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Theirs to Pleasure: a Reverse Harem Romance

Page 42

by Stasia Black

  I hit the highest high, clutching both of them to me as tight as I possibly can.

  Chapter 5

  As soon as I come back to earth, I find I’m still in Dad’s arms, kissing and being kissed by the most handsome, masculine man I’ve ever met on earth. And Dominick, my first lover of any sort, still has his head between my legs, licking up my cream as aftershocks jolt in little bursts all through me.

  Except these aren’t just any two men.

  It’s my Dad and brother.

  Stepdad and stepbrother, okay, but they’re so much closer to me than the terms imply.

  Oh my God, what we’ve done is so—





  Dominick sucks me so hard into his mouth I cry out again right as Dad releases me. I shudder in his arms and he smiles down at me. With one arm still supporting me by my waist, he lifts his left hand to cup my face. His smile is warm and so full of affection. “That’s right, baby, give it to us. Give it all to us.”

  I blink at him, my first impulse to look away. To pull away. I expected…I don’t know. For Dad to be ashamed of his impulse.

  He just kissed me. While Dominick was doing—that.

  But Dad doesn’t look ashamed at all. Only confidently in control. Like there’s nothing at all in the world to be worried about. Like everything that’s just happened is as natural as breathing. And here, being wrapped in his arms, with Dominick so close as well, it’s easy to believe it too.

  Dominick caresses his hands up the back of my legs and past my slightly sore buttocks as he gets to his feet. He’s still completely naked. In the morning light, I can now see what yesterday I only felt in the darkness.

  Like Dad, he doesn’t seem ashamed or abashed in the slightest. His manhood is thick and hard as it lays long against his thigh. When he sees me looking, it bobs outward like an arrow toward me.

  Dad hugs me close to his chest and then Dominick comes around to my back. Whereas Dad’s hands lift up to caress my jaw, holding me in place while he begins to kiss me deeply, Dominick’s hands slip around my waist from behind. Caught so tightly like I am between the two of them, I can feel both of their erections.


  Holy crap. Dad— He’s hard. Because of me.

  And he’s kissing me again.

  He groans into my mouth and digs his fingers into my scalp like he can’t get enough of me. It’s early morning but he must not have shaved yet because I can feel the scruff of his beard on my cheek as he drags his mouth to the side to kiss down my throat.

  “My sweet girl,” he growls low. “I could just eat you up.”

  From behind me Dominick kisses and suckles at the back of my neck. The sensations of both of their mouths…oh God. And Dad, hard through his khaki pants, jabbing at me, it’s all so—

  And then we’re moving. Dad’s directing us from the middle of the room sideways.

  Toward the bed.

  Dominick backs away and lets Dad take control.

  Dad never stops kissing me. He lifts me off my feet and carries me the last bit.

  He lays me on the bed and follows me down, smoothly landing over me but not crushing me like Dominick did last night.

  No, Dad is expert at holding his body right over mine. He pauses kissing me to kneel for a moment to pull his shirt off over his head. His huge chest seems to fill the entire expanse of my vision, the light dusting of blond hair across his strong pectorals with a small trail leading down to his defined abs.

  He takes my breath away.

  His green eyes pierce mine, watching me watch him. Then, his eyes still locked with mine, he drops his hand and sticks a finger inside me.

  “You’re so hot for it, aren’t you, sweet girl? So creamy and juicy for Daddy.”

  My sex clenches around his finger and his eyes darken. His member bobs and presses against the top of my thigh.

  “So tight,” he hisses.

  “She’s a virgin, Dad,” Dominick says. He’s joined us on the bed. He arranges himself beside my head and starts to caress my hair back from my face.

  Dad sticks another finger inside me. “Fuck,” he curses swiftly, his eyes going even wider. He looks wild in a way I’ve never seen before. Young and unconstrained and gorgeous and terrifying. Yet, still like the Dad I adore.

  “You’re on the pill, right, baby? I’ve seen you taking it in the morning.”

  I nod, swallowing hard. I take it to regulate my period. But, oh my God, does that mean— Does he want to—? Like, right now?

  Dad grins down at me, looking part angel, part devil. The handsome lines of his face seem to glow in the morning light. He pulls out the two fingers he has inside me and quickly unbuttons his pants, shoving them down and revealing his huge erection.

  Larger even than Dominick’s. Longer by at least an inch and thicker too.

  “Look at me baby. In my eyes.” There’s a smirk in that last part.

  I jerk my attention back to Dad’s face. I’m embarrassed he caught me staring but there are way too many other thoughts going through my head for it to last long. Dad’s sobered now too.

  “It’s okay to cry. Remember that, baby,” he whispers, leaning down to kiss me. “I’ll cherish your tears.”

  Then I feel him down there. His thing.

  God, Sarah, you’re about to have sex. Call it what it is.

  His cock.

  I feel it at my entrance, nudging at my lips. He finds what he’s looking for.

  I expect more exploration.

  I expect gentle probing.

  A slow push.

  Inch by inch.

  Instead, Dad commands Dominick, “Hold her shoulders.”

  Dominick does. And then Dad’s battering ram of a cock splits me wide open.

  Chapter 6

  I scream.

  I can’t help it.

  It hurts.

  More than I thought it would.

  “Fuck yes,” Dad pants, pulling out and then ruthlessly jamming back in.

  I holler again and Dad clutches my body to him.

  “Dad, slow down!” Dominick shouts, yanking at Dad’s shoulder.

  But Dad just thrusts even harder. “Let me hear it, baby. Scream for Daddy.”

  And I do.

  I don’t know what’s happening. I feel like I’m being torn apart. He’s so huge. Too big. Too big.

  And I don’t understand the things he’s saying.

  His voice is… there’s still affection there, but it has an edge. Dark. On the edge of mean. And what he’s doing—

  He pistons in and out of me, just using me. Using me for his pleasure.

  Because when I open my eyes, I see his pleasure so clearly on his features. His forehead is scrunched in concentration, his mouth slightly open. I’ve never seen him look so… raw. Passionate. Still wild. Still gorgeous. But in a barbaric way.

  “You’re so fucking tight, little girl,” he pants. “You’re my good girl. You waited for us. What a good girl.”

  “Dad, stop it,” Dominick calls again, “slow down, gentle!”

  But Dad’s lost in the haze of what he’s doing to me. He leans over, I think to kiss me. Instead of landing on my mouth, though, his lips land on my upper cheeks. He’s kissing away my tears.

  His tongue teases out from between his lips and then I’m not sure if he’s kissing them away so much as tasting them. His movements slow too, though, so that when he next thrusts in, it’s a long, languorous stroke.

  And for the first time, I don’t feel pain, so much as fullness when he does it. I gasp instead of grunt in pain and Dad smiles against my cheeks.

  “That’s right, baby. You feel how big Daddy is inside you? That’s Daddy’s big cock fucking you so good.”

  My chest rises and falls and my eyes shoot open as I look up to meet his gaze. His words are so wrong. Screwed up beyond belief.

  But he looks so lost in the moment as he says it. So lost in me. He drops
his gaze and looks down our bodies to where he moves in and out of me. In and out.

  He squeezes his eyes shut and his entire face knots in pleasure. His pace picks up. “God. Fuck. Dom, kiss your sister. I can’t take care of her right now. She’s too fucking tight. Milking my dick so goddamn good.”

  Dominick’s eyebrows are drawn together in distress. His eyes flick back and forth between my face and Dad’s like he’s not sure what to do. He caresses my hair and down to my shoulders.

  “Shh, it’s going to be okay, beautiful,” he whispers, sounding both upset and like he’s trying to be reassuring. He leans down and drops the softest kiss right at my hairline.

  In contrast to Dad, who’s gone back to driving me into the bed he’s plowing me so hard, Dominick’s kisses are so butterfly soft I can barely feel them at first. His hand comes to my cheek.

  “You’re doing so good,” he whispers, lips brushing back and forth across mine. “I hate that the first time has to hurt. We’ll make it feel good now, I promise.”

  And then he kisses me a little more deeply, but so, so achingly slowly. All the while, his gentle hands come to my body. Tentative hands explore my breasts. Confusing and heartbreaking because he was rough with them last night. Now he caresses and drops down to worship gently with his mouth.

  As hard as Dad is, Dominick is all soft.

  It’s the same when Dominick’s hand moves south and he begins teasing at the bud he brought to life earlier even as Dad continues jackhammering in and out just an inch lower.

  And always, Dominick’s mouth continues its worshipful exploration. Down my neck. Latching onto my nipples.

  Dad’s dirty tirade never lets up either. Words I’ve heard before, but pouring from his mouth, they’re shocking. Horrifying. Electrifying.

  “Never want out of this cunt. Goddamn, gripping me so good. I’m gonna stay in my baby girl forever. Fuuuuck. So fucking good. That’s right. Grip Daddy’s cock so good. Never gonna stop plowing this tight little pussy.”

  Dominick’s hand on my sex starts circling.

  I can’t believe the haze of pain has faded enough for pleasure to start rolling through my body again, but it does.

  “Fuck, she just clenched so good on my dick when you did that, son,” Dad said. “Flip her and get underneath so you can eat her out. I’ve been wanting to get at that ass again anyway.”

  Dom’s head jerks up at Dad. “Not tonight.”

  I’m barely aware of what’s going on to make out their conversation, much less decipher the meaning of their unspoken words.

  “I take what I want when I want,” Dad says, eyes narrowing on Dominick. “But fine, we already agreed about the first time.”

  What are they talking about? They agreed—?

  Dominick nods and then before I can even start to—

  Dad slips out of me and they easily flip me so I’m facing down on the bed. What now?

  “Up on top of Dominick,” Dad orders.

  “I— What?” I look up helplessly, seeing Dominick laid beside me, but with his feet where my head are. Now that we’ve stopped for a moment, the panic that I managed to push down ever since it all began is starting to bubble up again.

  This is insane. I don’t know what I’m doing. I feel like I’ve fallen down some rough sex-themed Alice and Wonderland.

  My body is high and thrumming with need but also sore. I’m confused and I don’t know what’s going on and—

  “Like this,” Dominick says, putting his hands on my hips and urging me down the bed. “Come sit on my face, beautiful. I want to make you feel good again.”

  “I don’t know if—”

  But my paltry hesitation is ignored as Dominick lifts one of my legs over his chest and settles me upside down on top of him so that his mouth has perfect access to—oh holy mother of God.

  He sucks just my clitoris into his mouth. Yes, I know the name for it too. I just never even let myself think it or acknowledge it. But, oh hell, Dom sucks my clit so good. He tongues around it and then laps at it till I’m squirming and panting and letting out little whines.

  “Fuck, I can’t stand those noises,” Dad says. “I gotta get back in there.”

  And then walks around the side of the bed until he’s standing behind me. He grabs my hips and then his cock is back. There’s only the slightest pinch now and then the fullness. Such fullness while Dominick continues worshipping me with his tongue. When Dad thrusts in, he hits at a different angle than before. So deep it steals my breath.

  “Look at that tight little ass.”

  Smack. Dad’s hand comes down hard on my ass cheek. “Fuck, I just want to ride your little virgin ass so hard. Just demolish and fucking desecrate you.”

  The noise of our bodies—the indecent sex noises of skin slapping against skin, Dad’s low, animal grunt every time he bottoms out, my high-pitched whine as Dominick takes me higher. I don’t know how much more I can take. I bow my head low on Dominick’s abdomen, I’m both exhausted and wired at the same time. His cock bobs up and lays flat on his stomach near my face.

  Am I supposed to be doing something with it? Sucking him like he is me?

  Oooooooh God. He is making me feel sooooooo good. I reach forward and lick the angry red, bulbous tip of his cock, but he moves his hips away from me.

  Guess that answers that question. I drop my head back against the hard ridges of his abs and let myself ride higher and higher on the peak of pleasure.

  “Do you feel your Daddy fucking you?” Dad asks in almost a shout. “Answer me, little girl. Who’s fucking you?”

  “You are.”

  He spanks me hard.

  I yelp and buck against Dominick’s mouth.

  “Who’s fucking you?” he shouts again.

  Why? Why is he making me say it?

  Dominick’s mouth pulls back right when I need him to suck. Oh God, just suck harder and send me over the edge already.

  I press down against his mouth, his face, but he won’t give me what I need.

  “My daddy is fucking me,” I finally whisper.

  Dad leans closer, then bites my ear lobe, not too hard, just enough to sting. “Who is fucking you? Louder!” He jams his cock in deeper than he has yet.

  “My daddy is fucking me!”

  Dominick latches on to my clit and sucks.

  Dad roars and punches his pelvis into me twice more and then he shoves in and holds me so tight, I can feel him shudder and shake.

  I cry out as I come along with Dad, him buried deeper than I ever would have thought possible inside me.

  One fucked up, entangled-beyond-belief family.

  Chapter 7

  Dad collapses over my back for a moment, breathing heavily, his sweat-slicked forehead bowed against my shoulder blades.

  I’m recovering too. Just imagining the erotic image of the three of us horizontally sandwiched like this—Dad’s head down on my back, my head and hair spread across Dominick’s stomach, his head still between my splayed knees—it’s almost enough to have me on the edge of a fresh climax.

  Dad’s the first to speak. “Sorry, Dominick, I wasn’t thinking.”

  At first I think he’s apologizing for crushing Dominick, but as ever, Dad’s full of surprises.

  “You’ve got to get in your sister’s tight little cunt. Do it now, while she’s still wet and fresh.”

  Dad gets up and helps roll me of Dominick. I stand shakily and look at Dad, eyes wide. Is he serious? My legs feel like jelly and I have to hold onto the bottom of the bedframe so I don’t sink to the floor.

  Dad cradles my face. “It’s a big day for all of us, sweetie. You aren’t going to cheat your brother out of having your juicy cunt on the day you lose your virginity, are you? Do you know what a gift that is for a man?”

  I blink. Well, when he puts it that way…

  Um. I guess…not?

  I look over at Dominick.

  His eyes are on me. He lifts a hand to cup my face. “You don’t have to do anything yo
u don’t want to, Sarah.”

  I glance back at Dad. He doesn’t say anything to contradict Dom, but a look of disappointment comes into his eyes at my hesitation.

  I take a deep breath and I lift my eyes back to Dominick. “How do you, um…you know…want it?” I gesture back at the bed.

  Dominick never got off and he lays down. Then he gestures for me to join him. “Are you sure? I mean it. You don’t have to—”

  “Don’t be a fucking pussy.”

  Dominick glares at his father but I just reach out and put a hand on his shoulder.

  “I want you,” I whisper.

  His eyes never leave mine. “Then come here, beautiful.”

  I nod and get back on the bed. As soon as I do, he takes my hand. With the contact, my nervousness immediately flees.

  This is my Dominick.

  He lifts up and kisses me as he directs me how to sit across his lap.

  He pauses again. “You sure?”

  My heart leaps at his caution and consideration. So welcome after Dad’s callousness.

  I nod and put a hand to his cheek. Yes. I want this with him. I need it. Everything is a confused jumble, but God, I need this connection with him more than anything right now.

  He doesn’t take his eyes off me as he lines himself up at my entrance. Unlike Dad, though, he lets me direct the pace as to how fast I want to slide down on him. And his talented fingers are back at work.

  The bed squeaks with Dad’s weight as he sits down behind me. Dad lifts my hair off my neck and then bites at my ear before whispering, “Oh yeah. What’s it feel like having your brother’s big cock going in that slick little pussy, sweet girl?”

  My sex clenches around the tip of Dominick’s cock. The soreness is a little more apparent again, but not bad. Dad’s words make me feel strange. Both guilty and turned on. I don’t like the confusion they make me feel even as my stomach tightens with arousal.

  I continue lowering myself on Dominick. I hiss as he starts to fill me up and lock eyes with him. His eyes are wide with wonder. I clench around him in response. His hands come up to my waist.

  At first I worry he’s holding me so that he has leverage to jam himself into me really hard like Dad did.


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