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Highland Pride

Page 12

by Dana D'Angelo

  When the game was finished, they wandered to another spot. And just as they passed a cluster of revelers, she caught sight of the flower woman again. Her memory promptly snapped back into place.

  “That lass was the one who came here with her babe,” she muttered.

  Kila continued to observe the servant as she offered Grant MacCeikan a wildflower. Fearghas was about to brush past her when she grabbed his sleeve, stopping him.

  “Tell me, Fearghas, who is that lass?” she said.

  Her friend glanced at the woman in question. “Och, that’s Florie. She’s employed in the tower.”

  “Did William recently hire her?”

  “Aye, he hired her after he learned about her dilemma.” Fearghas dropped his voice so only she could hear. “I think the laird felt sorry for her as ‘twas only three weeks ago that she gave birth.”

  The news of William’s compassion stunned her. She recalled how distraught the woman was when she showed up at the castle with her baby. Apparently, William had listened to her story and was kindhearted enough to give her protection. Was this the behavior of a man who murdered innocent women? Somehow this wasn’t possible.

  “’Tis time for the hunt!” A shout cut through the air.

  “Och, the hunt,” Kila said, eagerly following the crowd.

  The object of this game was to hide while the ‘hunter’ tried to find them. A clansman was blindfolded while everyone took the opportunity to conceal themselves in the shrubbery. It was an entertaining game that everyone participated in. At home, she was excellent at hiding, and it was rare that a hunter would find her.

  Before the signal sounded, she had already scoped out the thicket. There was a tree that they had passed along the way to the clearing, and at its base were thick bushes. Fortunately, since it was still summer, the entire forest was covered with lush greenery. The seeker would have a difficult time finding those who hid.

  At the clansman’s shout, Kila ran several yards to her hiding spot. Knowing that her time was limited, she dove into the underbrush. This spot was perfect. The tree grew on the edge of a bank, and the dirt beneath created a natural cradle of roots, earth, and branches for her to hide.

  Kila peered through the brushes. She could clearly see the huntsman who was still blindfolded, and she was confident that he wouldn’t be able to detect her hiding spot.

  “This is a tight spot for two people,” a voice said, his voice rumbling close to her.

  Her heart skipped a beat. She knew that voice.

  She quickly turned and confirmed that it was one man who she didn’t want to be stuck with. Why wasn’t it someone else?

  “If ye were the gentleman, then ye would leave,” she said in a hushed voice.

  Kila would have said more except her breath felt restricted. She shifted a little away from William. Sitting this close to him, she felt the heat from his body, and it caused her own body temperature to rise.

  “Is that what a gentleman would do?” he asked, his voice low. “Unfortunately, I cannae move, or I would risk both of us being found,” he nodded toward the clearing. Through the thick shrubs, they saw that the hunter had taken off his blindfold, and was now searching for his prey.

  “I found this spot first —” She started to hiss when he swiftly reached over and covered her mouth with his hand. He drew her abruptly to his hard chest. One arm was wrapped around her waist, and he pulled her on his lap. No gap existed between them, and she could feel the rise and fall of his chest.

  “Dinnae speak,” he said quietly in her ear.

  The seeker was nearby. She could hear him combing through the bushes.

  “Och, I caught ye!” the clansman yelled, yanking out a lad that had been hiding in the nearby underbrush.

  The lad grumbled as he crawled out from his spot. But the man paid him no mind. He continued to seek out more people, and slowly shifted away from the place where she and William hid.

  “Tell me, was it ever your objective tae marry me?”

  She turned to him. “Nay,” she said without thinking. “I’m certain ye dinnae want tae marry me either. With two wives dead —” She stopped abruptly, her face draining of blood. “I’m sorry. I shouldnae have said that.”

  “Ye were only stating a fact,” he said, shrugging.

  He didn’t appear angry, and even though she knew better than to ask such a personal question, curiosity took hold of her. “Why did they die?” she asked.

  William looked away from her, staring blindly at the branches that surrounded them. There was sorrow in his face, sorrow that would have been absent if he were a murderer.

  “Unfortunate circumstances had led tae their deaths,” he said, although he didn’t elaborate further.

  Kila thought it was wise not to push the issue. She opened her mouth to say something else when his large palm once again covered her mouth. With wide eyes, she looked at him, and he jerked his chin toward the clearing. She heard the rustling of branches several feet away.

  “I ken where ye are hiding!” the huntsman yelled. A few seconds later, cursing and giggling erupted as more people were discovered.

  The hunter was close, and Kila heard him moving past their tree. All the while she stayed as motionless as possible. But it wasn’t entirely because she was afraid to give herself away. She had never been this close to a man where she practically sat on his lap. The intimate position wasn’t lost on her. Her head was pressed to William’s muscular chest and she heard the solid beat of his heart. His arm was loosely wrapped around her waist, and she felt safe and secure. The sensation was strange and pleasant at the same time. From spending time with William, she discovered that he was compassionate, considerate, and kind. He didn’t have a fancy way with words, yet he cared deeply for the things that mattered to him.

  When the hunter had moved far enough away from their hiding spot, William relaxed his grip on her. One by one, the seeker exposed the various hiding places.

  They were still well concealed when the game was called off. The clan members began to return to the glade and resumed their celebration. Someone started playing the bagpipes, and laughter and shouts indicated that people were back to carousing.

  “That was fun,” she said.

  She started to pull away from him when his arm tightened slightly. She looked at him, wondering why he wouldn’t let her go.

  “Maybe we dinnae need tae go back sae soon,” he suggested. “Nay one will miss us.”

  When she opened her mouth to speak, the words died in her throat. Their eyes connected, and the air shifted between them. Somehow the confined space felt even warmer. His gaze lowered to her mouth, and then as if time stood still, he lowered his lips and brushed it across hers as if to test her response. Even though they barely touched, the same electrical pulse as before zipped through her.

  Kila had kisses from other men, but they felt nothing like this. All those others were innocent and sloppy. William’s kisses were sweet and sensual, and there was nothing innocent about them. Her body already had a taste of it, and it responded once again to the dark promise.

  Seeing that she didn’t resist, he increased the pressure, his masculine lips gliding along her jaw. She gripped his hair as she experienced a streak of fire racing down to her center.

  He thrust out his hot tongue and traced it along the sensitive shell of her ear. His roving fingers, meanwhile, found her breasts, kneading them until they were aching and heavy. An uncontrollable moan escaped her. Everywhere he touched caused her to melt further into the heat of passion, arousing her like never before.

  Encouraged by the sound, William ran his tongue down the side of her neck. He pulled the bodice of her kirtle down, exposing her shift. But he wasn’t deterred by the barrier. He dipped his head and placed his hot mouth over the thin cloth.

  Her hands cradled his head as the flaming heat and wetness from his mouth seared through her clothing, causing her nipple to strain against the fabric.

  She pressed her lips together
to prevent herself from moaning. Her body was on fire, and she was aware that they were heading down a dangerous path, but for some reason, she didn’t care.

  William tugged at her hair, forcing her to tilt her head back. Just when he positioned her to his liking, he recaptured her mouth, muffling the desperate sounds that involuntarily escaped. But then after a moment he slowed his movements and pulled away.

  “Please dinnae stop,” she whispered, stroking the side of his braw face.

  “Are ye certain?” he asked, his voice strained.

  “Aye,” she said.

  Although she knew it was prudent to stop, she didn’t want it to end. And she was already too far gone.

  In a short time, she learned what he taught her and mimicked his actions. With the tip of her tongue, she traced the seam of his lips. He allowed her to play with him for a little while longer before he threaded his fingers through her hair and pulled her into a hard kiss. His tongue slipped into her mouth, leaving no part of her mouth unexplored.

  William pushed aside his kilt, exposing his manhood which stood proud and erect.

  Kila broke off their contact and stared at his impressive member. She was at once fascinated and fully aroused.

  “Touch me.” He grabbed her hand and set it over his shaft. “Feel how much I want ye.”

  With his hand still over hers, he urged her to it move up and down his length. He stifled a moan as he lifted his hips and leaned his head against the tree trunk. His breathing became harsh. Seeing his carnal pleasure, she began to glide her palm rhythmically along his rod.

  William yanked her toward him, capturing her lips once more. And while she continued to rub him, his hand skimmed up her leg and found her core. He stroked her in her secret place as she felt herself becoming slick and engorged. All the while she rubbed him, gliding her palm along the silken hardness. The sounds of their mutual desires intermingled.

  He gripped her hips and spun her around so she straddled him. She could feel him straining against her. But she was like a woman possessed. All she wanted was to feel him inside her, to halt the want that was starting to consume her. She had never made love before, although she instinctively knew what to do. She shifted her gown aside and felt the tip of his member. His heat seared through her and she cautiously slid across his rigid length. Each movement caused a thrilling spark of pleasure to ignite inside her center.

  William allowed her to experience the rapturous sensation for a few seconds more. “Ye will destroy me if ye keep that up,” he said tightly. “Ye might even regret it.”

  Kila watched his face. His eyes were shut tight, and he looked like he was trying to rein in his desire.

  “I willnae regret it,” she said, moving more boldly against him.

  His eyes abruptly opened and his gaze locked onto hers. There was a question there, as if he wasn’t certain whether he heard her correctly. She dropped her attention to his masculine lips, and she bent to kiss it, giving him the answer he sought.

  As he devoured her lips, he pulled her close, pressing her more intimately against him. She felt an ache in her woman’s core, as if it knew that it wanted him to fill the void inside her. But he already understood what she wanted. He pulled her away quickly. At first, she felt the loss of his heat, but before she could protest, he pulled her down on to his waiting shaft.

  His lips fell on hers to muffle her sudden cry just as she felt a stab of pain. He stayed still for a moment and then began to make small movements. But soon the motion opened a floodgate and a torrent of pleasure released in her.

  She leaned forward, wrapping one arm around his corded neck while her free hand threaded through his thick hair. And as if she drew from some ancient knowledge, she kissed him back with a fervor that staggered her. His fingers gripped her hips as his movements became faster, stronger.

  With her hands gripping his shoulders, she threw her head back, becoming lost in the exquisite, powerful sensation. She started to experience an intensity building slowly in her woman’s center. All of a sudden, something triggered inside her. She gasped and biting down hard on her lip, she tried to prevent a groan from escaping. At the same time, wave after wave of pure pleasure rocked her.

  Sweat formed on his forehead, and an expression of intense concentration appeared on his face. And just as the sensation began to subside, he held still, his body straining as he released his seed in her.

  His body slowly relaxed, and he pulled her toward him, cradling her in his strong arms. She sagged against his large frame as the incredible feeling of euphoria slowly transformed into contentment. She had never experienced anything like this, and somehow she felt closer to William. He leaned the back of his head against the tree, and he appeared almost as if he were about to sleep.

  “Perhaps now ‘tis time for us tae join the others,” she said.

  “I suppose ye are right.” He let out a sigh and straightened his kilt. As he got up, he pulled her up with him.

  Little by little, the preconceived notions she had about him fell away, and she saw the real man behind the facade. He was an ardent lover, and he demonstrated his considerable skills just moments ago. She peeked up at his masculine face and found that she more than liked what she saw. Suddenly, the idea of marrying William seemed a lot more appealing.

  Chapter 17

  They returned to the Berry Festival and easily blended in with the crowd. With Kila at his side, William felt content. The feeling surprised him as he hadn’t felt this way in a long time. Unable to resist, he looked over at her. Her face was turned, and a smile played on her pretty lips as she took in the jubilant scene. The late summer breeze blew a strand of hair across her cheek, and on impulse, he reached to tuck the tress behind her delicate ear.

  The touch startled her, and as their eyes met, she blinked as if she also remembered their intimate moment in the woods.

  His gaze flicked to her mouth. “It seems that I’m nae finished with ye. I want tae taste your sweetness again,” he said in a low voice.

  “Och,” she said.

  But then a sudden blast from a bagpipe close to them reminded him that they weren’t alone.

  “It will have tae be at another time,” he said softly.

  He forced himself to put some distance between them. Fortunately, the clan members were too preoccupied with their own activities, and no one noticed his near slip. How could she affect him like this? He was acting like a besotted fool. This made no sense because he had no intentions of marrying the lass. He had to remind himself that, in every way possible, she was unsuitable to be his wife. The pleasure they experienced in the woods was an accident and nothing more. They were in close quarters and things heated up between them. It was unlikely to happen again since he didn’t think she cared all that much for him.

  He turned his attention back to the festival. The fair was now in full swing, and the revelers were gathered in the clearing. It was an annual event that allowed the clan members to unwind and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

  Off in the distance and beyond the thick trees, he could see the looming mountains. His heart swelled, knowing that this bonnie land had been a part of his clan for centuries. And these people were under his protection, and were loyal to him and his leadership.

  Plumes of smoke rose from the firepits, and the smell of roasting meat permeated the air. Bursts of laughter and chatter surrounded them. On the far right, a piper continued to blast his bagpipes, the shrill cries calling for revelers to get up on their feet and dance to the energetic music.

  The late summer weather brought a warm breeze. Now was a time for the drinks to run freely, and for the clan members to have a break. William smiled when he saw that some of his people were enjoying themselves a little too much. It was in the middle of the day, yet some men were lying under oak trees, sleeping off the effects of whisky. Meanwhile, their family members were nearby chatting with friends or watching impromptu wrestling matches. Children ran around, playing their own sports.

William didn’t begrudge them their fun. In many ways, the clan members were still recovering from the recent clash at Bracken Ridge. That battle lasted too long and devastated many lives. And when the skirmish ended, they had to rebuild and try their best to return to normal. Everyone toiled hard and deserved a small rest before the harvest began and the long winter set in.

  “This celebration is sae lively,” Kila observed. “I must tell Rory tae hold something similar at Tancraig.”

  “’Tis indeed,” he said. “As a lad, I remember participating in games of strength, singing, and eating. Everyone looks forward tae this affair each year, and I’m happy tae carry on the tradition.”

  “I’m certain that your kin are happy about your decision too,” she said, smiling.

  They moved farther into the gathering. As they made their way through the crowd, he caught sight of his commander who stood next to a guard. The guard noticed William first and turned to say something to Grant. William recalled that he had ordered the guard to organize a survey of the land and to continue searching for the outlaws. While the people gathered in the forest glade, he wanted to ensure their safety.

  Grant shouted William’s name and the warriors soon made their approach. For a moment, William wondered how long he had been in the woods. When he was with Kila, he lost track of time. If he were honest with himself, he didn’t want to leave her side or break whatever spell she placed on him. When they were in the forest, it was just the two of them, and no one else mattered. But now that they were back in society, the heavy weight of reality and responsibility settled back on his shoulders, reminding him of his duties.

  “Excuse me, I’ll need tae speak tae my men,” he told Kila. “Ye go ahead and join the festivities. I’ll come see ye later.”


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