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Theirs to Pleasure: a Reverse Harem Romance

Page 17

by Stasia Black

  So was he going to ignore that inner voice again? And let another woman he l— Another woman he cared about down?

  Fuck that.

  He strode forward, ready to shove Jonas out of the way and scoop Shay off the bed.

  Right as he got within shoving distance, though, he heard Shay’s whisper soft voice. “Will you put it in my ass? Will you make it hurt? Please?”

  Charlie stalled only a few feet away from the bed, transfixed by the pleading look on Shay’s face.

  Jonas leaned over and ran a hand down the valley between her breasts to her stomach, stopping right before he got to her sex. Shay arched her back, obviously begging for more. But Jonas moved his hand away from her pussy—her glistening, wet pussy—and Charlie swallowed hard.

  Because Shay didn’t look like she was in any need of rescuing. In fact, she looked like she was exactly where she wanted to be.

  “You want it to hurt, baby doll?” Jonas asked. He put his hands on her hips and squeezed. And then, in one quick motion, he flipped her so that she was face down on the mattress. “You want to be punished for your sins?”

  “Yes,” she cried out, her voice muffled by the mattress.

  Fuckin’ hell, Charlie’s cock was getting hard. Just like it did every night in spite of his reservations.

  With Shay naked and panting in front of him, though… nothing in the world could feel wrong.

  She’s only like this because they’ve brainwashed her into thinking it’s what she wants—

  But when?

  Other than a few hours here and there, Charlie had been at Shay’s side ever since they’d walked into camp. And she’d been enthusiastic about sleeping with all of them on their wedding night. That was on the second day and she definitely hadn’t been out of his sight at that point.

  So… what if there wasn’t any brainwashing?

  What if this was what Shay, and maybe his sister too, actually wanted. Okay, strike that. He shuddered. No thinking about his sister while he was staring at his gorgeous, naked wife ever again.

  But then his thoughts stopped in their tracks.

  His wife.

  Had he ever really thought of Shay in those terms before?

  As his wife?

  Their wife?

  If he let go of all the preconceptions he’d had growing up about marriage and lo— He swallowed. About love, and about what it meant to protect someone you loved, then maybe, just maybe…

  Jonas raised his hand and slapped Shay’s ass. So hard it left a mark.

  “What are you—” Charlie lurched forward.

  Fuck everything he’d just been thinking.

  No. Wrong.

  This bastard had just hit her.

  Charlie grabbed Jonas by the arm and started yanking him away from Shay when she cried out, “Please! Again!”

  Charlie froze and Jonas took advantage of his momentary shock.

  “Feel her.”

  He grabbed Charlie’s hand and jerked him forward. Charlie stumbled, pulled off balance by Jonas’s force. But Jonas didn’t stop. Not until he’d shoved Charlie’s hand between Shay’s legs.

  Charlie started to object, but then he felt what Jonas meant for him to feel. Shay was wet. And not just a little bit. Charlie blinked and started to jerk his hand back but Jonas snatched his wrist, holding him in place.

  “Keep touching her,” he ordered.

  Chest heaving, Charlie did as Jonas said. He kept his hand on her inner thigh that was slick with her juices.

  And then Jonas slapped her ass again.

  Both Charlie and Shay jolted at the blow. But whereas Charlie was ready to deck Jonas, Shay just wriggled closer to Charlie’s hand.

  His breath caught.

  His thumb twitched the tiniest bit closer to her sex and her entire body shuddered. His eyes shot to Jonas and he just gave a knowing smirk.

  “You like it when he touches you there, baby doll?” Jonas spanked her again.

  Spanking. That was what he was really doing. Not slapping or hitting. He was spanking her.

  At both the thought and the sight, Charlie’s pants grew uncomfortably tight.

  Shay let out a sweet little dissatisfied noise, wriggling on Charlie’s hand again.

  Jonas landed another smack.

  “Stop moving. Your pleasure is not yours tonight. You don’t get to say when or if you get to come. Only your masters do.”

  A small wheedling whine was Shay’s only reply.

  “Now you,” Jonas said, nodding at Shay’s round ass, pink from his attention.

  Charlie felt his eyebrows lift. “What? I can’t—”

  “You can and you will.” Jonas’s glare was stern. “Because our wife needs it.”

  Holy shit. What alternate Twilight Zone version of his life had Charlie walked into that he was even thinking about doing this? Maybe Jonas had slipped him some edibles in his lunch stew and this was all a very vivid hallucination.

  “Spank her,” Jonas demanded. “She has to know that when she needs punishing, any of husbands will be up for the job.”

  Punishing? Did they really have to use that word? She was a grown up and it wasn’t like they were—

  “Spank your wife,” Jonas ordered with the tone of a drill soldier.

  And Charlie swung his hand, palm down, and spanked Shay’s ass.

  He froze as soon as he made contact and then, realizing he still had his hand on her warm flesh, he jerked his hand back. He just hit her. He just hit Shay. He felt immediately sick with himself. Especially when he realized that his cock had gone stone hard.

  “Now feel how wet you’ve made her.”

  Fuck this bastard.

  Charlie’s jaw went tense.

  But then he remembered how wet she’d been after Jonas spanked her.

  This is for Shay. You swore you’d do anything for her.

  So Charlie reached down between her legs again. And sure enough, she seemed even wetter than before. Charlie teased his finger in her slickness up to her clitoris and she wriggled her ass toward him. Like she wanted more.

  Goddammit. She did want to be spanked. He’d heard her with his own ears—she’d asked for it to hurt. He might not understand it but that didn’t mean it wasn’t valid for her to want. She’d even asked for…

  Charlie slid the finger circling her clit down through her pussy lips, and then further back. All the way to the forbidden rosette between her gorgeous ass cheeks.

  His breath stalled as he teased his index finger at the rim of her back hole. Then, before he could overthink it or stop himself, he pressed it inside.

  Shay immediately bucked her hips and ass up so that his finger was buried up to the knuckle. Holy shit, did she know what she was doing to him?

  He’d never even— Maybe in some of his dirtiest fantasies, the kind he would never admit to anyone, he’d thought about playing with a woman’s ass. But now here he was, with his finger—

  “Add another,” Jonas said, running a hand down Shay’s spine. She arched into it like a cat. “She can take it. Stretch her.”

  Shay let out a whimpering little groan and then looked over her shoulder at them. “You don’t have to stretch me. Just put it in. It’s okay if it hurts.”

  Jonas spanked her this time, while Charlie’s finger was still in her ass.

  “What did I tell you?” Jonas snapped. “Your pleasure is ours tonight. Not yours. Trust us to take care of you.”

  Shay turned her head back around and her forehead sank to the mattress.

  Swallowing hard, Charlie put a second finger to the tiny puckered rosette of her ass and, working her hole back and forth with his fingers, finally got the tip of his second finger past her rim of muscles.

  “You started without us.”

  Charlie glanced over to see Henry in the doorway, Rafe and Gabriel behind him.

  Henry strode right in, Rafe on his heels. Gabriel stood frozen at the door. His eyes were locked on Shay’s body, trailing up and down to where Charlie had
his fingers in her ass.

  “Get in here Gabriel,” Jonas ordered. “Shay needs all of us tonight. That means you too.”

  Gabriel lifted a hand to the back of his neck, his tan skin going a shade red. “I don’t know. Maybe I should just go back downstairs and—” He gestured toward the hallway behind him.

  “Are you going to let her down when she needs you?” Jonas’s voice brooked no argument, and though Gabriel looked tortured about it, his feet carried him forward instead of backwards.

  Fucking hell, maybe they were the ones who’d been brainwashed and they didn’t even know it.

  But as Shay twisted and writhed underneath his fingers, goddamn, maybe being brainwashed wasn’t the worst thing in the world.

  Charlie worked his second finger in further and further, then leaned over and kissed Shay’s pink ass where she’d been spanked. And then, when she squirmed against him, he couldn’t help nipping her flesh with his teeth.

  Her low groan went straight to his dick and he finger-fucked her a little bit harder, eliciting a shrill cry and a shudder. She was so fucking responsive.

  “Everyone’s here,” Jonas said. “It’s time. Up on your knees, baby doll.”

  Charlie didn’t want to move his hand. He wanted to finger her for hours. He wanted to learn every contour of her body, inside and out.

  “Henry, get the lube for Charlie. He’s going to take sweet Shay’s ass tonight.”

  Charlie’s cock jerked in his jeans at Jonas’s words. He removed his fingers only when Shay started to crawl off the bed.

  Jonas didn’t let her get far. He swept her up in his arms as soon as she got to the edge.

  “Charlie, sit on the couch. Lube up and get ready to take our angel.”

  Charlie both wanted to object and to do exactly what Jonas said. Take her ass. Fuckin’ hell, he couldn’t imagine anything hotter in the whole goddamned universe.

  But was it the right thing to do for Shay?

  His brow knit in concentration as he sat on the couch and Henry handed him a small jar of lube.

  He held it, frozen in indecision. Should he or shouldn’t he?

  But when he glanced Shay’s direction, he found her eyes locked on him and the lube in his hand. She was gnawing on her bottom lip, the way she did when she was turned on.

  Like every step down this rabbit hole, her desire was the deciding factor. He yanked his pants down and then off. And with one last big breath, he took the plunge, lubing up his rock-hard cock and sitting down on the couch as she approached.

  Jonas paused right as he got to the couch, eyes going to Shay. “You want off this rollercoaster, you say red. Do you understand?”

  Shay nodded.

  “What do you say if you want things to stop?”

  “Red,” she repeated.

  He nodded, leaning in and taking her lips in a slow, lingering kiss. When they pulled apart, he dropped his forehead to hers. “Now, baby doll,” he said a long moment later, finally pulling back and looking her in the eye, “it’s time to tell us your secrets.”

  Shay’s eyes suddenly went wide as saucers but Jonas was too busy to see. Jonas positioned her on Charlie’s lap, chest to chest. Charlie’s hands immediately went to cup her perfect breasts.

  Holy fuck, he’d never tire of holding them. Squeezing them. Staring at the way those gorgeous little nipples of hers went so hard when he ghosted his thumbs right across the very tips—

  She gasped and arched toward him even as Jonas helped position her feet on the very edge of the couch, knees up, to either side of Charlie’s body.

  “Come help me hold her,” Jonas called to the others in the room. “We’re all part of this.”

  Henry and Rafe immediately came on either side of Jonas, each of them helping to hold Shay steady by an elbow. Jonas grabbed her waist and then suddenly, Shay was reaching down to poise the tip of Charlie’s cock at the puckered little hole his fingers had been playing with earlier.

  Were they serious? Just like this? He was just supposed to fuck her in the ass now? With no more preamble? They were just going to—

  “Holy fuck,” Charlie swore as the head of his cock slipped through Shay’s ring of muscles with a little pop.

  He heard all of her breath hiss out and her ass clenched around him. He grabbed her waist from behind, his hands right below Jonas’s.

  “Shh, that’s right baby doll,” Jonas said. “Relax. Let it happen. Let him fuck that dirty little ass of yours.”

  She sank all the way down and fuckin’ hell. Charlie never thought— The grip was so tight, he— And holy shit, when she squeezed like that around him, he was gonna—

  “Now up and down. I want you to feel every inch of his cock, gorgeous.”

  Charlie moved his hips down at the same time everyone holding on to Shay helped lift her off of him. And holy fuck did the friction feel good. He’d never look at sex the same after this. It was so good, so fuckin’ good. Every moment of every day from here on out would be taken up with thoughts of how glorious Shay’s ass felt gloving his cock.

  Shay sank down again and when she was next lifted up, Charlie swatted her ass, which got her to clench on him so fucking good he thought he might die. He spanked her again, this time on the other ass cheek.

  Her ass was everything. Charlie stared down, mesmerized at his cock disappearing into her body. Not the normal hole. Jesus fuck, he’d never seen anything as hot in his entire life as Shay’s ass taking his cock. He wasn’t small either. He might not be as big as Rafe, but he was a good eight inches.

  He dragged Shay back down until his balls were flush up her ass. Holy fuck, he was so fucking deep. So deep in her.

  He dragged her toward him, ignoring the others who had a hold of her, and kissed her deep. “You feel me, sweetheart?” he asked, dragging his mouth from her lips to her ear. “You feel me so deep inside you? Fucking your ass so deep?”

  He wrapped one arm like a bar around her back and pulled his hips back before shoving in deep again.

  She cried out and it only made Charlie want to fuck her harder, deeper.

  “You feel me there, sweetheart?” he growled. “You like it hard like this?”

  “Yes,” she cried, her voice hoarse. “Yes, I need it. Please. More. Harder. I need it.”

  Her words flipped a switch. He thought it had been good before, but having her beg like that? It drove him fucking insane.

  He wanted to stay in her ass all night. All week. A hundred years. But it was too much. The way she shuddered around him, watching his cock disappear in her ass, smelling her arousal, even listening to the other guys who were so close swearing and reaching forward to pinch her nipples or rub at her clit—he fucking lost it.

  With a roar, he squeezed her as tight as he could to him and he fucked her ass furiously, emptying his balls into her ass.

  He’d barely caught his breath and sank his sweat-slicked forehead against Shay’s back when Rafe sat down on the couch beside him and slapped his thighs.

  “I’ve been dreaming of that ass,” Rafe said. “My turn now.”

  Chapter 17


  What was he doing here? He should not be here?

  Yet he couldn’t tear his eyes away as Shay was passed from one man’s cock only to be deposited on another’s.

  And not just for normal sex, either. They flipped Shay around so that Shay’s back was to Rafe’s chest, her feet on his thighs as she lifted herself up just enough so that—

  Gabriel swallowed as sweat broke out on his brow.

  They were taking her ass.

  Gabriel couldn’t help dropping a hand to his cock. He palmed himself through his jeans. And then immediately jerked his hand back.

  Shit. He should have stayed with the boys. What was he thinking, coming back here? He hadn’t had any illusions about what Jonas meant when he said to take the boys to Audrey’s. That Shay needed all of her husbands tonight.

  He should leave. Now. Right now. Back up. Turn around. Go do
wn the stairs and take a long, hard jog to get his body back under control.






  He just kept standing there. Blinking and thinking—that guy Rafe’s cock was bigger than the first she’d taken. Even if Charlie’s had stretched her, Rafe’s was still going to be a challenge.

  And as Henry and Jonas helped to line her up so that she hovered right on the tip and helped her sink down on it, he saw the moment Shay realized it, too.

  Her eyes popped wide open.

  And her gaze collided with Gabriel’s.

  All the breath expelled from his lungs in one great whoosh.

  She bit her bottom lip, her face strained in what looked like concentration but could also have been pain as she was lowered, inch by inch, on Rafe’s huge dick.

  Jonas looked over his shoulder at Gabriel, obviously following Shay’s line of sight. And then Jonas waved him over. “Don’t just stand there. We all have a part to play.”

  And no matter how much the logical part of Gabriel’s brain screamed at him to turn and run like Joseph in the Bible did when he was tempted, his feet took him further in the room. Until he was so close he could smell Shay’s arousal.

  “Eat her out,” Jonas demanded, eyes on Gabriel. “But don’t let her come.” He put a hand on Gabriel’s shoulder to urge him down but Gabriel shrugged it off and glared back.

  He’d known the preacher for a few years now and while at first he hadn’t respected the stoner, he’d seen him settle dispute after dispute that would have stymied any other man. So Jonas had his respect. But that didn’t mean the man had the right to start ordering him around.

  One glance down at Shay’s glistening pussy, though… She’d spread her legs wide, leaning back against Rafe and exposing every inch of her drenched cleft to Gabriel. She was so damn wet. And while she’d obviously gotten hot while Charlie had taken her, she hadn’t come.

  Rafe was still lowering her slowly onto his huge shaft. She wasn’t even fully seated yet. She needed to relax if she was going to take him all the way, which by the look on her face, she was determined to do.

  This isn’t why you signed up for the lottery. You were only supposed to be in this for the boys. Not to get your dick wet.


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