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Love Potion: A Valentine's Day Charity Anthology

Page 32

by Graceley Knox

  "Help with what?" Broc quickly asks.

  "I overheard your mission explanation to Mr. Pleasure over here, but if anyone can find a human that's destined to be a god, it is me," Herc proudly states. I guess he has a point.

  "I’ll know who it is when I see them," I admit, knowing I won't need their help.

  "How?" Broc asks.

  "The necklace will glow when they’re near, kind of. Valkyries can always find our charge," I explain.

  "Everyone is going in there, so...would you like a date to the dance, Val?" Herc asks, clicking his fingers and turning his clothes into a suit.

  "Two dates," Broc interrupts, using the same trick to dress himself in a suit while glaring at Herc. I step in between them both, placing my hands on my hips. Damn. They look fine. Hercules has a navy suit that is a tad bit too tight, complete with a white button down shirt and maroon tie. Broc is wearing grey, and his tie is black. It should be illegal, looking as good as they do.

  "You two look great, and I will happily go on a date, but aren't you forgetting the most important thing?" I ask, and they both look clueless. Oh boys, you have some lessons to learn. "I need a dress, a sexy one, then we can go."

  Chapter 5

  The dress I’m wearing is silver and sleek, clinging to my body like a thin glove and leaving little to the imagination. The front of it barely covers my curvy breasts, dipping so low it reveals my navel. I feel beautiful in an ethereal sort of way.

  Part of me wonders why I’m putting so much effort into a date that I know can’t lead anywhere. There’s no denying the sexual tension burning between us, as well as the hot need I’m constantly feeling. And more so, they’re kind and helpful, assisting me in finding the new god of love, even though I’m sure they have much better things to do. Even though I know that this is just one night, one dance with two guys. I want it to be perfect. I want a night I can cling to during the long nights I’m dreaming of them.

  They’re waiting downstairs in my posh apartment, both of them sitting and sipping whiskey from a glass in their perfectly tailored suits as I descend the stairs. My heels click against the tile, and I trail my fingers along the banister, trying to keep my eager gaze from seeking out their expressions as their eyes land on my body.

  Broc lets out a low whistle at the sight of me, and I feel a heated blush kiss my cheeks at the sound. “Damn, Val,” he whispers in awe, like he can’t imagine I’m really here.

  When my feet connect with the bottom step, he steps towards me, and I take a moment to once again appreciate the way his muscles fill out the suit he’s wearing. He grabs my hands and inspects me further as his pleasure power runs up and down my arms. There’s something sinfully tempting about him that draws the primal parts of myself in.

  I clear my throat and avoid his lusty gaze to stare at Herc, who is leaning against the wall with his muscular arms crossed over his chest. I swear one move could rip free the fabric of his suit. I like the way he pulled his long, blond hair up into a bun on top of his head. But even more so, I like the way his eyes are taking me in with a heated intensity that takes my breath away.

  Propelling himself off the wall, he storms towards me as Broc positions himself at my back and runs a finger down my spine. “You know exactly what you’re doing to me, don’t you?” Herc asks while closing in on me. He leans in, kisses my cheek, and I revel in the feel of his stubble against my skin.

  “What do you mean?” I ask, forcing myself not to stutter.

  “I mean, you know that the sight of you in that dress will have me hard as a brick all night,” he says before grabbing my hand and holding it over the evidence of his hard attraction to me. I bite my lip and stifle a moan before briefly allowing myself to stroke him over his pants.

  I allow a brief moment of giving into my attraction to them both before stopping. “Guess you’ll just have to shut your eyes then,” I tease before pulling away from them both and strutting towards my front door.

  My coy exit would have worked if it hadn’t been for the fact that we are all going to the same place, and my legs are so wobbly with thick lust that I’m struggling to stand as my hand connects with my door handle. Chancing a look over my shoulder, I catch a glimpse of the smirk on Broc’s face and decide not to drive, opening a portal that will do nothing to help the dizzy state I’m in. I leap through it, flashing them my ass in the process.

  Guess this is becoming a habit of sorts.

  When we arrive at the ball, both men take my arm and guide me through the entrance. I find it odd that the new god of love is conveniently located at the same university that Hela attended, but try not to think much of it. Maybe there’s a reason for it. Maybe this university is a hotbed for demi-gods. I suck in a deep breath, appreciating the dark lighting and deep red table cloths. The DJ is playing smooth jazz music, and couples everywhere are paired off and dancing. Broc is on my left and smiles, obviously ready to turn up the pleasure; this is his domain, and I can already feel the temperature growing hotter.

  “Where do we start?” Herc asks while moving his hand to the small of my back and guiding me through the ballroom. The necklace around my throat is pulsing with seductive power, echoing through my nerves and making me want to sway to the sensual music. It almost makes me sad that I’ll have to give up the stone once we find the real god of love destined to wield its power.

  “I guess we should just walk around; my magic will lead me to him, I think,” I reply, feeling both of them guide me to the dance floor.

  “Most people are here on the dance floor, Val. I say we start with a dance,” Broc murmurs as he bends down to whisper in my ear. “Dance with me.”

  Shutting my eyes, the song changes to a sultrier beat, likely chosen by the god of pleasure himself. It’s got a baseline that makes my body feel relaxed and tight all at once. “,” I say, my voice hoarse and throaty as I try to compose myself. This is wrong, I shouldn’t want this—I can’t want this.

  But oh gods, I do. I want them both.

  Broc and Herc position themselves around me, and I ignore the jealous and curious stares of the people around us. Herc is at my back, holding my hips in his large hands and pulling me against his rock hard body. Broc stays at my front, peering into my eyes with intensity as we move to the music.

  “How, uh, is this supposed to help me find the god of love?” I whisper, knowing that both of them can hear me over the loud music. Neither of them replies for a long moment, and we grind against one another. Broc places his thigh between my legs, granting me closer access to his chiseled body as I grind my sex against his leg. I can feel his pleasure magic shooting through me, tempting me with everything I’m not supposed to want but do.

  “Just feel me, Val,” he says as Herc slams into me with his body while rubbing his hands up and down my sides, lifting my dress up ever so slightly. If both their bodies weren’t crowding me, the dark room would have a nice view of my pink lace underwear. Sexy lingerie that I definitely didn’t pick with the hopes that my dates would pull them from my body with their teeth. I know that no good can come of this, but still, I move against them, allowing myself to enjoy their bodies for a moment.

  A hand grabs my ass, and I'm not sure which one of them is groping me, but it feels absolutely amazing. I want to lean into both of them at once, but they're on either side of me. I can feel them, but it's not enough. I'm not sure if it's the love stone around my neck that's causing me to respond so strongly to them, or if we were always meant to collide this way, giving in to the inevitable attraction budding between us.

  I feel a tongue slide down my neck, and I gasp, shooting my eyes open and squinting when a strobe light nearly blinds me. Ah hell, I can't be doing this. Grabbing Broc's wrist, I yank him away from my waist, pushing him back with surprising strength before dislodging myself from Herc. "I can't...I can't do this," I say before fast walking through the crowd and out of the ballroom. It feels like my chest is pounding so hard it's going to escape my chest. Everything hurt
s, I just want to hide away from them and these damn feelings.

  "Val, stop!" one of them shouts. Hercules. His voice is troubled, but I still walk. My pulse is thudding as I turn down a hallway and enter a coat closet before sinking to the floor and sobbing.

  I want them.

  I really want them.

  I'm not sure when I first started to fall. Maybe it was the moonlit night I danced with Broc under the stars a few years ago. Or maybe it was the whiskey sours I enjoyed with Hercules in his palace, hidden from the world. Years, we've had years of this building up, and now it has nowhere to go. I tried to replace them, filled my nights with mortal men that left me satisfied enough to ignore the pang and desire, but I still wanted them.

  "You've got to stop running from us," Herc says as the door slowly opens, filling the room with the hallway light as they both enter. I stand up, my feet shaky as I try to wipe the tears from beneath my eyes.

  "Why are you crying?" Broc asks before placing his hand on my elbow and pulling me into his chest. It feels so right being close to him, but I know it's wrong. I know I can't have them.

  "Because this is wrong," I whisper. "Because we can never be together. The moment I let this," I motion between us, "happen for real, I become mortal. And then what? You live forever, and I'll die within a few decades—maybe less. Aging while you both stay...perfect."

  “What do you mean ‘for real’?” Hercules asks.

  “You know what I mean. Somewhere down the line, I fell for you—for both of you.” I then look between them, feeling foolish. “I can’t keep going back, because it’ll never be enough. I want something real with you, and I can’t have it.”

  "We can find ways around it," Herc offers as a group of people walk by, but neither of them bothers to shut the closet door.

  "We can't," I insist.

  "Stop telling me what I can't do, I'm a fucking god, for creator’s sake," Herc says before slamming his lips to mine.

  I melt. I melt into a puddle at his feet, allowing his strong arms to wrap around me as I turn to liquid at his kiss. Molten hot. I can't move, can't think about the consequences. Herc feels too damn good for his own good.

  "My turn," Broc says with a sly smile before pulling my shoulder so that I'm facing him. His lips crash to mine in frantic intensity, different than Herc's kiss but still pleasant all the same. His pleasure powers trickle down my skin, and I feel every nerve ending, every inch of my skin is on fire, begging for more.

  His hand slides up my thigh, touching me, tempting me. There's another hand reaching around from the back, grabbing my breasts as I moan into Broc's mouth. My necklace is pulsing. Pulsing so hard I can feel each thudding beat of my heart. But I pull away once more, hearing footsteps outside and knowing that the Valkyrie council is always watching, always looking for a reason to strip me of my wings.

  "We can't," I rush out, gasping for air as I look around, trying to straighten my dress and calm my racing heart.

  "What are the rules exactly?" Herc asks while giving Broc a sideways glance that's full of playfulness. "No touching?"

  "Y-yes," I choke out.

  "Well, good thing I know a man that can bring you pleasure with just a glance," Herc responds as I step backward, my body slamming into the wall of the closet as Broc smiles. And then, the god of pleasure winks at me. Fucking winks. And that's all it takes. My sex is vibrating, climbing up and shaking hands with the stone of love around my neck, both of them working their sensual magic over my humming body, guiding me to a blissful climax.

  I stare at Broc and Herc, my chest heaving as I claw for my release. I dig my nails into my thighs and work my dress up, clenching every muscle until I'm rewarded with an orgasm that rips me apart then builds me back up.

  "Fuck," I cry out, feeling both of their hooded eyes on me. But the pleasure of the moment doesn’t last long. And just as I'm shattering to pieces on the floor in front of them, a tall guy walks by and my necklace bursts to life, shining bright like a beacon as the guy disappears down the hallway.

  "Shit," I begin while catching my breath. "I think that was him."

  And I don't spare either of them a second glance, mostly because I'm not sure what I should say. Thanks for the orgasm? See you later? I think I'm in love with both of you?

  No. Instead, I do what a Valkyrie does. I follow after my charge.

  Chapter 6

  I run as quickly as I can in my tight dress down the corridor, ignoring the shouts of Hercules and Broderick behind me. I know they want to continue what we started, but the moment I saw the guy walk by and my necklace light up, I was swiftly reminded of my job.

  I'm a Valkyrie.

  And with any luck, I'll complete my mission and worry about everything else later, preferably with a bottle or two of wine. I keep my eyes on the potential god of love, he's tall with light brown hair. He's got a lean build, and I see a hint of muscles peeking through his shirt but not much.

  Heavy steps are behind me, and it takes all I have not to turn around and scowl at the gods that have decided to become my shadow for the evening. "Can you please try to at least pretend to be stealthy?" I ask under my breath while eyeing Herc out of the corner of my eye. His chest is heaving, and I know it has nothing to do with chasing after me and everything to do with our time together in the closet.

  The guy opens a random door to a classroom, unintentionally leaving it slightly open. I silently hold my hand up, mentally begging Broc and Hercules to stay behind. Then, I sneak behind the door and peek my head around. I did see the guy standing behind a girl. His hands are hovering over her bare arms, as if he's scared to touch her but wants to anyway. She's crying, covering her face with her hands as big sobs escape her, racking her chest. She has long blond hair that curls at the end, and her skin is darker than his pale glow. They both look normal, beautiful even. I wonder what's going on between them.

  "Lessie, can we please talk? It isn't what it looked like," the guy states while stepping closer and placing his hands on her shoulders as she continues to cry. "She leaned in and kissed me, I had no idea that's what she was wanting to do. We're chemistry partners, nothing more." The guy’s voice is pleading as he speaks, and I feel my necklace start to pulse more, making me wonder if this guy really is the god of love. It almost feels like it's pulling me closer to him, guiding me to intervene. And after a few more moments, the stone starts to glow against my chest.

  "You kissed her, Mark!" Lessie cries out, finally turning around so I can see her face. Her dark makeup is ruined, streaks of black armor flowing freely down her cheeks. They're both young, but I still don't recognize them from my time here with Hela. "I've loved you since we are both eight years old, and it took years for you to even notice me."

  The necklace starts to vibrate. "You know how I feel about you—"

  "You've never even told me that you love me. Not ever, and after tonight, I see that you never will," she says with a dramatic flair before pushing past Mark. I quickly step behind the door as she storms out of the classroom. I then watch her back as she runs down the corridor towards the ball.

  My necklace is now burning hot, and my body feels like it's being dragged towards Mark, who is still in the classroom and resting against the desk. My feet move of their own accord, leaving Hercules and Broderick behind. Mark is rubbing his face with his hands, and I can't help but wonder why he's not going after her. Now seems like a terrible time to tell him that he's the god of love, and I know that I shouldn't go in there to tell him what to do, but it's like I can't help myself.

  "Hey, you’re Mark, right?" I say, and he looks up, frowning at me. I wonder what he thinks of the strange girl intruding on such an intimate moment.

  "Yeah, have we met?" he asks while scrunching his eyes up in confusion. I understand why he’s skeptical, but I keep walking, damn legs can’t seem to stop. It feels almost like a Valkyrie compulsion when I’m near my charge, but more potent.

  "Nope, but I overheard your argument with Lessie," I explain,
cringing when I realize the gross intrusion of privacy that I committed. Oh well—I'm not really one for tact.

  And if Mark is disturbed that I was eavesdropping, he doesn't show it. "You know Lessie? Any chance you know what I should do about all this? I really need some advice," he says while humorlessly chuckling.

  I bite my lip before looking over my shoulder to check that Hercules and Broderick are still hanging back. I then lower my voice so that only Mark can hear. "Why didn't you tell her that you loved her too? It's clear from how you look at her that you do," I ask.

  "I have not said those words to anyone before, and I'm not really sure why I’m being honest with a complete stranger," he replies, staring at me for a second with confusion while gesturing between us. I somehow get the feeling that Mark never talks about his emotions.

  "I won't say a word," I reassure him, crossing my arms and walking further into the room, towards him.

  Mark lets out a sigh before responding, "Right. Well, my parents got divorced young, and for years, they tried to get back together many times. I've never once heard them say that they loved each other… And they've never said it to me. Besides, I've always had Lessie. She thinks I didn't notice her, but she was the girl-next-door, the girl I—"

  "The girl you've always loved?" I chuckle, raising an eyebrow at him. "Get the hell out of here and tell her exactly that," I say with enthusiasm while shooing him away. He nods, eyes growing wide before running to the door. He pauses at the threshold, looking over his shoulder to say one last thing to me. "Thanks, by the way," he mutters before giving me a confused look. "I'm an idiot."

  "No problem," I reply just before he runs out of the room. I look down at the stone which is no longer glowing. I must've gotten the wrong guy. Dammit. Well, at least Mark is having a happy ending on Valentine's Day.

  Chapter 7


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