlightening, something that could provide some sense to the nonsense of all the war, pain and disease. This urge Arthur felt corresponded essentially to one of the explicit tasks of the Doctrine, where after the dissolution of the domains of the illusions and the false and artificial “I”s, the descent to hell and conflict demand of the Solar Warrior candidate to find something to believe in; and we are not talking here about any religion, and definitely not referring to any ideology or science… This key element, this Philosopher´s Stone has to consist of something that talks to the heart of he who aspires to become: a Solar Warrior, since it is obvious that one can fight for countless things, yet the Solar Warrior must only fight for that cause that impels him to the center, to the heart, to the Sun… In the Doctrine it is postulated that this center is everywhere, but through the conflict and combat the aspirant to Solar Warrior must always keep up a noble and combative attitude where one of the most important tasks consists of the destruction of all the images and mirages in which reality is made-up. And once the latter dimension of reality is achieved, the adept shall be capable of creating from himself that which impels him to be saved during the decisive moments he struggles to liberate the Temple.

  In truth a stable point to “anchor” was absolutely crucial for Arthur, since when observing his roommates in no way could he determine who they were, and what´s more, if ultimately they were actually someone, and if one could consider the existence in them of a center that conferred stability to their personality… Yet the latter possibility wasn´t actually the case before Arthur´s eyes, who realized that his roommates were dominated by countless impulses, reactions and stimuli that all fought against each other in order to take control over the organism, and during such process inevitable unbalances were produced in the states of consciousness that when fixed or projected in a given act induced a dis-ease, or what´s the same, a malformation of the Temple that had to be compensated for with another act that was directed in the contrary direction… In this sense the Doctrine postulates it in a very simple way: guilt or illness can be solved by the request for forgiveness… So simple yet so difficult, and whoever doesn´t take this natural alternative shall definitely contribute to the value of the pharmaceutical stocks on Wall Street… And the Temple Arthur intended to liberate -the soul of his body- constituted a perfect expression and symbol of the effective actions that he had adopted during the last years of his life; incoherent actions that contradicted each other and that lacked the determination and definition of the blade of a Sword… Hence, the only way to encounter a stable balance was to constitute a center, a cupola in the highest part of the Temple that could point towards a star, a sun, around which all conflict could revolve, and the Solar Warrior to emerge in all its power and vigor.

  The Lady of the Temple

  The Lady?… Well, actually the Temple of Arthur had been essentially until that moment was a whorehouse. And not just any kind of whorehouse… Since as long as Arthur had lived with his wife Helena, he was accustomed to spending a lot of time forging his image of “Arthur, Phd working for a prestigious university department”, both during the workday and during his moments of leisure. Yet underneath that surface, the always irreverent “Arthur of flesh and blood” insatiably demanded his expression rights, even though Arthur at the end of the day generally decided to dismiss his deepest instincts and drives. However, this constant repression caused huge psychological tension and fatigue, and eventually this psychological tension demanded its correspondent doses of pleasure, comfort and relaxation, which were mostly satisfied when Arthur watched T.V. for about three hours a day, always accompanied by his faithful pack of beer.

  Yet men during their adulthood must always be very careful whenever they get in contact with the T.V whore-set and seek psychological pleasure, relaxation and comfort in order to compensate for mind fatigue, while comfortably sitting on the couch… In fact, the T.V. offers such psychological pleasures, yet always attached to the added risk that the spectator might easily become infected by countless parasitic elements that can later become harbored in their subconscious and suck their… lives… and their finances just like whores that not only are expensive, but that neither maintain the minimum levels of hygiene. In point of fact, some years ago, Arthur and his wife had contracted a 35 year-mortgage, when both were invaded in their subconscious by a very naughty sign (in particular it was an advertisement where a very young couple was very happy in their new home sweet home…) that was subtly introduced under their awakened consciousness due to an intense propaganda campaign of a bank, and, in a state of deep hypnosis, this subliminal sign that surreptitiously infected the couple during the table talk impelled them to sign a contract that, after the eventual raising of the Euribor, ended up being for both quite a bitch and pain in the ass… Yet these unfortunate experiences don´t necessarily imply that the aspirant to Solar Warrior has to repress himself when having the opportunity of “throwing caution to the wind” and exposing himself once in a while to T.V channels such as M.T.V or watching Eurovision, but that he must always keep in mind that whenever he is alone with the seducing T.V. set in a dark room, enjoying in the deepest intimacy of a deep psychological relaxation of all tensions, that he is not only risking himself to suffering from psychological syphilis and gonorrhea, which will at some point convert his Temple into a fleabag whorehouse, but also into a center of infection and contagion that can become viral, even though it can´t be seen on youtube.

  Therefore, once inspired by all these reflections, Arthur willfully decided to expel from the cupola of the Temple all the prevarications, falsities and prostitutions. This action of merciless assassination was a fundamental task in the path towards the defeat of the powers of darkness. So immediately he adopted t
he mask of “Arthur the Cybernaut” and in a matter of seconds our convalescing friend was surfing swiftly and bravely along the complex domains of cyberspace, where there were still in the social networks identifications where “Arthur of flesh and blood” was covered with the signs and brands of Lacoste, Armani, Emidio Tucci and all those countless ones that also his wife portrayed… For our hero it was quite surprising, and also a little disturbing to be honest, the fact of realizing the emotional and sentimental links that caused his identification with these symbols, brands, and self-prostitutions, apart from also noticing the extent to which his attachment to such emotions was very much determined by the existence of those images of himself in cyberspace. With regard to these phenomena of attachment, the Doctrine adopts almost imperative tones:

  The aspirant to Solar Warrior is obliged to transcend all mirages and images of himself; he is obliged to act based in all his raw authenticity without identifications…

  Along the path to the defeat the powers of

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