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Mayfair Maiden: Eighth Day of Christmas: A Lord Love A Lady Novella (Regency Cocky Gents Book 4)

Page 8

by Annabelle Anders

  “You still want me, then?” The question flew out of her mouth before she could think twice about asking.

  “I have wanted you since the moment I met you. Back then, I was scared to death to approach you. Perhaps I realized that if I failed, I would be conceding the love of my life.”

  “Love of your life?” she parroted. Was he saying what she thought he was?

  “Tell me you still have feelings for me.” He reached out and grasped his hands in hers.

  “Of course, I do.” What did all of this mean? “You do not want to go on tour? You are not disappointed that you will not be playing for audiences in Paris? In Rome?” It was imperative that she understood him correctly.

  “Not at all.” Not a single ounce of doubt sounded in his answer. He hadn’t so much as hesitated.

  “Would you want to have a family?” she asked tentatively.

  “Not if it meant I couldn’t have you.” His gaze was somber. Ah, yes. She had told him she was barren.

  Last spring, she had believed she was barren. She nearly choked on a sob.

  “I love you, Peter, with all my heart. And I missed you dreadfully. But I didn’t want to ruin your future. I didn’t… I don’t want to stand in the way of your dreams.”

  “The only way you could do that would be if you refused me. I love you more than life itself.” He squeezed her hand. “Make all my dreams come true tonight. Say you’ll marry me, Miranda.”

  With sensations of both terror and wonder squeezing her heart, she slowly dragged their clasped hands together, onto her lap.

  And then onto the small mound she’d been hiding beneath the blanket.

  Without so much as blinking, she watched as a myriad of emotions flashed across his face: confusion, comprehension, amazement, and then his mouth dropped open. “Is it…? Are you…? But you said—”

  “I thought I was. And yes, of course, the child is yours.”

  He drew the blanket off her lap, and then covered her rounded abdomen with both hands, shaking his head. “Why didn’t you send for me? I would have come home right away.”

  “I didn’t want to—”

  “You little fool!” He pulled her into his arms, clutching at her frantically, and then cautiously, tenderly. “I love you. Being with you is all that matters.” He claimed her mouth with his, and all the tastes and fragrances she’d dreamed of for months now filled her senses, made her feel that for the first time in her life she was home.

  His lips trailed a path along her jaw and down her neck. His hands explored her belly, breasts, shoulders, and arms as though reassuring himself that she was real.

  “I cannot believe you didn’t tell me. Is this why you didn’t come tonight?”

  “I thought you wanted to tour.” But she nodded.

  “And you’ll marry me?” He was pressing gentle kisses along the edge of her bodice. “Because you love me?”

  “I’ll marry you.” She trailed her hands up to cradle his jaw. “Because I finally understand what love is.” Those tears she’d been holding back overflowed. “I missed you so much and I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t want to stand in your way.”

  “Never!” He swallowed hard. “I’ll get a special license. We’ll marry here and then travel to Raven’s Park to tell my family,” he suggested, lifting her across his lap and settling both of them comfortably. “But you shouldn’t travel in your condition. Especially not in this weather. When did you find out? What did you do? Oh, my poor sweet Miranda. You shouldn’t have had to go through this alone.” He frowned. “You should have written, you minx.” But he wasn’t really angry.

  She claimed his mouth hungrily. “You are here. You are truly here.” A tiny part of her had hoped, but she’d dared not allowed herself to really believe this was possible.

  “Ahem.” Herman entered carrying a tray with a steaming pot of tea and various other offerings. Was that approval she saw in his eyes.

  After her manservant left, closing the door behind him, she poured two cups of tea and proceeded to tell Peter all about the visits she’d had with his mother and his sister and sisters-in-law—before her condition had become apparent, that was. She told him about how she’d learned to garden, growing her own vegetables, and how she’d learned to knit. She had promised to assist his sister with next year’s fundraiser for one of the foundling hospitals and had met his niece and nephew. She also told him the different sensations that came along with carrying a child. He seemed as starved for her as she was for him, asking questions after he’d shifted her onto his lap.

  The evening flew by as he in turn told her about the people he’d met, about some of Bickford-Crowden’s horrid habits, and about his estate, Millcot Lodge, in Essex, where they would go after the holidays. And then his brows rose. “When? I mean…” She watched as he seemed to be calculating dates. “February? We’ll stay in London until after you’ve delivered safely. I refuse to put you in danger.” That look of wonder returned to his perfect blue eyes.

  In between talking and sharing, they’d occasionally fall silent and simply stare into one another’s eyes. Sentences were interrupted as they took turns kissing one another, no longer unwilling to express their true feelings.

  And a few times, Miranda found herself laughing for no other reason than that she was happy.

  When the clock on the mantel struck midnight, she could hardly believe so much time had passed. Nor could she believe that her future held so much hope.

  Their future together—the three of them.

  “Merry Christmas, my love.” She buried her face in his neck, more grateful for life than she’d ever thought possible.

  “You’ve given me the greatest gift a man could ever want.”

  “A baby?”


  He gently nipped at the corner of her mouth, filling her heart with all the hope and joy of the holidays. “On Christmas, and always. I couldn’t imagine anything better.”

  “Well…” She closed her eyes and arched toward him. “There is one thing that could make this even better…”


  “Waking up beside you on Christmas morning.”

  “Done.” In one swooping motion, he was on his feet, cradling her in his arms. “You’ll make music with me tonight, my love?”

  She nodded, feeling almost giddy. “And if you’re really lucky.” Miranda clutched her arms around his neck. “I might even sing for you.” She teased.

  “That’s all I ever wanted.” He met her gaze, his eyes burning with both desire and love. “That’s all I’ll ever need.”

  --THE END—

  Stone Spencer and Lady Tabetha’s story, COCKY MISTER, releases Dec. 21, 2020. Click below to grab your copy!


  You can find links to all the Regency Cocky Gents books here:

  Turn the page to read the beginning of the next Twelve Days of Christmas Installment. Dancing with Serendipity, Day Nine, by Amanda Mariel

  Dancing With Serendipity

  By Amanda Mariel

  London England, 1824

  Wesley Jackson, Earl of Dayton, could not look away. He knew he should not be staring so blatantly at the woman performing. It was rude to ogle, after all. And his actions were even more grievous when one considered the woman captivating him was under his host and hostess’s protection. Even worse, when one considered the aforementioned to be friends.

  Still, he could not look away.

  Maybe it did not signify. The woman was performing. Perhaps Her Grace and Mr. Lewis Duffield had hired the chit? She would still be under their protection, but not completely out of his reach.

  His gaze followed her every step as she danced across the duchesses parlor, her body swooping and twirling in the most delicious ways. His gaze followed the lines of her trim body, pausing at the gentle swell of her breasts, then again at the curve of her hips. She was a spritely chit, short and thin but not
at all lacking in feminine attributes.

  Leastwise, not in his estimation.

  She pirouetted, her knees parting as she swept out her arms and bowed her head. The golden curls collected at the top of her crown shone in the candlelight as if her hair was spun from gold. Wesley’s fingers itched to touch it.

  “Who is she?” He asked, his voice low and raspy. Even as he asked, his gaze remained locked on the woman. It was as if through her dance, she had cast a spell on him—each fluid movement captivating him further.

  “She is not what you think,” his long-time friend, Richard, The Duke of Goldstone, answered. “In fact, you would do well to put her out of your mind immediately, for she is the daughter of my aunt’s dear friends.”

  “An American then?”

  “Indeed, and from a prestigious family to boot.”

  Wesley could scarcely say why, but he smiled at the information, his attention still fully on the little sprite twirling across the makeshift stage. “Who is her family?”

  “Their surname is Shaw, and they are worth more than the two of us put together. What’s more, she is a lively and intelligent girl. Far to spirited for your sour disposition.” Goldstone clapped his hand on Wesley’s shoulder. “She is not for dalliances. Forget about her.”

  For the first time, Wesley moved his gaze from the chit meeting Goldstone’s eyes. “Twice our wealth, you say?”

  If that were true, all the fortune hunters in England would soon swarm around the chit like a hive of bees desperate for honey. Wesley prickled at the unsettling thought, though why he should care remained a mystery.

  He did not even know the girl.

  “At least twice, to be sure,” Goldstone said as he removed his hand from Wesley’s shoulder. “Join me for a whiskey, Dayton.”

  “I had intended to go to the card room.”

  “It is a perfect place to have a drink.” Goldstone turned toward the parlor door.

  Wesley swept his gaze back over the woman, his insides coiling with a need he knew he must deny, and he swallowed hard. “I daresay you are right.” He turned and strode beside Goldstone as they made their way from the room.

  Having completed her performance, Miss Serendipity Shaw dipped a curtsey. As the spectators clapped, she made her way toward Grace, the Duchess of Abernathy as they knew her here in England.

  The duchess and Serendipity’s parents were the closest of friends, and because of it, her parents had allowed the duchess and her husband, Mr. Duffield, to bring Serendipity to England for Christmas.

  Mother and Father had business that took them away from America for the holidays, and they had no wish for Serendipity to spend the season alone. She was grateful for Mother and Father’s thoughtfulness, and though she would miss them dearly, it thrilled her to be included at the duchess’s house party.

  In all her twenty years, she had never left America and saw this opportunity as a grand adventure. Not only did she get to see England and experience the English traditions, but she also got to perform. She loved to dance ballet and did so eagerly when Grace asked her to.

  She turned a brilliant smile on Grace as she approached.

  “Well done, dear girl,” Grace said, a smile tugging at her lips. “I daresay you had the guests captivated.”

  “Without question,” Amelia, the Duchess of Goldstone, agreed.

  Lady Sarah, the Marchioness of Luvington, nodded her agreement.

  Serendipity could not say for sure, but she most certainly had captured the attention of one gentleman. The tall, dark-haired man that had stood beside the duchesses nephew and stared at her as if she were the only person in the room. It had been so blatant that most would consider it rude. However, Serendipity had found it thrilling.

  Her smile broadened. “Thank you, Your Grace.”

  “I’ll have none of that.” Grace shook her head. “I have never stood on formality. Do not think just because we are in England you must address me by my title. I have always been Grace to you, and Grace, I shall stay.”

  “If you insist.”

  “Indeed, I do.” Grace gave a firm nod.

  “It would seem you are one of us now.” The Duchess of Goldstone looped her arm through Serendipity’s. “Come, let us become better acquainted, for if Grace holds you so dear, I am quite certain Sarah and I will as well.”

  Serendipity laughed, then glanced around the room, wondering if the gentleman who’d watched her with such interest had returned. She could scarcely help but noticed him depart the room as she danced and had felt oddly disappointed when he did so.

  With no sight of him in the parlor, Serendipity turned her attention to the Duchess of Goldstone. “I should like that very much.”

  Grace shooed them as her husband Lewis approached. “Go on then. Enjoy yourselves.”

  The Duchess of Goldstone patted her hand on Serendipity’s arm. “We shall go to the blue parlor where it is less crowded.”

  Serendipity shot Grace a wide smile as the Duchess of Goldstone and Marchioness of Luvington led her away. She knew how fond Grace was of both ladies and looked forward to coming to know the pair better. Besides that, the ladies were much closer to her own age than Grace was. Surly Serendipity would find common ground with them.

  Perhaps they would even introduce her to the mystery gentleman? Surely they knew him, as he had departed with the Duchess of Goldstone’s husband. The notion sent a thrill up Serendipity’s spine. No one had ever watched her as he did, and it made her most curious about him.

  As the ladies led her down a corridor, she glanced between the two and wondered if they might think her to forward if she asked for an introduction.

  Before Serendipity could decide her course, they turned into another corridor. And there he was. Serendipity’s gaze clashed with the gentleman’s. His deep cocoa eyes sent a cascade of warmth through her despite his brooding looks.

  He stepped forward, his gaze on her even as he spoke to the duchess.

  “Your Grace, Won’t you introduce me to your new friend?”

  The duchess turned her attention to Serendipity, a question in her blue eyes.

  Serendipity gave a faint nod, then the duchess looked back at the pair of gentlemen. “Lord Dayton, it is my pleasure to introduce Miss Serendipity Shaw.”

  He drew closer and captured Serendipity’s hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. A shiver went across her hand despite the glove covering her flesh. When he straightened, his gaze found hers, and he said, “The pleasure is all mine.”

  Serendipity’s cheeks warmed. “You are too kind, my lord.”

  “Don’t let this one fool you,” Lady Luvington said, then shook her head at Lord Dayton. “We were on our way to the blue parlor. If you will excuse us,” she added.

  “I think we would rather join you,” Lord Dayton said, his deep cocoa eyes fastened on Serendipity’s. “What do you say, Goldstone?”

  To keep reading, grab your copy for just 99¢ here:

  Twelve Days of Christmas Books

  Here’s a list of all the Twelve Days of Christmas novelettes, each available for only 99 Cents!

  Releasing on:

  Dec. 1, 2020

  Lady Pear’s Duke: First Day of Christmas by Dawn Brower:

  Dec. 2, 2020

  The Duke’s Dove: Second Day of Christmas by Lauren Smith:

  Dec. 3, 2020

  A Fowl Christmastide: Third Day of Christmas by Sandra Sookoo:

  Dec. 4, 2020

  Four Calling Cards: Fourth Day of Christmas by Tabetha Waite:

  Dec. 5, 2020

  The Duke’s Golden Rings: Fifth Day of Christmas by Anna St. Claire:

  Dec. 6, 2020

  Miss Kitten’s Geese: Sixth Day of Christmas by Rebecca Lovell:

  Dec. 7, 2020

nbsp; Chasing the Duke: Seventh Day of Christmas by Tracy Sumner:

  Dec. 8, 2020

  Mayfair Maiden: Eighth Day of Christmas by Annabelle Anders:

  Dec. 9, 2020

  Dancing With Serendipity: Ninth Day of Christmas by Amanda Mariel:

  Dec. 10, 2020

  Lady Lucinda’s Lords: Tenth Day of Christmas by Jane Charles:

  Dec. 11, 2020

  Piper’s Proposal: Eleventh Day of Christmas by Aileen Fish:

  Dec. 12, 2020

  Diana’s Drummer Dilemma: Twelfth Day of Christmas by Louisa Cornell:

  And don’t forget to join the Twelve Days Christmas Group on Facebook so you can Discuss each book and ask the authors questions!

  Regency Cocky Gents

  A new Annabelle Anders Series

  Cocky Earl

  Jules and Charley

  An American heiress, A dignified Earl,

  and one impossible wager.

  Cocky Baron

  Chase and Bethany

  A Secret Crush. Her brother's best friend.

  A scandal to rock all scandals

  Cocky Mister

  Dec. 7, 2020

  Stone and Tabetha

  An ambitious debutante clashes with a mere Mister.

  Mayfair Maiden

  Dec. 8, 2020

  Peter Spencer’s Story!

  Spinoff from Lord Love A Lady Series AND The Regency Cocky Gents written to release with the

  12 Days of Christmas: (Book 8)

  Cocky Viscount


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