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Love Potion: A Valentine's Day Charity Anthology

Page 23

by Graceley Knox

  But knowing my luck, I was prepared for the worst.

  Chapter 2

  The resort Vali’d booked for us, Mystics of Byron, had recently been rated as one of the top supernatural-owned retreats in the world. It had earned six stars in the human world too, so it was no surprise that the whole place dripped luxury.

  It was also no surprise that trouble had followed us halfway across the world.

  Yet another threatening note had been left under the door to our suite for us to find when we walked in. It was written on the same monogrammed stationery as the last four we’d received, so clearly the same whack job had followed us to Australia to threaten “dire consequences” and “impending doom” should we “continue on this path.”

  None of it made any sense, and as yet, our supernatural PD hadn’t managed to trace who was sending the damn things. Vic—my head of security and newly rediscovered Dad—had told me to simply ignore them. Just a nutjob with too much time on his hands, apparently.

  The fact that he’d followed us to Australia made me second-guess Vic’s assessment.

  “Anything new?” I asked Wes as he inspected the note with a magnifying glass.

  He shook his head, then shrugged. “Same as the rest. Cryptic warning that bad things will befall us if we don’t change. Nowhere near as outwardly threatening as that email you got last week, but concerning for the sender’s tenacity.”

  The email he referred to had been from a human-supremacist and had detailed exactly how many pieces the sender wanted to slice me up into before burying me in the woods. Thankfully, Vic was pretty damn good at his job and had located the sender before they could attempt to act on their threat.

  “All right,” I announced, parking my hands on my hips and glaring at all six of them. “Who do I have to blow to get a damn coffee?”

  Caleb's hand shot up in the air so fast I barely even saw him move as he yelled, “I volunteer as tribute!”

  A sharp look from River had him slowly retracting his hand and scowling, though. Fucking Alpha. “Kitten, we cut you off yesterday because you looked like you were about to have a seizure. One day coffee-free won't kill you. Besides, your superior healing powers will counteract the caffeine withdrawal. Isn’t that lucky?”

  I rolled my eyes like a petulant child. "I was not about to seize, drama queen. I'm pretty sure by this point my body can handle six or seven cups of coffee just fine."

  Vali snorted a laugh, then covered it with a cough when both River and I shot a glare in his direction. Wise man.

  "You were on number fourteen when I cut you off, love," River informed me. "And let's not even try to pretend that bucket you drink from is a cup of coffee."

  Yeah okay, he has a point there. Damn, fourteen? That's more than usual...

  "It's been a stressful month," I muttered in my own defense.

  Cole grunted a noise and cocked an eyebrow at me. "That's an understatement."

  "Exactly why you needed this vacation," Wesley added, and it dawned on me that I was on my own here. Six against one. Even my offer of a blow job hadn't swayed Caleb over to my side, as he was now leaning against the wall with his arms folded and a stubborn look on his face.


  "Fine," I gritted out. "If I can't have coffee, I may as well sleep. What time is it anyway?"

  Wesley opened his mouth to tell me, but River got there first.

  "It doesn't matter what time it is, Kitten. We're on vacation, remember? Nowhere to be, no schedules to keep. You're tired, so you need to sleep, regardless of the time. Understood?" He speared me with a no-nonsense look, but I was in the mood to test my luck, so I just tightened my lips and glared back at him. "I said"—he spoke again in a don't-fuck-with-me tone—"am I understood?"

  A grin twitched at my stubborn glare, and I gave him a heated look. "Understood, sir."

  He narrowed his eyes back at me, then nodded. "Good. Go."

  Sighing, I grabbed my bag from where it was stacked neatly near the door and dragged my tired ass into the master suite. As much as I loved to push River's buttons, most of the time he was only doing what was best for me.

  Apparently today, that was sleep and no coffee... or sex, it seemed.

  Damn. Maybe when I woke up, things would be more amorous. Valentine's Day was all about rose petals, champagne, and dirty group sex, right?

  Chapter 3

  To my delight, I woke to find more than two well-muscled arms wrapped around me and hard evidence of the romantic holiday pressed against both my back and front.

  Hell. Freaking. Yes.

  Someone brushed the hair away from my neck and sleepily kissed the skin there, so I gave a little wiggle and sigh to show I was awake.

  "Good morning, Kitty Kat," Caleb whispered in my ear with a sexy, sleep-thickened voice. "Happy Valentine’s Day."

  "Shhh," Austin mumbled from in front of me, not bothering to open his eyes or really even wake up. "Sleeping."

  Biting my lip to keep from laughing, I wriggled around until I was facing half-awake Caleb and had mostly asleep Austin rearranged to spoon me from behind.

  "Happy Valentine's Day, Cal," I whispered back, sneaking a hand up to his face to pull him close enough to kiss. His soft lips met mine with a gentle caress. Slow, languid kisses quickly turned into something more heated as my mouth opened and our tongues met.

  Caleb's hands skimmed down my sides then pushed up Cole's black T-shirt, which I'd been sleeping in, and stroking the skin of my waist. His fingertips brushed across the ticklish patch of skin between my hip and pelvic bone, making me shiver and groan as my skin contracted.

  "Guys," Austin mumbled, his face buried in my hair and his breath huffing on the back of my neck. "It's not even daylight out. Can we sleep a bit longer?"

  Caleb and I both chuckled an evil sort of sound.

  "You can," his twin suggested. "We’ll be quiet."

  Caleb's fingers trailed lower, stroking across the thin cotton of my underwear.

  "Speak for yourself," I corrected him as my hips pressed forward to meet his hand. "Quiet isn't really in my skillset."

  Caleb snickered, then kissed me again—hard enough to leave me gasping—while he rubbed circles over my clit through my underwear. "Okay, I stand corrected. We won't be quiet, but you can still sleep if you want, bro." His green-eyed gaze left mine to wink at his brother, who'd raised his head slightly from my hair.

  Austin made a growling sound—not totally unlike his tiger familiar—and grabbed my shoulder to roll me flat on my back. "Fuck that," he muttered before claiming my lips in an even more bruising kiss than Caleb had just delivered.

  Heat and desire poured through me, and I spread my legs apart to drag Austin closer. His hard length crushed against my already aching pussy as his kiss possessed me, and my legs hitched up, locking around his waist.

  A warm hand slid across my belly, between Austin and I, delving beneath my sleep shirt to cup one naked breast. There was something maddeningly addictive about having both twins in bed with me at the same time. Three years in and I still hadn't gotten sick of it. Thank the gods of coffee we had eternity together.

  "Hey," Caleb gave his brother a sharp push in the shoulder. "Sharing is caring, bro."

  With the space created, Caleb grabbed me by the waist and extracted me from under Austin until I lay sprawled across his chest.

  Not pausing even a second, his lips returned to mine, pausing only for a brief second as he stripped my shirt over my head and tossed it across the room.

  "I guess there are worse ways to wake up," Austin murmured, smoothing his palm down my tattooed back and hooking his fingers in the waistband of my panties. "Although I'm starting to think Cole has a point."

  This made me laugh against Caleb's lips and pull back to glare at Austin. "I'm not going to abandon underwear in its entirety just because he's too lazy to actually remove them without ripping them. Do you have any idea how uncomfortable it is to sit in a meeting with President Stunich when I can feel
the breeze on my cunt?" I arched a brow at Austin, and he grinned back wickedly. Both twins did.

  I knew that feeling firsthand, thanks to an impromptu limo fuck with Cole, Austin, and Wes on my way to a meeting at the White House. Of course, Cole had destroyed my panties, and of course, I still hadn't learned to pack spares in my handbag.


  Austin shifted on the bed, kissing one of the circular rune tattoos on my spine before sliding my underwear down my legs. "Maybe just when there are no official meetings on?" he suggested, and I rolled my eyes.

  Knowing my six husbands and how persistent they were—not to mention my own magically enhanced sex drive—they'd win me over eventually.

  "Or even just while we're on vacation?" Caleb suggested, lying back on the pillows while his fingers toyed with my pert nipples.

  I sucked in a deep breath, enjoying the sensation of my breasts being fondled, while he reached one hand down and freed his erection from his boxer shorts.

  "Maybe," I conceded, eyeing his cock with hunger.

  Caleb grinned, and Austin's teeth nipped at my shoulder. "That's not a no," Austin commented.

  "I'll accept it," Caleb agreed, shifting his hands to my hips and moving me slightly until I straddled his hips. "I bet we can get a yes by the time we're finished here."

  My whole body was flushed with arousal, and I happily let Caleb take control as he lined up his cock with my slick opening and smoothly sheathed himself entirely within me.

  A low groan escaped my throat as I braced my hands on his chest and let him thrust up into my aching cunt. Damn twins always knew the best time to ask me anything—I would have agreed to a whole lot more in the slightly sleepy, euphoric state they'd pushed me into.

  I dropped my head back, my hair brushing my lower back as Caleb moved within me, and the distinctive click of a bottle cap opening caught my attention.

  "Definitely one of my favorite ways to wake up," Austin commented as he slicked lube over my asshole and sank his thumb inside. My tight hole tensed around him, then relaxed as he pushed in a bit deeper, smoothing lube inside me and making me pant desperate noises of encouragement.

  Austin moved on the bed, positioning himself on his knees behind me and nudging my legs wider before replacing his thumb with something significantly larger and pierced.

  "Yes," I moaned, even as Caleb slowed. The twins had this thing down. It was almost second nature to us all now; we knew each other’s bodies and rhythms so intimately that there was no fumbling required.

  Austin's strong grip on my ass held me still as he pushed his sizable length inside me, filling up what little space remained, given the fact that his twin was already fully encased inside my pussy.

  "Shit," Austin grunted as his hips met my backside, and he paused a moment. "That's insanely good."

  "Shut up and start moving, asshole," Caleb growled at him. "You're killing me down here."

  I let out a low, sex-fueled laugh but let my body turn to putty between the two of them. They knew what to do, how I liked it, and how to make me come hard enough to see stars... over and over.

  The twins moved within me, and I curled my fingers in the sheets on either side of Caleb as I leaned forward. The delicious drag of Austin's cock piercing rubbed inside my ass while Caleb did this incredible circling thing that seemed to make me feel even more full, if that were even possible.

  "Damn it," I moaned. "I'm going to come."

  "Finally," Cole rumbled from the doorway, and I gasped in fright.

  "Fuck," both twins swore on a groan in unison, and I realized that my shock had tensed my whole body. My whole body.

  Austin's fingers tightened on my hips, and he pumped harder, echoing Caleb's motions as my pussy and ass held them tighter than a Chinese finger trap. As for me, I turned my head slightly to catch Cole's gaze over my shoulder—holding it as I climaxed with shuddering moans and heavy breathing.

  He narrowed his granite gaze back at me, and a tiny smile lifted the corner of his mouth.

  "I'll be in the shower," he informed me, cupping the bulge in his sweatpants before wandering past our panting, collapsed bodies to the attached en suite.

  Grinning, I lay there between my King twins for a while as my vision returned to normal and the ringing faded from my ears. The sound of the shower running called to me, though, like a goddamn siren song.

  "Go," Caleb muttered, almost back to sleep again.

  Not needing any further encouragement, I scrambled out of the pile of sweaty man-limbs and slipped into the steamy bathroom.

  "Vixen," Cole said with a slight growl. His gray eyes met mine through the fog, and I grinned wickedly. "Did you come to help me wash my hair?"

  I snickered a laugh, opening the glass screen door and slipping inside. Cole had just given himself a haircut before we came away, so he barely had any hair left to speak of, just a black fuzz that made him look even more badass than ever. Not that he needed help in that department.

  Stepping under the warm water, I took the bar of fancy hotel soap from the ledge and rubbed it between my palms.

  "I just thought maybe I could lend you a hand," I offered, wrapping a soapy hand around his thick erection and stroking down, then back up, then down again.

  Cole groaned but didn’t protest as I worked him over with my hand, then sank to my knees under the shower spray.

  Tilting my head back to let the water soak my hair, I parted my lips and slid his hot, hard cock into my mouth.

  “Yeah,” he murmured in a low moan. “This is the perfect Valentine’s Day so far.”

  I hummed a laugh but didn’t release him from my mouth. He was close, I could feel it.

  Flicking my tongue around the silken head, I pumped my slick hand up and down, then sucked him deep into my throat.

  “Fuck,” he swore, gathering my hair in his fist and bucking his hips a little as he held me prisoner.

  A knock on the bathroom door came right as Cole did. My gaze flickered over to meet Wesley's blue gaze while Cole finished in my mouth, then released my wet hair so I could stand back up.

  "Dammit," Wes cursed. "I missed all the fun."

  "What's up, Crow?" Cole asked with a small, post-orgasmic chuckle. He turned me around to face Wesley and started soaping up my hair with honey-scented hotel shampoo.

  Wes let his gaze travel over my wet, naked body for a moment before responding. "Oh, uh, I wanted to see if you guys wanted to check out the Hellmouth with me. It's supposed to be some awesome natural rock formation on one of the beaches near here."

  I arched a brow at him before Cole tipped my head back to rinse out the shampoo. "Kind of an ominous name for a rock formation," I commented. Lucy's revelation on our wedding night that Hell had issued a warrant for River's arrest had not slipped my mind—despite the months on months of dead silence on that front.

  "Humans." Wes shrugged. "So dramatic."

  I laughed and leaned back into Cole's fingers massaging conditioner into my hair. "I'm game. Give me five minutes to rinse."

  "I'll come too," Cole added, and Wesley narrowed his eyes with a smirk.

  "Again?" Wes teased. "That's a bit unfair."

  Even Cole snorted a laugh at that one and flipped Wes his middle finger. "We'll be out shortly. Grab Vixen some coffee if you value your life."

  Wesley gave a small, sarcastic salute. "You got it, lizard breath."

  He ducked back out of the bathroom before Cole could retaliate, and I closed my eyes to enjoy the rest of my scalp massage.

  Chapter 4

  As it turned out, the Hellmouth was a series of interconnected caves, accessed via a crazy-beautiful, white-sand beach. According to a local we'd stopped to chat with—named Bazza, which Wes informed me was short for Barry—the caves had earned their name as the Hell-Mouth a long time ago when someone noticed the smell of sulfur wafting from them.

  While the smell was later proven to be from an underground mineral hot spring, the name had stuck.

  "Okay," C
aleb groaned, wiping sweat from his brow with the hem of his ridiculous, flamingo-printed shirt. "I'm ready to head back for cocktails by the pool."

  I licked my lips, eyeing Vali, who had removed his shirt entirely and slung it over his shoulder. Sweat ran down his chiselled torso, and I badly wanted to lick it off. "Yeah, I could go for some cock by the pool," I muttered, then coughed when I heard myself. "Uh, I mean, cocktails. Cocktails by the pool."

  We'd been exploring the caves for a couple of hours already, and the combined heat of Byron Bay in February and the mineral hot springs in close confines had us all cooking.

  "Sure you did," Vali replied with a knowing smirk. "Where's Alpha gone?"

  I looked around and frowned. Where had River gone?

  "River?" I called out, and my own voice echoed back at me. There was a short, anxious pause before his voice came back.

  "Kitten?" he called back. "Where are you going?"

  I frowned slightly at the other guys before replying. "Uh, we're heading back to the hotel. Where are you?"

  "Right here!" his voice seemed almost farther away this time, and it worried me. "Wait up, love."

  Something didn't feel right. "Guys wait here," I murmured, "I just want to check..." With cautious footsteps, I headed back down the tunnel we'd all just emerged from. It had sounded like River's voice was coming from this direction...

  "Kitten!" he said, popping out of the shadows directly in front of me and making me scream a little in fright.

  "Fucking coffee beans, River. You scared me!" I whacked him with the back of my hand, and he grinned at me.

  Back the way I'd come, I heard the shuffling of feet before Cole called out, "Everything okay, Vixen?"

  "Yes!" I yelled back. "Go on ahead; I need to give River a lecture about how it's not nice to scare his wife."

  The other guys all chuckled, but their footsteps grew fainter as River stepped closer to me, boxing me against the wall of the dark tunnel.


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