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Maître du monde. English

Page 14

by Jules Verne

  Chapter 14


  The hours passed, and the situation did not change. The steersmanreturned on deck, and the captain, descending, watched the movementof the engines. Even when our speed increased, these enginescontinued working without noise, and with remarkable smoothness Therewas never one of those inevitable breaks, with which in most motorsthe pistons sometimes miss a stroke. I concluded that the "Terror,"in each of its transformations must be worked by rotary engines. ButI could not assure myself of this.

  For the rest, our direction did not change. Always we headed towardthe northeast end of the lake, and hence toward Buffalo.

  Why, I wondered, did the captain persist in following this route? Hecould not intend to stop at Buffalo, in the midst of a crowd of boatsand shipping of every kind. If he meant to leave the lake by water,there was only the Niagara River to follow; and its Falls would beimpassable, even to such a machine as this. The only escape was bythe Detroit River, and the "Terror" was constantly leaving thatfarther behind.

  Then another idea occurred to me. Perhaps the captain was onlywaiting for night to return to the shore of the lake. There, theboat, changed to an automobile, would quickly cross the neighboringStates. If I did not succeed in making my escape, during this passageacross the land, all hope of regaining my liberty would be gone.

  True, I might learn where this Master of the World hid himself. Imight learn what no one had yet been able to discover, assumingalways that he did not dispose of me at one time or another--and whatI expected his "disposal" would be, is easily comprehended.

  I knew the northeast end of Lake Erie well, having often visited thatsection of New York State which extends westward from Albany toBuffalo. Three years before, a police mission had led me to explorecarefully the shores of the Niagara River, both above and below thecataract and its Suspension Bridge. I had visited the two principalislands between Buffalo and the little city of Niagara Falls, I hadexplored Navy Island and also Goat Island, which separates theAmerican falls from those of the Canadian side.

  Thus if an opportunity for flight presented itself, I should not findmyself in an unknown district. But would this chance offer? And atheart, did I desire it, or would I seize upon it? What secrets stillremained in this affair in which good fortune or was it evilfortune--had so closely entangled me!

  On the other hand, I saw no real reason to suppose that there was anychance of my reaching the shores of the Niagara River. The "Terror"would surely not venture into this trap which had no exit. Probablyshe would not even go to the extremity of the lake.

  Such were the thoughts that spun through my excited brain, while myeyes remained fixed upon the empty horizon.

  And always one persistent question remained insolvable. Why had thecaptain written to me personally that threatening letter? Why had hespied upon me in Washington? What bond attached him to the GreatEyrie? There might indeed be subterranean canals which gave himpassage to Lake Kirdall, but could he pierce the impenetrablefortress of the Eyrie? No! That was beyond him!

  Toward four o'clock in the afternoon, reckoning by the speed of the"Terror" and her direction, I knew we must be approaching Buffalo;and indeed, its outlines began to show some fifteen miles ahead.During our passage, a few boats had been seen, but we had passed themat a long distance, a distance which our captain could easily keep asgreat as he pleased. Moreover, the "Terror" lay so low upon thewater, that at even a mile away it would have been difficult todiscover her.

  Now, however, the hills encircling the end of Lake Erie, came withinvision, beyond Buffalo, forming the sort of funnel by which Lake Eriepours its waters into the channel of the Niagara river. Some dunesrose on the right, groups of trees stood out here and there. In thedistance, several freight steamers and fishing smacks appeared. Thesky became spotted with trails of smoke, which were swept along by alight eastern breeze.

  What was our captain thinking of in still heading toward the port ofBuffalo! Did not prudence forbid him to venture further? At eachmoment, I expected that he would give a sweep of the helm and turnaway toward the western shore of the lake. Or else, I thought, hewould prepare to plunge beneath the surface. But this persistence inholding our bow toward Buffalo was impossible to understand!

  At length the helmsman, whose eyes were watching the northeasternshore, made a sign to his companion. The latter, leaving the bow,went to the central hatchway, and descended into the engine room.Almost immediately the captain came on deck, and joining thehelmsman, spoke with him in a low voice.

  The latter, extending his hand toward Buffalo, pointed out two blackspots, which showed five or six miles distant on the starboard side.The captain studied them attentively. Then shrugging his shoulders,he seated himself at the stern without altering the course of the"Terror."

  A quarter of an hour later, I could see plainly that there were twosmoke clouds at the point they had studied so carefully. Little bylittle the black spots beneath these became more defined. They weretwo long, low steamers, which, coming from the port of Buffalo, wereapproaching rapidly.

  Suddenly it struck me that these were the two torpedo destroyers ofwhich Mr. Ward had spoken, and which I had been told to summon incase of need.

  These destroyers were of the newest type, the swiftest boats yetconstructed in the country. Driven by powerful engines of the latestmake, they had covered almost thirty miles an hour. It is true, the"Terror" commanded an even greater speed, and always, if she weresurrounded so that flight was impossible, she could submerge herselfout of reach of all pursuit. In truth, the destroyers would have hadto be submarines to attack the "Terror" with any chance of success.And I know not, if even in that case, the contest would have beenequal.

  Meanwhile, it seemed to me evident that the commanders of the twoships had been warned, perhaps by Mr. Wells who, returning swiftly toToledo, might have telegraphed to them the news of our defeat. Itappeared, moreover, that they had seen the "Terror," for they wereheaded at full speed toward her. Yet our captain, seemingly givingthem no thought whatever, continued his course toward the NiagaraRiver.

  What would the torpedo destroyers do? Presumably, they would maneuverso as to seek to shut the "Terror" within the narrowing end of thelake where the Niagara offered her no passage.

  Our captain now took the helm. One of the men was at the bow, theother in the engine room. Would the order be given for me to go downinto the cabin?

  It was not, to my extreme satisfaction. To speak frankly, no one paidany attention to me. It was as if I had not been on board. I watched,therefore, not without mixed emotions, the approach of thedestroyers. Less than two miles distant now they separated in such away as to hold the "Terror" between their fires.

  As to the Master of the World, his manner indicated only the mostprofound disdain. He seemed sure that these destroyers were powerlessagainst him. With a touch to his machinery he could distance them, nomatter what their speed! With a few turns of her engine, the "Terror"would dart beyond their cannon shots! Or, in the depths of the lake,what projectiles could find the submarine?

  Five minutes later, scarcely a mile separated us from the twopowerful fighters which pursued us. Our captain permitted them toapproach still closer. Then he pressed upon a handle. The "Terror,"doubling the action of her propellers, leaped across the surface ofthe lake. She played with the destroyers! Instead of turning inflight, she continued her forward course. Who knew if she would noteven have the audacity to pass between her two enemies, to coax themafter her, until the hour when, as night closed in, they would beforced to abandon the useless pursuit!

  The city of Buffalo was now in plain view on the border of the lake.I saw its huge buildings, its church towers, its grain elevators.Only four or five miles ahead, Niagara river opened to the northward.

  Under these new conditions which way should I turn? When we passed infront of the destroyers, or perhaps between them, should I not throwmyself into the waters I was a good swimmer, and such a chance mightnever occur again. The captain could
not stop to recapture me. Bydiving could I not easily escape, even from a bullet? I should surelybe seen by one or other of the pursuers. Perhaps, even, theircommanders had been warned of my presence on board the "Terror."Would not a boat be sent to rescue me?

  Evidently my chance of success would be even greater, if the "Terror"entered the narrow waters of Niagara River. At Navy Island I would beable to set foot on territory that I knew well. But to suppose thatour captain would rush into this river where he might be swept overthe great cataract! That seemed impossible! I resolved to await thedestroyers' closest approach and at the last moment I would decide.

  Yet my resolution to escape was but half-hearted. I could not resignmyself thus to lose all chance of following up this mystery. Myinstincts as a police official revolted. I had but to reach out myhand in order to seize this man who had been outlawed! Should I lethim escape me! No! I would not save myself! Yet, on the other hand,what fate awaited me, and where would I be carried by the "Terror,"if I remained on board?

  It was a quarter past six. The destroyers, quivering and tremblingunder the strain of their speed, gained on us perceptibly. They werenow directly astern, leaving between them a distance of twelve orfifteen cable lengths. The "Terror," without increasing her speed,saw one of them approach on the port side, the other to starboard.

  I did not leave my place. The man at the bow was close by me.Immovable at the helm, his eyes burning beneath his contracted brows,the captain waited. He meant, perhaps, to finish the chase by onelast maneuver.

  Suddenly, a puff of smoke rose from the destroyer on our left. Aprojectile, brushing the surface of the water, passed in front of the"Terror," and sped beyond the destroyer on our right.

  I glanced around anxiously. Standing by my side, the lookout seemedto await a sign from the captain. As for him, he did not even turnhis head; and I shall never forget the expression of disdainimprinted on his visage.

  At this moment, I was pushed suddenly toward the hatchway of mycabin, which was fastened above me. At the same instant the otherhatchways were closed; the deck became watertight. I heard a singlethrob of the machinery, and the plunge was made, the submarinedisappeared beneath the waters of the lake.

  Cannon shot still boomed above us. Their heavy echo reached my ear;then everything was peace. Only a faint light penetrated through theporthole into my cabin. The submarine, without the least rolling orpitching, sped silently through the deeps.

  I had seen with what rapidity, and also with what ease thetransformation of the "Terror" had been made. No less easy and rapid,perhaps, would be her change to an automobile.

  And now what would this Master of the World do? Presumably he wouldchange his course, unless, indeed, he preferred to speed to land, andthere continue his route along the roads. It still seemed moreprobable, however, that he would turn back toward the west, and afterdistancing the destroyers, regain the Detroit River. Our submersionwould probably only last long enough to escape out of cannon range,or until night forbade pursuit.

  Fate, however, had decreed a different ending to this exciting chase.Scarce ten minutes had passed when there seemed some confusion onboard. I heard rapid words exchanged in the engine room. The steadilymoving machinery became noisy and irregular. At once I suspected thatsome accident compelled the submarine to reascend.

  I was not mistaken. In a moment, the semi-obscurity of my cabin waspierced by sunshine. The "Terror" had risen above water. I heardsteps on the deck, and the hatchways were re-opened, including mine.I sprang up the ladder.

  The captain had resumed his place at the helm, while the two men werebusy below. I looked to see if the destroyers were still in view.Yes! Only a quarter of a mile away! The "Terror" had already beenseen, and the powerful vessels which enforced the mandates of ourgovernment were swinging into position to give chase. Once more the"Terror" sped in the direction of Niagara River.

  I must confess, I could make nothing of this maneuver. Plunging intoa cul-de-sac, no longer able to seek the depths because of theaccident, the "Terror" might, indeed, temporarily distance herpursuers; but she must find her path barred by them when sheattempted to return. Did she intend to land, and if so, could shehope to outrun the telegrams which would warn every police agency ofher approach?

  We were now not half a mile ahead. The destroyers pursued us at topspeed, though being now directly behind, they were in poor positionfor using their guns. Our captain seemed content to keep thisdistance; though it would have been easy for him to increase it, andthen at nightfall, to dodge back behind the enemy.

  Already Buffalo had disappeared on our right, and a little afterseven o'clock the opening of the Niagara River appeared ahead. If heentered there, knowing that he could not return, our captain musthave lost his mind! And in truth was he not insane, this man whoproclaimed himself, who believed himself, Master of the World?

  I watched him there, calm, impassive not even turning his head tonote the progress of the destroyers and I wondered at him.

  This end of the lake was absolutely deserted. Freight steamers boundfor the towns on the banks of the upper Niagara are not numerous, asits navigation is dangerous. Not one was in sight. Not even afishing-boat crossed the path of the "Terror." Even the twodestroyers would soon be obliged to pause in their pursuit, if wecontinued our mad rush through these dangerous waters.

  I have said that the Niagara River flows between New York and Canada.Its width, of about three quarters of a mile, narrows as itapproaches the falls. Its length, from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario, isabout fifteen leagues. It flows in a northerly direction, until itempties the waters of Lake Superior, Michigan, Huron, and Erie intoOntario, the last lake of this mighty chain. The celebrated falls,which occur in the midst of this great river have a height of over ahundred and fifty feet. They are called sometimes the Horse-shoeFalls, because they curve inward like the iron shoe. The Indians havegiven them the name of "Thunder of Waters," and in truth a mightythunder roars from them without cessation, and with a tumult which isheard for several miles away.

  Between Lake Erie, and the little city of Niagara Falls, two islandsdivide the current of the river, Navy Island, a league above thecataract, and Goat Island, which separates the American and theCanadian Falls. Indeed, on the lower point of this latter isle stoodonce that "Terrapin Tower" so daringly built in the midst of theplunging waters on the very edge of the abyss. It has been destroyed;for the constant wearing away of the stone beneath the cataract makesthe ledge move with the ages slowly up the river, and the tower hasbeen drawn into the gulf.

  The town of Fort Erie stands on the Canadian shore at the entrance ofthe river. Two other towns are set along the banks above the falls,Schlosser on the right bank, and Chippewa on the left, located oneither side of Navy Island. It is at this point that the current,bound within a narrower channel, begins to move at tremendous speed,to become two miles further on, the celebrated cataract.

  The "Terror" had already passed Fort Erie. The sun in the westtouched the edge of the Canadian horizon, and the moon, faintly seen,rose above the mists of the south. Darkness would not envelop us foranother hour.

  The destroyers, with huge clouds of smoke streaming from theirfunnels, followed us a mile behind. They sped between banks greenwith shade trees and dotted with cottages which lay among lovelygardens.

  Obviously the "Terror" could no longer turn back. The destroyers shuther in completely. It is true their commanders did not know, as Idid, that an accident to her machinery had forced her to the surface,and that it was impossible for her to escape them by another plunge.Nevertheless, they continued to follow, and would assuredly maintaintheir pursuit to the very last.

  I marveled at the intrepidity of their chase through these dangerouswaters. I marveled still more at the conduct of our captain. Within ahalf hour now, his course would be barred by the cataract. No matterhow perfect his machine, it could not escape the power of the greatfalls. If the current once mastered our engines, we should inevitablydisappear in the gulf nearly two hundr
ed feet deep which the watershave dug at the base of the falls! Perhaps, however, our captain hadstill power to turn to one of the shores and flee by the automobileroutes.

  In the midst of this excitement, what action should I takepersonally? Should I attempt to gain the shores of Navy Island, if weindeed advanced that far? If I did not seize this chance, never afterwhat I had learned of his secrets, never would the Master of theWorld restore me to liberty.

  I suspected, however, that my flight was no longer possible. If I wasnot confined within my cabin, I no longer remained unwatched. Whilethe captain retained his place at the helm, his assistant by my sidenever removed his eyes from me. At the first movement, I should beseized and locked within my room. For the present, my fate wasevidently bound up with that of the "Terror."

  The distance which separated us from the two destroyers was nowgrowing rapidly less. Soon they were but a few cable-lengths away.Could the motor of the "Terror," since the accident, no longer holdits speeds? Yet the captain showed not the least anxiety, and made noeffort to reach land!

  We could hear the hissing of the steam which escaped from the valvesof the destroyers, to mingle with the streamers of black smoke. Butwe heard, even more plainly, the roar of the cataract, now less thanthree miles away.

  The "Terror" took the left branch of the river in passing NavyIsland. At this point, she was within easy reach of the shore, yetshe shot ahead. Five minutes later, we could see the first trees ofGoat Island. The current became more and more irresistible. If the"Terror" did not stop, the destroyers could not much longer followher. If it pleased our accursed captain to plunge us into the vortexof the falls, surely they did not mean to follow into the abyss!

  Indeed, at this moment they signaled each other, and stopped thepursuit. They were scarce more than six hundred feet from thecataract. Then their thunders burst on the air and several cannonshot swept over the "Terror" without hitting its low-lying deck.

  The sun had set, and through the twilight the moon's rays shone uponus from the south. The speed of our craft, doubled by the speed ofthe current, was prodigious! In another moment, we should plunge intothat black hollow which forms the very center of the Canadian Falls.

  With an eye of horror, I saw the shores of Goat Island flashed by,then came the Isles of the Three Sisters, drowned in the spray fromthe abyss.

  I sprang up; I started to throw myself into the water, in thedesperate hope of gaining this last refuge. One of the men seized mefrom behind.

  Suddenly a sharp noise was heard from the mechanism which throbbedwithin our craft. The long gangways folded back on the sides of themachine, spread out like wings, and at the moment when the "Terror"reached the very edge of the falls, she arose into space, escapingfrom the thundering cataract in the center of a lunar rainbow.


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