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Hearts of Darkness: A Valentine's Day Bully Romance Collection

Page 9

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  His mouth draws into a thin line, and he storms down the hall and through the foyer. “No.”

  I stare at him, waiting for more, but he says nothing.

  So I laugh. “Do you really think you can tell me no? There’s not a person alive who can tell me what to do.”

  Except my dad, but I don’t say that.

  “Well, someone should be here to tell you the truth. That outfit is slutty as hell, and the last thing an eighteen-year-old girl should be doing is going to clubs and fucking strange men.”

  I shift closer to him and my voice comes out low and filled with a warning. “Watch it, Bron.”

  He leans even closer. “Or what?”

  Suddenly, I do something I never do with the people close to me. I open my powers up, and the feelings of jealousy and anger that radiate off of Bron are so shocking that I stumble a little. There’s no need to go to a club for a banquet to feast on tonight. I could eat Bron. I could devour his dark emotions and leave myself purring and full with satisfaction.

  Reaching out, I rest a hand on his chest, and his eyes go wide. I draw his emotions into me, like smelling a delicious meal before I take the first bite.

  A shiver moves over his body. “What are you doing?” he asks.

  “You know what I’m doing,” I say, breathless.

  And then he closes off his emotions to me, and I sag in his arms. But only for a second, before I step back, creating a distance between us.

  “I’m going out,” I tell him firmly.

  Suddenly I hear Lucian behind us. “What the fuck is going on?”

  Bron’s eyes flash with rage, but I can’t feel his emotions. “She’s going out to find some guy tonight.”

  Lucian appears in the foyer. His steps are slow, and he runs a hand through that messy blond hair of his. “Maybe, just for tonight, you can...not go out.”

  “I don’t think so,” I say.

  Then Dwade is there, his massive body seeming to fill the space. “How about we stop phrasing our words like a question, because there’s no way in hell you’re going anywhere tonight.”

  I knew I could hurt them. With the smallest thought, I could bring them to their knees, leaving them aching and in pain. Hell, I could kill them with no effort at all.

  But they know I’d never hurt them, and they’re banking on that fact.

  “Make me,” is all I say, then I turn around and open the door.

  I’m shocked when Bron throws me over his shoulder and slams the door. So shocked my mouth falls open and I can’t even speak until we’re halfway up the stairs. Dwade and Lucian follow slowly behind, but their intense gazes never leave me.

  At last, I snap out of it. “Put me down!”

  “Not a chance!” is all Bron says.

  A minute later, he shoves open the door to my bedroom, crosses the distance, and tosses me on the bed.

  He towers over me, his gaze flashing with rage. “Try to leave again and see what I do.”

  Spinning away, the three men walk out the door and close it behind them.

  I scream after them in rage. They don’t want to spend time with me, but they’re jealous of me having other friends and a life! They don’t get to act like that!

  I won’t let them.

  Chapter Three


  I hate Rayne for dragging us back here, but then, he doesn’t know the truth about our connection to his sister. Hell, Esmeray doesn’t know, so how could he?

  Still, I hate the lucky bastard, off with some woman while we’re stuck here trying to exercise our willpower.

  We’d done everything possible to stay away from Esmeray since discovering our connection to her. It was the only way we could respect the fact that she was a few years younger than us. And the only way we could hide the way we feel about someone incapable of feeling the same way in return.

  The blood that runs through her makes it impossible.

  I knew coming back here would be hard. I didn’t know it’d be hell.

  Leaning back on my bed, my senses stretch out, making certain there isn’t the smallest creak in the house that could suggest the beautiful woman is sneaking out. Just the thought of it makes every muscle in my body tense. It’d be a cold day in hell when we’d let her leave to fuck some guy.

  But when I hear nothing, my muscles slowly relax.

  My mind drifts back to when I first saw her outside today. It’d been years since I’d actually seen her, and we were supposed to do our best to stay away from her today too. The three of us had agreed to remain in the game room, far from wherever she was. But I was too weak. I’d gone outside, searching for her, and been shocked when I saw her outside the woods with the monsters.

  Not about the monsters, they were like her shadows, but about how much she’d changed.

  I’ve never felt my heart beat like that before. The world just stopped. She’d been such a pretty girl, but she’d changed so much as a woman. Wearing nothing but short jeans and a short top that exposed her belly, it was impossible to ignore her curves.

  Damn it, no woman should be built the way she is.

  Her hips were the perfect size to grab onto. Her waist was slender and her breasts large. It was as if the fates knew how hard it was to resist her and had decided to make it impossible.

  She’d raised her hands in the air in triumph, and I’d smiled, seeing the girl who’d stolen my heart so long ago. Her lips had been curled into that smile that transformed her face, reminding me she wasn’t entirely her father’s daughter. That there was some of her mom in her, like the sunshine breaking through the clouds.

  I’d approached her, my tongue sticking to the roof of my mouth. She was right that the three of us weren’t virgins, but we hadn’t touched a woman since we realized what she was to us. The idea that she wasn’t bound to the same requirements, and seeing her as a woman, had made me realize that she wasn’t just sitting around playing with dolls in this big property alone since we’d been gone.

  Rage and jealousy had risen inside of me by the time I’d reached her.

  I don’t even remember what I said. I only remembered her describing what she’d done since we’d left. The desire to scream and pound my fists into the trunks of the trees had risen like a fire inside of me. Imagining her with other men had left me shaking and consumed by a desire to punish someone.

  Even if it was her.

  We’d joined the others in the game room, and I’d tried to distance myself from her, but I hadn’t been able to. Telling Dwade and Lucian about her was like devouring slime. It’d left a nasty taste in my mouth, and I’d sensed in my friends the same need to rage.

  But somehow we’d all managed to control ourselves. Something that showed just how badly we didn’t want to screw up with this woman. Because even though our kind are known for goodness and light, our bond with Esmeray meant that darker emotions had blossomed inside us, changing the three of us forever.

  We were now more like her than she could ever imagine.

  And then she’d come downstairs in that fucking outfit, ready to go out looking for another man.

  I’d almost shoved her against that damned door and told her there was a man right here, more than willing to give her what she needed. But if I did, if I crossed that line, I could never go back. And she couldn’t just be a quick fuck for us.

  We needed her, heart and soul.

  Stretching back in the bed, I tell myself to fall asleep over and over again. There was no point in torturing myself with thoughts of her. Slowly, relaxation eased the tension in my muscles, and I feel my dreams tugging me toward them.

  Somewhere in the darkness of my mind, I hear the sound of Esmeray’s door opening.

  I sit up in an instant. Leaping from the bed, I race across the room and throw open my own door. She’s just barely walked past me when I come exploding out. I grab her arm and spin her around.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  Those grey eyes of hers flash with defian
ce. “Whatever the fuck I want to do.”

  I hear Lucian call from down the stairs. “What’s going on?”

  Her expression challenges me.

  Without a thought, I drag her back to my room. And slam the door shut, pressing her against it.

  “You are not going out tonight.”

  She actually fucking smirks. “What are you going to do, Bron? Spank me?”

  My thoughts go black. I haul her to my bed, sit down, and throw her over my lap.

  The bedroom door opens, and Dwade and Lucian stand in the doorway. But I ignore them, only having eyes for the woman in my lap. Despite how angry I am, I feel my arousal grow as my gaze moves over her ass, pressed into the leather outfit that leaves nothing to the imagination.

  “What are you doing?” Lucian asks, and there’s disbelief in his tone.

  I rest a hand on her ass, and a shudder moves through me. “She was going to leave again.”

  She turns and looks at me. “And, apparently, Bron thought he was man enough to teach me to stay.”

  My teeth grit together so hard the sound is audible. “I sure as fuck am man enough.”

  “Don’t let her bait you,” Dwade says, but I can hear the desire in his voice.

  I lean closer to her. “Are you going to stay and be a good girl, or should I make this ass of yours bright pink?”

  She sneers. “You don’t have the guts.”

  I surprise myself when I smack her ass. The sound vibrates through the room. For a minute, guilt comes over me. Light fae are usually gentle, filled with goodness, but Esmeray has always brought out this other side in me. Still, the idea of hurting a woman...

  She’s breathing hard. “Is that all you’ve got?”

  My guilt fades away, and I smack that gorgeous ass of hers again and again. Opening up my senses, I’m shocked when I sense the perfume of her arousal in my mind. She’s enjoying this?


  “I forgot what babies light fae are,” she says, panting harder. “A shifter spanked me harder when he fucked me last week.”

  I swear, a roar fills my ears. My hand comes down harder and harder on her ass, and as her arousal grows, mine does too. My erection presses so hard against her belly that I’m sure she has to feel it too.

  When she wiggles on my lap, smirking at me, I hate that she knows how much she turns me on.

  My hand wraps around her, and I start to tug that outfit of hers off.

  Lucian’s protest dies on his lips as I pull the leather down the top half of her body and find that she’s not wearing a bra or underwear.

  I can’t catch my breath. Her breasts are exposed, the pink tips of her nipples begging to be sucked on, to be tasted and tortured. And her sweet ass...I swear to God I’ll be stroking myself off for eternity thinking of her ass.

  “See something you like?” she baits us.

  And I smack that ass of hers again, watching it pinken beneath each blow, biting down a groan of arousal with each strike.

  At last, I pause my hand, the need to do more clawing inside of me. “Ready to be good?” I ask her. Only it comes out a groan of need.

  She looks me dead in the eye and says, “No, I’m ready to be very, very bad.”

  Dwade makes a strangled sound across the room.

  I stop breathing. And then, I speak without thinking. “You want us to fuck you, Esmeray? You want us to spread you and take you so deep that no man will ever satisfy you again?”

  Her gaze holds a challenge. “You can try, light fae, but I don’t you can be the alphas I need in bed.”

  Oh hell, did I plan to take her gently the first time? That thought is gone. No, I want to take her hard. I want to leave her begging for more. I’ll show her being a light fae doesn’t mean we’re not the men for her.

  I draw off the rest of that ridiculous leather outfit of hers, along with her boots, then pull her into my lap so that she’s straddling me. Esmeray is naked in my lap, her pussy exposed to my gaze, her breasts there, like a dream, for me to touch and taste.

  Holding her gaze, I almost lose it as she slowly licks her lips. Then I reach forward and grasp those breasts of hers. Leaning down, I suck one glorious nipple into my mouth. I love when she gasps.

  So the woman isn’t as immune to me as she pretends. Good to know.

  I stroke her other nipple, feeling it harden beneath my fingertip.

  “That’s a good, girl,” I murmur against her breast, then go to the other nipple and suck it into my mouth too.

  Her head goes back, and my erection throbs in my pants, begging for release.

  But I won’t do this quickly. If I want her to burn for me, then I have to make her really burn.

  I lavish her breasts, enjoying the sense of her arousal building and building. She makes a tiny moan, but ends it, clenching those teeth of hers together. I almost smile as I stare into her eyes, filled with desire. Then I lean forward and kiss her, hard and possessive. Our teeth clash together. Our tongues tangle, almost as if warring with one another.

  Lying back on the bed, I grasp her thighs and pull her harder against me, grinding her against my erection. I curse the cloth that separates us.

  I’m losing control. I know it, and yet, I can’t.

  I can’t.

  This battle of wills between us is more than what it seems. If I can’t show her I’m the man for her, I could lose everything.

  And I won’t lose her.

  No matter what it costs me.

  Chapter Four


  I must be in a fantasy. A dream. There’s no world in which Esmeray would be naked, riding Bron. And yet, I don’t give a damn if this is real or not. It’s everything I’ve ever wanted.

  Going to the chair near the foot of the bed, I sit down, stretching my long legs in front of me. My gaze never leaves Esmeray’s ass as it bounces and grinds on my best friend’s dick.

  My heartbeat fills my ears. Undoing my pants, I shove down my boxers and draw my erection out. Fisting it in my hand, I pump myself slowly, watching that glorious ass of hers. I can see the lips of her pussy too, shaved clean and begging for me to enter her.

  It’s been too long since I touched a real woman. Time I spent alone, lying in the dark, touching myself and imagining what Esmeray looked like naked. How her breasts would be.... Would her nipples be small or large? Would her pussy be bare or trimmed?

  I didn’t care what she looked like, but I’d imagine her in different ways each night. Riding my dick, begging for more, and then I’d finally come, shouting her name.

  It was pathetic, and yet, there was no other woman for me but her.

  But now, it seems, all my waiting is finally worth it. I get to see her naked and wet, ready to be fucked the way I’ve always dreamed of. Her little sounds of desire building my arousal higher.

  I fist my dick and pump it harder when she moans.

  Reaching between them, she strips off Bron’s shirt, then slides those hands of her down the muscles of his chest and stomach before flicking open his jeans. They work together to undress him, and then she’s straddling him, both of them naked, staring at each other as if trying to memorize the moment.

  There are a lot of things I expect, but not her next words. “Very nice, Bron, but do you know how to use it?” Her hand grasps his dick, and I buck my hips, imagining it’s my dick she holds.

  He makes an angry sound.

  Then her gaze snaps to Lucian. “Scared?”

  His face darkens in a way I’ve never seen before. “I want to fuck your ass, Esmeray. Does that scare you?”

  Her stunning grey eyes run over him. “No, but I’m sure it scares you.”

  He undresses with almost angry movements until he stands naked before her, his erection hard. Her gaze drifts down and lingers, and I’m glad she seems to like what she sees.

  When Lucian crosses the room and comes to stand behind her, he trails his fingertips over the smack marks on her ass. I watch her shiver, and then he moves his hands aroun
d to cup her breasts. Bron leans up and kisses her again, and she’s sandwiched between the two men, theirs to command and control.

  Which I sense she loves.

  Bron reaches between them and angles his cock, then slowly slides her down on top of him.

  She breaks their kiss long enough to cry out, but with one hand, Bron tugs her back down and continues to kiss her hard as he sinks deeper and deeper. Both their muscles are tensed. Both of them likely feel their nerves come alive.

  I stroke myself harder.

  This night, it’s everything we always needed and more. I just hoped in the morning Esmeray would finally see us for what we are: the only men for her.

  If only it was so easy.

  Chapter Five


  I’m stroking her perfect tits, pinching them and loving the way her body jerks in response. Waiting for Bron to ease himself all the way inside her. Esmeray isn’t the first woman we’ve all slept with, but it’s been too long. I’d worried for a minute that we wouldn’t be as seamless.

  But I should’ve known better.

  Esmeray isn’t any woman. She’s the woman for us. And for some reason, as gentle as we usually are as lovers, all of us seem to have realized that she needs us to be something different. She wants us to take control, so that’s exactly what we’re doing.

  When Bron finally comes to his hilt, I’m bouncing the tip of my dick against her ass cheeks, dying for more. I need to be inside of her tight body and feel her squeezing around me in ecstasy.

  Releasing my hold on her breasts, I give her ass cheeks a little slap, then part them slowly. Pressing my tip at her back entrance, I’m breathing hard as I slowly begin the process of sliding into her. And hell, she’s so damned tight, constricting around me as if she wants to make me come before I’ve proven myself to her.

  The damn woman.

  Bron seems to know what she needs, without the words, and his hand slips between the two of them. I hear the sound of him working her soft folds above his dick. And I love the way her muscles start to relax as I ease deeper and deeper.

  At my hilt, I pause, letting her body twitch around me. Letting her get used to the feeling of me inside of her. But already I have that sense that she was made for us. That she was built to be loved by us and only us.


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