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Hearts of Darkness: A Valentine's Day Bully Romance Collection

Page 75

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  He nodded. “Even in jail, she won’t stop.”

  The frown lines didn’t soften as she considered that and he wondered what she was thinking. He couldn’t tell, hadn’t been able to since she’d touched his mind back at the warehouse. Magic wasn’t a reliable thing. Sometimes it fucked you over and sometimes it saved your life. “Maybe it would be better if they vanished.”

  “Both of them?”

  She considered. “Yeah.”

  He nodded. “Then they’ll vanish.”

  They went downstairs and called Snowy, then settled on the couch to wait for their ride. “It won’t be easy, will it?”

  “To catch them out? I don’t think it will be that hard. Regina wants us dead. We’ll just need to use ourselves as bait and she’ll bite.”

  “I can’t believe she was almost my mother-in-law. I can’t believe I almost married Eric. What was I thinking?”

  He brushed back her still-damp hair. “You were in survival mode, though you didn’t know it.”

  “I didn’t see any other way, and honestly, I thought my parents had my best interests at heart. Why else would they push me to marry Eric?” Suddenly her face lit up. “I have money. Shit. I forgot. I have money. A lot of it. Soon.”

  “Is that why they wanted you to marry him?”

  “My father told me they’d lost almost everything, their money, their businesses. It was the Lightbournes who helped them, got them involved with the criminal side of things. Of course they agreed to a marriage between our two families. I was just the fucking idiot who agreed.”

  “You aren’t an idiot.”

  “I feel like one. Hell, they convinced me to get married on Valentine’s Day because it would be good optics. Didn’t matter that it was my birthday.”

  “That sucks.”

  “You’re telling me. Anyway, fuck them.” She tapped her brow. “Freedom.”

  “Hell yeah.”

  They kissed again and he had his hand up her skirt by the time Snowy arrived, honking the horn when she did. “Shit,” he said, dragging his hands and his mouth off her.

  “Soon. A big bed, soft sheets, and good music playing in the background.”

  “Snowy won’t appreciate it if we keep her waiting because we’re fucking on this awful couch. Come on, let’s go figure out how to take down the Lightbournes and save the city.”

  “It sounds so heroic.” She let him pull her to her feet. “But aren’t you a criminal?”

  “Yes,” he said, flashing her his cockiest grin. “That’s why Regina is going in the ground instead of a jail cell.”


  The lights on the buildings around the Red Span were lit up pink and red for Valentine’s Day. Marlowe snuggled up against Beckett as they stood near the rail where everything had started only a month ago. She’d thought her life was over then, had wanted to die and here she was now with a man who lit her on fire with his kisses, a man who made her feel alive.

  “Happy birthday,” Beckett said, his fingers playing over her hand as they gazed out over the choppy waters of the Azazel.

  “Best birthday ever.” He’d woken her with kisses and had given her a neatly wrapped box to open: a gun, one for her very own and it fit perfectly in her hand. He’d promised to teach her to shoot, and then they’d made love in his big bed by the wide-open windows until they were too hungry and sore to continue.

  They hung out with Snowy and Zef and several other members of Beckett’s crew, playing air hockey and foosball at the skating rink, then skating around and around until they were dizzy. When that was done, Beckett had driven her to a restaurant in the New Orion Tower, and they ate lobster and steak while gazing out over the city. It had been her choice to end the day at the Red Span. She wanted to convey her gratefulness to the river somehow, and she’d brought a gold coin to toss into its depths.

  She held the coin up so that Beckett could see it. “I don’t know why it decided to spare me. I don’t know why it kept both of us alive when Regina tried to kill us, but I’m so very glad to be here with you. I just wanted to say thank you.”

  He brought her hand with the coin to his lips and kissed it. She pressed her lips to it as well, and together they tossed it over the railing. It spun end over end and disappeared into the dark water.

  She stood gazing over the edge, trying to remember the despair she’d felt the night she stood clinging to the side. The night she let go.

  “The night you made a decision to own your own life,” he murmured.

  They hadn’t been able to read each other’s minds since the day at the warehouse, and yet sometimes they just knew what the other was thinking. “From damaged to freedom.” She turned away from the river and snuggled close to him again. “Do you think we’ll ever find her?”

  “Oh, we’ll find her or one of her partners will. Being in hiding means she can’t run her business. Shipments are falling behind, people are getting pissed. We might not have to do anything to see her dead.”

  It was good—but it was also disappointing. She wanted to know Regina wouldn’t be able to hurt them anymore. As long as she was out there, she was a threat.

  “Don’t worry, little girl, I’ll keep you safe.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “I’m not a little girl. You’d be wise not to piss me off. I have a gun now.”

  “Do you even know how to shoot it?”

  “Not yet. But you’re going to teach me.” She held up a hand and a tiny pool of light glowed on her palm. “And we have to figure out what’s happening to us.”

  “To you.” Nothing formed in his palm when he held it up.

  She brushed her finger over his collarbone. “To us.” Magic spilled from her finger across his skin and he sucked in a breath. “Whatever it is I have, I only have it when I’m with you. And I’m guessing you have something too, something you haven’t discovered yet.”

  “We’ll see.

  They stood watching the city and the traffic that lit up its street like red and white snakes. Then he said, “You okay with being the girlfriend of a notorious crew boss?”

  “If you’re okay with being the boyfriend of a disgraced debutante.”

  “Your mother still isn’t talking to you?”

  “I’m not talking to her.” Her father had been turned over to the police soon after Regina disappeared. Marlowe had worried he would get away with what he’d done, but apparently the money problems he’d spoken of had been worse than he’d let on. Gavin Montgomery hadn’t the money to get himself a good lawyer and so he went away for a long time. Her mother had taken the news very hard. Though perhaps not as hard as the news she would have to get a job and live in a rental.

  “She’s an ass.”

  “Mm.” It still hurt to think about and tonight wasn’t the time for sadness. “What are we going to do next? After Regina and Elmer are dead, that is. I’m thinking we should aim for the Carpenter Crew.”

  He laughed. “You don’t think small, do you?”

  “If I’m going to be part of a criminal organization, I want to do something besides steal TVs and resell them on the black market.”

  “Is that so? What if I told you we don’t steal TVs?”

  “Cars, then.”

  “I think you’re getting ahead of yourself. You’ll have to be accepted by the whole crew before you can start planning heists.”

  “Oo. Am I going to get hazed? Is there some spanking involved?” She grinned up at him and he obliged her by swatting her butt.

  “Only from me. I’m not letting any of those other blokes to get anywhere near your ass.”

  “What about Snowy?”

  “Nobody. You’re mine.”

  The possessiveness in his voice sent tingles of pleasure up her spine. “And you’re mine.”

  “In that, we’re agreed.” He kissed her again, chasing away any other thoughts. “Let’s go home.”

  “All right.” She took one last look over the rail of the Red Span into the water below. Had
it really been only a month ago when she’d chosen to fall?

  And now she’d fallen again, only this time, it was for keeps.

  The End

  What did you think? Thanks for spending some time with Mallory and Beckett. There will be more stories about them soon. I’d love it if you left a review and checked out more of my books!

  About the Author

  JEN PONCE LIVES IN the Panhandle of Nebraska with her boys, her animals, and a steady supply of books. She’s interested in everything magical, and she may have an unholy love for spiders.

  Want to keep up to date on what’s happening in Jen’s world? Check out the links below.

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  Read More of Jen’s Books

  Curses, Charms, & Incantations (Reverse Harem)

  Corpse Curses: Book 1

  Caustic Charms: Book 2

  Raster City Series (Reverse Harem)

  Raster City Rebel: Book 1

  Raster City Rogues: Book 2

  Raster City Rumble: Book 3

  Devany Miller Series (Dark Urban Fantasy)

  The Bazaar: Book 1

  Slip Song: Book 2

  Demon’s Cradle: Book 3

  World Weaver: Book 4

  Soul Hook: Book 5

  Other books:

  Blood Curse

  Bug Queen

  Burning the Devil


  Randall Academy Book One

  C.L. Riley

  About Slap Down

  Warning: This story contains dark themes that include a suicide attempt, bullying, drug use, sexual situations and other material that might be considered triggering for some readers. This book in no way condones bullying or violence.

  I’m queen of the slap-down. You mess with me. You suffer.

  It’s simple. I will slap you down with my words, my attitude, and if you really piss me off, a palm across the cheek.

  Some say I’m a bitch, a bully even. I say I’m trying to survive in a world where weakness is abhorred and strength is admired. My way works...until I slap the wrong person down and she comes up swinging with more than her fists.

  The Valentine’s Dance was supposed to be the best night of my life. Had I known what was coming, I never would have climbed in that hot pink limo so eager to party with my friends.

  Now I’m forced to accept the consequences or ruin my father’s political aspirations and my future.

  Surely, I can get through one year at Randal Academy, the infamous alternative school for troubled teenagers.

  At least that’s what I thought before meeting the student body, especially the school’s four kings.

  Thanks to them, my status has been reduced from queen to groveling servant, scraping by just to survive until graduation.

  Perhaps it’s time to reinvent the slap-down and find a way to make the kings bow to me.

  That would be so much easier if they didn’t hate me and everything they believe I represented.

  And, if I didn’t find them so damn tempting despite their ruthless rule and trademark tormenting.

  Disclaimer: Slap Down is a reverse harem (she ends up with three or more love interests) bully romance that may contain triggers for some readers and includes dark language, violence, drug use, a suicide attempt, and sexual situations that some might find uncomfortable or disturbing. All sexual contact between the main character and the members of her harem is consensual and the characters are 18+.


  Friday, February 14, 2020 – Afternoon


  “Step back! Let the paramedics in!” Principle Asher charged through the mob of students outside the Girl’s bathroom, flanked by two men in blue.

  A crimson puddle was forming under the gap between the door and the floor, seeping into the crowded hallway.

  I had no doubt who the blood belonged to. Please don’t die. The Valentine’s dance is tonight.

  Call me selfish, but I knew if she didn’t survive the best party of the year would be cancelled. Not postponed, cancelled altogether. Meaning my dress, the decorations I’d helped with, the band we’d hired, the hot pink limo, all of it would end up buried along with Susan Crabs.

  Yes, Crabs. The poor girl had a seriously fucked up last name. And she wouldn’t be bleeding out for the school to see if she’d kept her mouth shut.

  Like everyone else, she knew better than to challenge me.

  On top of that, she’d been warned countless times over the past several weeks to keep her useless thoughts about me and my girls to herself. Spitting on my cheer uniform was the final nail in her coffin; literally, if those paramedics didn’t hurry.

  Students parted like the Red Sea, allowing responders to reach the land of promised gruesomeness and gore. The police motioned everyone back, creating a barrier.

  The first technician copied what Seth had done earlier. He pushed the door and found it wouldn’t budge, courtesy of Susan’s body against it.

  “Help here, please?” He motioned another emergency responder forward. Together, they managed to shove their way into the room.

  The next minutes passed in a blur, more men and a few women hurried to help, dragging their equipment, including a stretcher, into the bathroom.

  All conversations stopped and a pregnant hush swept through the hallway as Susan Crabs was finally wheeled out, hooked up to an IV drip, oxygen mask in place, and with her wrists bandaged and resting at her sides.

  “She’s alive,” someone whispered.

  More whispers followed as her stretcher was jogged through the still-parted gawkers, heading toward the waiting ambulance. It had roared up minutes earlier, sirens blaring, announcing to the world that something very bad had happened at Luther Academy. The fire trucks that followed, trumpeting their arrival, confirmed the sentiment.

  “The dance is still on,” Carmen whisper-squealed in my ear. “Frankie!” She grabbed my arm, stiletto shaped nails biting into my skin.

  I shook off her hand and schooled my face. It wouldn’t look good for the head cheerleader to celebrate a suicide attempt with pompoms out, especially an attempt I could be blamed for.

  Yet despite my phony expression and commitment to appearing grieved, Carmen wasn’t the only one celebrating the good news. This dance and following party was an annual tradition. No one wanted to miss it, especially because of some loser’s inability to handle pressure.

  Laughter and raised voices were already replacing the whispers.

  “Back to class!” Principle Asher shouted, clearly not pleased by his students’ lack of empathy. “The police may have questions, be prepared. You’re parents will be notified.”

  Seth, football captain and my boyfriend, gifted me with a chin lift and wink before taking control. “You heard the man. Get moving. We’ve got work to do before tonight.”

  Like an army of obedient ants, my classmates scurried to their next classes, sidestepping the barrier surrounding the red puddle.

  I glanced down, staring at the evidence of what I considered a pathetic act by a weak nobody. The more I stared, the more Susan’s blood took on the shape of a crooked heart.

  Guilt, an emotion I considered useless, crept up and grabbed my own heart, giving it an unfamiliar squeeze. I had gone too far this time. I’d told her to go kill herself.

  “Gross...why are you even looking at that?” Shelby nudged my arm. “Come on. We’re going to be late.”

  “One more tardy and we’ll be in detention,” Carmen added.

  Jarred out of my morbid thoughts, I swung my hips into action and sauntered down the hall with my two closest friends, our short skirts swaying. Susan all but forgotten.

  Chapter One

  Friday, February 14, 2020 – Evening


  I squinted and applied a final coat of gloss over my ruby lips
. I’d made sure the color matched my dress exactly.

  “You look stunning,” my father announced from the doorway and I jerked my hand.

  “Dad! You made me smear.” I reached for a tissue. Now I had to redo my carefully crafted pout.

  “Your mom said I’m supposed to remind you to stay out of trouble.” His voice had taken on a harder edge, the tone that implied he was serious.

  “You mean you want me to stay out of trouble.” I glanced at him in the mirror. “Mom only says what you want her to say.”

  “Francesca, do I need to explain again how important the next few months are for our family?”

  “It’s Frankie. And please. I think I’ve heard the lecture enough already. I’m an A student. I comprehend English just fine, father.” He liked to use my full name when he was in his official role, which apparently he’d reverted to tonight. I called him father instead of dad when he pissed me off.

  His manufactured sigh drew my gaze back to his. “What?”

  “I heard there was an incident at the school today. You didn’t mention anything.”

  Great, now he was going to spoil my mood completely, bringing up the very incident I was struggling to forget.

  “It’s Valentine’s Day. Please don’t make me talk about that horror show before the dance. Can we talk tomorrow?”

  Another sigh. “Fine, but promise me you had nothing to do with that girl’s actions. The bullying complaint last semester was difficult enough to combat.”

  My dad tended to use fighting terms like combat when dealing with what he considered a battle. A battle was anything that threatened the perfect image he’d crafted for his adoring public.

  The official complaint he referred to had been classified as a major battle that took him throwing an obscene amount of money at a less fortunate family to keep them from pursing legal avenues against me.

  Principle Asher had been keeping a close eye on my actions ever since, making today’s slap-down situation precarious. Knowing Susan Crabs and her family, serious blowback could be expected; though, so far, she’d yet to snitch about our daily confrontations, but that was before she’d taken a razor to her wrists.


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